Chapter 7

Spike laid her down on the bed; her withdrawn and defeated state tore at his demon filling it with rage. Not at her, it was the overwhelming need to protect her by punishing those that had harmed her. From the stories, the demons told about her and the ones she had told herself, he had no doubt you was one of the best Slayers ever called, possible even the best of them all. He had never heard of one being as feared but it was the fact they didn’t just talk about the Slayer guarding the hellmouth, they called her Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was a sign of respect to use her title and soon she would have another. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, consort of William the Bloody.

He liked the way it sounded, very regal and all that rot but as the new Master of the Order of Aurelius, some measure of pomp and circumstances were to be expected. He’d come to town to defeat the Slayer who’d inadvertently killed the two vamps keeping him from the head of the order only to find himself inexplicable drawn to her. The night they met, he had been exploring the town and she had come out of the darkness, spitting fire from her eyes and all but aching for a good fight. Before he’d had enough time to come up with a suitably sarcastic greeting she had socked him in the nose and changed both their lives forever.

Now that proud and lethal warrior was humbled and broken.

Not by his kind but by the same pathetic humans she was chosen to protect. What he couldn’t understand was that if he, a soulless demon, could see something inside her, something powerful enough to have him willingly forgo the kill, how could the humans that had done this to her not?

Brushing his hand through her hair, he watched her sleeping so soundly as the events of the day had caught up to her. She had been out cold before he’d even made it to her room and while he had other ways of soothing her on his mind, he didn’t have the heart to wake her. Mortal or not he had promised her forever and no matter what he had to do, he’d find some way from saving her from death. Nevertheless, since that was a matter for another day, he decided to focus on what he could take care of.

Leaning over he picked up the phone off the bedside table and dialed.

“Spike is that you?”

“Yeah mum, I didn‘t mean to make you worry.” Spike said smirking slightly.

“You just disappeared; we all figured the Slayer got you.” James shot back wondering if his oldest friend would ever change. “Elizabeth was worried sick and when my girl’s unhappy so am I. So where in the hell have you been?”

“Slayer got me.”

“That bitch! When...”

Spike snarled into the phone to cut him off before he went too far. “Watch it. That’s my girl and you're soon to be mistress that you’re talking about.”

“Did you feed off a junkie or something, cause you’re not making any sense?”

Spike quickly filled him in on everything that had been going on over his two-day absence and he couldn’t resist bragging about some of her kills.

“You turned a Slayer.” James said softly his voice laced with awe and a good dose of shock.

“Nah mate, I like her being alive but I am going to claim her.”

“Are you insane?” James yelled into the phone, finally hearing too much. “She’ll kill us all and I’m not about to let my girl die because you’re thinking with your dick. That bastard Angelus nearly cost me her life and you know...YOU KNOW...that is why we left the fold. If you want to turn her that‘s fine but don‘t expect us to stick around if you don‘t. You know how those girls are and once she finds out you took out two of her predecessors she’ll dust you.”

Spike let out a sigh but knew that if anyone in this world would understand it would be James. “She knows the truth about me. Knows what I am and what I've done but she still wants me anyway. I told her I won’t kill and I meant it. She‘s not like the others James, this girl different. ”

“How can you do that, you need the violence, the hunt?”

“What would you do for Elizabeth?” Spike asked him softly, not expecting an answer because he already knew it. James would do anything for his love, his mate and so would Spike. “As for the hunt, told the girl I’d help her guard the bloody hellmouth. I don’t reckon it makes a difference if I spill demon blood instead of human. Bloodshed is still bloodshed mate.”

“I understand.” James said after a few seconds. “Is that why you’re calling to warn us?”

“No, there was something I wanted you to do for me.”

“Would you have called if she was coming?” James asked, needing to know if his friend’s loyalty was as strong as he always thought it was. He could understand him doing what he had to for love but that didn’t mean he had to betray his friends.

“Bloody hell, you know I would. I told you when you joined up with me that I’d protect you and your bird and nothing changes that. I’m not the only one with a choice to make you lot need to decide which matters to you more; the kill or your unlives.” Spike said getting a little impatient. He didn’t know how long she would be asleep and he had a reason for calling; this wasn’t it. He had planned to tell his family personally but James never was the patient type. “I figured we’d raid the hospital supplies for now but I planned on setting up one of those blood banks like they have in Europe. So we’d have our own fresh stock. My girl is adamant about not letting her humans get hurt but she can’t complain about us paying them for their blood. It would only take a week or so to set up in one of the buildings Nest owned around here and since money isn’t a problem, we can bribe the right officials to get the permits we’d need. So mate, you need to decide if the kill means more to you than a safe haven for you and your mate. If you or anyone else can’t stomach the new rules, then you should leave. If you feed in this town, even once, my girl will do her job.”

James laughed softly and shook his head. “I guess you were thinking with you’re brain after all. Then again, your plans do have a way of going wrong, so I guess Lizzy and I had better stick around to help that new girl of yours keep you out of trouble.Always did want to meet a Slayer and live to talk about it. But I'll let the others know that's how the wind blows now. I‘m pretty sure Dalton will stay but I bet Penn takes off or will try to challenge you. He never did like you but without Angelus around to keep him safe, I figure he’ll want to save his own skin first.”

“I’d rather the bastard leave, so make it clear that his fun and games are out as well; no humans are to be hurt or tasted. If it’s a fight he’s wanting, I’d be more than happy to dust the sot...never did like him. As for the minions, they belonged to the Annoying One and I don’t care what happens to them, so leave them out of the loop. This news is for family only but since I haven’t actually claimed the chit yet, I don’t want Peaches to find out until it’s said and done with. So tell Penn to keep his yap shut; he swore loyalty to me years ago and even if he always fancied Angelus, he’ll keep it until he formally challenges me. I am the head of the Order now and I recon the rest of the line won’t be so understanding but we’ll deal with that later. Right now I need you to do something for me.”

“Your wish is my command oh Slayer-whipped one.”

“Sod off, you’ve got it just as bad as I do.” Spike said gruffly but without any real heat. Technically James was now his childe because he had claimed him as such but since he was also a friend he didn’t lay down the law unless he had to. “I need you to find the Principal of the High School. He upset my girl and is trying to make trouble for her but while you can’t kill the sot, I think you can convince him to change his mind. So here‘s what you‘re gonna do...”


“Hello cutie.” Spike said, laying down his book when Buffy rolled over to look at him.

“What time is it?” She asked groggily, looking up at him.

“Just shy of five luv, you were only out a couple of hours.”

“ stayed with me?” Buffy asked softly.

He bent over to place a kiss against her forehead before brining her closer to his side. While she was out, he’d made a few other calls to get the ball rolling on his plans and when there had been nothing else to do he had decided to read the book that caused her so much trouble again. It was funny how something as beautiful as Shakespeare’s works could cause so much pain and strife. “Nowhere else I’d rather be pet. How do you feel?”

Buffy cuddled against his chest, breathing in the musky scent of his skin with just a hint of smoke added to the mix, before letting out a troubled sigh. “Well I’m totally dead when my mom finds out but other than that I feel pretty good. I’m sure you think I’m crazy, cause of the moodiness, but it’s been a long time since I let myself cry.”

He felt her stiffen slightly as soon as the words left her mouth and it made him curious as to the cause. “When was that luv?”

“When the Anointed One tried to resurrect the Master. I’ve had a lot of close calls since I became the Slayer but he was the one that managed to take me out. I was completely helpless and I knew the minute he whispered into my ear that I was going to die...that it was over. Then suddenly I’m back and I guess that’s why I felt so powerful; it’s not ever day you get to cheat death and thwart a prophecy. But once things calmed down again and the adrenaline faded...the nightmares started. I spent all summer dreaming that he’d come back just like I did and each time I faced him again it always ended the same way. I died, only I didn’t come back again. I was a complete basket case by the time I came back and then suddenly it looks like my nightmares were about to come true. I totally shut down and nearly ended up getting all my friends killed but once I broke his bones with a big old felt like it was finally over. I was free to go on living again and I cried out all the fear and pain that I was too afraid of letting go before.”

“Now don’t take this the wrong way pet but are you sure you let it all out?” He asked her gently, stroking his hand down her back to let her know that he was only trying to help her.

“I’ve never told anyone this but something changed that night.” Buffy said quietly. “I swear I felt something stir inside me like it had been there the whole time and my death had woken it up. All of my senses sharpened to a point that it was almost painful. My vision had always been pretty good but now I can see clearly on the darkest of nights and see every line on the leaves of the trees from more than a hundred yards away. The tiniest sounds, no matter how faint come in loud and clear which was more of a curse than anything in a city like LA, so I had to learn how to tone them out because of all the headaches I was having. I know that Xander’s fooling around with Cordelia because I can smell her on him...not just her perfume but her. Her sweat, her spit, hell it might not make any sense but I can even smell how bad she wants him...which is totally gross. I also heal faster than I did before and I now my demon senses that Giles was constantly telling me to hone, do all the work without the slightest help from me.”

Instantly understanding what she was not putting into words, he had to smile at the way her mind worked. “So you thought that was your body’s way of preparing you for round two.”

“Yeah.” Buffy admitted after a few seconds, wondering how someone she had only just met could read her so well. “Another Slayer was called and everything, so I just thought that since they’re was only supposed to be one of us...that fate was going to fix its mistake.”

“I can’t say I understand much about Slayers, other than killing them I don’t know how things work but maybe your death set something off. One girl dies and another is called right that second, so maybe when you came back you were re-chosen and your powers doubled.” Spike said thinking that would explain why she affected his senses so strongly. “Our kind can sense when the Slayer’s around but it vague...more like a general warning of danger instead of an instant understanding of where you are. But you luv, you didn’t just register on my senses you dominated them.”

“Does it hurt you...being this close to me?” Buffy asked looking up at him, so she could watch his face as he answered.

“It stunned me for a second, which is why you landed that first shot but once I got used to it wasn’t overpowering any longer. I can’t ignore it completely though and I’m guessing it’s the same for you.” Spike told her honestly. It had been a slight bit unsettling at first, having all that power battering his senses but it hadn’t been painful, not physically. Now that he wasn’t looking at her like a kill or a threat, it was actually pleasant to feel the tendrils of her power causing tingles inside his entire being.

As if she read his mind, she arched her eyebrows and blushed slightly. An irresistible mix of innocence and smugness, that was only one of the things he found captivating about her. “I guess I’m not the only who doesn’t mind. It’s like that those tremors you get when you have that really good and totally perfect first kiss.”

“I don’t know about luv; wanna see if all my kisses make you tremble?” He said smoothly rolling her onto her back and sliding the length of his body against hers.

She had a pretty good idea where this was going, especially because she could feel his erection pressing against the side of her leg but there was something she had to say first. Taking his hand in her own, she looked into his eyes and tried to put everything she was feeling for him in her own. “I want to thank you for being there for me when I needed to fall apart. For some reason I feel safe and protected around you without feeling like I’m weak or helpless. Instead I feel cherished…maybe even loved. I don’t know how it happened and its way to soon to be saying something like this but I think…I think I’m falling in love you.”

Touched, he smiled down at her like the besotted fool that he was not caring that it didn’t go with his big bad persona. With her, he didn’t have to pretend because somehow he knew that no matter which side of himself he revealed, she’d never turn away. “Love isn’t a soft and comforting thing pet, not always. It’s not always gentle or kind, sometimes it’s rough and it hurts. That’s why love doesn’t just happen; you fall into it unexpectedly and try to catch each other as you go down. I’ll always catch you luv.”

When he lowered his lips to hers she didn’t try to resist and a few moments later when his hands started to pull her top off, she abandoned the last of her reservations because of the concern she could see in his turbulent blue eyes.

When she gave a slight nod, he slowly pulled it over her head giving her plenty of time to change her mind. She didn’t and when she was laying down in nothing but a virginal white bra he could feel his desire soar with the sight of all that creamy skin and soft curves that would make a sane man beg. She was thin but instead of the bone covered flesh that seemed to be the current standard of womanly perfection, she was supple and sleek like a predatory cat. He could feel those powerful muscles taunt beneath her yielding skin and more than anything he wanted to lower his head to lick across the toned planes of her stomach but he could still sense her discomfort. Forcing himself to remember that this was her first time, he eased down the pathetic excuse of denim that was supposed to be a skirt and simply stoked over her body to familiarize her with his touch.

When she began to moan softly and arch up to meet his hands, he increased the pressure of his strokes and finally allowed himself to lower his head towards her lace covered breast. Nuzzling her through the fabric, he lowered his hand down to gently caress her clit through her panties. At first she jolted but by the time he sucked her nipple into his mouth through the thing barrier separating him from her skin, the scent of her arousal was heavy in the air.

By the time he removed her panties and bra, she felt like her entire body was nothing but a quivering mass of raw need. Under his confident strokes her hesitation had melted and so had her nerves. She had always been a little shy about actually taking about sex, even when it was just her and Willow there was a lot of blushing and stammering but she didn’t feel so shy now. “Spike, I need to touch you.”

“Baby wants to play does she.” He said with a slight smirk. At first she had been still but when he had nibbled on her breast, her hands hand reached out to pull him closer. Pulling away he quickly shed his own clothes and slid back on top of her. Catching the look of raw need in her eyes as she looked over his body he could feel his cock twitching in response. “Like what you see do you?”

Rolling her eyes because she wanted his mouth to be doing something other than taking, she took the initiative and leaned up to lick at his chest like a hungry cat. He was so deliciously cold against her inflamed skin that before she had even realized what she was doing, she had pushed him back so that she was now the one on top. Take, want, have….NOW, her body screamed at her drowning out her virginal insecurities.

“Bloody hell.” He groaned out as she began to devour him with her mouth and hands. She was turning his own methods against him, repeating everything he had done to her on his own body and when her warm hand wrapped around his shaft he couldn’t repress the shudder that went skittering down his spine. Hell, she was so fucking responsive, every touch of his hands on her body resulted in a response. Moans and soft cries filled the darkened room and each one made him forget that he wanted to be gentle.

She was the bloody Slayer, he should have known that she’d be a hell-cat in the sack, he thought as her blunt teeth bit into his shoulder when he slid a finger into her tight, wet, warmth. Shoving her back down, he resumed the dominate position which brought his demon swelling to the surface.

Looking up she saw his amber eyes staring down at her and instead of being afraid or repulsed she lifted up her mouth and kissed him as his fingers furiously pumped inside her. She slid her tongue into his mouth, nicking it on his fangs and the tiny splinter of pain coupled with the pleasure built inside her, cause her to spill into his hand as her first climax was unleashed.

With her bucking and writhing beneath him, he nearly split out his own release like a randy school boy. It didn’t help that her powerful blood was sliding across his tongue and he knew that if he didn’t take her now, he’d never make it. Watching her face, he slid inside her and when she gasped from the sudden pain of him breaching her body he paused to let her get acclimated to their joining. “Trust me luv, it will feel good again in a second…I promise.”

He was wrong, it had never stopped feeling good, she though arching up her hips to meet him. She had felt the sharp pain as he took her virginity but feeling him inside her, filling her so completely was more than worth it. “Don’t stop Spike…need you.” She breathed out, soothing her hand over the sharp planes of his demonic face.

“Cor luv, you’re so fucking tight.” He mumbled almost incoherently as her powerful leg wrapped around him, urging him to go faster…go deeper.

Time lost all meaning as the completely lost themselves in one another’s body but when he felt her second climax reach his peak he lowered his face to her neck. The moment she tightened around him, he sank his fangs deep into her skin, branding her as his own release overtook him. Taking deep draughts of her blood, he continued to spill himself inside her as the waves of her climax seemed never-ending.

Even in this half wild state his first instinct was to protect her so he had no problem pulling out his fangs before he could take to much. After licking over the wounds, he pulled away to look down at her. “Mine.”

“I‘m yours.” She said arching up to seal her commitment to him with a kiss.

It was as desperate as their mating had been and when he drew away to offer his own neck, she never hesitated. Lowering her lips to his silken ivory skin, she bit into him, drawing a soft moan from his throat. When she felt his blood pool inside her mouth, she took only a single deep swallow before pulling her mouth away to press a soft kiss against the mark. “Mine.” She said softly, swept away by the tenderness in his expression.

“Yours.” He agreed, sealing the claim and binding them forever. He could feel their auras wrap around each other, melding in the air and charging it with the power of old magicks. When it slipped back inside him, he could feel her in ever fiber of his being and knew from the gentle awe in her eyes that she could feel it as well.

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