Author's Chapter Notes:
I've had the crappiest day ever today. I'm gumpy and stressed, and that's why I'm updating today instead of tomorrow. Just in hopes it will make me feel better, which of course would help with pretty reviews ;-)

Thanks to my two extra beta's and everyone who reviewed the story! Means a lot.
Chapter 5: Just Drinks, Nothing More

Buffy looked out of the window of her apartment. It was a bright sunny day, as if to say she had nothing to worry about. Tonight she had a ‘date’ with Spike. It wasn’t really a date, she made sure of that. She was too afraid to call it a date. She didn’t even know him, and she was still embarrassed by her display at the party, even though he told her there was nothing to worry about, and that she had done nothing anyone else wouldn’t have done.

She rummaged through her drawers looking for something to wear. You would think with the amount of clothes she had, she’d be able to find something that she liked.

She heaved a sigh and decided on a pair of tight, low riding jeans with a black tank top that wouldn’t reveal too much, but still showed some of her chest. Laying the clothes on her bed, she walked over to the bathroom to take a fresh shower and wash her hair.

Half an hour later, she’d done her hair and make-up and was putting on her clothes. She still had another hour before she was to meet him. She felt her belly fill with butterflies. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea after all, she thought to herself while pacing her apartment.

Not wanting to kill herself with the pressure, she decided she might as well leave, even though it wasn’t time yet to meet up. She took her purse and keys and walked out of her apartment. ‘This is it Buffy, you’re actually going out and having drinks with a guy you like.’


Once she got to the club, Buffy looked around to see if Spike was there. She noticed him standing at the bar talking to someone, who she recognized as one of the bartenders, probably giving instructions for the times he wasn’t going to be there.

Buffy walked over to a table in the back of the bar and sat down. She studied the bar more intently since she had nothing else to do, as well as from pure curiosity at what Spike had created here. Earlier visits had been for fun, and she hadn’t really had a good look around to see all the details of the place.

The bar itself was positioned on the right side of the club. There was a large space in front of it that at this time was filled with tables and chairs for people to sit at, but it could be cleared and used as a dance floor. On the back end was a podium for musicians to perform their music.

On the right side of the club, there was an entrance to a hallway. The hallway led to the restrooms. At the front of the club where the entrance was, there was a flight of stairs that led to a balcony and Spike’s office. You could see the windows of his office, so that he could keep a look on the bar when he was working there during operating hours.

The overall appearance of the club was a warm reddish glow with dark walls. The walls were decorated with lamps and paintings, and the ceiling had several mirrors.

Buffy looked up at the bar to see that Spike had finished talking to his bartender and was now walking towards the entrance, obviously with the intention of going up to his office. Somehow feeling that he was being watched, he looked her way and got a surprised look on his face when he saw her. Checking his watch, Buffy giggled to herself, thinking he might have thought he was late.

He walked up to her and gave her a charming smile.

“You’re early, love, I didn’t know you were already here. I have a few things to finish up upstairs. You can come along if you wish. I want to show you the entire place anyway.”

Buffy fidgeted nervously at the idea of being completely alone with Spike in a room, but shook it off and agreed to his invitation.

Walking into his office he sat down at his desk and motioned to Buffy that she could take a seat on the sofa. Sitting down, Buffy didn’t really know what to do, so she just sat there.

“So, love, how was your day?” Spike inquired while organizing his papers.

“It was your regular Monday. Work has been piling up all weekend, which goes along with the constant hammering of my boss. She causes daily headaches. But other then that, it was just super,” she replied with a bit too much sarcasm.

Spike looked up in surprise, not expecting that kind of answer, and saw her turn crimson when she realized what she’d said.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to let it come out like that. It’s just been a bit stressful at work lately,” she stammered quickly, not being able to look into Spike’s eyes.

Spike smiled at that.

“It’s ok, love, it’s an honest answer to my question. And I’d like to you to be open with me. Rant all you want, if it makes you feel better,” he said smiling at her.

“So, I’m guessing you’re not really enjoying your work then?” he inquired.

“Not really,” Buffy sighed. “It started out nice when I got the job. Lilah, my boss, was really friendly and easy going, but as time went on she got more demanding and right now it’s so busy and stressful that she won’t even speak to me anymore if it’s not work related.” Buffy sighed again.

“I know it’s a hard job she’s doing, but it’s just not something for me. But at least I have something to pay the rent and my bills. I shouldn’t complain, there are people much worse off than me,” she finally said.

Spike tilted his head, having studied her during her rant. She was absolutely gorgeous when she was ranting.

“You can always look for something else, pet. You’re still so young, and there’s lots of opportunities that will come your way,” Spike replied.

Buffy smiled up at him, and started to feel more relaxed. There was no use to be sitting there like a stiff and frigid virgin.

“So what have you been up to? You look really busy. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to have this drink?” Buffy asked.

Spike looked up at her and gave her another warm smile.

“You’re not getting out of it that easy. I have bigger plans for this place and that’s what all these papers are for.”

This got Buffy’s interest.

“What kind of plans? You’ve only just opened and you’re already thinking of changing things?” she asked in awe.

“I’m just writing down some ideas for expanding. Maybe have some themes, or a VIP section? I’m not sure yet. There are all sorts of ideas flowing around in my head.” Spike grinned. “But let’s not talk about that now. We got together to learn more about each other, not to discuss business.”

“It is part of who you are, you know,” Buffy replied teasingly. She was feeling a lot more at ease. Spike did not pressure her into anything and something about him was drawing her in, and making her feel very relaxed.

Spike smirked. “You’re right about that, but I want to know more about Buffy Summers, so I can figure out what it is that has me so intrigued,” Spike replied.

Buffy blushed at that.

“There’s not much to know really. I grew up in L.A. where I lived with my mom until we moved to Sunnydale when I was fifteen. I went to high school here, met Willow who you met at the gallery, and we became instant friends. In high school my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer and I tried to help her out as much as I could. As soon as I graduated high school I found a job to help her pay for all the medical bills. I never really was that ambitious, so I didn’t mind not being able to go to college. I missed not being around my friends anymore and hated having to work 40 hours a week in a stinky diner, but I didn’t have that much of a choice at that time. After my mom got declared cancer free, I went to look for a new job, and that’s how I got the job I’m doing now, which I already told you about, and I’m talking too much, aren’t I?” Buffy said feeling embarrassed that she just told her life story to a complete stranger without thinking twice.

Spike smiled softly at her.

“No, you’re not. I like it that you feel comfortable enough to tell me all this. Means you like me.” He winked at her, which earned him a bright blush.

“So, what about you, mister? You make me tell my life story, but what about you? What is the mystery that is Spike, and don’t tell me that’s your real name!” Buffy said teasingly.

Spike snickered at that.

“As if Buffy is such a good name,” he replied

“Hey! My mother gave me that name,” Buffy replied mockingly.

“Alright, pet, my real name is William Devine, born and raised in London, England. I studied English literature there. I love Shakespeare and poetry, and don’t ever dare tell people I told you that! I have to think of my image,” he said while moving his hand over his upper body which made Buffy swallow hard.

“My mother passed away when I was seven and my father is an English teacher at Oxford University. I have a sister, Drusilla. I moved to America only a few months ago after a bad break up with my ex. And that’s it, really,” Spike ended.

Buffy smiled at him. Hearing him talk about his losing his mother made her think of how close she had been to losing her own mother. She was thankful that she was still alive. She had no idea what she would do without her mother.

“Sounds like mister big bad has a soft side in him,” she said while sticking her tongue out at him, but sobered up quickly when she said, “I’m sorry to hear about your mom.”

“It’s ok, love, I was only seven. It was hard, but it’s a long time ago, and I’ve moved on. I know she’ll always be with me in my heart. Now let’s go downstairs for that drink, shall we?”

Spike walked over to the door while Buffy stood up from her chair. He guided her down the stairs and rested his hand lightly on her lower back. Strangely enough, Buffy didn’t feel uncomfortable with this gesture, but rather savoured the feeling.

They walked up to the bar to get their drinks, and walked over to the back of the bar to get a table with a little bit more privacy. They both sat down and were silent for a moment, both not really knowing how to pick up the conversation, but enjoying the comfortable silence they were in.

“Do you have any siblings?” Spike broke the silence.

Buffy looked up at him, and gave him a small smile.

“Mom wasn’t able to have any more children after I was born. The doctors said it was too dangerous and that she might not survive another birth. So I’ve been an only child. I always wanted a brother or sister though,” she answered while staring into space.

Spike felt there was more to this subject, but pressuring her into telling him wasn’t going to work.

They chatted some more about their lives and the things that they loved, neither one noticing that half the bar was already empty. They’d been talking for hours and neither had noticed. They felt so comfortable together.

“I better get going, another tough day tomorrow,” Buffy said with a soft smile.

Spike regretted that she had to go; he felt so comfortable talking to her, something he hadn’t had before with a woman. He knew she was special.

“Let me get your coat and see you out,” Spike replied softly.

When they were standing outside, there was an awkward silence. “Well, I’ll call you and will see you at the bar on Thursday?” Spike asked to which Buffy nodded.

He slowly walked over to her, and Buffy felt her heart speed up. She wasn’t sure what he was going to do, or if she was ready for this step. But before she could do anything she felt his soft lips brush lightly on the corner of her mouth.

Spike straightened up to note Buffy’s reaction to the kiss, and noticed she had a faraway look in her eye and he smirked to himself.

“I’ll see you on Thursday, pet,” Spike said which brought Buffy back to the present.

She smiled and walked off to her car, still not believing that she just got kissed, and didn’t mind it at all. She actually liked it quite a lot. She could still feel his lips on the side of her mouth as she drove away.


Ok, that's it, the first physical contact as well. What do you guys think. Good?

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