Chapter 3 – Going Once…Going Twice…

The morning of the auction arrived, and Buffy’s stomach was tied into knots before her first class of the day. The auction wouldn’t start until that night. It was part of a bake-sale fundraiser, complete with game booths surrounding the exterior of the school.

The object was to get the parents and students to the school to watch the highlight of the night- the auction. However, that wouldn’t take place until later on, so to bide their time, they could wander around the festival.

Walking down the hallway of the school, Buffy clutched her books to her chest as she looked for Willow. She was having serious second thoughts about what she had gotten herself into and was needing the reassurance of her best friend.

“Hi, Buffy.”

Turning around, Buffy smiled at the shy boy who was waving at her. “Hi, Andrew,” she replied, quickening her pace. ‘Oh my God,’ she thought. ‘What if he does want to bid on me?’

“Sweet-talking your prospects, Summers?”

“And so my day is complete,” she muttered, turning to face Spike with a glare. “What do you want?”

“It was just a simple question,” Spike said with a smirk. “What’s the matter? Having doubts?”

Spike felt a brief flash of remorse at the panic that crossed her face, but held it at bay.

“You know what, Spike? Even if Andrew does bid on me, it would be better than some of the morons you hang out with. I would much rather be his slave for a week, than yours.”

“Would you, now?” he asked, a wicked smile coming across his features as an idea began to form at the mention of ‘slave’. “We’ll see.”

Buffy’s eyes widened as Spike turned away before grabbing his arm. “What do you mean, ‘we’ll see’?”

“You’re awfully jumpy today, Summers. You should switch to decaf. Actually,” Spike continued, turning around to look at her, tilting his head as he looked down at the small girl. “You may want to lay off the coffee altogether. I hear it stunts your growth, and you don’t need any help in that department.”

Spike chuckled at the glare on Buffy’s face before he turned and walked down the hallway. Swallowing a scream of frustration, she whirled around to walk in the opposite direction.

“What’s wrong?” Willow asked, running over to her friend in concern when she saw the anger on Buffy’s face.

“Spike,” she spat out as if it left a bad taste in her mouth.

“What did he do now?” Willow asked.

“Just being his normal, annoyingly smart-ass self.”

“Oh,” Willow said, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. “So, are you ready for tonight?”

Buffy turned the glare on her best friend as Willow looked at her in surprise.


* * * * *

The day seemed to fly by and creep along at the same time. Every time Buffy looked at a clock, it seemed that more time had been swept by. On the other hand, the amount of time in between she looked at a clock seemed to creep by. Now, as she was sitting with the other girls from both Sunnydale High and Sunnydale Academy behind the makeshift auction stage, she wished for any of those minutes back.

Actually, if she was wishing, she wished that she’d never agreed to this in the first place. The auction had started a few minutes ago, and Buffy was one of the last girls to go to the stage. Willow was thankfully in front of her, offering her support the entire time.

Listening as the auctioneer Mr. Giles took bids for Cordelia Chase, Buffy’s eyes widened as the bidding escalated.

“Going once…going twice…sold for one hundred and fifty dollars.”

“Cordy got that much?!” she hissed at her friend. “I’ll be lucky if I get the minimum bid.”

“Buffy, don’t be ridiculous,” Willow said in reassurance. “You’ll have plenty of bids. This is for charity and there are plenty of guys out there from both schools- that’s the only reason it’s so high.”

“Easy for you to say,” she muttered. “You’ve got Oz out there, willing to spend whatever it takes. Everyone will be out of money before they get to me, and I’ll have to be donated.”

“Cheer up, B,” Faith Lehane said from behind her. “I’m going after you and I’m not worried. We’re two of the hottest chicks in the school. You’ll do fine.”

Buffy finally let a small smile come over her face as she looked at the two girls. “Sorry I’m being such a brat.”

“You’re just nervous,” Willow replied, patting her shoulder. “It’s normal.”

Ten minutes later, after Willow was ‘purchased’ by Oz for ninety-five dollars, Buffy took a deep breath as she walked onto the stage. Faith gave her a small pat on the back before shoving her through the curtain.

* * * * *

Spike watched at the back of the crowd as Buffy appeared to be pushed through the curtain. He and his friends had been having a good time, bidding on some of the girls but never really seriously. His friend Doyle had bought his crush Cordelia, but he was the only successful winner of the night.

Now, as Spike looked at the shy girl on the stage, he tilted his head to study her. She was in a pair of black pants and a silky, pale blue sleeveless top that brought out the golden highlights in her hair. Her eyes were darting around as if she was looking for something to focus on but couldn’t find it. Spike was planning on bidding on her a few times to see what her reaction would be if she thought he was seriously going to win, but watching her nervously wring her hands together, he took pity on her and backed out of his plan.

Spike was surprised after Giles announced Buffy that his friends began cheering loudly for the little blonde. No one from his group of friends had ever gone out with her, and, as far as Spike knew, never wanted to. However, now that he was hearing the other guys in the crowd, he felt a jealous sensation wash over him as Buffy smiled shyly at the audience.

“We’ll start the bidding at twenty dollars,” Giles announced into the microphone.

“Twenty!” an excited Andrew yelled, jumping up and down.

Spike smirked at the young boy as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Twenty-five,” another boy yelled.

Spike’s eyes scanned the audience as the bidding increased, with Andrew battling everyone who dared outbid him. Spike felt it oddly comforting that the boy would be the inevitable winner, since he was probably prepared to spend his lifesavings. After all, what would he make Buffy do? He would probably end up doing things for her.

Spike saw Buffy’s eyes widen when the bidding reached over a hundred dollars. She obviously didn’t expect that much, and the red flush that tinted her cheeks was suddenly very endearing to Spike.

The bidding continued with several members, the key being Andrew as he shouted out every bid to the point where even Giles was flustered at how high it was going. Spike listened as it peaked over two hundred. Sure, Buffy was cute, but Spike never would have expected this. Then again, she rarely went out with anyone but her friends.

‘Unless you count that ponce, Angel,’ Spike thought. ‘I guess these guys want to buy what they can’t have.’

The bidding tapered off at two hundred and fifty dollars, with Andrew in the lead, before another voice spoke up.

“Three hundred.”

Everyone in the audience turned to see the new guy Owen Thurman holding up a fistful of cash. Spike felt jealousy spread through him as Buffy’s eyes seemed to light up at the new bidder.

Andrew frantically counted his money before turning back to the stage. “Three seventy-eight!” he announced with hope and despair in his voice, obviously emptying out his wallet as he waited.

“Four hundred,” Owen called out.

Spike turned his eyes to Andrew, waiting for his next move. Andrew turned to his friend Jonathan, whispering frantically before he was handed some money. “Four twenty-five,” he announced in a victorious voice.

For Buffy’s part, she looked like she was going to pass out. “Four forty,” Owen replied, causing Andrew’s face to fall. Spike crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at the new guy, feeling angry at him for reasons he didn’t understand.

“Four forty going once…twice…”

“Five hundred.”

Every person in the audience seemed to turn around to look at Spike as he locked eyes with Buffy. Her mouth dropped open as she stared at him through wide eyes.

“Five hundred once…twice…sold to Spike Lawson for five hundred dollars,” Giles announced, taking off his glasses in disbelief.

Spike looked down at the ground, not believing what he just did. “What the hell just happened?” he muttered.

Buffy slowly walked off the stage, in shock. “What the hell just happened?”

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