Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks for the reviews guys!!! They make me feel all bubbly inside.
lyrics by The Ramon’s and New Kids On The Block


Chapter 12: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Buffy arrived home later that evening to the smell of something yummy cooking. Joyce heard the door and called for her daughter.

“Sweetie, could you come in here for a sec.”

Buffy flung her garment bag over her shoulder and walked down the hallway. Stepping through the doorway she paused upon the island countertop, watching her mother breeze around the kitchen. Joyce was making her famous chicken enchiladas with zesty green chili sauce. Raising her head she smiled at her daughter wiping her hands on a dishrag, then walking over towards Buffy.

“Well, how was the mall?”

“It was the mall, mom. But I had fun, hung with Willow and Faith.” She said placing her covered dress on top of the counter.

“Faith, who is she? I don’t think I know her, do I?”

Buffy shook her head answering in the negative. She watched her mother finished lining the pan with tortillas, scooping the meat from the frying pan then placed it inside the flour casing. Joyce then added some shredded cheddar cheese, rolling the concoction closed placing more cheese on top with some sauce, and then set it in the oven.

“Mind showing me your dress. Or do I have to wait till prom night,” she asked with a small smirk.

Buffy smiled then leaned over the garment bag unzipping it. She reached inside to retrieve the garment. Holding it up by its hanger she smoothed the fabric down. Joyce gasped, it was beautiful and so Buffy.

“Its lovely honey. Can’t wait to see you in it.”

Just then Angel burst through the kitchen door.

“Where have you been?” Buffy questioned him lowering her dress.

“Around, then went over Spike’s… played some games. Why? Let me see.” The brunette commented gesturing to the dress.

“Just asking, figured you all would have spent the day here, what ever. Yeah, it’s the dress see, all pretty like me.”

Angel nodded his head. He liked the dress, but didn’t expect his sister to find one so soon, but all the better. Now he knew the color, which played perfectly with his plan. Smiling Buffy placed the outfit back into its shroud zipping it closed.

“I’m gonna hang this up be back down for dinner.”

Joyce noticed the smirk that graced her son’s lips; resting her weight upon her hip she turned to face him.

“What’s churning in that head of yours?” Angel chuckled at the question.

“Oh nothing. Just have something special planned to make her prom unforgettable.”

Raising an eyebrow their mother turned her attention back to the dinner being prepared, she wouldn’t push the issue, she knew Angel would talk to her soon enough. Buffy came back into the kitchen and quickly set to work tossing a salad together. She chopped some carrots as Angel reached around her, snatching one popping it into his mouth.

“Stop! You’ll rune your dinner mister.” Buffy chide with a smile.

“I’m a big boy, there’ll be room.” He retorted placing a loving kiss atop her head.

Removing the tray from the oven Joyce placed it on the counter, as Angel sat her lavender-serving platter next to the finished main course. Walking over to the fridge he removed two cans of pop, one coke, the other diet coke, and one pitcher of Crystal Light. They converged into the dinning room each bring their burden to the table, setting it down.

Dinner moved along uninterrupted, as Buffy talked about the overly populated mall, and Angel went on about getting his car detailed. Joyce informed them about a new shipment that had just arrived at the gallery, and she couldn’t wait to open it on Monday.

“That reminds me,” Joyce said wiping the sides of her mouth with her napkin. “Rupert and I are going out of town for the weekend. He found this lovely Bed and Breakfast in the mountains. So we decided to spend some quality time there.”

“Ewww TMI mom, tmi. But that’s cool. I’m all for the quality time spend-age.”

“Yeah, that’s fine. When do you leave?” Angel asked taking a mouthful of his coke.

“This Friday,” Joyce pained them with a glare. “And I mean it this time NO. PARTIES. Am I understood?”

Buffy’s eyes grow wide, “Yup, totally. One hundred percent, so not trying to repeat what happened last time.”

Attention peaked Angel directed his gaze towards Buffy.

“And what exactly happened last time oh sister of mine?”

“Oh you know the whole fighting and the breaking of mom’s valuables.”

Angel snickered as Buffy shot him the middle finger when their mother wasn’t looking.

“Yes, this is exactly why I don’t want a party this time.”

“We promise.” The siblings announced in unison.

“And that reminds me. Buffy, Dawn will be staying here for the weekend. And before you protest you can have company as well, the both of you. Unless you have some other place to be Angel.”

“Nah, I’ll be here watching over the flock. See if Spike’ll join me.”

Buffy snorted around a mouth full of enchilada.

“Like we’re gonna be so safe with you two watching our backs.”


Monday afternoon seemed to drag on forever, if Buffy didn’t get out of the sun she was sure she’d melt into a sticky puddle of Buffy goo. The sun was beating down on her from over head along with her fellow upper classmen, they where arranged out on the football field sitting in metal folding chairs. Snyder was droning on about the importance of graduation, how it marked their passing into the “real” world, leaving behind their childhood dreams.

Willow leaned over into Buffy’s ear; “I’d wish he’d wrap it up already. My butt is starting to melt through my jeans. Evil troll!”

The girls quickly stifled their giggles from the stern look Ms. Calendar was shooting them. Finally rehearsal was over and they were free to their own devices. The best friends hooked arms, heading off from the field to deposit their books in their respective lockers then head home.

“Hey Tara!” Buffy shouted over the mass of teens waving her hand at the blonde, Willow added a wave as well with a bright chipper smile. Tara wasn’t at rehearsal due to taking a make up quiz.

“Oww, I think I have sun burn on my lips.”

“Awww, Wills it’s not that bad. Here.” Buffy handed her some tinted Chap Stick from her black mini backpack.

The redhead accepted the offered stick applying it to her injured lips, “Snyder truly is evil.”

“Who’s e-e-evil?” Tara asked finally making her way over to the duo.

“Just Snyder. He made Willow sunburn her lips. Told you he was a little troll.”

Closing her locker door Buffy turned to walk with her friends. Willow handed her back the Chap Stick as she smacked her lips together. “Much better,” she announced with a small smile.

“That’s good, wouldn’t want anything interrupting the smooch session with Gunn.” Both blonde and red locks whipped around to the shy girl sandwiched between them.

“W-W-What? I can dish.” Tara said with a straight face then burst into giggles followed by both Buffy and Willow. Exiting the school the girls started walking down the street.

“Oh, before I forget. My mom is going out of town for the weekend with Giles, and she said I could have company. So do you guys wanna hang, munch on some junk food, and rent some movies. You know girly stuff.”

“Oooo, sounds fun, I’m in!” Willow replied practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. Best friend time with Buffy was definitely of the good; especially since they hadn’t spent much time together other than buying their prom dresses.

“What about you Tara?”

Frowning at the question Tara worried her bottom lip for a moment. “I’m sorry Buffy, but my dad is taking us out of town for the weekend. Grandpa finished renovating his cabin by the lake, and he wants us to come for a visit.”

“That’s cool. We’ll just do the whole slumber party thing during the summer.”

That seemed to cheer the shy blonde up as they continued their walk home.


“No. No. NO! I’m not going.”

“Come on, you have to go.” Dawn whined following her brother around the living room couch.

“There is no way in bloody hell I’m spending a weekend locked in some bleedin’ house with girls, just so you can feel safe knowing where I am.” Spike huffed stomping up the steps.

Dawn wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Well, what kind of friend are you being then…. Huh? Just leaving Angel all alone to fend against his sister, me, and I’m guessing, Willow.”

Spike really didn’t want to spend a whole weekend in the Summers’ residence with Buffy, which was pure torture, it took all his wheel power just to get through practice without touching her, and two nights in a house with her and Angel it wasn’t happening. Entering his room Spike turned to face the annoying person that was his sister.

“Bugger off,” followed by his bedroom door being slammed in her face. “How rude!” Dawn spat marching down the hall to her room, effectively slamming her door in reply.

Spike had just lit a cigarette when the phone rang; walking over he snatched it up. “Lo? Peaches… what? …. No, just got done with Dawn.” His shoulders slumped, there was just no way getting around it was there? “Fine, yeah I heard ya… no… no…. yeah, whatever… I’ll be there.” Spike finished slamming the phone down, he was friends with Angel again why? He would sit down later to reevaluate that concept.


Friday came quickly which was a relief to Buffy, things at school were winding down, and prom was almost here, then graduation. Yup, Buffy was ecstatic, soon she would be a free woman, well at lest until fall when college started. Her mother had left an hour ago with a very giddy? Yeah, giddy Giles in hand, Buffy though it was cute in a freakish ‘old people loven’ sortta way.

The doorbell rang saving her from some very disturbing mental imagery. Shaking her head she was greeted to a Dawn struggling with her sleeping bag, an over night bag and what appeared to be a small suitcase. Reaching out the blonde took the sleeping bag then backed away from the door.

“Why didn’t Spike help you with all this stuff?”

“Cause Angel came swooping down saying they needed to head someplace. So I get tossed to the side with bags in tow. Seriously, how rude is that!” Buffy arched her brow as a scowl stole over her features.

“Yes Dawnie that is way rude, and wrong. Sometimes I don’t know about the male race, how’d they ever survived during prehistoric times is beyond me.”

The two walked farther into the house as Dawn closed the door behind her. “You can stow your stuff in my room.” Buffy tossed over her shoulder, placing the sleeping bag at the bottom of the stairs since the doorbell rang once more.

Turning in direction once again Buffy opened the door as the redhead burst through.

“Hey Buffy, I brought sugary goodness.” Willow giggled holding up a bag of cookies, gummy bears, and other fattening goodies.

“Ooo, yummy!” Taking the bag Buffy headed to the kitchen as Willow brought the rest of her things inside. Turning around she waved at her dad who beeped his car horn then pulled off, driving away.

“Hey Dawnie!”

“Hey Willow. I just got here, kicked to the curb.” The computer geek arched her brow at the younger girl.

“Loooong story.” She supplied rolling her eyes releasing an exasperated sigh.

Willow understood laughing, “Men!”

Buffy’s voice called out from the kitchen, “S’mores, awww we’re partying to night.”

Exiting the kitchen Buffy joined her guests as they headed for the living room.


“You know Buffy’s goin’ to have a fit for you kicking Nibblet out like that.”

“Yeah, well I needed to talk, ALONE. And her being anywhere near us equals to everything being blown. And it had to wait till now, cause you know, Buffy was always around.”

Spike waited a few moments for Angel to continue, keeping his eyes on the road still driving.

“Well.” Narrowing his eyes the dark haired boy eyed up his companion.

“Oh yeah. I was thinking about something, anyway, I got a peek at Buffy’s dress, the color and everything. So it should be no problem getting what you need.”

Smirking Spike nodded his head; he was set on making this a night Buffy would always remember.


The sun was setting as the night started to slowly creep in, Buffy walked over to the table lamps and turned them on. Turning around she faced her guests. Willow and Dawn were bubbling with excitement. Willow was thrilled to be having time with Buffy again, like they used to way before the men in their lives started messing with their time, and Dawn was to happy to be spending the weekend with almost legally adult girls. Just how cool was that.

The front door unlocked and in stepped Angel with Spike close behind.

“Look what we found coming up the steps.” Angel said gesturing over his shoulder.

He locked eyes on Buffy with his “annoyed” look as Willow burst into laughter. Puzzled Buffy rolled her eyes at her brother, flashed a quick smile at Spike, and then turned to questionably stare at her best friend.

Willow wiped at her eye removing the small tear that escaped from it. “I’m sorry… it’s just… it’s…. oh goodness.” She finished burying her head in one of the pillows from the couch.

“Oook, Wills we need to talk later. Faith you can stow your stuff in my room.”

Nodding her head the raven headed beauty marched up the steps two by to deposit her over night back.

“Ahhh look, the dynamic duo has graced us with their presents. Oh joy!” Buffy mocked swooned, laughing as she walked towards the couch to sit down.

Faith came bounding down the steps with a plastic bag in tow. Holding it up with a big cheesy grin on her face, at that moment Buffy decided she like seeing Faith with a grin like that. She looked less troubled, and happier, like a teen should be.

“Look what I got,” she said holding the bag in the air.

“What’d you get?”

“Oh surprises!”

“Gimme, gimme!”

The three girls shouted all at once, stopping they began to laugh.

“All I’m hintin at is there movies.” Faith supplied, letting a smirk curve her lips.

“Party pooper.” Buffy teased taking the bag from her friend. “No peeking B.”

The blonde held up her hand as taking an oath as she strolled over to the television set, placing the VSH tapes next to it on the floor.

“Well, we’ll be in my room if you need us.” Angel announced as he and Spike headed up the stairs.


Dawn came back into the living room with their second large bowl of popcorn, at the same time Buffy came back down from her room, with some photo albums in hand. All four girls sat along the couch grabbing handfuls of popcorn then shoving it into their waiting mouths. Pushing her salty treat to one side of her mouth Buffy spoke around it.

“Who wants to look at middle school pics?”

“Oh I gotta see this,” Faith said while moving closer to Buffy to get a better view. Since she didn’t move to Sunnydale until high school, she didn’t know what any of her new friends looked like.

Flipping the cover to the first page they gazed at some of the old faculty members, shifting through some more Buffy landed on her homeroom pictures. Faith snorted pointing at one kid.

“Who’s that?”

Looking closer Buffy and Willow started laughing, “That’s Xander.”

Dawn grabbed the book blinking her eyes, “No way. He was such a dork, hello who wears Hawaiian shirts?”

Next they stopped on Cordelia who was sporting mile high bangs that looking like a wave of hair, hot pink Polo shirt with a white collar. “Man I wish I could see the rest of that outfit.” Faith commented snickering.

“Hey, that hair was so in then.” Soon as Buffy said that they gazed upon her pic.

“Now I know what you look like as a brunette, not to shabby.”

“Piffft, that’s why I’m blonde now see.”

Flipping through more pages they stopped again, “Ewww! Darla. So that answers my question, she’s always looked slutty.” Willow said as everyone started to laugh.

“Seriously, who wears a see through top for picture day,” Buffy squinted at the color photograph, “Without a bra?”

Laughing some more they shifted their sights yet to another more humorous picture. It was Angel with a tight black hoodie on and a high low fade like Vanilla Ice, he even had the small lines cut into his eyebrow. The living room filled with howls of laughter, as the girls wiped at tears, dubbing over on to each other clutching their stomachs.

“OMG, I remember him walking around with that gold foil wrapped around his tooth, like he had gold teeth.” Willow wheezed out.

The eruption caught the attention of the occupants upstairs, and being men, they were just curious enough to venture down to see what was going on. Stepping into the living room they took in the scene of the foursome in a fit of giggles falling over each other, with what looked like a school year book open and perched in Buffy’s lap.

“What’s so fun?” Angel asked placing his hands on his hips.

Looking up the girls broke out laughing again, but quickly composed themselves fighting to keep the small laughter from bursting through.

“Nothing… nothing at all…” Buffy said slapping her hand over her mouth.

“Nope everything five by five Mr. Ice!”

Everyone broke into laughter once again; a few snorts were tossed in as well. Fed up, Angel stormed over snatching the book up glancing down at the pictures.

“Ha, ha, ha… very funny ladies. It happened to be “in” back then.”

Spike walked over peering over his best friend’s shoulder, taking the picture in.

“You look like one of those nancy band boys,” snickered Spike slapping Angel on the back.

Buffy reclaimed her book, flipping to the next page, stifling another outburst. “Like you need to be talking.”

She turned the book to her friends and his sister, they all took the sight in then started to holler again.

“And you do tweed so well!”

Spike glared at the petite blonde who was currently laughing at him, as he snatched the book much like Angel did. Looking at the picture he visibly paled, he forgotten he even took it. There, in techno color, he sat sporting his naturally, curly ash blonde locks, that were sort of disheveled, wire rimmed glasses, and tweed sweater to top it off.

“Ha, bloody ha! Get your jollies while you can.”

“Awww, cheer up Spike. Don’t be mad cause I looked good all the time, and you looked like… what do you always say?”

Dawn turned to Buffy opening her mouth, “A nancy boy, poofter, and Nellie.” She finished with a nod of her head.

“Thanks Dawnie, couldn’t have said it better myself, since I don’t speak British and all.”

“I didn’t see any of Dru.” Willow commented.

“Oh, that’s cause the loon thought pictures stole your soul. So she refused to take them.” Spike supplied.


Buffy walked into the kitchen to get the guacamole from the fridge, it was time for facials. Pausing in mid stride she couldn’t help but take in the view that greeted her. Bent over rummaging through her fridge was Spike, and she got to ogle his oh so lovely ass. Straitening up Spike stretched revealing what he found from the fridge.

“What are you doing with that?”

Smirking, “What does it look like? I’m gonna eat it.”

“No, that is so not of the consumption type.” She announced placing her hands on her hips.

“Oh really? Watch me.” Spike took the foil off the guacamole.

Narrowing her eyes Buffy pegged him with her “don’t you dare cross me” look. Which he only smirked to sticking his finger in the green concoction.

Eyes wide and mouth dropping open Buffy stammered to form words. So when she was finally able to why did it come out as a whine.


With an exasperated sigh and an eye roll for added measure, which Spike chalked it up to still spending way too much time around Dawn; he placed the mixer on the counter.


“Yes, very. And since you’re so keen to having your body covered in it. No, stop with the dirty… you can join our make over party.”


“Pleeeeeease.” Buffy begged batting her eyes and pouting her bottom lip.

“I said no. You do bloody well know the meaning, right pet?”


Twenty minutes later Spike found his face covered in goopy green dip that really were intended for chips, and his nails being filed down by his sister. How big of a poofter could he get, at least Angel was being tortured as well. Buffy was popping gummy bears in her mouth letting her facial mask dry as Willow painted her toe nails. Looking up from the bag of gummy goodness she noticed Spike was… he was glaring at her.

“What?” She asked clearly confused.

“Don’t what me. You know what you did.”


“Hey, take that back, don’t use my words.”

“Oh, yeah, like you invented ‘piffft’, like its some Spike-ism. Please.” Buffy retorted with an eye roll.

Feeling something cold on his fingers Spike glanced down at his sister, quickly he snatched his hand away.


“You can’t paint my nails. I agreed to this soddin’ shit being place on my face, but sack it, I’m drawing the frigging line now.”

“Spiiiiike,” ‘why did she have to whine, it must be a bloody woman thing?’ Spike thought rolling his eyes yet again. He agreed to stay with Angel why?

“Oh come on, don’t be such a wanker, it’s only orange. What’s the bloody difference between this one and black?”

“Hey, you shut your gob, don’t be saying bloody around me. And there is a difference, its orange.”

“Oh, wow. Like you telling me its color solves everything. Please!”


Fifteen minutes later Spike finally had a green appetizer free face and bright orange nails. But Angel didn’t fair to better, Buffy talked him into hot fuchsia nail varnish, it wasn’t to bad having orange now was it. “Who’s the poofter now, Peaches.” Spike commented to himself as a smirk graced his lips, as Angel flicked him the bird knowing what he was thinking.

“Ok, movie time!” Faith announced cracking her chewing gum loudly, but apparently only Spike and Angel noticed and found it utterly annoying.

“But first.” Buffy said sitting up off the floor, “We need to change for bed. And since you two are with us you have to participate.”

“Fine” The outnumbered men, grumbled getting up to leave.

“We’ll all converge back here in 10.” Buffy shouted at the retreating forms.


Dawn was the first one down dressed in a sports jersey with the Dallas Cowboys logo on it, carrying their team colors of sliver and blue. Along with her hair pulled back into a French braid Willow quickly did for her. The redhead followed suit, dressed in some lose fitting light blue Capri pj’s with a pink tank top, which had a care bear logo on it. Willow left her hair out, but as she sat down on the floor next to Dawn the younger girl began to make small braids in it.

Faith fallowed next dressed in some off white hip hugging sweat pants and a tight t-shirt, which was white with multi-striped sleeves, sitting 2 inches above her belly button. She had pulled her hair back into a haphazard twist held in place with a hair clip.

“I didn’t know you had a navel ring! How cute.” Willow supplied watching as the brunette sauntered into the room joining them.

“Yeah, got it on a whim right before I moved here. It is kinda cool, isn’t it.” She flashed a smirk looking down at her body piercing.

Buffy was last to join the group, dressed in some pink shorts that rode low on her hips, with the waist band rolled down. They were made from the same sweat material like Faith’s, but it had the words “Bootylicious” embroidered upon the butt, with a matching pink t-shirt. Her hair was parted down the middle in two pigtails with pink bows at the end, to keep them together.

“Ahhh, comfort.” The blonde said laying out her make shift bed upon the carpeted floor, the others followed suit. Finally the males joined the gathering.

“Oh my god, don’t you have any other color in your wardrobe other than black?” Buffy snickered trying not to ogle Spike, but she had to admit black or not he looked pretty damn sexy in her opinion. Even though it was just a black tank top and lose fitting cotton pants, but the top displayed his well defined arms that Buffy could get lost in. And his bottoms hung just enough to accentuate the slight curve of his ass; did he even know what he did to her?

“What’s wrong with my stuff?” He frowned looking down at himself. Buffy gave him a reassuring smile tossing over her shoulder.

“Nothing, just would like to see you in some other color… just not tweed.”

Angel threw himself down onto the couch causing a few of the pillows to topple onto the floor. He was dressed in some brown sweat pants and a black t-shirt. After the girls got themselves settled on their comfy piles of blankets they remember snacks. Can’t have good movie watch-age without the yummy goodness in tow. Willow and Angel jumped up to fix it as Buffy pulled a tape cassette from her bag o tricks.

“Ok Dawnie. Tonight you are going to be introduced to the greatest band of all time.” She displayed the tape, Faith started to laugh showing off her dimples. Getting up the blonde headed over to the stereo placing the tape inside. The opening cord played.

I'm not that kind of guy who can take a broken heart
So don't ever leave
I don't want to see us part
The very thought of losing you means
That everything
Would go down under

“This is my favorite from this tape,” Faith said starting to sing along, Buffy quickly agreed joining her friend in the singing.

I'll be loving you forever
Just as long as you want me to be
I'll be loving you forever
All this love's for you and me, yeah
(I'll be loving you)
I'll be
(I'll be loving you)
Loving you
(The things you do)
Yeah, it's forever
(I'll be loving you)
I'll be
(I'll be loving you)
Loving you, yeah

“Oh bloody hell! Don’t try to corrupt my sister Summers. It’s bad enough she listens to that nancy boy rot in the first place.”

Jumping up Spike walked over to his ever-present leather duster that was draped across one of the chairs in the living room, reaching into a pocket he pulled out a cd. Turning he headed back over to the stereo. The three girls watched him from the floor where they were sitting.

“Now this, this is real music. Something you obviously know nothing about.”

“Oh like Sex Pistols are soooo listen worthy.”

“See, that’s your problem. You have no ear for real music you daft bint.”

“See, just wait, I so have a English dictionary being delivered from e-bay. I’ll know soon enough.” Buffy chirped wiggling her finger at the blonde.

Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go, I wanna be sedated
Nothing to do nowhere to go I wanna be sedated

Buffy went to make a snarky comment when her breath hitched in her throat. There was Spike standing there with his “devil may care” attitude and a face reminiscent of a Billy Idol video, a total badass hottie, that’s what he was. God, she could feel her cheeks starting to flush a light pink, and that all to familiar tingling in her abdomen.

Just get me to the airport and put me in a plane
Hurry hurry hurry before I go insane, I can't control my fingers
I can't control my brain oh no oh ho

Buffy pushed up on her hands and knees slowly stalking towards the bleached rocker in her living room.

“Uh, Buffy, what are you doing?” Dawn asked in an awed whisper, glancing at her friend’s behind.

Spike watched Buffy’s approach, licking his lips in anticipation, god the things she did to him.

Coming to a stop at his feet Buffy slowly rose to hers, rubbing her hands up his t-shirt covered chest, whishing it was bare. She grabbed his right hand placing a small kiss on the palm then sucking the middle finger slowly into her mouth, drawing it out at a leisurely pace. Spike couldn’t help the shiver that ran through him as he ran his fingers through her golden curls.

Sliding his finger out of her mouth Buffy slid her hand behind his neck lowering his mouth, capturing it in a searing kiss.

“Hot damn. Go B!” Faith cheered from her spot on the floor.

Angel walked into the living room perched in the doorway, folding his arms over his chest.

“Did you hear me?”

Buffy ’s fingers danced in the lose curls at the nape of Spike’s neck as he ghost his hand over her hips, snaking his arm around her waist. Pulling her flush against him, his desire for her evident, nudging her in the thigh.

“Buffy, I said did you hear me.” Angel exclaimed with more fever to his tone.

Snapping her head to the right she blinked at her brother trying to shake the lustful cloud that infected her brain.


“Do you want butter or cheese on your popcorn? Gee Buffy, where is your head?”

Blinking again she turned her attention to Spike who was fixing her with a tilted head, eyes questioning her behavior, still standing across the room from her.

“Yeah… ummm… butter. Spike turn that off! It’s soooo not music.”

“See told ya, you have no taste.” He supplied as he pushed the “stop” button to the stereo.

Taking a deep breath Buffy whimpered ‘Its going to be a long weekend’


After everyone was settled Faith inserted the first flick, Titanic.

“Should have guessed…” Angel said turning to face Spike.

“Chick flick!” They said simultaneity.

“Please its so not a chick flick. Look, it has nudity, sex, some violence, boys can dig it.”

“Yeah, whatever. Just because there’s like one naked seen of the red headed chick doesn’t make it a flick for men.”

“So says the idiot whose boinking super slut from plant sluttopolios.” His sister retaliated.

“Shhhh, it’s starting.” Faith announced turning back over to rest her hands on her chin, along with the rest of the girls. They were spread out on their piles; Buffy and Willow had pillows from the couch, as they laid on their bellies watching the movie.

Buffy had her legs lifted in the air behind her, kicking her feet to a tune she only heard. Spike couldn’t help but to notice how her shorts, the little that was covering her clung shapely to her bum. He had to bite back the groan he felt coming on, why did he agree to staying the weekend again?

*some time later *

“See that’s so sweet.”

“I know Willow, it’s… oh… I love him so much.” Dawn said through sobs as she blotted at her tears.

“Man, Jack so rocks. It’d be nice if all men were like him.” Faith added

“Yeah. I mean sitting in freezing water, he gives up the float-y wood for Rose. That’s so (sigh) yeah.”

“It’s just a movie. I’m sure if it were real he’d give two shits about the bird and let her drowned.”

Angel burst into laughter followed by Spike as his cocky grin sat upon his face.

All four heads shot up turning to give the forms with the manly parts the evil eyes.

“That’s just wrong, and proves my point that men today… well they just suck. They suck and suck some more, they get what they want then turn all evil and toss you to the curb.”

‘Did I just self confess something?’ Buffy started to frown at the slip of her treacherous lips. Willow and Faith wanted to comfort her but they knew she wouldn’t give, as Angel and Spike just blinked at her like she’d turned into a state puff marshmallow person.

“Pissh-aw, I was only paraphrasing here. Duh, so stop with the funny looks, kay.”


“I love S’mores, they are my best friend.”

Buffy sang to herself in the kitchen while she made the gooey choco/marshmallow treat. Spike entered the kitchen eyeing the tiny girl, walking over he swiped a gram cracker, popping it into his mouth.

“Hey, was using that ya know.”

“Well you’re not now,” he replied through a mouth full of cracker.

Buffy placed the snack into the microwave for 30 seconds as she started on the next batch.

“What was up with that whole little speech in there?”

The bell “dinged” and she quickly turned around to remove them from the microwave, placing the S’mores down on the counter.

“Nothing, I told you. I was only making a point.” Buffy uttered, gazing down at the tile floor suddenly finding great intrest in how her mother made it sparkle after waxing it.

Spike never being the one to back down surged forward.

“That’s what happened, didn’ it? You and Riley.”

‘Stupid idiot, so convincing of the blonde thing.’ Raising her gaze resting it on the man standing before her, Buffy forced a small smile on her face.

“Yeah. It’s stupid, something… well… yeah, stupid.”

“’S not stupid Buffy. Hey, talking to someone who let the love of their life walk all over them.”

She gave him a small smile, “Yeah, I know. Thanks. It’s just so not fair; one person you think you love throws it right back in your face. And totally mess it up for anyone else who comes alone, just peachy.” She finished rolling her eyes.

“Well anyone who’s stupid enough to do wrong by you Buffy doesn’t deserve you.”

Buffy would be damned if her heart didn’t just stop beating then speed to a thousand beats per second, and that look Spike was sending her right then made her whole body shiver in blazing desire. Spike tentatively lifted his hand brushing his fingers across her flushed cheek. Buffy turned towards his touch closing her eyes, taking the feather light gesture committing it to memory. Lowering his hand he twined a lock of her hair that was no long in pigtails, around his finger as a coy smile danced upon her pink lips.

‘Get a grip, you can’t be doin’ this.’ Spike’s better half protested, choosing to ignore it he shoved it to the recesses of his mind. Licking her lips Buffy raised up on her toes meeting Spike’s lips in a kiss, so tender and sweet, but filled with passion and desire. Her knees bucked from the blissful pleasure his magic tongue was eliciting upon her.

‘Friends Buffy, friends… and crazy over bearing brother is in the next room.’ Buffy reminder herself before she got lost in the intimacy of the moment, a whimper escaped her lips, as they pulled apart. Sighed heavily she turned around to pick up the plate of snacks.

“We a… better get back before Angel sends out the hounds. And on to the chocolaty goodness.”


“About time, we though you were hogging all the sweet stuff for your selves.” Dawn said glancing at her brother walking back into the room.

This time Willow got up popping in the tape, since Faith let her snag a peep at them. She quickly pulled out her favorite movie thrilled that she had something else in common with the brunette.

“Ok, I love this movie. I’m quite sure every girl growing up loved this movie.”

Angel had turned off all the lamps except for one bathing the living room in a soft glow, as the girls got comfy on the floor. The movie started and Buffy, Faith, and Willow started to swoon.

“I love Dirty Dancing.” Buffy gushed sighing, “Patrick Swayze was so hot in this movie. Yummy salty goodness.”

“So agree with you there B.”

“Ok, who is Patrick Swayze??? And Dirty Dancing.”

“Oh you’ll see exactly who we mean.” Willow Supplied to Dawn’s question.

“Ok, so we have it established, the sexist men alive on the plant are, Patrick Swayze, Ty Diggs, and Orlando Bloom.” Faith counted them off on three fingers.

Spike and Angel moaned, if they had to sit through one more ogle fest with these women their heads were going to explode.

“Yup. And is not Orlando to die for, with the blonde hair and blue eyes… yummy.” Buffy got that far off dreamy look in her eye, “I mean so Lord of The Ring sexy.”

Willow shot her that “right” look with a laugh.

“Please, he’s not even a real blonde Buff. And what’s up with his squeaky clean image. ”

“Duh, hence the hotness.” She flashed a quick glimpse to the blonde next to her brother, who was sporting his trademark smirk. ”And one can over look him being good, it’s cute.”

* some more time later *

“This is my all time favorite part of the movie.”

“Yeah, isn’t it cool how he comes back after being fired, gives his speech then takes Baby by the hand to start dancing. Her dad’s face, classic.” Faith and Buffy agreed with Willow.

“And this is one of my all time songs, Time of My Life, I love it. If I ever get married it will be my wedding song.” Buffy chirped.

“This movie was nice.” Dawn finished last with a wistful look to her eye.

“Ok, we sat here long enough, now its our turn for movies. Close your mouth; you have all weekend to watch theses. Now it is time for Apocalypse Now.”

“Fine!” Buffy said rolling her eyes, “You should be happy that I like that movie.”


“Almost one, anyone up for another movie.” Dawn really didn’t want to go to sleep yet; she was having too much fun hanging with the older teens. Plus Giles would never let her watch any of these movies; something about not being mature enough… please.

“Ok, to my credit I didn’t get all sweet sappy movies, I got some scary ones too.”

Faith reached into the bag pulling out “The Village”, Ooo’s and Ahhh’s around.

“Good bloody flick.”

“Good, cause I haven’t seen this one. It’s not to scary is it, because me and scary equals super freaked out?” Willow exclaimed pushing some of her hair behind her ear.

“Nah, not to scary.” Buffy said while grabbing her blanket diving on the couch to sit between her brother and Spike.

“Not scary huh.” Dawn smirked watching her make a hasty retreat. “Then what’s with the whole hugging the couch?”

“Duh, I always cower at scary stuff, and I use the bubbling idiots as my shield. See all with the shield-age.”

Getting with the comfy Buffy tossed her blanket over her legs which she had on her brother’s lap, and rested her head on Spike’s shoulder.

“Ok, bring it on!”

Half way through the movie Spike slipped his hand over Buffy’s covering it with his own. She went the next step by interlocking the hands, rubbing her thumb over the back of his.

Ok, this was nice, very nice. This was the reason why Spike decided to spend the weekend with his best mate, to be near his girl. Just when Spike started to think of Buffy as his girl he couldn’t say, but she had wiggled her way into his heart, and he decided he wanted to keep her there. Giving their hands a tight squeeze Buffy looked up at him, smiling squeezing back.

God, she could feel herself falling, falling into those endless pools of emotion. Buffy wasn’t out looking for anyone, wasn’t looking for any kind of relationship, but she had stumbled upon Spike. A smile tugged at her lips as she mused. Of all the people, who’d ever thought she’d fall for her brother’s best friend, and who would have guessed he’d fall right back. Spike reached up pushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she still held his gaze. Lost in their own world oblivious to the others around them.

Slowly Buffy leaned forward and Spike did the same, only inches apart from each other. Buffy could feel his breath upon her lips. Eyes fluttering shut, and that small ball of anticipation burned in her stomach.

“I love this part.”

Drew them out of their embrace and back to the reality at hand… Angel. With a sigh the two blondes sat back on the couch still holding hands.

A/N Sorry to end it like this, but if I didn’t then this chappie would be quite long lol. Let me know what you think, wasn’t to sure on this one. So review!!!

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