Chapter 6


Slowly Buffy opened her eyes and the first thing she noticed was a pair of blue eyes filled with questions staring through her and into her very soul with an almost physical intensity. Smiling she wrapped the sheet around her and scooted over, patting the space beside her.

Taking it as a good sign, Spike quickly left the uncomfortable chair he had pulled beside the bed and climbed in next to her. When she instantly curled up against him and laid her head against his chest, he felt a great deal of the weight he had been carrying slip off his shoulders. “Are you alright luv?”

“Peachy, dying is a really restful.” Buffy admitted, relieved about how comfortable this all felt. She had spent a week thinking about whether to move closer to Spike and instead of slowly building into it, she had jumped in with both feet without ever knowing if she’d be getting in over or head or not. It was by far the most impulsive thing she had ever done in her life but she didn’t regret it. How could she was being with him like this seemed so incredibly right. “How long was I gone?”

“Couple of hours…they were the longest hours of my unlife pet.” Spike admitted in an almost whisper. He was terrified of saying the wrong thing or worse, hearing her say that what happened between them was a mistake made in the heat of the moment.

“Because you were afraid I wouldn’t come back or because you were afraid of what I’d say when I did?” Buffy asked tilting her face up so she could look at him. She could feel the tension inside him as if it was her own and she wanted to do what ever it took to make this work. As crazy as it sounded, she couldn’t help thinking that fate had finally done her a favor. What were the odds that she and Spike would both be finding themselves at the same time they found each other?

“A bit of both pet.” He admitted with a light laugh.

“Spike we could sit here trying to rationalize things or analyze how we ended up here but to be honest I don’t care how it happened, I’m just glad it did.” Buffy reached over and took his hand in her own, trying to think of the words that explained the unexplainable. When in doubt, it’s always a good idea to go with the truth and start at the begining, she decided when the words refused to reveal themselves. “Last year I was lost and confused, not sure of anything anymore, least of all myself. The farther I got away, the more I started second guessing myself and by the time the plane landed, I realized I had been doing that a lot. I never considered myself the type of person to hesitate, to evaluate every single choice I made from every possible angle and I thought it was because of becoming the Slayer. I never got a choice in that but as the Slayer I never doubted myself. I was confident and in control in that role but when it came to my personal life I faltered every step of the way. I was constantly looking to the past for answers to my current situation and after that thing with Angelus I told myself I would always look before I leaped. Then I slowly walked away from everything that I knew and found you along the way. The girl that left Sunnydale would have never invited you to sit down, would have never seen you as anything but a killer, but I’m not that girl anymore. She grew up and realized that not everything is in black and white and that sometimes you can look at something a hundred times and never really see it for what it is. Then if you take a few steps forward or back, you can see it differently and the picture finally becomes clear. Now that I have done that, I can see I was never really happy there…not because of my life as the Slayer but just because of my life in general. I knew my part in the group, my role in their lives but I didn’t know me…didn’t know what I wanted.”

“So when everything seemed to change, things got worse?” Spike said gently.

“I was always afraid that they’d leave me behind ya know.” Buffy admitted with a slight shake of her head. “They spent hours talking about life after high school, about getting out into the real world and embracing their futures and I didn’t know where I’d fit in. I wasn’t going to age like they did and eventually they’d all have families of their own. Families that would take them out of my world of demons and monsters and into a world of PTA meetings and soccer practices. Responsible parents can’t risk their lives fighting the forces of darkness with little ones waiting for their mommy and daddy to come home safe and sound, which is why I was glad I had Angel. I could share the future with him because he was on the same path I was, there weren’t kids in his future or wrinkles and we both would always have the fight…the mission. Being a Champion, having a grand purpose is such a lonely path to walk and I wanted more than that. I wanted someone I could just be with between the apocalypses and the big fights that were going to come. I couldn’t have a normal life but that didn’t mean I couldn’t come home and fall asleep in the arms of my loved one or just go out and live in the world we both fought so hard to save.”

“Then he said he was leaving.” Spike asked finally understanding why she had walked away and just kept going.

“Bingo.” She admitted ruefully. “He was the person I was counting on to anchor myself in this world when it changed with time. He knew my past, knew the same people I knew and like me he was a super strong and immortal. I loved him before I knew I was going to live a really, really long time but knowing that we had the forever he promised made it all that much more powerful. Then suddenly, in a fricking sewer of all places, he tells me it’s over, that I don’t know what I want and that he’s only gonna stick around until we stop the Mayor. That made it worse, he wasn’t staying because he wanted to be around me, even if it was only a few moments longer, he was just there for his atonement. So then the fight happens, the day’s saved and I’m staring at the rubble wondering why I even bothered. That pissed me off, I just defeated the big bad and I was wondering what I had to live for. He was my everything and suddenly I realized how sad that was. So I decided to leave and find out who I am without him and the others and after a while I began to have faith in myself again. I trust my instincts again and when our eyes met, I wanted everything I could see there. I wanted the laughter, the love and the devotion and I wanted to share it with you. That was the greatest thing Faith taught me, want, take, have and damn the consequences. Of course we we‘re in the middle of a crime spree at the time, which wasn’t soo good, but you gotta admit as far as relationships go, it‘s good advice.”

Chuckling, he wrapped his arms around her and just took a moment to appreciate the irony of fate. He’d spent centuries trying to generate this kind of intimacy with Dru and when he least expected it, all that he ever dreamed of having, in either of his lives, was suddenly here in his arms.

He knew of course that there would be times when they drove each other bleeding insane, what with his sarcastic nature and her blistering temper but that only made what they had more real. This wasn’t some fairy tale romance that ended with happily ever after it was them living together in the real world, a world where couples fought and loved in equal measure. “So you’re my girl, damn the consequences but what happens now?”

“What do you mean?” Buffy asked, liking the way his rich voice had sounded when he called her his girl. It gave her all those delicious tickles across her skin, that every girl dreamed of having with her significant other. That bliss of knowing that you belonged to someone, someone you loved and that you were theirs. She couldn’t give him the words yet, despite the rapid progression of their relationship but then again it would mean more to them both if they waited. Then when the feelings inside them had become to much to contain, the words were slip across their lips like a vow. Yep, that was definitely worth waiting for, she decided, brushing her hand down his impossibly defined chest.

“Well luv, we’re mated and normally when something like that happens the happy couple doesn’t live in a hotel...even a posh one like this.” He said, doing his best to concentrate with her clever hands stroking over his body like a virtuoso who had played his senses so often that they had mastered them.

“Okay, so we’re newlyweds, with no home and no idea of what happens next...” Buffy scrunched up her face for a moment. “I left home with twenty-five grand and I have around twenty left, so if we can live off five thou a year, we don’t have to worry about money for atleast four years. Unless you know, we want a house and little luxuries like food and stuff.”

“How in the bloody hell did you travel across Europe for an entire year and only spend five thousand dollars?” Spike asked, genuinely impressed.

“Easy, I made friends.” Buffy admitted laying back in his arms so she could look up at him without getting a crick in her neck. “In Ireland, I made friends with the lady who owned the inn I stayed at and she liked me a lot, so she refused to let me pay when I left. So I used that money to buy my ticket out. In Rome I made friends with the gypsies and they’re good friends with this wickedly powerful guy called the Immortal...”

“YOU MET THE IMMORTAL!” Spike asked, his eyes flashing yellow as he thought about his girl around that vilest creature hell spat out.

“Yeah, he’s a little arrogant but he’s a pretty good guy to have on your side because he’s got that whole place wired.” Buffy said, guessing their was a long bitter story behind Spike’s outburst. “We actually got to be pretty good friends, so if we run into him again please be nice.”

“Nice?” Spike sputtered out before quickly telling her about how the last time he had run into the bastard. “Concurrently Buffy, he violated our women at the same bloody time and wouldn’t even face us himself. So there is no bloody way I‘m letting my mate anywhere near the black hearted bastard.”

“First of all ewww.” Buffy said knowing that a threesome between those particular people was a mental picture she could have lived without. “And secondly, Gabe and I are just friends. I knew right off he was this big time player and I made it pretty clear I wasn’t interested. Which now that I know that story, I am really glad I passed but he’s all with the demon hunting...or actually the demon regulating. He more or less makes sure the demons behave themselves in whatever city he’s in and I took care of a few bloodthirsty pests for him. In return he made sure I was taken care of and every time I tried to pay for something, I was informed it was already taken care of by him.”

“Sounds like the git was trying to buy your charms luv, it was a good thing you left.” Spike said, silently promising himself they would never return to that bastard's accursed lands.

“I guess it’s not a good time to tell you he gave me my very own villa, then huh.” Buffy said trying to be completely honest but still just wanting to rile Spike up. He was actually really sexy all growly and jealous, she thought smiling innocently into his flashing eyes.

“He did what?” Spike asked in a low and dangerous voice.

“Gave me a villa, it’s really beautiful there; it even has a small vineyard and a big ass swimming pool.” Buffy said deliberately egging him on for the big finale. “But since I did save him from a demon that figured out how to kill him, it seemed so important to him that he show his appreciation and I felt like I couldn’t refuse.”

“You saved his life?” Spike said in a high strangled voice like he had all the air forced out of him from a crushing blow. Angel and he didn’t agree on much but on the subject of the Immortal they were both of a like mind; he deserved to be die as painfully as possible.

“Yep, but honey I don’t think you’re seeing the big picture here.” Buffy said giving him a wickedly sinful smile. “He didn’t even get smoochies but I got a house, a house that you and I can visit.”

Liking the way that sounded, he rethought his view on taking a trip that way. He’d show up with the girl Angel had lost and the bloody Immortal couldn‘t get, as his claimed mate and that was the best kind of revenge their was. “I recon we could spend our honeymoon there luv...I always did fancy Rome in the winter.”

“Sure you did sweetheart.” Buffy said with a roll of her eyes. She was a hundred percent certain that if she got those two in a room together they’d become fast friends now that Dru was out of the picture, because they were a lot alike. Despite Gabriel’s airs, he was a troublemaker by nature, not vicious but more of the naughty prankster variety and he could give both Spike and Cordy lessons in sarcasm. “Anyway, I want to go somewhere sunny and tropical for our honeymoon.”

“Vampire luv, sunny and I, equal big pile of dust.” Spike reminded her, finally realizing he had played into the chit’s hand. She had it in her head to get him and the Immortal together and she used his own arrogant nature against him. He wanted to be pissed but it was so damn endearing he couldn’t muster up any anger about being played like a damn fiddle.

“Duh, retired Slayer here but as much as I loved England I just can’t do gloomy and damp anytime soon.” Buffy said with a deep sigh. “Besides England was where I spent most of my cash but since there was tons of cheap ways to pass the time, I only had to pay for my room and food. Well that and Portabello road just is not a safe place for a shopaholic like myself.”

“I’m not exactly a pauper luv, I’ve been alive for more than a century and since I never paid unless I felt like it, I have more than enough money to indulge my girl.” Spike said hoping that he would be the one to shock her for once. He had almost not mentioned the part about him killing instead of paying but she knew his past and asked him to not pretend with her, which was exactly what he planned on doing.

“How much money are you talking about?” Buffy asked, deciding it was better not to dwell on where he had gotten it to begin with. It was not only possible but very likely that people had been killed in the process but since he couldn’t unmake the past, all he could do is not massacre or kill anymore. Besides, if Spike was a part of her life that meant fighting the good fight and while they hadn’t talked about it, she didn’t see him staying home while she marched off to stop the end of the world.

So if Angel could make amends for his past by helping the innocent, then so could Spike. Actually it was better because Spike was doing it of his own free will and since he’d already helped save the world once, it had to mean more on the karmic scale. Buffy was idealistic enough to believe that he’d ever feel guilty about his past or help out for any reason other than the fact he was doing it for her but he was a demon and if he could love, they’re was always hope for him.

“Liquid or do you want to go over my investments?” Spike asked arching his eyebrow expectantly.

“Ball park figure.” Buffy asked, idly wondering if all demons of a certain age played the stock market or if it was just a Spike thing. Angel certainly hadn’t talked about where he got his money for apartments and leather jackets, so maybe he spent his free time reading the papers and predicting financial trends.

“Well luv, using your formula I think that as long as we don’t buy a private island, we could safely live the rest of our lives without having to worry about our next meal.” Spike said suddenly adapting the wisdom of all new husbands when their wives asked questions like that. They were mates but seein’ as she was human he could understand her being more comfortable classifying their relationship as a marriage, one where they were bound even beyond death, but basically the same principal. So like an husband whose wife just admitted she had a penchant for shopping, he wasn’t about to tell her exactly how much money she had to spend because she’d use that knowledge to rationalize buying something she wasn’t sure about. Beside, it wasn’t as if he didn’t plan on giving her everything she could ever want...spoiling her was going to be part of the fun.

“Okay but just so you know, I only claimed you because you’re sexy as hell and not because I thought you were an undead Bill Gates.” Buffy teased, deciding that she’d really rather not know after all. It as enough knowing money wasn’t an issue, because they were going to have enough worries as it was. It wasn’t like the vamps were going to congratulate him and she knew that none of her friends would leap for joy if they heard the news.

But her mom...jumping up Buffy looked at him in complete and utter shock. “My mom, I gotta call my mom!”
A little confused by her suddenly shift in topic, it took him a few seconds to understand why she was so frantic. “Bloody hell, the claim.”

“Right I’m dead.” Buffy said already reaching over to grab the phone. “Or I’m gonna be if they talk to her before I do.”

“Lady always was dangerous with an axe.” Spike teased, hoping to soothe her nerves but inside he was wondering how she’d take the news of her only child being mated to a vampire.

“Mom!” Buffy cried out anxiously the moment she picked up the phone. “I’m not dead!”

“Yes, I figured that out since you are talking to me.” Joyce said gently, her voice laced with confusion.

“Oh...well see there’s this thing.” Buffy took a deep breath and quickly told her mother about Angel’s claim and how the other’s would all think she was dead.

“That asshole, when I get my hands on him I’m...”

Startled by the venom of her mother’s tone, Buffy suddenly started laughing mid-rant.

“It’s not funny, he had no right to trap you in such a way Elizabeth.” Joyce said crisply.

Buffy was used to being called her legal name, it was their way of talking all sly like but it always reminded her of being in trouble. Joyce only used it when she was burning down the school upset, which is why none of her friends had any idea but since she had told them about going by Anne in LA, it was the only other option. “It’s alright mom, it actually works in our favor because now they’ll all think I’m dead. So when they tell you act all upset okay, not at Angel, just you know, grieving mother like.”

“How is it possible that your life is even more complicated now, than it used to be.” Joyce asked, shaking her head in dismay. It was amazing what a person could get used to, demons, immortals and frantic phone calls from your daughter telling you she had died...again. “You know you could try to live a bit more, this is getting a bit exhausting.”

“Speaking of living life to the fullest.” Buffy said seizing the opening her mom had just given her. “I married a very wealthy man who adores me as much as I adore him.”

Joyce blinked and took a moment to remember how to breathe. Buffy was married? “Do you love him?”

“Not yet but I’m getting there.” Buffy admitted, giving Spike a gentle smile because she knew he could hear both sides of the conversation clearly. “I have very deep feelings for him but I know without a doubt that he’s the one Mom. We just have this amazing connection that seems to overtake us when were together and things like common sense and time, just don’t seem all that important. With him I just feel complete, like I had all these missing pieces inside me that I never realized were gone until I began to spend time with him. It caught us both by surprise but it’s real and it’s powerful and I know that both of us don’t regret taking this step together. Sometimes you walk away and sometimes you just leap and that‘s what we chose to do.”

Joyce could hear the sincerity in her voice but also the pure unbridled happiness that had been noticeably absent since Buffy had been a little girl. She knew that if she could see her right now, her eyes would be filled with life and there would be a bright smile on her face and that’s all any mother could ask for when it came to her child’s happiness. “So tell me about him.”

“Well he’s gorgeous with these absolutely amazing cheekbones and bluer than blue eyes. Plus, his, he’s like one of those lust worthy statues that you just want to spend hours staring at.” Buffy said trying to slowly lead her mother in to the shocking part of the news. “He’s a blonde like me, which means it comes from a bottle and he’s got this really deep sensitive side, that he tries to hide behind this bad boy exterior.”

“Does this bad boy, with a sensitive side understand your...uh...situation?” Joyce asked, as Faith walked into the kitchen to raid the fridge.

“Yep, he’s long lived like me but he’s way older.” Buffy said still not ready to come out and say it yet.

“How much older?” Joyce asked, finally beginning to see that Buffy was stalling.

“Well he’s not as old as Angel but he has a century and some change on me.” Buffy said suddenly wondering if she should just hand the phone to Spike and let him tell her the rest.

“I see and is he like your ex in any other ways?” Joyce asked getting a sinking suspicion as her daughter’s description began to form a face in her memory.

“Yep, it’s Spike.” Buffy said closing her eyes and pulling the phone away from her ear just incase their was yelling.

“I see, has he changed drastically since I last met him?” Joyce asked, suddenly wondering if she wanted to know anymore.

“No he’s not cursed or anything but he’s not killing anymore.” Buffy said calmly, bringing the phone back to her ear. “We met up shortly after I got here and now that we didn’t have to be mortal enemies, we just kinda clicked. Then one thing led to another and well we claimed each other, he’s my mate and I’m his. Unlike the Angel‘s claim this one is a forever kind of you didn‘t miss a wedding or anything but it‘s still the same thing.”

“Are you alright Mom, you’re looking a little freaked.” Faith asked with the juice carton half-way to her lips. Since Joyce had adopted her and made her a Summers, Faith had come to depend on her. She was her foundation and it was the first time anyone in her life, other than Buffy, actually gave a damn about her. But while Buffy had disappeared into thin air, she tried to do her best by the other Summers woman who cared about her.

“A good friend of mine Elizabeth just got married and it took me by surprise honey.” Joyce said giving her other daughter a wan smile.

“So is it a good thing or what?” Faith asked, thinking it wasn’t a good news.

Thinking that over for a second, Joyce tried to remember the time she had spent with Spike and she had to admit she had always liked him. He was very loyal to that Dru person and very respectful, which could be the sensitive side Buffy was talking about. “Are you happy?”

“Yes.” Buffy said softly but the truth of that single word was clear.

“Then I’m happy for you, so where can I send your gift.” Joyce said deciding to once again place her faith in Buffy’s judgment.

“Let me get back to you on that, we were talking over honeymoon places, so I don’t know how long we’re gonna be in Paris.” Buffy said letting out a relieved breath. “Thank you though, it means a lot to us both that you’re okay with this.”

“Is he there with you now, I’d love to say hi.” Joyce said with a chilling smile that had Faith blinking like an owl on cocaine.

Buffy handed over the phone and crawled into his lap so she could hear it all. Slayer hearing was damn good but nowhere as good as vampire hearing.

“Hello Joyce.” Spike said, his voice clear and refined.

“Elizabeth has been though a great deal and she is very important to me. So if you hurt her I swear I will take you apart with my bare hands, are we clear?” Joyce said calmly, as though she wasn’t threatening him at all.

“If I hurt her, I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Spike said sincerely. “I care for her very much and I plan to spend the rest of my days making sure that she is happy and cared for. She’s my entire world now Joyce and I willing to do what it takes to be worthy of her and you.”

“Good.” Joyce said deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt. She had often worried about what would happen to her daughter when everyone she knew died and while Spike had an unsavory past he atleast would be there for her child long after the others were gone. It looked like her son in law was a vampire but if he took care of Buffy and made her happy, she couldn’t hold it against him. It was Buffy’s life after all and if she was happy, which she clearly was, who was she to tell her who she could spend it with. “Take care of each other.”

“We will.” Spike said handing the phone back to Buffy while he struggled to rein in his emotions. He could tell Joyce wasn’t exactly thrilled but she’d more or less given them her approval if not her acceptance and that was more than he had dared to ask for.

“Mom, you’re the best you know that.” Buffy said ith a smile as she was sure she caught the tell-tale sign of happy tears in Spike’s eyes.

“I try.” Joyce said with a sigh of her own.

“So now that you’ve threatened William and welcomed him to the family, I better let you go while we figure out our next destination.” Buffy said never feeling father away from her mother than she did at this moment. She had always dreamed of her mom and her sharing this day and now she was an ocean away. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t a normal wedding with a white dress and all that, it was the sentiment of the thing that counted and more than anything she wished she could share that with her. “I miss you mommy.”

“Me to.” Joyce said wishing she could say more but knowing that with Faith in the room she couldn’t. “Call me as soon as you can, since Buffy’s been gone it’s nice to keep in touch with everyone else.”

“Sure thing mom, take care of Faith for me okay.” Buffy said easily, sniffling back her own tears.

“Faith and I are both just fine and you take care of that new husband of yours.” Joyce said with a soft smile as her own tears filled her eyes.

“Count on you soon. I love you.” Buffy hung up, without saying goodbye or waiting for a response and the second she did she found herself wrapped up in a pair of strong arms.

“You know luv, I hear California is the place to be this time of year...sunny and such.” Spike said gently, understanding how hard this all must be for his precious mate. Fate had cheated her out of so many things, he didn’t have the heart to deny giving her what he could. “LA is a big town, only a couple hours drive away from just about everywhere and a young couple such as ourselves would blend in there just fine. You know if anyone was looking for us.”

“Do you mean it Spike?” Buffy asked, looking up at him. “You know that if we go back there, they could find us.”

“Let them come luv, they can’t hurt us now.” Spike said firmly. They would try of course but he wasn’t about to let anyone take her from him.

A few short hours later, Joyce pulled open her from door. “Giles what brings you by?”

“Can I come in for a few moments?” Giles asked trying to keep his face carefully blank despite the fact his own grief was like a raw weeping wound inside his heart.

“Sure.” Joyce stepped back to let them in, making sure her face looked suitably wary. “Should I call Faith down?”

“I think that would be for the best.” Giles said trying to give her an encouraging smile only to find out his mouth refused to cooperate.

Once Faith had joined them and everyone was seated, Giles filled Joyce in on vampire claims and the one Angel had placed on Buffy.

“Listen to me, I’ve told you Buffy doesn’t want to be found and you all should respect that. I don’t care what sort of claim Angel has on her, it’s clear that she wants a life away from here and I don’t blame her.” Joyce said calmly, with just the right amount of heat in her voice. “Faith has made it clear that she wants to continue being the Slayer, that she is happy here and I accept that because she is now just as much my daughter as Buffy is but Buffy doesn’t want that life anymore and I’m not about to let anyone force her back into it.”

“Joyce, no matter how I say this it won’t be easy for you to hear but we are confident that Buffy is...deceased.” Giles said trying to hold onto his emotions as he told them the news. “Angel felt her die through the claim and had she been resuscitated like before or even sired as a vampire the claim would have reasserted itself. It did not so that can mean only one thing, Buffy is no longer alive in any form. I am terribly sorry, we did every spell we could think of to search her out, to give us some measure of hope to cling to but once again they all failed. The claim was our last tangible connection to her and now that it is gone, there is no other choice but to accept that she is gone as well.”

Joyce thought about missing her daughter’s wedding and the tears came to her eyes, like a faucet being turned on. Sobbing openly, she blindly reached out for Faith’s hand and felt guilty for the tears streaking down her own face. “She loved us both Faith, don’t let her leaving make you think any different. The night she left she asked me to look after you because she realized we needed each other and she was right. I couldn’t love you anymore than if I had given birth to you myself but don’t think, even for a moment that I took you in as some sort of obligation to her or that you are nothing more than her replacement. As far as I am concerned you are both my daughters and I love you for you, just like I loved her for just being Buffy.”

“Do you think she forgave me?” Faith asked in a trembling voice.

“I’m certain of it baby, she loved you as a sister and I heard how proud of you she was that night.” Joyce said pulling her into her arms for a fierce hug. “You fought beside her when she need you and that meant more to her than you can ever imagine.”

Giles allowed the women a few moments to grieve before bringing up the other matters surrounding Buffy’s death. “The children and I were wondering what kind of service you wished to hold for her? None of us wish to allow her passing to go unmarked and all of us would gladly help you out in any way. Naturally the Watcher‘s Council will cover all the expenses.”

Joyce thought it over for a few seconds, knowing this kind of details had to be dealt with. “I don’t want a funeral or a grave. Buffy spent more than enough time in cemeteries during her life as it was. I think she was happiest at the Bronze with the others, so perhaps they will allow us to place some sort of memorial there. A plaque of some kind and instead of a wake, which we both always found depressing, I want to hold a celebration in honor of her life instead of one to mark her death.”

Giles thought her ideas were odd to say the least but when he thought of his Slayer, the daughter of his heart, he had to admit it seemed to suit her. “I have no doubt that we can convince the owner, Buffy responded to trouble there enough times to merit such treatment.” If not, I’m sure a visit from Angel would convince him of that, Giles thought grimly. The vampire was a emotionless shell, barely alive and he knew he would find some measure of comfort by playing some part in the arrangements.

“If you don’t mind Giles, I’d really rather deal with the rest later.” Joyce said getting to her feet. “I just want to come to terms with everything.”

Giles instantly got to his feet. “Of course, Buffy was truly a remarkable young woman and she will be sorely missed.”

“She loved you like a father Giles and she wouldn’t want you or anyone for that matter to blame yourselves.” Joyce said, tearfully. “She may have left but she wanted you all to be happy, so try to remember that. At times like these that’s all any of us have left, the memories.”

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