“Will, please tell me this is you again,” Xander looked from the ring Buffy was proudly displaying for them to the redhead standing next to him.

“Nope, not me,” Willow smiled and took the slayer’s hand to admire the diamond solitaire on her ring finger. “This is so much better than that icky skull thing from last time.”

“That was a bloody nice ring, thank you very much,” Spike thought of the silver ring he’d given Buffy under the influence of the witch’s ‘thy will be done’ spell. “Did I ever get that back from you, pet?” he asked the blonde on his lap. “Can’t remember what happened to it.”

“Of course I gave it back,” she thought for a minute. “I’m pretty sure I did, but either way it’s gone.”

“What’s next?” Dawn asked excitedly. “When’s the wedding and can I be maid of honor? Or at least a bridesmaid with a nice dress not some icky fluffy thing a baby would wear?”

“Fluffy dresses are very pretty for weddings,” Buffy said then gave Spike a wink before continuing with feigned seriousness. “You’d be so pretty in a nice tangerine gown with lots of taffeta and ruffles.”

“You’re really not as cute as you think you are,” the teenager rolled her eyes and picked up her soda from the coffee table in Xander’s living room.

“Hush, nibblit,” Spike nuzzled his fiancée’s neck. “She’s the cutest little bird I’ve ever seen.”

“Aww,” the slayer smiled and turned in his lap to give him a quick kiss.

That soon became two quick kisses then one long kiss then one long deep too passionate of public situations kiss.

“Déjà vu,” Xander muttered as he averted his eye from the loudly smooching couple. “I hate déjà vu. It’s that horrible spell all over again. Wills,” he said pleadingly to the Wiccan, “you’ve gotta be able to make this stop again.”

“I think it’s sweet,” the redhead sighed softly. “After all they’ve been through to be able to have that kind of happiness without some silly messed up magic from me. They really should have gotten married then.”

“Dear God, woman, don’t say such things!”

“They’re only acting like this to freak you out,” Dawn said with a grin.

“And it’s working like a charm,” the brunette went to his fridge for a beer. “I may never be able to have sex again.”

“You’re hopeless,” the teenager rolled her eyes at his antics, knowing he too was happy for the couple.

“Are we gonna have to separate you two?” Willow asked to appease Xander when the couple parted for breath.

“I wouldn’t try it, Glinda,” Spike warned with a glance in the redhead’s direction.

“Can we get down to details now?” Dawn asked with a sigh. “We’ve got a lot to do if we’re gonna have this wedding anytime soon.”

“We could have that daylight ceremony now like you wanted before,” Spike told the slayer.

“I still kinda want Giles to give me away,” Buffy looked at her fiancee. “Is that ok?”

“I might not really like the man, but I always understood his motives, luv. He was just looking out for you.”

“We still want to avoid a church ceremony.”

“And no Bette bloody Midler playing at the reception,” the former vampire smirked at that particular memory.

“For the last time,” Buffy glared at him, “that was the spell talking. Now that you remind me, though,” she got to her feet with a wicked gleam in her eyes. “Did you ever know that you’re my hero,” she began singing to Spike, “and everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle, for you are the wind beneath my wings.”

“Of all the people in all the world,” Dawn watched with the same wide eyed horror as everyone else in the room as the slayer continued to ‘sing,’ “the monks chose her to be my sister.”


“So are you gonna take it?” Willow asked as they took a pizza break from the ‘wedding plans.’

“It’s an excellent opportunity and with the whole chosen ‘one’ thing of my slayer gig over I don’t have many career options at the moment,” Buffy replied regarding the Wolfram & Hart offer they were discussing. “Not to mention the difficulties Spike would have trying to get a normal job elsewhere.”

“Only you would consider working as interdimensional security guards for the evil empire your ex-vampire boyfriend is now running a ‘normal job,’” Xander took a big bite of his pizza and shook his head a bit.

“I’ve been giving this some, thought,” the redhead pretended the man hadn’t spoken, “and I think I have another solution. One that doesn’t involve involving yourself in the shady operations of a corporation like Wolfram & Hart.”

“Let’s hear it,” the slayer encouraged as she watched Spike finish off his fifth slice of pizza.

“Seem to have worked up an appetite,” he gave her a leering wink and reached for another piece.

“Professional Scoobies,” Willow announced with a smile.

“Huh?” Buffy, Dawn, Spike and Xander all looked at the woman.

“We pick up here where Angel’s business is leaving off. Do things just like we did in Sunnydale only demanding payment for them this time. The old gang back together again, fighting demons and saving the world.”

“I’ve rather had it with saving the world, Red,” Spike put down his half eaten slice of pizza and sighed.

“Yeah. I’m really pretty happy to be out of the whole slayer gig myself,” Buffy agreed.

“Come on, it’ll be fun,” the Wiccan argued. “And we don’t have to save the world if you don’t want to. We can leave those cases to Angel and focus on the little things. A demon terrorizing here or a vampire nest bringing down property values there and we can offer protection services and my witchy ways can be very profitable. People pay good money for good mojo.”

“We don’t exactly have the money to start a business,” the slayer protested.

“You didn’t exactly have the money to travel the globe and have your little pow wows with the new slayers of the world, yet you pulled that off,” Xander joined the argument.

“I had to guilt trip my father big time for a lot of that money and the rest came from Giles who isn’t likely to chip in on this.”

“He agreed pretty easy to coming here for this whole wedding thing and he always agrees to whatever you want,” Willow persisted.

“It’s curiosity and disbelief at the idea of ‘human’ Spike bringing him to town for the wedding, not an indulgence of my every whim,” Buffy argued.

“Ok, think about this then,” the redhead switched tactics and focused on Spike. “Would you rather be annoying Angel as one of his employees and ultimately having to take orders from him or tick him off by being out there justifiably slaying his firm’s clients?”

“Well when you put it that way …” the blonde man sat up with a grin. “Let’s hear more of your plan.”


“Ok, so we need to locate Clem to serve as your best man,” Dawn began running down the to do list she’d somehow gotten placed in charge of making, “find a suitable non-hallowed ground for the ceremony. Get the marriage license, send out invites to all the guests, shop for dresses and tuxes, find a place for the reception and arrange for caterers and entertainment all within one month?” the teenager scoffed at her older sister’s delusions then went on to the next list. “For the business, we need to scout out a suitable base of operations, preferably somewhere we can actually live as well as work. Then we hit up Giles for funding when he gets into town and start working on establishing our reputation. That should be pretty easy to do with a slayer and now human formerly notorious slayer slaying vampire who’ve saved the world on a few occasions and a witch that tried to destroy the world on one occasion running the company,” she ignored the looks directed her way. “Finally we have … ewww,” she scrunched up her nose at the next page she turned to then tossed the papers at her sister. “Who made that list?!”

“Oh,” Buffy scanned the sheet of paper responsible for her sibling’s reaction. “Oops. I was just doodling.”

“What’s it say?” Spike snatched away the paper his fiancée was trying to crumple up and throw away. “No bloody way,” his eyes practically popped out of his head over one item on the list. “I’ve agreed not to start up with the smoking in this body and I don’t mind your wanting me to add a little color now that the sun won’t turn me into a bloody pile of ashes. Hell, I’m even letting the poof attend the wedding, but I draw the line at having my bits cut.”

“Honey, it’s nothing to be afraid of. They just nip the tip. I know in your time circumcision was unheard of or really painful, but now it’s a very common easy process and the results are much more hygienic,” she assured him as the others reacted to the new topic with varying degrees of distaste.

“Typical bloody female,” the blonde man rose to pace the apartment. “You get yourself a perfectly fine specimen of a male and start trying to change him. Not this mate, though, oh no,” he wagged a finger at her. “I’ve let you get away with a bloody lot in our relationship, but I’m putting my foot down on this. Anyone comes near my willie with a sharp instrument and I’ll snap their bloody neck.”

“Now, Spike, do you really think I’d ever suggest it if it was a bad thing?” Buffy rose and approached him to slide a hand over the front of his jeans. “I’m just as attached to this as you are,” she whispered into his ear and continued to stroke him through his pants.

“Whoa! Stop that, right now,” Xander practically screamed in panic as he clearly heard the sound of a zipper being lowered.

Buffy froze at the reminder that they weren’t alone and slowly removed her hand from inside Spike pants allowing her smirking boyfriend to carefully zip his fly back up.

“Get a room,” Dawn groaned as the newly engaged couple exchanged a series of intimate laughing glances at having been caught misbehaving.

“Don’t even think of using mine,” Xander jumped quickly to his feet and moved to bar a door to the right.

“Relax, you nit, I wouldn’t wanna sully my bride-to-be by shagging on your linens,” Spike sat back down and pulled Buffy into his lap. “Now, luv,” he picked up the list again, “what’s this about a pregnancy test?”

“Oh, we won’t need that for a few weeks, but you’re gonna have to wear condoms until we know for sure last night didn’t … you know, get the job done already … and then I’ll go on the pill,” she explained.

“What for?” he frowned. “Thought you liked the idea of a whipper snapper.”

“I do,” she gave him a series of slow soft kisses until the frown was gone. “We just need to put off starting our happy little family until we’re actually married and earning a living to support children and most importantly have a nice little place of our own to live in. But back to the circumcision, it really isn’t something to argue about. Xander’s circumcised and he survived it without complaint or trauma. Are you gonna tell me that he can handle it, but you can’t?”

“Oh, sure, strike at the bloody ego when your touchy feely ploys don’t work to get your way,” he groaned. “Fine, I’ll do, but you’re gonna owe me big time.”

“I think,” she raised his right hand and licked his index finger, “I can make it worth your while,” she drew the digit into her mouth and sucked on it for a few minutes.

“Ok, all kidding aside,” Xander looked at Dawn and Willow, “that ain’t right.”

“Maybe I should try a spell reversal spell,” Willow said slowly as she watched the couple make out in a slightly sickening lovey dovey fashion. “Just in case.”

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