Author's Chapter Notes:
Wow, thank you so much to everyone who reviewed! I'm happy to see so many people get into the story. I promise you the angst will come to an end soon, but not quite yet. Thanks also to my amazing beta's, i love you guys! :)
Chapter 30: I need to go

Buffy sat on her bed staring into space. After she’d run into Spike the previous day she’d gone straight home. She’d crawled into bed, holding a pillow close to her and softly cried herself to sleep. She picked up the phone from its cradle and punched in a number.

“Hello, this is Paul?”

“Paul? It’s Buffy.”

“Buffy, how are you doing? Are you ok? I never saw you at the pub yesterday.”

“Hi Paul. I’m sorry I can’t talk to you in person, I tried to find you in the pub, but I ran into Spike and things got a bit complicated.”

“You talked to Spike? Did he finally come to his senses and hear you out?”

Buffy was surprised to hear him say that. “What do you mean?”

“I spoke to Spike the other day like you asked me to and told him to at least give you a chance to explain yourself. Did he not go to you?”

“I… I haven’t spoken to him until I saw him yesterday. He was with someone…”

There was a silence on the other side.

“Listen Paul, I need to talk to you about the pub. I need to get away for a bit. I can’t stay here right now. I need some time to think. I’ll keep in touch and try and do most of the work from LA.”

“Buffy, what’s going on? You’re not sick are you?”

“No, I’m not sick. But there’s a reason why I’ve been feeling ill.”

There was once again a silence, which told her that Paul was waiting for her to continue. “Paul, I’m pregnant.” Buffy sighed. “I couldn’t tell Spike. I… I need some time. I’m sorry.”

“Buffy, Spike has a right to know.”

“I know, and he’ll get to know. Just… I just can’t face him right now. I’m sorry.”


Spike paced the small office in Little London. He was waiting for Buffy to arrive. After the strange meeting yesterday he felt the need to explain himself. The look on her face had torn him apart, though at the time he rejoiced in the fact that he’d made her feel the same way she’d made him feel when he’d seen her with Riley.

That feeling hadn’t lasted long. She’d looked pale, and it looked like she hadn’t much sleep lately. Something in him had him worried and he couldn’t stand it. As soon as Buffy had fled the building, Spike had ditched Harmony, no longer in the mood to be around the annoying bint.

“Spike man, what are you doing here?”

Spike whirled around and saw Paul walking into the small office.

“I’m waiting for Buffy. Where is she anyway? She should be here,” he asked his first barman.

“She’s not coming in today. She’s been feeling under the weather lately and decided to stay home.”

“Is she ok?” Spike asked, in a worried tone. When he looked at Paul he noticed the discomfort in his stance. “Paul? Tell me what is wrong.”

“I’m sorry, Spike. I swore I wouldn’t tell anyone, including you.”

Spike didn’t know what was happening, but something was obviously very wrong and it scared him to death. “You better tell me what the HELL is going on, cuz I’m not sure if I can take any more of this.”


“Tell me now!”

“She’s pregnant, Spike.”

There was a long silence and Spike walked over to the chair in front of the desk slowly sitting down, a look of disbelief on his face.

“Is it mine?”

This time it was Paul’s turn to look at Spike in disbelief. “Jeezus Spike, first of all, this is not the conversation you should be having with me, and second of all, how on earth can you ask that? I’ve never seen a girl so much in love before, and it’s none of my fucking business what’s going on between you two, but I sure as hell can kick your ass for being such an idiot!”

“Well, what am I supposed to know? I’m being kept out of the bloody loop here with everything! Where is she Paul? She told you, but she didn’t feel the need to tell me? If it was mine shouldn’t she have come to me first?” Spike felt rage building up again.

“Yeah, but then again you already found another bimbo to play around with, haven’t you?”

Spike looked stoic when he heard that.

“You really think she wanted to tell you, when she saw you with Harmony?”

Spike’s face fell. She’d wanted to tell him…


Buffy walked into her mother’s gallery. After her conversation with Paul, she’d called up her mom and told her the news. Her mother had only shown support and was happy to have Buffy stay with her for as long as she needed.


“Buffy!” Her mother called out walking straight over to her and enveloping her into a tight hug. “How are you my darling?”

Buffy pulled back from the embrace and gave her mother a soft smile. “I’ll be fine. I’m just glad I could get away for a little while.”

“Who knows you’re here?”

“I told Paul , Willow and Tara.”

“All right, let’s go home and spoil you a bit. You deserve some pampering I would say,” Joyce replied and escorted Buffy outside.


“I need to see her.” Spike stood up from the chair and walked towards the door.

“You probably won’t find her at home,” Paul called out to him as he was about the leave the office. Spike turned around with a raised eyebrow.

“What do you mean she won’t be home? Where’d she go?”

“She needed to get away for a while. So she went to stay with someone else.”

Spike was getting agitated again. “Right, and you also promised her not to tell me where that would be?”

Paul looked at him sheepishly.

“You know I’ll find her, so you might just as well tell me.”

“Where do you think Buffy would go to get away from all this?”

Thinking back of her little run away act earlier he knew his answer.



The two women were sitting on the sofa enjoying a cup of hot cocoa after a nice dinner. Joyce was now completely filled in on what had happened the last few weeks and she’d been very supportive, but had also tried to tell Buffy Spike’s point of view.

Buffy had looked at her mother as if she’d lost her mind, telling her once again that the kiss hadn’t meant anything. But she did understand where Spike was coming from.

They’d talked some more until both agreed they’d had enough serious talk. So now they were both sitting down relaxed and sated, enjoying a random movie on TV, when there was a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it.” Buffy got up from her seat and walked towards the front door. When she swung the door open, she saw the last person she’d expected to see.



Another chapter for you guys. I hope you guys enjoyed it! :)

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