Special thanx to Nic (smitten) for all those reviews, they really inspired me!!!

Spike tossed and turned, it was after three in the morning but he couldn’t sleep. He’d slept on the train and it was way too hot here. Throwing on a pair of boxers he got out of bed and went to get a drink from the kitchen. He walked to the fridge and poured himself a glass of water. He decided to step outside and sit on the back porch swing, at least there was a breeze outside. He sat down and lost himself in his thoughts.

Why do I even care about her? I don’t know her and she’s obviously retarded. Why the fuck else would she stay with a wanker like that? Pretty l’il chit though. She’s definitely got an attitude problem. Why are the pretty ones always stupid? She doesn’t want a friend, that’s fine with me. I’m not gonna go out of my way to get her to like me.

He was so deep in thought that he didn’t see the blonde peeking at him from behind the kitchen door.

She sighed deeply. She shouldn’t have been so rude to him, she knew that. But what was done was done. Besides, something about him set her on edge, gave her shivers. He was brave, she’d give him that. She’d never seen anyone stand up to Angel before. Hope rushed through her for a second but she pushed it out, he wouldn’t help her, no one could. She looked at him carefully. He was hot in that “punky” kind of way. Bleached blond hair worn slicked back. Deep blue eyes, amazing cheekbones. She couldn’t see his chest because of how he was sitting but from the looks of his cut arms she knew his abs must be just as nice. He must be stupid though, taking on a guy twice his size. Why are the pretty ones always stupid she asked herself as she walked back up the stairs.

Spike woke up at ten. He’d only slept for 5 hours and he was cranky. He dragged himself upstairs and into a cold shower. He really wasn’t used to this kind of heat so he left the water ice cold. After getting dressed he went to find Joyce. He found her rushing around the living room, searching for something.

“Can I help you Joyce?”

“I cant find my car keys and I have to leave for the airport ASAP.” She replied frantically. Spike took a quick look around and spotted them on the bookcase. Handing them to her he asked “Where you off too?”

“Oh sweetie I’m sorry. I have to go away on business for a week. I’ll be back next Saturday. I can cancel if your not comfortable though.”

“Don’t worry I’ll be fine” he assured her with a small laugh. “I’m seventeen not seven.”

Joyce laughed too. “I know, I just worry. Are you okay for money?”

“I’ll be fine, I have a bank card and an inheritance from a dead grand-da that should see me through life.”

Joyce nodded, she recalled Jenny telling her about her fathers passing. Jenny had also been given a large sum and had given Joyce some money to take care of the expenses of having her son stay there.

“Allright then I’ll see you next week. Don’t get into trouble.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran out the door.

He knew that the mall was only about a twenty minute walk from their house so he grabbed his keys and went in search of it, in hopes of getting his paint.

Buffy got out of bed late and woke up to an empty house. She went to the bathroom to take a shower. She stripped off her clothes making sure not to look at her legs, she wouldn’t cry today.

Spike was in the hardware store and he must have looked incredibly lost because a guy about his age came up and offered him help.

“Hey there, need help finding something?”

“Ya, do you work here?”

“No but I like to fix stuff up. I’m a carpenter. Just like Jesus but less with the holy and divine and more with the clumsy and oafish. I’m here a lot though so I can probably bring you to the right section.” The boy exclaimed.

Spike laughed and took an immediate liking to the guy. He wasn’t a “bad boy” by nature, he’d just fallen into the wrong crowd in England.

“Thanks mate, m’names Spike and I’m looking for some paint.”

“Xander and I can bring you there.” He smiled. “So are you new in town?”

“Ya I just got here yesterday. I’m staying with the Summers family.”

Xanders eyes widened. “Buffy and Joyce. I thought someone named William was supposed to be staying with them.”

“Spikes not my birth name whelp.” Spike teased.

Xander laughed. “I suppose not. Buffy and I are good friends, we met through Willow, our mutual best friend.” Spike thought he saw Xanders eyes light up at the name Willow but didn’t want to push.

“Ya well her and I don’t seem to mix.”

“Well that’s to bad cuz I’m gonna make sure you hang with us, theres not enough testosterone with me being the only male around those two girls.”

Spike laughed again, maybe it wasn’t going to be so bad here afterall.

“So have you met Angel yet?”

“Who the fuck is that?”

“Buffy’s college boyfriend. Real asshole, gives me the creeps.”

“I kicked his ass the other day, he hit Buffy.”

Xander frowned. “I’ve been begging her to leave him but she says she can’t. He’s done that before. I tried to take him on once but I got my ass kicked. She said if I went to the police she’d deny everything.”

Spike frowned. “Well then mate, it looks like it’s up to us to bring this prick down.”

Xander liked him. Anyone against Angel was a friend of his and he seemed like a decent guy. I wonder why he had to leave England? What could he have done? He didn’t let himself think too much about it, Spike would talk when he was ready. He had a feeling they would be good friends. He also thought maybe he could give him some advice about a girl he liked and how to get her.

“So Wills what are we up to tonight?”
“I thnk we should bronze it Buffy, not much else to do here.” Willow replied. “Oh wait, I have another line.
Buffy waited a minute before Willow came back. “That was Xander, he said he just met some guy named Spike, he invited him to the bronze tonight with us. Oh did you meet William yet?” she asked. Oh fuck Buffy thought before taking a deep breath and explaining the prior days events to Willow. Willow knew everything about her and Angel and hated him, but she couldn’t convince Buffy to go to the police. All Buffy would ever reply was “it doesn’t matter, no one else could want me now.”

Willow knew she was talking about the scars when she said that but couldn’t convince Buffy that it didn’t matter. She hated that her friend wouldn’t get help but understood it too. Buffy may be strong but she was also human, and she was scared. Willow would just keep trying to do what she could to get Angel out of her best friends life. After listening to her friends retailing of yesterday she couldn’t help but think that maybe there was an angel in her friends basement.

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