Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry I haven't updatd, but work has been taking up a lot of time! Thank you for the feedback guys, and remember, it is always good to let a writer know how they're doing, good or bad! **hugs everyone**
Chapter 10

“Yes, Doctor, I’m Buffy Summers. Joyce’s daughter.” She extended a hand to him and they shook.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Isaacs. I’m in charge of your mother’s care for now. I assume she didn’t have the time to get a hold of you and let you know our plan then?” Buffy shook her head. “Well, not to be too technical, we found out she had low-grade glioma, a kind of tumor. It was small in her left hemisphere of the brain and when she came in earlier we made a decision to take it out now, before anymore damage could be done.”

“Okay,” Buffy replied, numb.

“She’ll be here for a few days, but then she can come home. Now, she won’t be able to work right away and there may be concerns for hemorrhaging. So, we’ll need to see her often and watch her for aneurisms and bleeding.” He paused. “I think she’ll do great, and we caught it way early. Now, do you have any questions for me?”

She shook her head and then reconsidered. “Yes, can I see her?”

He frowned only a little. “Not tonight, but in the morning she’ll be awake and you can stay with her after that. Call the hospital if you have any more concerns and they’ll page me, all right? Now, it was nice meeting you Buffy and I’m sure we’ll see a lot of each other over the next few weeks and months, so if you’ll excuse me, I have to go finish my rounds.”

“Thank you, Dr. Isaacs. Thank you so much!” She watched him walk down the hallway and looked for the direction of her mother’s room. Spike followed, intent on grabbing her if she decided to go in.

A male nurse stopped them as they headed in. “Can I help you, miss?”

“No,” she said, “I was just wanting to look in on my mother and see that she was okay.” She looked at his nametag and smiled. “I’m sure you can understand—Ben. Oh! You’re an intern. Okay, well I just want to peek in and then we’ll leave.”

“Sure. You do that.” He smiled and walked away.

Buffy walked up to the door and looked through the glass at her mother. She looked so fragile with the tubes coming out of her, but at least she wasn’t in pain. Or so Buffy hoped.

Spike laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder and pulled her away. They walked down the hall to the elevator with his arm draped over her shoulders.

That same night, a group of four people sat in a small apartment, talking about someone they cared about. It included a Watcher, a Witch, The One Who Saw, and an ex-boyfriend. Apparently, they were a little concerned with the behavior of a certain Slayer and her ‘pet’ Vampire.

The next morning, Buffy woke up in Spike’s bedroom in her sushi pajamas. She laid there and listened to water plopping from the ceiling as it fell to the floor, the sounds of a slight breeze going through the caves, and the very unnecessary snore of a certain blonde vamp. She sat up throwing the cover and used Kleenexes off her. Grabbing a nearby box of not used Kleenexes, she threw it at him.

He turned his head and smiled at her. “I was wondering how long it was going to take you to pick up on that.”

“Can I go back to sleep now, or are you planning on running a semi through here?” She looked very annoyed.

He muttered something under his breath.

“What did you say?” She demanded.

“Nothing,” she frowned at him, he rolled his eyes. “Alright, all I said was that I knew you didn’t get enough sleep, so maybe Buffy the Bitchy Slayer should go back to bed.” He covered his head with his pillow.

She threw a convenient ax, which stuck in the wall above his head. “Hey now,” he yelled pointing, “you could have missed! What the hell are you playing at?”

“I’m sleepy, go back to bed.” She lay back down, but not before she blew out the candles around her.

She was just about asleep when she felt the mattress sag beside her. Buffy looked up. Spike was laying there, arms behind his head, eyes closed. “Go back to your palette, Spike.”

He opened an eye. “My back’s hurting and I want the bed. I can keep my hands to myself. Hell, we’ve spent the last two nights together.”

“Okay. But if you take the whole blanket, you’re dust.”

He grinned. “Deal.”

Tubes and wires hooked to machines that she had no idea of what they did. A machine beeped every few minutes to the beat of her heart, she thought. Buffy sat straighter in her chair and watched the beat ebb and flow to an unknown drum that she couldn’t hear.

She grabbed her mother’s hand and stroked her long, thin, but strong fingers. The left side of her head was shaved, covered in a rolled bandage. Joyce was pale, like a ghost, her breathing was shallow, but even.

Buffy looked up at the clock on the wall. Noon. Damn. Her mom had awoken before she got there, but there was no sign of her waking again anytime soon. The doctors and nurses had been milling in and out since she got there at ten, but it was quiet, so Buffy closed her eyes and took a deep breath to relax and rest. She needed everything she had for when her mom woke up.

Spike had been in rare form this morning when they got out of bed.

Her eyes flew open and she felt the pressure of someone’s leg draped over hers and a large, cool hand laying on her right breast. She stretched, careful not to wake him, and turned her head to look at him.

Corded muscles rippled along his back, his small form, for a man, looking much bigger than she would have thought in this bed. His pants were riding low, showing the swell of his buttocks, and Buffy tried hard not to reach over and stroke him there. Pulling her hair back from her face, she reached over and lightly touched his errant curls, loving the feel of the soft hair, even though it was a little crusty from his gel.

And he said Angel liked his so much.

She stifled a laugh and leaned over to look at his face closer. His face was beautiful, something she missed since they had reversed the effects of the poisoning. Sure he was pale, but that was just him. Everything about his body was beautiful, right down to his pronounced nose and chin, and his little pouty mouth.

She looked up at the ceiling, taking deep breaths to calm herself. This was Spike; she did not need to get horny over Spike. She already felt her insides tightening, her temperature rising, and her nether regions getting very wet. Down, Buffy! She yelled at herself inside. Bad dog!

Buffy tried to pull away and instead was pulled closer by the very thing she was trying to escape from. Her head was nestled in the crook of his neck in the spot she would have loved to nibble on. She thought then about how good he smelled. Earthy, with a mix of alcohol, tobacco, and something resembling some kind of soap, but she didn’t know what kind. Bad thoughts, Buffy! She was burning and going to hell, she was sure.

Forcefully, she shoved away and sat up. He looked at her with one eye open. “What’s wrong?” His face was smashed into his pillow, his voice muffled and raw from disuse.

Buffy pulled her blanket up to her chest to cover her, even though she was fairly covered already. “Nothin’. Just woke up and you were draped, doing the draping thing. You know.”

He chuckled. Damn him and his sexy laughs. “Slayer, did you have some very nice dream?”

Her eyes got big. “No!”

“Are you sure?” He was smirking.

She crossed her legs and narrowed her eyes at him. “No, why?’ She ground out.

He sniffed the air and rolled his tongue, raising his eyebrow.

She thought, only for a moment. “Vampires are so gross. And no, I didn’t have a nice dream. Leave me alone.”

He rolled over to his back, running his hand up and down his chest. “What were you thinking about, then?”

“Uh-h—h… chemistry!” She grabbed the nearest candle and lit it. “I gotta go take a shower and get to Mom. I’ll be back.”

She heard him laugh all the way as she went to the makeshift shower.

Buffy opened her eyes and sighed. What a good morning!

Joyce opened her eyes slowly and turned to look at Buffy. Buffy sat up and leaned over, smoothing her hair. “Feeling better, Sleeping Beauty?”

“Yeah,” she croaked, “Sorry I didn’t call.”

“It’s fine—you just get better. I’ll be here to take care of you.” She smiled tenderly.

“I love you, Buffy.” Her mother closed here eyes again, and Buffy held her hand and just sat there staring at her. It was going to be better, she thought as she relaxed.

The door opened and Giles, Willow, Xander, and Riley walked in.

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