Thanx for everyone who has been leaving reviews, I love them, they are my guiding light lol! I love you all and I hope you like this chap……it’s short but the next will be longer!

Spikes eyes almost popped out of his head. This wonderful amazing girl was asking him to spend the rest of their lives together. Was she crazy, did she really think she’d have to ask? It was a beautiful white gold band engraved in it where the words “Buffy and Spike, until the end of time.”

“Spike?” She was nervous, it was in her voice.

Spike could only bring himself to nod his head in a yes and she leapt on him screaming. Both had tears in their eyes but for once it wasn’t because they where sad….quite the opposite in fact.

They spent the rest of the day making love in various parts of the house, christening it as Spike called it. At the end of the night Spike brought Buffy’s last gift upstairs.

She tore at it greedily and her hand flew to her mouth.

“It’s beautiful baby.” He slipped it on her ring finger and they both cracked up.

“Great minds think alike huh pet?”

“Or warped ones.”she answered playfully. She looked down at her engagement ring and Spike smiled. Even though he wanted this more than anything he felt that something was wrong, that there was something that had slipped both their minds. He decided to let it go and let himself enjoy the bliss of lying next to his soon to be wife.

It felt like they’d closed their eyes for only a second before school was starting again and they where back to their hectic schedules.

But thankfully Valentines day approached quickly and Spike and Xander planned on taking their lovely ladies out for an incredible night. They where taking them to the best restaurant in town and then to Apocalypse, a ballroom dance “club”. They had each bought tuxes for the occasion and went to go pick up flowers for the ladies before going to pick them up.

Willow and Buffy paced her house nervously. All the guys had told them was to “dress real purdy”, they hadn’t let anything else slip about their plans for the evening.

Sorry this chap was so quick but its for a reason. I had to skip school details because theres gonna be more of that in upcoming chapters and frankly it bores me, plus the next chap has the angst, sigh. In the next one you’ll see why Spike was worried and I wanted that worry to stay fresh in your minds……please review if you want to see the next chap sooner, the title will be “Ballroom Blow-up”….try to figure out what happens (wa hahahaha)
I love you guys!

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