Author's Chapter Notes:
I just want to thank eveyone who's reviewed. It keeps me motivated to write more.
When they got back to the office they had no missed messages which translated into no new leads. Spike suggested that they look over witness statements again to see if they knew anything but Buffy had a better idea.

Willy’s Bar was the place to be if you wanted to find the scum of L.A. Buffy and Willy had a standing agreement. She would not bust him for the illegal poker games as long as he provided her with information any time she needed it. Willy always had something on everyone and everything. If he didn’t know the guy who did it he could at least point you in the right direction. Willy’s Bar was in the most despicable part of downtown L.A. You could almost feel the grim in the air.

As they walked in they found themselves being watched by every pair of eyes in the place. Buffy didn’t give a shit and Spike, well Spike looked like he could fit right in. Willy was in the back behind the bar, like always. Willy knew something was going down if she was working with the likes of him.

“Hey Officer Buffy, and Spike. What brings you two here… and together?” Willy sounded surprised, and a little afraid.

“Well, Willy, Buffy here is my new partner. You remember, I’m a cop.” Spike stated almost as if he was trying to prove something to Willy.

“Spike, you seem to know everyone, so maybe you should be the one to lead this investigation.” Buffy looked like she wanted to hurt him. Willy picked up on the tension between the two and took a step back.

“Now, now, luv. I just have happened in here once or twice. This is still your show, let’s get is on the road.”

“Ok, Willy. What do you know about the gruesome murders that took place on Main Street last night? The victim worked for Wolfram & Hart, so I am sure you have heard something about it.”

“Listen Buff, I don’t want to get involved with them. They can have me killed.”

“So can I, Willy.” Spike practically growled. “I don’t know much but I do know some one who does.” Willy wrote down a name and an address on a card and handed it to them.

“Thanks Willy, we’ll be back if you lied to us.” Buffy smiled as she said that.

They walked out of the bar and Buffy smacked him upside the head.

“Spike, that is the second time today you have taken over my interrogations, I thought you were a transfer from London. How do you have this many connections in L.A.?”

“I like to travel, luv.” Spike replied.

“Stop calling me that! I swear Spike, the more I get to know you and be around you the more questions I have?”

“I don’t know what to tell you Buffy. Let’s just go stake this guy ok.”

“You meant to say a stake out right?” Buffy inquired.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Spike answered.

They found the address Willy had given them. There was no one at the door. They decided to wait him out. They were in Spike’s car. A classic 1958 Dodge Desoto FireFlite. Buffy noticed that the edges of the windows looked as if they almost had black paint on them, like it had been scratched off.

“So, Spike the world traveler, since we have some time to kill and you don’t seem to be taking any of my subtle hints to leave me alone, why don’t you tell me your story?” Buffy asked.

“I guess that’s fair enough. What do you want to know?”

“Everything that I can. If your going to be my partner I’ll need to know what makes you tick so we don’t get each other killed. How old are you? Why did you decide to leave the force in England to come here? Why do you want to be my partner? How do you seem to know everyone that has anything to do with anything?”

“You sure ask a lot of questions but I guess that’s a given in our line of work. Well let’s see. You already know my real name. My age, I’d rather not admit. If you really want to know it’s in my file which I am sure you have already read seeing as you know I’m from London. Ah, London. Well, I finally decided to leave when a friend told me that I was needed elsewhere. He said they could really use a guy like me in L.A. So, I listened. Like I said before, I love to travel. I have pretty much seen the world by now. I had been to L.A. years ago and no matter what city I go to I always seem to find the pubs like Willy’s. Willy and I go way back. When I first met him, I saved his neck in a bar fight. I guess I just have the kinda face you remember. As for the being your partner, I didn’t really have that much of a choice. When I first got assigned to your precinct, Wes told me about you and practically begged me to be your partner. He really seems to admire you. He kept going on and on about your brilliance, but I don’t really see that… ha ha. I’m just kidding you, luv. I think you’re quite amazing.”

“Thanks Spike. That’s one of the nicest things someone has said about me in a long time. But still don’t call me love. I would love to travel. I haven’t really been anywhere but here my entire life. It can get kind of boring.”

“I don’t think L.A. is boring. There are so many different kinds of people here. You just have to stay away from Hollywood. That place is just plain scary. Like I said, I’ve pretty much been everywhere but L.A. has its own rhythm. Every city has a unique feel. You should go to Paris one day. You would fit right in. It’s filled with beautiful intelligent people. The city is older than dirt but its more vibrant than ever. I would love to show you around it one day.”

“Wow, Spike. I don’t know what to say. You have so much passion in your voice. It kind of makes me hate you less. Maybe Wes was right to put us together.”

At that moment it seemed like the stars has aligned. They were both leaning toward each other. They were mesmerized by each other’s eyes. Spike was going to kiss her.

“Spike, wait! Look, it’s our perp.”

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