Author's Chapter Notes:
I am not really happy about this chapter. I toned it down a bit. I hope it's okay.

Chapter 12: ‘Devil’s Own/An Angel’s Child’

Summary: Buffy runs off to Sunnydale to ‘tell’ Dawn about her upcoming marriage. Andrew places a call to Spike and advises him to take a trip to Sunnydale.

The relationship between Andrew and Warren is explained, somewhat.

Spike finds out the truth about Dawn’s identity and tries to step up to the plate!

Chapter 12:

“Calm the fuck down!” Xander screamed at his partner, William Giles, aka Spike Sinclair. “This isn’t going to do any good man, believe, me!”

Spike was pacing back and forth in front of Xander, aka Alec Harrington, in his hotel room. The blond FBI agent was past livid and sailing into enraged at this point. He had chain smoked at least six cigarettes since leaving Finn’s, the asshole, bloody mansion.

“How can she marry the fucking moron?” Spike roared at poor Xander. “He’s an egotistical control freak; psychopathic murderer and a…”

“He’s Riley Finn,” Xander cut Spike off before he could continue with angry tirade. “Riley is the head of a vicious gang of mobsters, just like your dad, our boss, filled us in on. You wanted this assignment, Spike,” Xander continued evenly. “You knew Buffy was involved and just how she was involved with Finn. In fact, you only took this job to be closer to Buffy and you know it,” Xander finished with a scowl.

“Yeah,” Spike snarled, “and I only took this assignment to wheedle Buffy away from Finn in the first place! How can I help her, or get her away from that fuckhead if I can’t…”

Spike was interrupted by the shrill ring of his cell phone. He let out an exasperated growl, but punched the ‘talk’ button anyway, in case it might be someone about the case.

“Mr. Sinclair?” came Andrew’s meek voice on the other end. “I need to talk to you.”

“Is Buffy all right?” Spike asked frantically. “What’s wrong with Buffy? Besides everything,” he hissed gruffly.

“Miss Summers is fine, well kind of,” Andrew squeaked in response. “I, I need to speak with you Mr. Sinclair. There’s not much time, though. Miss Summers and I, we just arrived in Sunnydale, at her folks place. It’s been closed up for months, but Miss Buffy wanted to stay here while she’s up in Sunnydale. To see Miss Dawn that is.”

“I’m putting you on speaker phone, Andrew,” Spike stated. “Alec Harrington, my business partner is with me. Let’s hear what you have to say. There’s nothing Alec can’t hear and…”

“Yes, that’s fine, Mr. Sinclair. It’s about Miss Summers and her sister, Dawn. It's about the Summers ladies and my ‘friend’ Warren Meers. I know you’re beholding to the same men that Mr. Finn answers to, you and Mr. Harrington. However, there is a part of me that feels that you and Mr. Harrington might be interested in knowing a few things. Especially you Mr. Sinclair.”

“Go on,” Spike mumbled as he hit the speaker button quickly.

“I don’t think Miss Buffy knows the full extent of Mr. Riley’s treachery,” Andrew whispered in the phone. “She’s a lovely woman, Miss Buffy, as her sister Dawn is.”

Spike glanced over at Xander and noted that his partner flinched again, at the mention of Dawn Summers.

“Mr. Finn has always held some ominous sway over Miss Buffy, through her sister. I’m sure of it. This sudden consent by Miss Buffy to marry Mr. Riley worries me. I am afraid that Mr. Finn has pulled a high card from his sleeve and is ‘forcing’ Miss Buffy Summers to marry him. It worries me, especially since I heard Miss Buffy mention something about Mr. Finn adopting Dawn as ‘his’ child?”

“Why the fuck would Riley Finn adopt Dawn Summers? And how could Hank and Joyce Summers allow it? What kind of bloody, cold-hearted monsters are they?” Spike shook his head in total disgust and glared at Xander once more.

“That is not for me to say,” Andrew offered nervously. “However, I think ‘you’ do need to ask yourself some questions Mr. Sinclair. I, myself? I have asked myself several questions since Warren Meers disappeared several weeks ago.”

“What did Finn tell you Andrew?” Xander piped in, finally. “About Meers that is?”

“That Warren had another job offer, back in New York,” Andrew sighed audibly. “The thing is Warren would have told me if he had a job transfer, I’m sure of it. We had a ‘special’ friendship you see. Warren and me.”

“What kind of…” Xander began to ask Andrew, but Spike cut him off. Spike rolled his eyes at Xander as if to say ‘oh grow up Harris, come to the real world!’

“What happened that day,” Spike interrupted the conversation. “What did Warren Meers do and say before he ‘disappeared’ as you said?”

“We spoke, as always, by telephone,” Andrew replied wistfully. “Warren said he and I would meet, for supper later. It was my night off. That was the last time I spoke to Warren, completely. Mr. Finn explained Warren’s abs cense to Miss Buffy and me by saying he took a new assignment. In New York,” Andrew’s squeaky voice trailed off.

“He killed him, didn’t he? Mr. Finn murdered Warren?” Andrew asked in a low strangled voice.

“I don’t know for sure Andrew,” Spike replied in a sympathetic tone.

“Me neither, not for sure,” Xander added reluctantly.

“Mr. Sinclair?” Andrew whispered after a few moments of silence. “I think you should come to Sunnydale, sir. There’s something, or should I say, someone, that you need to see here.”

“Who?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Miss Buffy’s little sister, Dawn,” Andrew replied a little too nervously. “I think you are searching for answers Mr. Sinclair and you just might find some here, in Sunnydale.”

Buffy stared out of her parents’ balcony window. She hated this house, Buffy did, since she was seventeen-years-old. Maybe before that really. Otherwise, why would she have snuck off to spring break, over seven years before. If she had not had, Buffy would never have met William Giles; began her affair with him or had their daughter, Dawn.

The Summers’ abandoned home held so many echoes of memories for Buffy. Sadly, most of them were not of the good, but of the bad. Forgotten, unfortunately, were Buffy’s memories of the happier times when she was a very little girl. Memories of Christmas times, spent under the gigantic fake tree were vague in Buffy’s mind now.

There had been a most special gift, on her tenth birthday, of a pony. Buffy had named the colt Mr. Gordo for some silly reason. However, those memories were far away and it was the more recent ones that haunted Buffy and caused her to make the decisions she had in the past few years.

‘Flashback; Buffy’s POV’

William had gone to make the arrangements for Buffy and his return to Berkeley together. Buffy had made it clear that she had no intention of ever returning to Santa Barbara now. She would just travel back to Berkeley with Will and leave there with him, happily.

As it turned out, they were only a young couple with big dreams. Pipe dreams at that.

Soon after William had been gone from their hotel room, Buffy’s cell phone rang, shrilly. Something in the ‘ring’ of the small phone alerted Buffy not to answer it, but she did.

Looking back, she would always rue the moment she decided to pick up that phone and listen to her cousin, Faith’s, desperate warnings.

“B! It’s Faith,” came Buffy’s cousin’s frantic voice from the other end of the line. “Are you alone there? Where’s lover boy?”

“He’s out, taking care of last minute arrangements for our move to Berkeley. Tomorrow’s the last day of spring break and…”

Before Buffy could finish her sentence, Faith cut her off at the pass.

“Good! My timing is still as great as ever,” her cousin spat. “Listen Blondie,” Faith continued in a somewhat cool tone, “playtime is over down there in San Diego. At least for you and Willie boy. You have to get your little ass, solo that is, back up here to LA and over to our place. ASAP!”

Buffy was stunned by Faith’s anxious, no; make that terrified demeanor on the phone. The dark haired older woman never spoke to Buffy that way, although she had been known to be harsh with other people. That included Faith’s own husband, Jesse.

“I don’t understand Faith,” Buffy finally was able to choke out. “You know I’m going with William, to Berkeley. I’m not coming to your house, or going home to Sunnydale, ever again.”

“There’s no time for fairy tales anymore, B,” Faith interjected harshly. “Shut up and listen to me, little cousin!”

“Kay,” Buffy whimpered as her heart raced in her chest. She knew Will would be back, soon, and she wanted to have this ridiculous, ominous telephone convo over before he returned.

“Your ‘daddy dearest’ my Uncle Hank showed up here, at Jesse and my place,” Faith began with disgust. “About an hour ago. Guess who he had in tow with him?”

Buffy scrunched up her face and asked in a nervous whisper, “who?”

“That fucking moron, Riley Finn, that’s who,” Faith answered roughly. “It seems that your daddy has made some alternate plans for you, B. Apparently they include a future with Finn as the groom? Did you know anything about this B?”

“No!” Buffy gasped in horror. “Nothing. Daddy works for Riley Finn, yes, and the idiot has been to our house for supper, on occasion, but…”

“Well, apparently, dinner at the Casa de Summers was a kind of mating dance for old Riley. He and your dad have this notion that you and Finn are going to be wife and hubby someday. Anyway, that’s not the point, sweet stuff. They were here, demanding to see you. I told them you were at the theatre with a mutual friend and wouldn’t be back until later tonight. That’ll give you enough time to write a note to lover boy, grab your gear and get a bus to LA. I’ll send Jesse down to the station to get you. My hubby’s in on this intrigue we cooked up to get you to San Diego so…”

“You’re crazy!” Buffy screamed into the phone. “I’m not leaving Will! He and I are going to live together, in Berkeley and maybe even get married someday. No way am I going back to Sunnydale or my folks. Or, for that matter, hooking up with Riley Finn. He’s a fucking monster, Faith!”

Faith groaned, audibly, from the other side of the line. “Buffy,” she finally softened her tone a little. “You know what Riley Finn is capable of, right? And your dad? He’s no prince himself sometimes. If I don’t produce you, by later tonight, here in LA? Uncle Hank is going to start tearing up my house, my husband, and then me. Guess who your dad and Finn will go after next, sweetie, and don’t bother to answer that, I know you know it’s this William. I’m sure that’ll just be the start of Riley Finn’s revenge and…”

“Oh, God, Faith,” Buffy gasped in fear. “Don’t you think if I just disappear, with William and move up to Berkeley? Things could work out, right?” Buffy finished in a raspy whine.

“No, sweetie,” Faith replied harshly. “I think your dad and Finn the Ignoramous would find you faster then you can say ‘devil’s own’ and believe me, B. Riley Finn is the devils own.”

Buffy clicked off the phone and placed it, calmly, into her purse. She looked around the hotel room and spied the pad of paper on the dressing table.

Sadly, she shuffled over to the table and picked up the pen that the hotel left there. With a heavy heart, hot, sorrowful tears in her green eyes, Buffy began the goodbye note to her William. She had no choice after all.

‘Present day’

Buffy stared out the window of the Jag that Riley had bought her, especially for the trips to Sunnydale. She sighed heavily and tried to take in the beautiful country scenery that she and Andrew sped past.

Suddenly, and without notice, Andrew swerved the Jag onto an unfamiliar country road. Buffy signaled her driver and friend that he had pulled onto the wrong highway.

Andrew seemed to ignore Buffy’s antics in the back seat as he drove on. Finally, the young man pulled over into a desolate, empty rest spot. The only other vehicle in sight, Buffy noticed, was a large, rather ugly Cadillac that was parked in the only taken parking space.

“Andrew?” Buffy began in an unsure tone, “what’s this about?”

“The truth, Miss Summers,” Andrew mumbled shyly. “The truth about a lot of things Miss.”

Buffy looked over at the Cadillac and was shocked to see Spike step out of the driver’s side. She felt the old familiar ache for him overcome her.

“Oh God Andrew,” Buffy gasped in horror, “what have you done?”

Andrew didn’t answer her, just opened his door and stepped out. Immediately after, Spike yanked Buffy’s car door open and offered her his hand. For some reason, she automatically took it and allowed her William to lead her out of the Jag and over to the Cadillac.

“Andrew?” Buffy asked her friend and employee, skeptically.

“It’s time Miss Buffy,” Andrew replied simply. He looked over at Spike with a grimace, “I think Mr. Spike deserves some answers and you certainly deserve to tell the truth and get some.”

Without another word, Andrew slipped back into the Jag’s driver seat and started the ignition. The young man drove off without a backwards glance.

“Why?” Buffy whispered the question to William, if that was really his name at all. “Why are you here, Will? If that’s really your name at all.”

“Why? Because young Andy there told me that the answers I need are here, in Sunnydale. And I need answers Buffy. Lots of them,” he finished gruffly. “And, for the record? My real is William, Buffy,” he added evenly. “I’m not the one that lied, originally, about my name. You did.”

“Get in,” Spike ordered Buffy roughly. He didn’t wait for her to make a move. He grabbed her slim arm and yanked her into the front passenger seat.

“I’m not driving Miss Daisy here,” he snorted as he jumped into the driver’s seat. “You ride up front, with me.”

Buffy said nothing, just stared straight ahead while William drove the direction of ‘The Sisters of the Sacred Heart’ where Dawn was enrolled.

“You have no idea what you are getting yourself into William,” Buffy whispered in a strangled voice. She kept her sullen gaze straight ahead, on the winding road before them.

“I don’t give a fuck,” Spike hissed as he glared at Buffy out of the corner of his right blue eye. “I’ll take anything they can throw at me.”

“Hope so,” Buffy muttered softly.

Spike and Buffy pulled up in front of the huge gates of The Sisters of the Sacred Hearts. It was close to 5:00 PM, supper time at the school.

Once William had stopped the car, Buffy hopped out of it and nearly ran into the front office. She stumbled, briefly, before she yanked open Father Johnathan’s office door and slipped inside.

“Bloody little brat,” Spike snarled more to himself then anyone as he trailed up behind Buffy. “She’s going to be the fucking death of me and before this is over.”

William stepped inside the cozy, if spartan office of the head priest at Sacred Hearts. He wasn’t surprised to find the Father’s office spartan, yet a little cozy and inviting.

“Who’s this then Elizabeth?” the diminutive priest asked of Buffy warmly. “Mr. Finn?”

Spike resisted the urge to punch the priest in the nose. Instead, he cringed in disgust at being mistaken for Riley Finn.

“No Father Johnathan,” Buffy mumbled softly, “this is my ‘friend’ William Giles.”

Father Johnathan nearly leapt up from his office chair when Buffy announced the identity of this blond mystery man.

“I see,” the priest hummed evenly. “So, you’ve decided to go with the truth then Elizabeth?” Father Johnathan raised a dark brow at Buffy, and then glanced warily at William.

“He doesn’t know everything, yet, Father,” Buffy murmured. She focused her green eyes on the painting of the ‘Crucifixion’ on Father Johnathan’s wall behind his desk.

“Know what?” Spike asked brazenly. “What’s this fucking secrecy then? I swear to God Buffy, I’m getting sick and tired of these code games. What’s going on here and why?”

Buffy’s lower lip quivered a little, but she took a deep breath and nodded at Father Johnathan. “Where’s Dawn?” she asked almost shyly of the priest.

“At supper daughter,” the little priest replied quietly.

“Please have Sister Margaret bring her in here, Father,” Buffy asked. “I think it’s time that the truth is revealed Father, if only between William and me. For the time being that is.”

Father Johnathan nodded somberly and stood up. Buffy and Spike watched him leave the huge office through a back door.

“What’s this about Buffy?” Spike asked suspiciously. “I think I have a right to know everything, right? You left me, Princess. Without a proper explanation and all. You left a note! Just a fucking note on a generic piece of paper! That was over seven years ago.”

Buffy couldn’t bring herself to even look at William. She just continued to stare at the painting of Jesus Christ, being crucified by the Roman legions.

“Here now,” Sister Margaret said cheerfully as she led Dawn into the room. “Look who’s here, little one,” the nun smiled down, warmly at the lovely little girl. “Your sister’s here, on a surprise visit!”

“Buffy!” Dawn cried gleefully. “I didn’t expect you. Not until Saturday, like usual!”

Dawn Summers broke from Sister Margaret and ran to Buffy, flinging herself into the blond woman’s welcoming arms.

“I’ve got a lot to tell you sweetie,” Buffy murmured into Dawn’s sweet, fragrant head. “So much,” she finished with a muffled squeak.

“Who’s that?” Dawn asked her sister when she spied Spike standing next to Buffy.

“A friend,” Buffy mumbled under her breath.

Spike kneeled next to Buffy and peered into Dawn’s elfin little face. He expected, at first, to stare into the eyes of Buffy’s little sister, perhaps the mirror of her grandfather or grandmother’s face? The little girl was the key. The key to all of this ugliness that had enveloped and overwhelmed his Buffy’s life. The reason his Buffy had to sell herself and her soul to Riley Finn.

Instead, when he gazed into the indigo blue eyes of the little six-year-old, Spike got the shock of his life. Literally.

‘Oh Jesus,’ he gasped silently as he stared into Dawn Summers’ lovely blue eyes. ‘Her eyes? They’re my eyes,’ he realized in a moment’s time.

Spike saw himself mirrored in the soulful eyes of this beautiful little girl. He understood, immediately, that this child was no more Buffy’s little sister then he was.

Dawn was Buffy’s daughter, and his, together. This was the physical connection between them, Buffy and him. Their spiritual connection had been bonded seven years ago, in San Diego. But this miracle child? She was the earthly, physical connection that could never be broken or taken away from either one of them.

“What’s wrong mister?” Dawn asked innocently of Spike. “You look like you’ve got a tummy ache.”

The blond man swallowed hard and took a deep, calming breath.

‘My angel, Buffy’s daughter,’ he realized in awe. ‘Her’s and mine.’

“I’m fine, Dawn,” Spike managed to whisper. “Just a little tired and kind of surprised is all.”

“Surprised how?” Dawn asked warily as she looked over at her older sister, Buffy. The little girl did not like the look on her sister’s pretty face. Buffy looked frightened.

“Just surprised that you’re even more pretty then your pictures,” Spike whispered in a strangled voice. “I…”

He stopped and stood up. “I need some air,” he stated calmly. “I’ll be outside Buffy,” Spike informed the still kneeling blond.

“Okay,” Buffy mumbled without looking up at William. “I’ll be out in a moment, kay?”

“Okay,” Spike responded gruffly. Then he turned and strode out of the office door.

“Is everything okay Buffy?” Dawn asked shyly. “That man, Spike? He kind of scares me.”

“Me too,” Buffy whispered in a muffled voice against her daughter’s little shoulder.

“He’s not a bad man, Dawnie,” Buffy assured her little girl. “He’s just a little confused right now, okay?”

“Okay Buffy,” Dawn replied. She rewarded Buffy with a warm, loving grin.

“I’ll be back, tomorrow, baby,” Buffy promised the girl. “Maybe we’ll break you out of here. For a whole afternoon and run over to the Sunnydale Zoo?”

“Can we!” Dawn squealed in delight. “I love the lions!”

“We can,” Buffy said. “We can and we will.”

Spike waited, impatiently, outside the school for Buffy to appear. He had a feeling that he would not have to wait long.

As it turned out, he was right.

Buffy came rushing out of the priest’s office and right past Spike. That is, she tried to, until he caught her by her left arm with his right hand.

“Hold up Princess,” he snarled at her.

“Let me go,” Buffy ordered angrily, even though the tears falling down her face betrayed her.

“No,” Spike growled dangerously. Instead of letting her go, Spike grasped Buffy’s arm even tighter and literally dragged her to the parked Cadillac.

Without any decorum or premise of decorum, Spike yanked open the passenger seat door and flung Buffy inside. He then locked the doors with his key and rushed to the driver’s side of the car.

After letting himself in, Spike turned on the ignition and sped away from the private school as fast as he could, safely that is.

They rode in total silence the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Buffy never even looked at William, even though she could feel his cobalt blue eyes on her from time to time.

Spike pulled into the rest stop that he’d met Buffy at a while earlier. Even after he’d turned off the ignition, however, he did not unlock the car doors.

“Just when were you going to tell me?” Spike finally managed to choke the question out, albeit in an angry tone.

“Never,” Buffy replied boldy. “Who the fuck are you ‘Spike’ that I should tell you anything?”

Like a panther, Spike spun about and lunged for Buffy, his strong hands clasped her slim shoulders roughly.

“I’m that precious little girl’s father! That’s who I am,” he roared loudly. “You had no right to keep her from me Buffy! No right! You fucked me over, what? Two, three, or maybe ten times now?”

“I didn’t do anything to you asshole!” Buffy spat back at him. “Nothing that wasn’t to protect you anyway!”

“Protect me?” Spike asked incredulously. “From what? You? Our child together?”

“God you’re such a pompous ass,” Buffy snarled at him. “You’re as bad as Riley, really! You have no idea what I sacrificed to keep my baby, Dawnie, safe. The degrading ways I let Riley use me and blackmail me. To what? Protect Dawn, my parents and you?”

“None of you are worth it! Except my baby, Dawn that is!” She scrunched up her face and began to cry, bitterly.

Spike felt lost and totally worthless at the moment. Then he remembered that is was Buffy that brought this on them. She was the one that had lied, or at least kept their child’s identity from everyone.

“You little bitch!” Spike hissed at her as he shook her, violently. “You can’t cry your way out of this one. You chose to take off, with my kid! Take up with Riley Finn, that worthless piece of shit who’s not good enough to kiss your feet! So you’re going to marry him, huh? Sign over our daughter to him like a piece of property that he can use to bring up whenever you step out of line?”

“He murdered your good friend Andrew’s boyfriend, Warren Meers. Did you know that you little bitch?” Spike hissed.

Spike’s face was contorted in an ugly twist and Buffy was truly frightened. So frightened that she stopped crying suddenly and just stared wide-eyed at the man she thought she had loved once.

“No,” Buffy whispered fearfully. “Not sign her over, just want to protect her,” she whimpered like a small child.

“Are you better then Riley Finn,” Buffy asked William abruptly. “Have you never killed anyone Will,” she asked sincerely. Her green eyes were wide with terror.

Spike could not answer that one, truly. In all honestly, he had killed men, but all in the line of duty of course. Buffy couldn’t know that yet, though, that was for sure. Not that he, William, was one of the white hats in all this.

“I…” he began cautiously.

“That’s what I thought,” she spat at him. “You’re as bad as Riley, aren’t you? If you think you’re going to take my baby, Dawn, away from me? Think again mister!”

Buffy pulled away from Spike and tried to unlock the car door. She did succeed in opening the door itself and stumbling out of the Cadillac. Once her feet hit the open grass, Buffy took off on a run, away from William and the whole ugly truth that had so brutally been exposed that afternoon.

She hadn’t gone a few yards before William’s strong arms clasped her again. He pulled her down, causing them both to tumble onto the grassy knoll of the empty rest area.

“Let me go!” Buffy ordered angrily.

“Never!” Spike hissed in reply as he pinned her down onto the ground below them.

Spike stared intensely into Buffy’s lovely green eyes. “Let me help you,” he pleaded desperately to the woman he loved.

“How?” Buffy countered smugly. “What are you going to do Spike? Spirit me and your daughter away? From Riley Finn? You’re as big a monster as he is I’ll wager. Just what can you do to ‘help’ us?”

“I’m not Riley Finn,” Spike muttered reluctantly. He pressed his forehead to Buffy’s and did not let up on the pressure to her tiny body.

“How so?” Buffy asked sarcastically.

“I’m…” Spike began hesitantly. After taking a deep, calming breath, he began again. “I’m with the FBI, Buffy,” he admitted quietly. “I can take Riley Finn down, in aces and save you and our daughter at the same time.”

Buffy lay underneath her ex-lover, still as death. She blinked once, twice, then three times before she could digest what William had just told her.

“FBI?” she whispered, stunned.

“Yes,” William replied, almost ashamed.

“You fucking bastard!” Buffy screamed wildly as she began to beat on Will’s tee-shirt covered chest.

“You stupid asshole! You fucking, dirty, nasty lying prick!” Buffy continued her onslaught of derogative names.

“You lied!” She spat at William in disgust. “You only came here to use me and my Dawnie! To destroy Riley and…”

“No!” Spike cried in his own defense as he pinned her brutal little hands above her head with his own more powerful hands.

“I only came here ‘because’ of you!” he hissed defensively.

“I only came here because of you,” he repeated, almost in pleadingly. “I never would have even given a fuck about Riley Finn or anything,” Spike continued earnestly. “It was always about you Buffy. From the start I…”

Buffy broke her hands and wrists away from his hold and began to beat on him once again.

“Liar!” she screamed, enraged once more. “You fucking liar!”

Spike grasped her hands and wrists again, gaining the upper hand once more. He used his left hand to hold her wrists together, above her head, while he used his right hand to push the hem of her little blue sundress up over her luscious thighs.

Before Buffy could rage at him again, using her obscene profanities and ugly accusations against him? Spike crashed his lips against hers in a violent, passionate kiss.

Buffy didn’t even try to pull away from Will’s bruising kiss, nor did she care to. She returned his passionate kisses, eagerly.

When William lifted the hem of her sundress up, Buffy didn’t even fight him. Her mind had gone into sexual overdrive and William was in the driver’s seat.

Without a moment’s thought to Riley or the promise to marry him, Buffy thrust her hips up, joyfully, into Will’s hard erection.

Spike didn’t hesitate for a moment as he drove his hard cock into Buffy’s thong covered cunny. He did however, allow Buffy to either consent or reject his carnal overtures.

Once she had thrust her hips up into his, Spike realized that she was more then willing to consummate their passion together. He reached down with his right hand and ripped the tiny thong off of her slim, warm hips. Then he unbuckled his belt and shimmied out of his jeans as fast as he could.

After he had divested himself of his jeans and boxers, Spike wasted no time in plunging into Buffy’s soft, wet and warm welcoming folds. He began to thrust in and pull out, slowly at first.

“Will,” Buffy gasped in pleasure as her beloved slipped his wonderful hard shaft into her depths.

“Buffy,” Spike hissed in pleasure as he pulled out, slowly, and then thrust back into her welcoming wetness.

“Missed you. Missed you so much,” Spike murmured into his Buffy’s warm little ear.

“Me too,” she whispered shyly. “Missed you more then I dare to say.”

They coupled together in the age old dance that true lovers do. Their mouths and lips desperately sought out each others’ most sensitive spots as they made love on the private, grassy spot.

When neither one of them could wait any longer, Spike and Buffy came together in their mutual bliss. They cried each other’s names out as they came.

They lay together, Spike on top of Buffy, careful not to crush her with his weight. Entangled together, the couple lay still, trying to calm their wild heartbeats.

“I love you,” Spike whispered to Buffy. “I’m yours, always,” he added.

“I am yours, always,” Buffy responded in like. “I love you,” she murmured.

Neither one of them said another word for a while. They were too busy weeping together, quietly.

A/N: Hope that wasn’t too corny.

Thanks for reading and please review. Spufette

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