Author's Chapter Notes:
This has taken a long time to update and I apologize for that. I just don't want it to suck too bad.

Also regarding the next chapter. I'm not sure whether or not to have Dru. I think she's a wonderful character but she'll get in the way of the Spuffyness and frankly I suck at writing her craziness. Please let your opinions be known.

One more thing. I just got rid of the master, mostly because it'd be to difficult to find some way to fit Spike in and of course this story needs Spike. Plus I'm incredibly lazy.

Plus if anything particularly sucks point it out because I'm sick of looking at it and I don't want to read through it again to find mistakes. That was a really long Author's note and if you made it to the end I would just like to congradulate you.
‘So this is the bronze?’ It wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen a million times before. Same scantily clad teenage girls rubbing against hormone driven teenage boys to the music coming from tonight’s band of the week. Not that she looked any different. Buffy was blending in by not blending in.

Her black leather pants and red silk halter top didn’t exactly scream inconspicuous. That was the point though. She didn’t just come here to scope out the local demon population. She was slightly hungry as well. What was that saying? Right, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Well tonight she was going for the honey.

She had just selected a likely looking boy, a jock, she deduced from the way he gripped his drink and grunted, when she noticed a redhead sitting by the bar. It was the same redhead Cordelia had mocked earlier that day. What was her name? It was the same as some tree…Willow, that’s it. She looked kind of miserable, sitting all by herself.

Buffy gave dinner a last reluctant look, then turned and made her way through the throbbing crowd to Willow. The redhead looked up in surprise when Buffy sat down next to her.

“Hey, you’re Willow right? I’m Buffy,” she introduced herself in her happy teenage voice. Willow looked around her quickly and then turned back to Buffy.

“Um, I-I know you’re new but you should know that you aren’t supposed to talk to me,” explained Willow meekly. Buffy rolled her eyes. Wow, maybe this whole high school thing was going to be a little bit harder than she thought.

“Why not?” she asked. This high school caste system was really starting to piss her off. Were all teenagers sheep?

“Well, you’ve been hanging out with Cordelia…” Willow began.

“Yes, and Cordelia’s a great person if you like the whole queen bitch thing. You seem like an interesting person and I just wanted to talk to you, but if that’s too much to ask then fine, I’ll go elsewhere,” she interrupted in frustration. She threw her hands in the air and turned around to leave.

“You’re right,” Willow called after her softly. Buffy turned around and raised an eyebrow. “Cordelia is a bitch,” the redhead finished with a small smile. Buffy smiled back and returned to her seat at the bar.

“So are you here with anyone?” she asked looking around.

“Well, I was hoping Xander would come but I haven’t seen him,” admitted Willow.

“Xander? Is that your boyfriend?” the blonde questioned.

“I wish,” she snorted, then covered her mouth looking contrite. “I’m sorry. I sounded bitter didn’t I? I’m not bitter. Really I’m not. It’s not so much bitterness as it is exasperation. I mean I’ve been friends with the guy for how long and he still doesn’t notice me. I’m just the reliable friend. Is it so much to ask to want to be noticed? You know what maybe I am bitter,” she finished.

“Right. Well maybe you should go after some other guy,” Buffy encouraged after the rather long explanation to a rather simple question.

“I would, except that whenever I get around a boy, pretty much any boy except Xander, I just can’t think of anything to say. At all. I just blush and babble and run away,” she explained.

“Willow, listen to me. You are a very cute girl and you seem very smart, any guy should feel blessed to be in your presence. Time moves so quickly that you just have to live in the moment,” the blonde replied. She was about to go on when she noticed her dinner talking to some other girl. “I’ll be back in a bit. Just remember what I said,” she finished and then moved towards the jock.


‘Yeah, I am pretty and smart. I’m super smart and any guy should feel lucky to be with me. Maybe Buffy’s right,’ Willow thought to herself. As if to confirm her belief a rather attractive guy slipped into Buffy’s vacated seat.

“Mind if I sit here, love?” the stranger asked with a sexy smirk.


“Hey there,” Buffy crooned rubbing against her selected target. “I was just thinking how hot it was in here. I wanted to go out into the alley but I’m kinda scared to go by myself. You never know what kinda scary people are lurking about,” she explained with a smoldering pout. She was appealing to his male ego, playing the damsel in distress.

“Sure babe. I’d be happy to escort you,” the guy replied with a leer. Buffy mentally flinched. Did he honestly think that was attractive? On the outside however, she gave him a coy smile, and led him toward the exit into the alley.

The watchers council had been adamant about her drinking only animal blood. In response she told them where they could go and explained that while she wouldn’t kill humans she sure as hell wasn’t going to live off pig’s blood, disgusting.

When they reached the alley she pushed him against the wall and lowered her face to his neck. Her incisors lengthened and she easily slipped them into the smooth skin of his neck. Unlike vampires she didn’t a demon mask, which came in handy when she was feeding. It was much easier to be mistaken for simple making out when her face didn’t look disfigured. She drank just enough to leave him slightly drowsy than bit her tongue to allow the healing powers of her blood to close the wound.

While she was quite certain that she could make more beings like herself she had never done it. It would require large amounts of blood and leave her weakened. She preferred to love and lose rather than risk finding out what would happen.

She was just pulling away when a burst of pain exploded in her chest. She looked down to find the pointy edge of a stake protruding from the area her heart was in. She reached around to pull out the stake. “Okay, ouch,” she began, turning around. “Was that completely necess…” she trailed off. “Well, if it isn’t my old pal, Angelus. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

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