Disclaimer: Everyone should bloody well know by now that I don't own even a smidgen of the rights to these delicious characters. The creator of BTVS does which is fine and dandy.


Yeah, right. Who was he kidding? He was now completely bored out of his somewhat sane mind. Four long hours to have to put up with the thoughts of "William" who was telling him, Spike, that he was doing wrong. Wrong! Spike doing something wrong? Hello? Evil! When did he ever do anything that was right? Unless it benefited him of course.

"Bloody, stupid conscience," he muttered under his breath. He had already watched Passions, tried to take a "cat nap", which when your conscience is on overdrive, doesn't work very well, and had a snack of warm blood and Weetabix. He gripped the couch cushions on either side of him, threw his head back and growled with disgust.

"Oh," he perked up. "Neat. I almost forgot about this beauty." He reached under the cushion he was sitting on and withdrew the notebook he had stashed there earlier in the day. "This should keep me entertained at least until the bit gets home."

For the hour or so he read, grimaced, gagged, chuckled and rolled his eyes. He even jotted down a few things all the while thinking what a poufy poet William was compared to himself. Spike would never admit to anyone that he still actually wrote poetry every once in a while. He had all his works rather well hidden in his crypt so no one would ever be the wiser of his pasttime.

He heard Dawn walking up the steps of the front porch and stuffed the notebook back into its original hiding place just until he could find a better place to tuck it away in. She trudged through the doorway, looking like her day had gone to hell in a handbasket, so he greeted her with a pleasing smile.

"Hey, how's my little---Dawn?"

"Today was so unlikeable. Do I really have to finish school? Do I really have to graduate?"

"Well, um, it would probably be the wisest thing to do. Besides I think big sis would really like it if you did."

Dawn stared at him. "You know, everyday you start to sound more and more like Spike."

"Oh, sorry then." Spike cringed inwardly.

"No, no, don't be sorry. I like that. I mean don't get me wrong. I like you William, but I---I really miss Spike. He was fun and I could talk to him without feeling like a kid. He never talked down to me. He made me feel older."

"Ah, well, I can be fun. Wanna do something fun?"

"I better get my homework finished first."

"Oh, right. Better get the homework done."

"I'll be up in my room."


Buffy came through the back door to find William sitting on a stool at the island reading the newspaper. He looked up when she entered giving her a warm and welcoming grin. She returned it and plopped her bookbag down in front of him.

"Do I really have to finish college?"

Spike chuckled at her. "Must run in the family genes. Dawn said the exact same thing, well, except for the end bit there."

"Yeah, well sometimes I wonder. Hey, I think we should order in tonight. Pizza sounds like a good comfort food right about now. Pizza and icecream. I think you will enjoy it, too."

"I---think that sounds feasible."

"Good. Pizza, icecream, movies and some vampire discussion."

As Buffy walked out of the kitchen, Spike rolled his eyes and snorted. "Oh, goody. Can't wait."


The evening carried on just as Buffy proclaimed it would. The three of them devoured a whole extra-large pizza with the works while watching a movie that Dawn picked out. A girly movie, of course, though Spike admitted it wasn't so bad except for the sniveling romantic parts. He suppressed a few snickers especially seeing the girls watch those specific parts so intently and dreamily. He was afraid he would have to leave the room if either of them started with the waterworks. Fortunately, both remained calm and in control of their emotions. At the end of it, Buffy caught him staring at the t.v. with a look on his face that could be best described as a 'What in the free world was that all about"?

"Good movie," he turned to them and grinned. Dawn and Buffy burst out laughing.

"Men never do get this movie, even if they *are* from the 19th century," Buffy giggled to her sister as Dawn aknowledged with an affirmative headshake.

Spike shrugged his shoulders and thought, 'That's a relief to know', before getting up and following the two into the kitchen. He watched as Buffy pulled out the carton of icecream out of the freezer, three bowls out of the cabinet, a dipper and three spoons out of the drawer and began to prepare a snack. She stopped before dipping some out and looked up at him.

"Oh, you want some icecream?"

"Maybe just a little."

She fixed his, Dawn declined as she grabbed a bag of chips, and finished scooping up three large scoops that barely fit into her bowl. Spike's eyes grew large at the proportion sitting in front of her.

"Well, I must say, I don't see where you can put all of that, slayer, with such a tiny frame. First pizza, now icecream, where does it all go?" Buffy's head snapped up and she glared at him even though he wasn't looking at her at the time being.

"The women I know, friends of my mother's, eat like little delicate birds. I often thought it ridiculous, nibbling on their tarts and finger sandwiches. I'm sure though once they were alone, they would scarf a three course meal down in one setting."

Buffy relaxed a bit after he continued rambling. Something suddenly just struck her oddly and she couldn't for the life of her put her finger on it. Oh well.

They sat in the kitchen while Dawn shuffled off to finish her homework before bedtime.

"So, how's it been going for you since you've,---you know, found out what you really are?" Buffy asked him around a spoonful of chocolate fudge ripple.

Spike scraped his bowl clean before plopping the spoon back in it. His brow furrowed as he cocked his head to the side. "Unbelievably easy, actually. My body tells me when I should---what did you call it? Feed?"

Buffy shook her head yes.

"So I do just that. It's still a bit hard to drink it, but I manage." He looked away.

"Any other strange things you've been experiencing?" Buffy picked up the bowls and walked them to the sink.

"For instance?"

She turned and crossed her arms, leaning up against the counter. "Like wanting to sleep through the whole day, stay up all night thing. Any urges you can't figure out?"

Spike's brows raised. Buffy cleared her throat and continued before walking back to her seat. "You know, like the sudden need to hunt, or kill, or maim something or someone."

"You're not scared I'm going to hurt you or Dawn, are you? Because I would never do such a thing, you know that, right?" He sounded hurt and bewildered at her last statement.

She looked at him in surprise and shook her head no. "No, I know, just that you couldn't anyway what with the chip and everything. I just wondered---if the thought was there. Like I sort of do with Spike all the time. I know he can't but I wonder if he really wants to."

"Ah, I understand where you're coming from. Never thought about it, I guess. It's like starting out new in the world. I suppose on down the road I may have the animalistic urges, but maybe in the state I'm in as of the moment, I can keep them tame and under control better. But I will be sure to let you know the second something occurs to throw me for a loop."

"And your senses. Do you notice a significant difference?"

"Oh yes, very much so. I have extremely good eyesight at night. My hearing, when I'm paying attention, is probably five times greater. I've also noticed a distinct smell wafting in from the back porch area. Either you have some dead animal close by or something or someone is leaving you odoriferous gifts."

"Disgusting. I will check on that in the morning, thanks. And your strength; have you tested that?"

"Ah, I bent Dawn's lamp back into shape this afternoon. I---."

"Please, I don't want to know how it got bent in the first place. Or who's fault it was. So I will tell you a little about---well, you."

"The good part." He smiled at her.

"Well, first things first. I am the Slayer. I kill vampires and demons, and protect humans from such creatures. Now don't go ballistic. You're still here, aren't you? I'll tell you why. I met you, or rather Spike about 3 years ago. He came to town with his vampire girlfriend, Drusilla, intending to take and kill my then boyfriend, who happened to be the sire to Dru, by performing some kind of ritual to heal her sickness, or at least the physical one."

"Where is this Drusilla?"

"I don't think we really know. She left you, or Spike that is, last year, I think he said for a chaos demon---or maybe it was a fungus demon---or vice versa. Anyway, she left him because he had helped me defeat Angelus, the soulless vampire who used to be my boyfriend."

Inside, Spike was reeling with anger from having to listen to the facts about Dru's dismissal of him and her affairs. If not bad enough, she brought up the name Angelus, which caused a sour taste to form in the back of his throat. He remained calm while she continued her talk.

"Anyway, Spike and Dru left, only for him to return almost six months later the first time she cheated on him. I guess she didn't like the fact that he had helped me save the world from going to hell. Spike left Sunnydale again for almost a whole year, but returned when Dru cheated on him again. That and he came looking for the ring of Amarra."


"It was a fabled ring that supposedly made a vampire completely immortal while it was worn. Needless to say Spike found it, which caused another one of our many battles with one another in which I kicked his ass."

Spike began to cough. Buffy looked up and smiled at his reaction. He shook his head and cleared his throat.

"So, I take it we've had many fights with one another? Yet, we both seem very much alive and now sitting here together in your kitchen talking civilly."

"Well, I'm getting to that. Not too long after that incident when I took the ring away from him, he was captured by this team of secret underground army guys called The Initiative."

"The chip."

"Yes, they implanted Spike with a microchip. It was to, well basically neuter him. Keep him from harming and feeding on humans. He came to me and the scoobies looking for help and we basically took him in. Spike, reluctantly may I add, helped us from time to time, of course for money and other such items. Just recently, maybe a couple of months ago, he tried to have the chip removed. I never did find out why but I think he was afraid he was changing, becoming good, fighting against the evil he had been a part of for so long."

"Hmm, and did that have any affect on you?"

"I had a hard time trusting him especially when he went behind my back to get the chip taken out. We fight all the time, verbally, physically. One time, a little old lady was walking by when we were arguing and thought we were married." Buffy began to laugh. Spike smiled at hearing the sound then joined in with her. Finally the laughter slowly subsided.

"He had been starting to act a bit out of sorts lately."

'What do you mean?"

"A lot more kind and courteous, especially towards me. Less fighting and when we do, it seems as if he lets me win. Dawn thinks he has a crush on me, or, hmm, let me see what word would you understand? Affections? What do you think?"

Spike tensed and sat up straight, trying to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. "IIIIIII---," he drawled out.

The telephone rang suddenly and Buffy jumped off her seat and ran to get it. Spike dropped his chin to his chest and released a lungful of air he was holding. His mind raced; he didn't know exactly what to say to her. Hopefully she would forget her question when she got off the phone. She hung up and walked back towards him.

"That was Giles. He was getting ready to close up the Magic Box when a certain warlock walked in. Giles is going to try to keep him preoccupied so I gotta run. I should be back before midnight so let Dawn know where I'm at, ok?"

Spike shook his head yes as she took off through the living room and out the front door. He sat there a bit, dumbfounded. Was it a good thing that she was going to be able to talk to the warlock who got him into the mess in the first place, or was it going to be trouble yet again for good ol' Spikey? He sprawled his top half out on the island and groaned desperately.


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