Chapter 12

“It’s your eyes…FOOT! I – I, er, sorry! I mean it’s your foot, right?” He could feel the colour creeping up his neck as he spoke – he didn’t know what had come over him! Tiny little pretty blonde – and he was like a student doctor again!

“Y-Yeah, yes…it’s my foot – although don’t ask me what happened, I was pretty much…(Buffy made the mistake of looking up and she was mere inches away from the dreamiest blue eyes she’d ever seen…) god, they are SO blue!…………SORRY! I m-mean um- don’t…don’t know what happened – I was out of it! Buffy mumbled, her face hot.

Trying not to let his hands shake, Dr Carling expertly looked at Buffy’s foot.

“Hmm…metatarsals can be tricky…this might need more than just setting, but with any luck, all you’ll need is a quick pin job…then you can get back to winning medals!”

“You know I win medals?” Buffy asked, surprised

“Hey! The price somebody is paying me to make you all shiny new again – yes, I KNOW you win medals, Miss Summers, I’ve actually followed your career with interest!”

This time, Buffy felt the colour rise on her chest and neck, and it began to creep upwards………

“I’ll need for you to have some x-rays done, then we can decide the course of action I need to take” It was with reluctance that he let her foot go.

Buffy nodded and felt dumb – she didn’t want him to think her stupid – so she desperately tried to think of something intelligent to say, or at least ask.

“How long will it be – till I can skate again?”

Dr Carling smiled and perched on the bed.

“Well now, that all depends on what treatment you need, if it only need setting, then you’ll be in plaster for a few weeks, then you’ll need physiotherapy, say 5 or 6 weeks, BUT, if it need surgery you could be looking at double that. It’s a fairly quiet time now for you, as regards competitions, isn’t it?”

“Yes!” they sat there, smiling at each other, until Joyce came into the room a few seconds later, and she smiled at them. She almost swore she could hear the twang of Cupids Arrow as her daughter and the doctor looked at each other

“So doctor, what’s the diagnosis?”

“Hmm? OH! I’m sorry – you must be…Buffy’s (sheer devilment made him say this) sister!”

Joyce giggled and Buffy rolled her eyes

“Oh Dr Hot – um, I mean Doctor Carling! I’m Joyce, her mother!”

“NO! Well, as I was saying to the little lady herself, we need some X-rays done, and then I can tell you for sure”

Joyce nodded still smiling

There was a knock at the door, and a blonde candy-striper said,

“Dr Carling, what time do you want the X-rays to be done, Dr Travers wants to know?”

“Ah, Harmony, tell Dr Travers ASAP will you – the sooner we can get started…”

“Sorry, AP – what?” the blond stammered

“As soon as possible” The doc said, realising she wasn’t too bright.

“Oh, right!” She went off happily to tell the other doctor

“Right then young lady, we have a date in about 10 minutes, don’t be late!” he left giving Buffy a smile and Joyce a wink.

Joyce grinned and sat down. When he was out of the door Buffy hissed

“MOM! You nearly called him Dr Hottie!”

“Hmm? – Oh…but that’s such a good name for him, don’t you think? – I mean, isn’t he all sorts of salty goodness!” Joyce said, and Buffy’s eyes nearly popped they opened so wide, never having heard her mother come out with such a term before!


The door opened and Willow came in

“Hi! Mom just dropped me off, she’s back at work today – so how are you this morning?”


“Why?” Willow smiled at her friend and put her purse on the bed.

“My mother – drooling over the doc!”

“Oh come on Buffy, he’s as dishy as hell and then some!”

“Dishy?” Willow asked with a grin, and Buffy smiled saying,

“Don’t encourage her, she was just telling me she thought he was all sorts of salty goodness a second ago before you came in!”

Willow cocked an eyebrow and grinned

“He thought I was Buffy’s sister!”

“MOM – he was teasing you!”

“I KNOW! But it does the old ego good you know!” Joyce said, patting her hair

“So he IS a hottie then?”

They all looked up when the candy-striper, Harmony came back and opened the door back wide, propping it open.

“Well SHE was hanging on his every word, looking at him like she wanted to jump his very bones – look, I gotta go have some X-rays done, stick around?” Buffy asked

“Sure, we can get coffee if you like Joyce” Willow asked, and Joyce nodded and stood, and they followed Buffy being wheeled out of the room.


Twenty minutes of having X-Rays taken every-which-way, Buffy was wheeled back to her room.

Willow was sitting reading, waiting for her friend.

When Buffy was back in bed, and Harmony had gone and Joyce was making her daily phone-call to Hank, Buffy said to Willow

“I might have to have surgery…Dr Carling said they might have to pin the bone back together”

“Dr Carling, is this the good looking one, Dr Hottie?”

“He’s okay…well actually, he IS gorgeous…you ought to see the nurses and candy-stripers around him – they look at him like he’s a god or something – hanging on his every word – and that girl that bought me back, she said all the nurses fancy him like crazy!”

“You don’t fancy him then?” Willow asked, and Buffy’s tummy did a back-flip

“ME – NO, c-course not!”

“Buffy…your ears have gone pink…I know you’re lying!” Willow said with a grin, and immediately Buffy felt her ears, and glanced up at her grinning friend, then lay back against her pillows

“Oh…for all the good it’ll do me – there’s loads of women who fancy him, he could have the pick of the bunch…He’s got the dreamiest blue eyes though………and when he talks to you, he looks at you straight in the eye and it’s like nothing else exists!”

Willow gave a low whistle and sat back grinning.

“Oh that man! I swear to god he only half listens to what’s said to him!”

Joyce said coming back into Buffy’s room snapping her purse shut.

“What’s up?”

“I told him yesterday that you were seeing the specialist today but he swears blind I didn’t, and then he asks me who, and I told him, Dr Carling, then he gets all enthusiastic, telling me whom this doctor has operated on – like I want to know which Laker’s player he saved the career of – and THEN he gets onto his favourite subject, of just who’s paying for all this – I gave him a shock, I said ‘you’ and put the phone down…I wonder if he’s having a heart-attack about now?” Joyce said sitting


“Well…how much is this, what’s the cost of that, it’s not as if he’s EVER put his hand in his pocket for you, is it?”

There was a knock at the door, and a candy-striper walked in

“Mrs Summers, there’s a telephone call for you at reception”

Joyce rolled her eyes

“No prizes for guessing who this is…isn’t it amazing how he can get through when wants…” Joyce left the room. The door had barely shut when after the briefest of knocks, it opened again and Dr Carling came in.

“Hi – um, do you mind, I’d like to talk to the patient please?”

He smiled at Willow as he said this, and obligingly Willow stood and went outside.
“ Right then, well, I’ve looked at the X-rays, and I think to be on the safe side, I’ll operate and pin it like I told you. As it’s the foot you land on after a jump, it would be very vulnerable to a re-break, and you don’t want to be in plaster for weeks at a time now do you?”

Buffy smiled and shook her head.

“You don’t have to worry, it’s a simple procedure, I just insert a tiny little titanium rod either side of the bone, and then cover it with a special medical mesh – and in a few weeks, you’ll be as good as new!”

“Great…um, when?”

“Well, as you’ve got your lunch and dinner ordered today, I’ve scheduled for surgery tomorrow tea-time, I have two other operations to do tomorrow, one on your rival”

Buffy looked up and asked,

“Who – oh, you mean Faith?”

“That’s the girl!”

“Is it her knee? – She did poorly in the Olympics because of her recurring knee problem”

“Well, I’m not at liberty to say, but I’ll notify the staff that you’re down for surgery tomorrow, so nothing by mouth after 8am please, and that includes water – you’ll be able to wet your lips with ice-cubes, but nothing more, okay – well I must be off, busy, busy, busy! Tomorrow then, bye Buffy, and don’t worry, will you?”

Buffy smiled and shook her head

“No, I won’t worry, and um, thanks!” he winked and left, leaving Buffy feeling all fluttery………

Joyce and Willow came back grinning

“So, what did he say?”

“He’s going to operate tomorrow, put a pin in it as it’s the foot I land on after jumps – I don’t want to keep breaking it, so………was that dad on the phone?”

Joyce nodded

“You might know…he said I’d got an evil sense of humour”

“What did you say?”

“I told him I wasn’t joking, he was paying for your operation!”

“And what did HE say?”

“He said he thought the country ought to pay for it, after what you won for them, so I said ‘anybody as long as it isn’t you then, huh?’ – And I put the phone down on him…again!”

“I see why he’s known as Dr Hottie!” Willow piped up with a grin, and all three of them chatted away until lunchtime, mostly about Buffy’s hunky doc!

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