Author's Chapter Notes:
Thank you guys!

Angel sat back and watched the two interact. It was hard to believe they'd met only yesterday. It was as if they knew each other for years. Spike never kept his eyes off her for very long and Buffy was constantly goading him into something. He saw something in her he hadn't seen in a long time, something he hadn't seen after she moved in with Lindsey: A spark. It was in her eyes. Her vibrancy was back. While he was happy to see it, it also concerned him. How long would it last? Would she hold onto it or let it go to be with Lindsey? Was there a way to keep that spark in her? And just how DID she meet the man whose nickname was Spike and hailed from L.A.? He wasn't as dumb as Buffy thought. He got his chance to question William alone when Buffy excused herself to use the ladies.

Angel wasted no time at all. "So, how do you really know my sister?"

Spike looked at him, eyebrow raised. He chuckled. "Cut right to the chase

Angel shrugged. "No sense in beating around the bush."

"I can't tell you how I really know Buffy."

"Why not?" Angel asked, his protective side kicking in.

"Because Buffy wants to tell you and I promised not to tell you."

"She's not here right now."

Spike shook his head. "I can't do that to her. I promised."

Angel grinned. "Good answer."

"Do you approve?"


"Gonna make me spell it out?" Spike asked, sitting back and studying

"Yep. Think of me as the guy you have to get through to get to her."

"I'm glad you look out for her," Spike whispered.

"What else am I supposed to do? She's my sister and the only family I

"Sometimes not even that means much."

"Sounds like you know from experience."

"Not really, but you learn who really loves you when you have money and

"You were a lawyer right?"

Spike nodded.

"Ever hear of a Lindsey McDonald?"

Spike grinned. "Nope. But I want to."

Angel regarded Spike thoughtfully. "What do you want from my sister?"

"Everything. Not in the sick, possessive kind of way, but in the ‘I want her
to be happy way.'"

"And you want her to be happy with you," Angel summed up.

"I won't lie. Yes. But I'm not going to push her for that. She needs to find
her way first. She feels she doesn't have any control right now."

"You see that too?"

"She told me. In a round about way."

Angel huffed. "You know more than I do then. She doesn't tell me much of
anything." He shook his head and frowned, frustrated.

"I wouldn't take it as a bad thing. I'm not related to her, I don't have a
large history with her—I'm still an outsider. Sometimes it's easier to tell an
outsider what you're feeling rather than someone you're close to."

"I know. . . it's just hard. It's like before sometimes. . . " Angel trailed off,
twirling his cup in front of him and frowning.

"Before the accident?"

"Can you at least tell me what she says about Lindsey? Does she love him?
Is she happy with him?"

Spike sat back, now he too frowned. "I honestly don't know what to make
of her relationship with him. I think she feels she owes him something."

"No doubt he makes her feel like she does," Angel muttered.

Spikes head snapped to Angel. "You don't like him."

Angel smiled, "What gave it away?"

"What's his deal?"

"Well, how about I cut you a deal there Spike?"

Spike eyed him warily. "What kind of deal?"

"Keep an eye out on my sister. I'm pretty good at reading people, and from
what I've seen here tonight from the moment you and Buffy walked in the
apartment earlier was that you were good for her. You were making her
smile again. You make her happy, you make me happy. Lindsey—doesn't
make me happy. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him and it's not like
Buffy will tell me anything. Before OR after the accident. She seems to trust
you and opens up to you. Whatever you find out about him, I want to know
about it."

"And what do I get in return for that?" Spike asked warily.

"My support. Look, I'm not doing this to be deceitful to Buffy. I'm not
trying to control her; I'm trying to get to the bottom of things."

"What things exactly? I think I should know what kind of ‘things'you're
looking for. You're suddenly the puppet master here; I feel I should be kept
abreast of what it is you're exactly looking for." He was sounding defensive
and angry and Angel couldn't exactly blame him.

He stared at Spike, weighing it out in his mind. To tell or not to tell? He
might have more to gain than lose if seeing Buffy so happy with Spike was
any indication.

"I think Lindsey had something to do with her accident," Angel finally said.

Spike's eyes widened. "What?" he whispered.

"He ‘found' her lying on the bottom of stairs when he came home."

Spike's eyes darkened in anger. "You think he pushed her?"


Spike was clenching his jaw. It twitched as he stuck out his hand. "You've
got yourself a deal then."

Angel smiled and shook his hand. "I realize I came on a little rough—to
stealthy and covert op, but I need to protect Buffy. I don't want to send her
into the lions den. She shut me out before when it came to him and I feel
that she has a second chance now. She only recalls a month of her time with
him. The ‘honeymoon' phase in any relationship."

"You're worried what'll happen after the honeymoon," Spike nodded,
balling his hands in fists.


Spike met his eyes. "They call me Spike for a reason. You want to take
Lindsey down? I'm your guy."

"And if you hurt my sister? I'll chop your dick off, got it?"

Spike smiled, "I'd chop my own dick off."

"Just as long as we're clear."

A/N: Just how long was she gone? lol

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