Beep Beep Beep

Buffy slammed her hand down on the alarm clock effectively smashing it. Fuck, third one this week. I should really start putting them on the other side of the room. It was seven am. She had gotten an amazing two extra hours of sleep. This was not one of the perks to her hob. She got out of bed, got showered and got dressed. She went through the usual routine of hair and make up and within a half hour, and Wa La! She was a normal human being again.

She stopped at Krispy Kreme on her way to work. How she figured it, if she was going to be a cop she might as well do it right.

Much to her chagrin, Spike was sitting on her desk when she arrived.

“Shouldn’t you be watching you figure and not be shoving down pieces of fried dough and sugar?”

“Shove it, Spike. I do not care about shit like that. These are damn tasty. Now, do you want one or not?”

“Sorry luv, I already ate a well rounded breakfast this morning. So, what’s on the agenda for today?” Spike replied.

“Here you go.” She handed him a stack of papers.

“What are these?”

“Jesh Spike. How long have you been a cop? Those are witness statements. We read through them and see who we should go question for more information.”

“Oh, I knew that.” Spike replied coolly.

They spent about an hour and a half reading through what all the neighbors though about these people and what they hears. No one had anything interesting to say at all. ‘They were so nice.’ ‘We never had any problems with them.’ ‘I can’t believe anything like this could happen here.’ Buffy didn’t understand this. They were in LA! No one wanted to admit all these murders and crimes went on in there own town.

“Well, Spikey. That was quite useless. Let’s go start with their employers and see if they can’t shed any light as to who would want this guy and his wife torn to bits.” Spike was relieved that she finally broke the silence between them.

“Alright, let’s start with him. He works at a law firm downtown. You have probably heard of them, Wolfram & Hart.

As soon as they walked through the door four security guards carrying guns and wooden stakes greeted them.

“What are you doing here?” One gruff looking guard practically shouted at them.

“Well, I am Detective Buffy Summers and this is my partner, William Bolden. We are here to see Lilah Morgan. She is expecting us as we called ahead.” Buffy stated smugly.

Just as she finished the guards parted and a tall brunette woman appeared in front of them. She oozed of power and sex appeal. She looked like she could kill you with nothing more than a glance.

“Sorry about them. They are required to meet all special visitors (she winked at Spike when she said that) at the door.” Buffy caught the wink and Spike just stared back at her as if to say come try me bitch.

“Come on, we will go up to my office to discuss poor Mr. Warner.” They followed her through the lobby and to the 58th floor, where they went to her corner window office. Spike spoke first.

“Thank you for taking the time to meet with us Miss Morgan. I know you must have a busy schedule.”

“Well, Spike your reputation precedes you. And you Miss Summers, you have been leading quite an interesting career. We have been keeping an eye on you.” Buffy did not know what to think of this. She knew of Wolfram & Hart. They were known to defend the scum of the Earth and they were quite good at their job. Anytime anyone on the force would get a case involving one of their clients it was almost worthless to investigate because no matter what they would find the firm would come up with some bullshit to get their client free. Buffy always wondered what type of person could stand to work with no ethics and now she knew.

“Well Miss Morgan.”

“Call me Lilah,” she interrupted.

“Ok, Lilah, can we just start with some simple background information. What was Mr. Warner’s position with Wolfram & Hart?” Buffy inquired.

“Brad was one of the junior associates here at the firm. His job was to help with research and double check the work of our associates.” Lilah replied nonchalantly.

“Can you tell me if the case he was working on was important enough to get him killed? Could he have stumbled on something one of your clients would not want the public to know about?”

“Well, Miss Summers, I can assure you that all of the clients of Wolfram & Hart are law abiding citizens. I know you have a lot of enemies on the force, and I wouldn’t want you to add me to that list. I am just trying to help you Miss Summers. While it is tragic that we would loose one of our employees in this manner I can assure you that it had nothing to do with his employment here at Wolfram & Hart.” Lilah responded.

“Miss Morgan, you misunderstood. I would never be so brash as to imply Wolfram & Hart’s wrongdoing on any matter. I was simply inquiring as to the nature of his last case.” Buffy’s response was dripping with sarcasm.

“I’m sure. As I have told the other officers, he was simply working on a settlement over a land purchase. It was almost resolved. So, if you don’t have any imperative questions, I am going to have to ask you to leave. I am a very busy woman and I need to get back to my life.”

“Of course, Lilah. Here is my card, call if you can think of anything that would aid in our search.” Spike spouted out ignoring the demeanor of his very pissed off partner.

“Will do, Spike. And by the way, nice ring.” Buffy could have sworn Spike missed a step when she said that. They let themselves out and the instant they were in the car Buffy let him have it.

“What in the hell was that?!?” Buffy spat at him.

“I could ask you the same thing, luv.” Spike grinned.

“You are supposed to be my partner. You are supposed to back me up. She just walked all over you. And what was that ring comment all about? And what was that whole your reputation precedes you think about? What reputation do you have and why haven’t I heard about it?”

“Calm down, luv.”

“Stop calling me that. I am not your love Spike.”

“Sorry, pet. It is a matter of habit. As for the reputation, I am sure she has just heard about me from her associates at Wolfram & Hart’s London offices. I had a few run-ins with them when I was working over there. As for the not backing you up, I did not think we were going to get anything more out of her. Now that I have played the good cop role we might be able to get something out of her down the line.” Spike explained very calmly.

“Ok, sorry, I have a tendency to overreact. Hence the Buffy without a partner. Let’s just go back to the station house and see if we can’t find ourselves some new leads.”

“Sounds like a plan. And Buffy, you’re being too hard on your self. That Lilah was a right bitch.”

Buffy couldn’t help but laugh as they sped back to the office.

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