The next morning Angel and his team gathered in his office to try and figure out what kind of demon attacked last night.

“The security cameras didn’t pick up anything but an inky black shape. No one even noticed it until we went back an looked at them at half speed.”

“Let’s hear for Wolfram and Hart’s wonderful technology.” Angel snapped sarcastically.

“I believe you also couldn’t make out any details, even with your vampiric senses.” Wesley commented.

“It kind of smelled familiar.” Angel muttered grudgingly.

He stood up and began to pace. “What kind of creature is capable of camouflaging itself like that?” He wondered.

“I don’t know boss man, but I can tell you that it has been extremely busy. Reports are coming in from across the country about a creature that fits this description attacking and destroying every demon and vamp that got in its way between here and New York. If you look at the reports you can see it started in New York about a week ago and cut a bloody path right to our door.” Lorne informed him.

“I have our people in Europe investigating any similar reports over there. Maybe if we can figure out where it came from, that might give us some clues as to what it is.” Gunn added.

“Sounds good.” Angel agreed. “Lorne get on the streets, see if any of the demons have any more information for us.”

“No can do.” Lorne said.

“The city is completely dead of demon activity right now.” Gunn informed him. “No one wants to be out with this creature on the loose.”

“So no one knows what it is, but they’re all hiding from it?” Angel asked incredulously.

“Hiding isn’t the word. More like barricading themselves inside or hightailing it out of town.” Lorne said.

Angel sighed and turned to Wesley. “Wes, is there anything in any of the books? A description that fits? A prophecy that talks about a demon that slays other demons?”

“There are plenty of references to demon bounty hunters, but none of them would have the strength, agility, or the camouflage capabilities our new friend had.”

“So we have nothing.” Angel said angrily. “That’s not good enough, guys. I want to find this thing and I want to take it down.”

Illyria had been staring out the window blankly for all appearances oblivious of the conversation going on around her, but now she turned to the team.

“I may be able to seek it out.” She told them. “I was able to sense it last night when no one else could.”

“That is correct.” Wesley agreed. “If it weren’t for Illyria we wouldn’t have arrived in time to help you.”

“Can you tell us anything about it? Do you know what it was?” Angel asked her.

Illyria shook her head.

“No. Although its signature was similar to that of a half-breed, like yourself.” She said ‘half-breed’ with disgust. “However, I have never encountered, nor heard of a half-breed with that type of power.”

“Is it more powerful than you?” Wesley asked her. Illyria thought she heard the faintest mocking in his tone, but she chose to ignore it.

“I do not know, I did not come close enough to accurately gauge its powers and the hatred and anger it was directing towards Angel distorted my reading of it.”

“So its definitely after you.” Gunn said thoughtfully. “Maybe we should get a list together of everyone who hates you.”

“Gee, that shouldn’t take long.” Angel groused.

“What about Lindsey or Eve? One of them might be able to fill in some of the blanks on this one.” Lorne asked.

“Its worth a shot, although we’ve had them under surveillance since they arrived here and neither one has left the rooms we put them in.” Gunn said.

“Yeah, but we can’t underestimate Lindsey. He’s been planning to take me down for a long time. We don’t know how many more tricks are up his sleeve.” Angel countered.

“Ok, I’ll check on the two love birds. Who else? What other enemies do you have Angel? Who else would want you dead?” Lorne asked.

Just then the door burst open and Spike’s voice greeted everyone. “Good morning all.” He threw himself in chair and looked at everyone gathered around.

“I take we’re all investigating the attack on the Poofy last night.”

Angel glared at him. “Out Spike!! We don’t need your help with this.”

”Really? Who better to track down your would-be murderer than someone who would like to see you dead?” Spike asked him.

“This isn’t a laughing matter, Spike. That thing almost killed Nina last night. As it is she’s in a coma.” The pain and guilt on Angel’s face almost made Spike ease up on him.


“Is there anyone you’ve slept with in the last 100 years who hasn’t wound up dead or mortally wounded because of you?” Spike asked snidely.

“That’s it.” Angel lunged for Spike. Lorne quickly leapt out of the way, while Wesley and Gunn tried to hold Angel back and Illyria looked on with mild interest.

Just then Harmony’s voice came through on the intercom. “Boss, uh…”

“Harmony,” Angel yelled trying to get around Gunn and Wesley to Spike. “I told you we weren’t to be disturbed.”

“You can’t just go…OUCH!! Let go of me!!!” Harmony’s pain filled voice came across the electronic box. Angel stopped his pursuit of Spike as they all turned and faced the door that slammed inward.

In walked Willow, Giles, Xander, and several Slayers, one of who, was holding a stake to Harmony’s chest. Angel and his team backed up warily. Angel and Spike eyed up the Slayers, none of whom Spike recognized.

For a few long moments no one spoke as the two teams eyed each other mistrustfully from across the room.

Finally Giles cleared his throat and began to speak. “Forgive the intrusion, but we needed to see you right away and we weren’t about to make an appointment with Harmony.”

Behind him Harmony made some frightened squeaking noises, but no one paid her any mind.

“What do you want Giles?” Angel’s voice was as hard as nails as he remembered the way the Watcher refused to help them when Fred was in trouble.

“Why, we’re here to help you.” Giles told him succinctly.

Illyria began moving closer to the other group her eyes fixed intently on Willow who watched her curiously.

Angel laughed grimly. “Help me? Really. What makes you think I need or want your help?”

“You are in great danger. There is something that is hunting you more unlike anything you have faced before and it won’t stop until it destroys you.”

“What do you know about it?” Gunn asked.

Illyria had now come to stand in front of Willow staring the small red haired girl down. “You have great power.”

“Fred?” Willow’s voice came out timid and nervous. The woman in front of her looked like Fred, but Willow could see none of her friend in the ice blue eyes that studied her.

“Fred is gone.” Wesley said, his voice sounded empty. “This is Illyria, she is one of the Old Ones, a Demon ruler from days gone by. She killed Fred an then inhabited her body.”

Willow’s eyes widened. “Goddess. When did this happen?”

“Oh, about the time you were astral projecting around the Himalayas, Red.” Spike snapped, also angry at the refusal of the Scoobies to help his friend.

Willow looked at Giles confused. “What?”

“Angel called a few months ago wanting me to contact you because one of his people was in trouble. I didn’t bother to get all the details, you were unreachable and I wasn’t certain it was a good idea to get involved in their mess.”

Willow looked at Wesley desperately. “I didn’t know. If I had I would have helped.” She looked at Illyria upset. “Fred was my friend.”

“Why do you associate with these lower beings when you could rule them?” Illyria asked Willow.

“Oh, how lovely.” Giles remarked.

“Illyria is still adjusting to our ways.” Wesley informed Giles, who just snorted.

Willow blinked at Illyria. “Um, I’m not big on the whole ruling the world thing.”

“Although, she did try to end it once.” Xander remarked.

Illyria came to stand before Xander. “And who are you?”

“I’m Xander Harris. Full blooded human, I’m afraid.” He stuck his hand out to Illyria, but withdrew it when she just looked at him blankly. He then looked up and addressed the group.

“Wes, your looking much less high strung. Although you look like you could use some sleep. Angel, you look more high strung. And Spike I can’t believe I’m looking at you. What does it take to kill you?”

Spike snorted. The Whelp would never change. “You don’t seem too shocked, Harris. I’m assuming Andrew squealed as soon as he got back.”

“Actually I was aware of your return before I sent Andrew over.” Giles said cryptically, he looked at Angel. “You aren’t the only one with informants.” He told him.

Spike was wondering if Buffy knew that he was back. He also wondered where she was. Was she here in the country? In the city? Spike wanted more than anything to ask, but couldn’t bring himself to do it. He didn’t think they would tell him anything anyway.

Then again Rupert neglected to tell Red about what happened with Fred, so maybe Buffy didn’t know anything. And given the Watcher’s hatred of him and his Grandsire, he probably wouldn’t tell Buffy about the threat to her former love, which meant she was probably still cozied up in Italy with the Immortal. The thought made Spike’s stomach start to turn.

Apparently Angel’s mind was on the same track his was.

“Buffy didn’t come with you?” Angel asked the Watcher, trying to sound unconcerned with the answer.

Spike noticed both Willow and Xander suddenly found something of great interest on the floor because both of their gazes were locked on the ground in front of them.

“She’s tied up elsewhere.” Giles said. Spike also noticed the increase of Willow’s heart rate, something that he knew happened when she lied.

“Look, Giles I don’t know what suddenly made you decide to get involved with our ‘mess’ here, but barging in my office with a group of Slayers doesn’t make me think you have my best interest at heart.” Angel told him.

“You misunderstand Angel. Slayers are the only thing this creature fears. It will not attack when there are Slayers around.”

“Why is that?” Wesley asked. “Exactly what are we dealing with?”

“Its actually a new type of demon, it appears to have evolved from a common type of demon.”

“How do you know so much about it?” Gunn asked suspiciously.

“Because this is the second one. We managed to capture the first one, but so far we haven’t been able to study it.”

“You should bring it here. Wolfram and Hart has state of the art technology we should be able to analyze it fairly quickly and find a way to defeat it.” Wesley told his former colleague.

”It’s much too dangerous to try and move. Also I’m not comfortable with bringing here it to Wolfram and Hart.”

“How did you know it was coming for me?” Angel asked.

“One of the seers in the coven alerted us to its destination.” Willow answered quickly.

”So what exactly is your plan?” Wesley inquired of Giles.

“We thought we could lure the creature out and use the girls to capture it.”

“You mean use me as bait and then come in and take the creature away, just like you did with Dana.”

Giles and Angel stared each other down. “And how responsible would it be of me to leave it here in your care? Do you have any idea what could happen if Wolfram and Hart had access to such a dangerous being?”

Angel didn’t answer for a few minutes, he seemed to be lost in thought.

”Giles could you give us a few minutes to talk this over?” He asked him, more politely than he felt.

“Certainly. Is it alright if we wait in your lobby?”

“That’s fine. And if you could get your Slayer to release Harmony, I need her to check on something for me.”

“Very well.” Giles motioned to the Slayer who pushed Harmony away from her. The vampiress fell on the floor with the momentum from the push.

“This was a new outfit.” She whined as she stood up and looked over her now torn skirt and blouse. Giles just rolled his eyes and began ushering everyone out of the room.

After the Scoobies had left, Gunn got up and flipped a switch. “Ok, there is no way the witch can eavesdrop on us with magic.”

“So what does everyone think?” Angel asked.

“Please. The Council tried to create a new breed of Slayer and something went wrong. Now they need our help to clean up their mess.” Spike spoke first.

“That does sound likely.” Wesley agreed.

“That’s what it sounded like to me, too.” Angel said.

“So what do we do?” Gunn asked.

“We go along with their idea for now, but when the time comes we need to be prepared and have our own back up as well. I’m not letting them just take this creature, the way they did Dana.”

“Sounds good to me.” Gunn said.

“One other thing.” Spike said. Angel looked at him curiously.

“Rupert was lying about Buffy.”

“How do you know?”

“I can read Red easily. I don’t know where Buffy is, but both Harris and Red, know something they don’t want us to know.”

Angel considered for a moment. “Maybe one of us should talk to them.”

“I’m not exactly their favorite vampire.” Spike told him.

“Neither am I.” Angel admitted.

“Maybe I could inquire to her whereabouts.” Wesley volunteered. “I was her Watcher at one point.”

“Yeah, but she hated you.” Angel told him.

“That doesn’t mean I can’t be curious as to how she’s doing.”

“All right, Wes. See what you can find out.” Angel looked at his team. “Just be careful you guys. I have a feeling there is a lot more to this they aren’t telling us.”

Outside the office in the lobby Giles, Willow and Xander sat on one of the couches while the Slayers surveyed the offices around them.

(Can you hear what they are saying?) Giles asked Willow telepathically.

(No they must have sealed the room against magic.) She responded.

(Don’t you think they would have been more willing to help us if we told them the truth?) Xander asked

(They might have been, but then they never would have let us take the creature out of here. They might try and stop us as it is.) Giles explained.

(I don’t know. I think Xander may be right. They are going to be furious when they find out what’s really happened. Especially Angel and Spike.) Willow added her concerns.

(That is exactly why they cannot find out until the last possible moment. We’ll need that element of surprise as well as your magic to get the creature out of Los Angeles without the vampires interfering.)

“I don’t feel good about this, Giles.” Xander said out loud. “I hope you are right.”

‘So do I.’ Giles thought to himself.

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