Author's Chapter Notes:
Thank you sooo much to everyone who reviewed the last chapter. I want to say a particular big thanks to Mariana for her review.. thank you sweetie, i have made a note of everything you have said.
I can only appologise for the Bangle sex in the last scene, it had to happen. Its definately Spuffy from now on in!!!! Hope you are all still enjoying and all have faith in me that it will get better soon!
Chapter 9: Truth hurts

Elizabeth slowly awoke from a deep pleasant sleep, sitting up she realised she was alone in the grand bed. Looking around she could see that there was no sign of Angel anywhere. Hugging the sheets tight to her bare chest she leaned over the side of the bed to retrieve the nightdress that had been discarded there, all the while fighting back the tears that threatened to surface.

Why wasn’t Angel here, why had he left her? Was she really that bad he couldn’t even stand to be near her when she woke? Glancing over at the grandfather clock that was positioned on the west wall she saw that it was 4.45am, she decided to get back to her room before anyone noticed her absence and it creating too many questions. Slipping her nightdress on she quietly left the room, contemplating where Angel was and why he wasn’t with her.

Elizabeth made it to her room without anyone seeing her. Quietly shutting the door behind her she went and sat on the bed staring out of the little window as the sun rose behind the stable block. She knew Angel loved her just as much as she loved him. There would be a perfectly good reason why he wasn’t here. Yet despite repeating it over and over again in her head she couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that had settled over her.

She must have sat there for at least half an hour just staring, when a timid tap at her door broke her out of her thought. Answering the door she found Willow stood there. Ushering her in they both sat on her bed; Willow immediately noticed that while Elizabeth was still in her nightgown her bed clearly hadn’t been slept in, however she didn’t say anything.

“I wanted to check you were up, everyone else is downstairs but I hadn’t heard any motion coming from your room. So I thought I come and check. There’d be hell to pay if Maggie found you late.”

“Thanks Will, I’m getting up now,” she sounded like a little lost girl.

“Elizabeth are you ok? … Has something happened?”

“No, I’m fine” Willow gave her a dubious look “really I promise” she couldn’t tell her what had happened, she couldn’t tell anyone – what would they think of her? She just needed to talk to Angel. “Go on you go down – I’m coming”

As Willow left the room, Elizabeth sank back onto the bed. Angel would have reason for not being there something important…he wouldn’t just leave her. Making a firm resolution to find him before it tore her apart, she dressed quickly and tied her hair back. She cast one last glance at the sun, which had now risen above the stables, and left the room.

Rushing into the kitchen she found, to her relief, breakfast hadn’t been served yet. She helped set out the plates and then took her place at the table with the rest. When ever anyone looked at her, Elizabeth was sure they could tell, they would know she wasn’t a virgin anymore. Other than her nerves driving her up the wall breakfast was uneventful.

When they had eaten, Elizabeth found that, to her dismay, that it was her week to do the market run. That would mean that it would be Willow and Amy that would be serving Angel his breakfast, and making his bed. The same bed that she had departed from just over an hour ago. Meaning that it would be at least two hours before she could see her Angel.

Quickly leaving the kitchen, Elizabeth went up to her room and changed out of her work dress and into her own. Leaving her hair in a tight bun she picked up her brown shawl again, throwing round her shoulders and tying it tight she left the room.

Entering the kitchen again Elizabeth picked up the basket, small leather pouch with coins in and list that Maggie had left out on the table. She then quietly slipped out the back door of the kitchen.

William watched from the library window as Elizabeth walked up the long drive. She was so beautiful. Watching her more closely it looked like she was carrying the world on her shoulders. He hoped it had nothing to do with peaches. Liam was good at playing the sensitive lad and getting the girls to seduce him, he just thought Elizabeth had more sense than that. Then again it depended on how thickly he applied it. However Elizabeth’s downtrodden look may have nothing to do with Liam, she could just simply be tired and have a lot on her mind. William really hoped that was the case, he didn’t want to see her hurt for a second. Watching her till she was out of sight he then went down to breakfast.

The market was busier than usual, and it took Elizabeth longer to get to and from. Although it was only 9am when she got back to the manor, Elizabeth was exhausted, but then again she hadn’t got much sleep last night. As she entered the kitchen she gave Maggie a run down of the events at the market while helping Tara to put away the items that had been bought. When it was done she went back up to her room and changed back into her uniform. She then headed back to the kitchen to find out her jobs for the day as she made her way down the stairs she prepared herself for seeing Angel.

Maggie kept Elizabeth busy all day getting the house ready for Lady Darla’s return the following day. Therefore it was actually just before the evening meal that she saw Angel again.

Elizabeth had been in the kitchen returning her bucket of water when the bell for the main parlour had rung. As Elizabeth was the only one on the room except for Maggie and Tara, she went to answer it.

As she entered the room Angel was stood by the window. Turning at the sound of the door opening their eyes met for a brief instance before Elizabeth ran over to hug him, realising nobody else was in the room.

Untangling himself from her arms, Angel took a step back from her.

“I was starting to get worried, where were you this morning?”

“I went hunting, it’s best to get there before sunrise”

For the first time since entering the room Elizabeth noticed Angels change in attitude to normal. This change in attitude puzzled Elizabeth, why was he acting different to normal?

“But you didn’t leave me note or anything I was really worried about you.” Elizabeth looked into his face, watching every move he made.

“What? I have to tell you every little thing that I do, its not important Elizabeth...” His voice suddenly gained a malicious edge to it at he looked her squarely in the eye. “Much like you”

Taking steps away from him until she felt herself backed up against the desk that stood by the window. “What?” Elizabeth’s voice was shaky, she felt like her whole world was starting to crumble.

“You heard me, last night was fun nothing to write home about, but I’m sure with a little practice we could change that.”

As he started advancing towards her Elizabeth tried taking another step back, knocking the tea service that sat on the edge of the desk to the floor with a resounding crash. Tripping over the fallen crockery she sunk to the floor, where the tears that had been threatening to fall started to leak down her cheek where they hit her skirt. “W-was it me?” her voice sounded small and weak but she didn’t care she had to know “Was I not good?”

Angel sank to his knees in front of her. With his thumb he wiped away the tears under her eyes, within inches from her body he breathed in her scent. “No you were fine” slowly his hand found her ankle under her dress and started to make its way up her leg over her stockings slowly rising higher and higher. “In fact you were the perfect servant, you served my needs perfectly.” As his hand reached higher on her inner thigh he brought his whole body closer to her so that his mouth was millimetres from her ear, “I know who to call if I ever require service again”

Elizabeth was speechless she couldn’t move as he said these words to her, she was just a servant to him after all, it had all been an act and she had fallen for it. “I love you.”

“Let be honest Elizabeth you didn’t really think anything could ever really happen did you?” seeing the looking in her eyes he laughed “Oh you did! Oh Elizabeth I mean you’re just a servant who was fun to have around for a while, in fact…” Just as he leaned over to kiss her the door opened and William walked into the room, pausing by the door as he took in the scene before him.

As if waking from a dream, Elizabeth pushed Liam away from her and then knelt collecting the broken pieces of the tea set into her apron, keeping her back to William the entire time so that he didn’t see her tear stained face. Once the pieces had been collected she excused herself from the room. As she exited the room she heard Liam call “I’ll ring if I need any service”. Stepping into the hall again away from their eyes Elizabeth ran to her room with the broken china still wrapped in her apron. Once in her room she shut the door behind her where she then sunk to the floor and wept.

William stared at Liam neither making a move. William knew exactly what had happened in this room. He had been heading to the room to await the evening meal when he had heard the crash of the china from the inside. Instead of going straight in, which as he thought about it now maybe would have been the best thing, he had stood outside the door and listened as Liam had revealed his true nature to his angel. At that moment he had felt his heart break for her, she had trusted Liam and he had abused that trust. As William had heard the room go suddenly silent he had chosen that time to enter, and it looked like he had entered at the right time. Though Elizabeth had tried to keep her face hidden he had seen the tears that marred it.

Now he stood, staring at the man that had caused those tears. Giving Liam one last look he coldly said “I guess the ‘Angel’ strikes again” before turning and leaving the room.


A/N: I'm sorry if you were all expecting a big fight between Spike and Angel... you know what they say good things come to those who wait! Keep reviewing if you want the next chapter soon!!!!!!! Thank you to everyone whos reading and enjoying this one!!!!

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