Author's Chapter Notes:
Chapter 3. Thanks once again for all the reviews.

**This chapter has been edited and since been reposted. A big thanks to Andrea for beta'ing thia chapter for me!
Chapter 3

“What? Not going to invite me in, pet?” He watched as the Slayer gave him a hard look and pointedly let her eyes trail down to his legs.

“You can walk” he gave her a slow smirk and rocked back on his feet slightly for effect.

“Yeah, funny that. I can also do a mean impersonation of Elvis” Spike watched as she ignored his comment and felt the urge to pout that she wasn’t going to return his banter. It was the one thing he like about this girl compared to the other slayers he had fought, she understood and appreciated his wit when fighting. Hell, she even gave as good as she got.

“I won’t let you take me back” He smiled at her wariness, then his eyes fell on her still shackled wrists.

“I’m not here to make you” her dubious look increased.

“You’re not” she stated sceptically with a hint of the old sarcasm he was used to.

“No, Angelus and Dru have no idea that I’m here. Or that I can walk” he slid his thumbs into his belt loops as he spoke, drawing her eyes down to his groin involuntarily. He smirked slightly and rocked forward thrusting his hips out slightly causing her eyes to widen and shoot back up to his face a light shade of pink tinting her cheeks “They do, however, currently have almost every minion they control out hunting you. I tracked your scent here easily enough; I’d say you’ll have at least a dozen or more minions on your doorstep in the next, oh say, 30 minutes?”

Buffy scowled at him as she realised what he was saying was true. She had forgotten that vampires could track scents, and she had spent three days ripening while hanging from a ceiling so she had no doubt that they would find her. “So what are you doing here, Spike?”

“That’s easy. I want to help you bring that bastard down” Buffy couldn’t help the slightly hysterical giggle that burst from her mouth.

“You want to help me kill Angel and Dru?” Spike arched and eyebrow at her before correcting her statement.

“No I want to help you kill Angelus. Dru’s not part of the deal” Buffy sobered quickly glaring darkly at the vampire before her.

“I’ll think the state of my body can attest to the fact that she is” Spike frowned slightly. As much as he hated Dru right now, she was his sire, his dark princess, his ripe wicked plum and with the poof gone she could truly be his without the shadow of Angelus overhanging everything she did, everything they shared.

“I’ll help you kill the Poof and then you let Dru and me skip town. You’ll never see or hear from us every again, I bloody well hope”

“No deal” Spike scowled at her letting a small sharp growl of annoyance burst from his chest. “I won’t kill one notoriously vicious master vampire and then let another two loose on the streets for helping me. Whether you like it or not bleach boy, Dru will be dusted along with Angelus. You can do all you want to stop me but I can assure you, that neither of them will walk away from this”

Spike felt a new appreciation for the Slayer before him, despite the words she was practically spitting at him in anger. She was a hard girl to please and he knew she would never agree to anything that let Dru walk free “Fine, we’ll leave Dru out of the deal altogether. I’ll help you kill Angelus and then I will skip town. All bets on Dru are off, if I manage to leave with her you don’t come hunting after us and if you dust her, I’ll still leave and not come back to reap vengeance”

Buffy watched him hard unable to gage whether he was telling the truth or not but came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter. She would kill both Dru and Angelus and then if he did come back she would kill him two. She nodded slowly and then allowed her hand to pass through the invisible barrier guarding him from her watchers home, “Deal”

Spike smiled and shook it slowly, both knew full well that the other would go to any lengths necessary to obtain their final goals in this mess and Spike once again found himself appreciating the fact that he knew she wouldn’t go into the battle with only half her heart in it. He knew that when it came to fight her to kill Dru, he would be fighting a Slayer at her full potential. That would only make the honour of defeating her more memorable.

“On your word that you don’t touch a single one of my friends and family, come in, Spike” He arched an eyebrow at her slightly and walked in past the threshold of her home. He could see her pals giving her horrified looks as she let him pass into her home and smiled slightly “Take a seat”

Spike looked around the room and made to take the spare seat next to the cheerleader. A sharp growl resounded through out the deadly silent flat and he looked back over his shoulder at her dark look before reassessing the situation and taking a seat farthest from the rest of her friends. “You might want to look into doing some sort of cloaking spell, Slayer. Angel’s minions find you and you’ll lead the soddin’ poof straight to your Watcher’s house. Not to mention the fact that they would find out that I’m inside”

Spike smirked at the scowl she gave him before turning to face her Watcher. “Giles, do you think we could manage that?”

Giles startled slightly and looked up at his charge as she addressed him breaking him out of his thoughts centring on the fact that an evil killer had free access to his home. “What? Oh, yes, of course. Willow?”

The redhead shot up out of her seat quickly and edged her way around the group making sure she stayed well out of the grasps of the bleached menace.

“Mom, can you take notes?” Joyce looked up at her daughter as she handed her a pad and pen and had to admire the way she took control of things. “So how do you want to do this?”

Buffy willed herself to keep her attention solely on his face as he sat sprawled out in one of Giles’ armchairs, his ‘devil-may-care’ attitude and strategically arched eyebrow coupled with her accidental crotch ogling earlier doing nothing towards keeping a flush from staining her cheeks.

“Personally I’ve always like being on top” Buffy felt her face heat up as his gaze travelled down her body suggestively before smirking back up at her.

“You’re a pig, Spike” to her chagrin he chuckled at her before lifting his arms to cross them behind the back of his head comfortably.

“Oink! Oink!” his smirk grew when the scent of her arousal filled the air and he growled softly. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the werewolf tilt his head slightly as he sniffed the air, the raising of his eyebrows the only indication that he had smelt anything at all.

“Fine, we’ll do this my way. I want to know everything that could be expected of Angelus in this situation”

“Well, I can’t rightly say can I? Angelus has never turned a Slayer before, hell I don’t think there has been another Slayer turned in history” Buffy frowned slightly; they didn’t know she wasn’t a vampire? “I can tell you though that he’s got a big old yen to get you back again. Right pissed that you escaped”

“But Buffy’s not a vampire. Why would he-” Buffy groaned at the sudden perk of interest in the vampire’s body language. She could have turned around and bitch-slapped the brunette and her big mouth through till next week.

“Cordy!” the cheerleader turned angry brown eyes to her boyfriend who was glaring at her meaningfully. “Shut up” Here eyes narrowed into tiny little slits as she glared at him.

“What? All I said was Buffy isn’t a vampire, it’s not like the bleached wonder didn’t already know that” She said rolling her eyes and slumping back into her seat.

Buffy shut her eyes and tried to rein in her raging emotions. That just blew that possible advantage out of the water. She opened her eyes again and found glittering blue eyes looking up at her in amusement and barely concealed interest “Actually, pet, I didn’t. Thanks ever so”

“What lengths will he go to? I want examples, I want to know what to expect from him” Spike looked at her long and hard for a moment, indecision clearly read in his eyes. He wanted to prod her for answer’s find out what she was and what she was keeping from him, but finally came to the conclusion that that would get him know where but a dusty finish.

“He won’t come for you directly, he try and get to you through your loved ones. Use them to lure you to him then kill them off. The sod takes the term mental torture to a whole knew level. He’ll try and break you, drive you mad like he drove Drusilla of her rocker. I don’t know whether he plans to keep you or kill you but either way, you’ll be the last on his list. He won’t touch you till his killed, turned, or maimed everyone that you love or hold dear” Buffy felt and icy chill go through her and looked around at the people in the room quickly, her eyes finally coming to rest on the horror filled orbs of her mother. Her resolve hardened.

“Right, that settles it, no one goes anywhere alone, and I mean anywhere. Not the bathroom, not out shopping, not clubbing, not work. Not even in broad daylight. Xander, Cordy, and Oz you guys can all move in with us, and Wills of course. I don’t know if Giles will leave his home, but our house is bigger it will fit everyone. Once we are there we’ll set up a cloaking spell and I’ll see is Giles’ knows any protection wards”

“I have a book on them at the school” Buffy’s head swivelled around as her Watcher and Willow re-entered the room. Buffy nodded.

“The cloaking spell?” Giles nodded quickly in conformation.

“In place as we speak. It is only temporary, should hold till morning. Your scent will still lead them here. However, all of our presences are masked” Buffy nodded once more.

“Good” She glanced at the cloak on the wall quickly and noticed the late hour. “I think we should all stay here for the night. The cloaking spell should keep us off Angel’s radar; we can work out finer details in the morning”

“We need to do something about the shackles” Giles said taking her hand gently in his and examining the rusted metal that bound them.

“Here, give them to me” Spike said getting up from the chair and surprising everyone as he moved forwards to help the Slayer. He slipped his fingers under the bands and felt around so he had a tight grip on them “You pull that way I’ll pull this way, yeah?”

Buffy nodded in understanding and steadied her footing as they both began to pull as hard as they could. Slowly they felt the steel begin to bed under their combined strength till the band that had once been tight around her wrist was bent enough for her to wriggle her hand free. She sighed in relief and instinctively brought her raw wrist to her chest, rubbing it gently to relieve the pain.

“You ready?” he asked indicating to her other wrist. She nodded and took up her stance again as the process was repeated until she was finally free of the shackles.

“Thanks” Spike frowned slight and gave her a tight nod as he moved towards the door.

“I’ll keep you informed” he called over his should as the door swung shut behind him. The group let out a collective sigh of relief and relaxed into their seats. They were all exhausted from days of worrying and countless nights kept up with worrying.

“You guys should get some rest. I’ll stay up and keep watch. I don’t think we will be getting much until this is over” Buffy said as she moved to take a seat in the chair that the bleached vampire had just vacated.

“I’ll sit up with you” Giles offered. Buffy smiled and shook her head softly.

“No. Sleep. You all need it, I’ll be fine up by myself” She could sense his reluctance to let her sit up alone but eventually exhaustion won out and reluctantly they all agreed. Giles went to find them all blankets and they all settled down until eventually the house was quiet and the all the occupants save one was asleep.

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