Author's Chapter Notes:
I obviously do not own or claim to own any of the people, places or events written for BTVS or Angel. I do own all original people, places, and events in my stories. I think that covers it.
Angel felt a change in the line. It had been centuries since a king had been chosen. He felt that some how one had been chosen this night and that worried him. He was the oldest in the line. The oldest was always the strongest an there for king. Angelus was fighting to get out and kill who ever was calling themselves king. Angel had to fight to keep him down.

They were in the middle of training when the phone rang.” Hello Magic Box” said a female voice cheerfully. “Anya, this is Angel I need to speak with Giles” Angel replied, sounding very serious. Anya never liked the brooding vampire and yelled,” GILES PHONE”.

Giles rolled his eyes and answered the phone, “Magic Box this is Rupert Giles”, he answered. “Giles this is Angel I need to know what you can tell me about a new King of Aurelius being named.” Giles was a little shocked. “Just a moment Angel” Giles put him on hold. “Dillon can I speak with you” Dillon nodded and walk over to him. Giles asked if he had any knowledge.

Dillon smiled, “I’ll tell you later Giles” mouthed as he picked up the phone, “Angelus you are oldest but not most powerful in your line. A new line has been started with the King and his new childer. This is no longer a concern for you. Do as the Lady asked and return to your own destined path. Find balance and you will be the champion you where made to become. The old Aurelian line is no more.” With that Dillon hung up.

Angel moved as if in a trance. With that one phone call all thought of the Aurelians left his mind. He had a life and a purpose. His thoughts of his vampiric family were hidden in the back of his mind and Angelus was quiet. Angel went to work like nothing was wrong.

Giles asked Dillon sit as he began to write down what happened. It was yet another ability Dillon seemed to have and now he had to tell Giles about his kingship.

Anne, Willow, Tara, Anya, Dawn, Sara, and Maggie were out looking at possible homes for the new Slayer central. The realtor was the one whom Spike had worked with when he bought the warehouses. They were looking at the fifth house of the day. Something had felt off about each of them and this one was no exception. Anne took the realtor aside, “Can I see a list of the other houses you might show us?” she asked sweetly. The girl did not know why but she handed over the information with a smile. Anne looked over the list, “No, no, no, no, maybe, hmm, Yes lets see this one.” Anne pointed at the listing and the Realtor smiled and nodded. Everyone got in the van and headed over to the location Anne had chosen.

It was only a few houses down from Anne and Dillon’s home. As soon as they pulled up to the house the girls knew it was the right one. It had four bedrooms, a large dinning area, a basement, a pool out back, and study. The living room was large enough to hold group meetings or movie nights. The Scoobies declared it a perfect Slayer house and Sara and Maggie agreed. The fact that it was close to Anne and Dillon was a bonus.

The papers were signed and the Bruce family started setting up their new home. The movers brought their belongings, which the gang helped unpack. The girls shopped for anything else they might want or need for the home. Anne had a credit card Dillon had given her. He told her to use it for what ever she wanted. She did not like spending his money on frivolous things but stuff for the new Slayer was acceptable.

The work on the warehouses was well underway. The offices were almost ready but the training complex was going to take more time. The workers knew better than to ask why they wanted such a dangerous place built. The pay was good and they were not asked to work after dark. In fact they were required to be off site before dark and back just after sun up. Most had lived in this town long enough to know that was a blessing.

The girls began selecting furniture for the offices. Sara was in design mode. She was suggesting how they could maximize space, add comfort, and the best ways to feng shui the offices. Willow, Tara, and Sara began talking of simple ways to add protections and other helpful spells to the offices while making them part of the décor. Charlie started to tell her it was not her place to decorate the offices but Dillon quickly stopped him taking him outside.

“Charlie mate, I just saved your life. Look in that room at our women. They are nesting. They are bonding. They aren’t spending money by only talking about shopping. You interrupt that and they will turn on not only you but the rest of us as well. Then they will go shopping with actual money and no plan. Even I could go broke that way.” Dillon chuckled. Charlie finally started to laugh himself after shuddering from the image Dillon planted in his mind.

Finally all of the work was done on the offices. The training room was still being worked on but everything else was good enough to open the doors. Almost as soon as the doors opened, Avalon Investigations, Inc… was packed with customers. Some wanted to know what they did there, other wanted help finding friends and family who were missing, a few demons came to ask for protection. All the request were met with an polite, “Fill out this form and we will look into it and get back with you in a few days” type answers. After they finally closed the doors the girls began sorting the request forms into categories of yes, no, maybe, and research. Everyone was very tired by the end of the day and decided to spend a quiet night alone with their families. Dillon and Anne of course patrolled first.

A few days after Avalon opened up the witches started the Fairy Green line of spell components. Anya, Willow and Tara found several uses for parts of the demons Anne and Dillon killed each night. The two had also become “guardian angels” of the non-violent demon population. The outskirts of the town began to grow and thrive as several demons, and half demons started communities there. Those that could past for human worked and lived as them. They also helped the less than human looking demons live as well.

They dropped off food or gave them jobs around their homes they could do. Small gated communities were formed. These were little places were non human looking demons could play outside and not worry about humans. Anne and Dillon became like police in these areas. They keep out humans who could CAUSE trouble and keep the local demons from harming humans. In return many of them gave the couple things. Some gave treasures they had acquired, some gave odd foods, others gave spell components. Much of what they gave came from other where ever they once lived.

Other Vampires were joining King Dillon as well. They agreed to live by the rules he set if he protected them from the Slayers and Hunters. Dillon checked on them often and trained many of them to help patrol. They were not required to kill evil demons but report them to Dillon and help keep the peace between the non-violent demons.

Marcus was the head of the Lemur clan. He was only around two hundred seventy years turned but the clan had always been one of weaker demons. Marcus however had delusions of grandeur. He assumed he could take over a great line and make something of himself. He did not realize his demon was only as strong as a week old fledge in the ancient line Dillon commanded.

Marcus was meeting with other Masters of the lower clans and grumbling about the goings on in Sunnydale. Master Tyva of the Vainer clan and Master Michael of the Schmidt clan sat round his table. They came up with a grand plan of combining their clans to go after the new Aurelian King. Plans laid they decided to attack the following Tuesday night.

Word reached Dillon that there were rumor of several lesser clans recruiting vampires. The main rumor was they planned to attack the Aurelians. Dillon rewarded his faithful childer and sent out word he would hold court on Tuesday. Mean while he gathered his core group and made plans to work with the Slayers team to stop the invaders and send a clear message to the demon world that he and his queen were not to be trifled with.

Plans set Dillon and Anne set up there court that night in Restfield near Spike’s old crypt. Several Vampire and Demons asked for an audience with the King. As in days of long ago Dillon and Anne sat on chairs and had their appointed officers around them. Requests were brought to them in writing and then the herald would call the parties forward. Most of the request were boring. Vampire asking to join his kingdom, Demons requesting judgment in situations they could not settle themselves, some seeking work and a home, ect…

Court was almost finished when Dillon nodded at one of his men. Several of the group moved into position seconds before all hell broke loose. Demons and Vampires from Marcus’s group charged into what they thought would be an unsuspecting group of nobles. What they found was a fully prepared and fully trained group of warriors. In moments the Aurelians had gained control of the situation and brought the attack to an end. Those whom survived were taken to a secure location at Avalon Investigation.

Marcus looked at the cowering vampire before him then at the note in his hand. “What does it say Marcus” Michael demanded with a growl. Marcus looked up at his partners not even attempting to conceal his rage, “He demand that we leave not only California but the US as well. He claims he will allow you to leave unharmed but he dares to command me into his presence. Who does he think he is to command me? I was a vampire before he was even born.”

A balance demon then stepped forward surprising the trio. “My name is of no importance but my information will help you. You will learn from it or die from it. The king you seek to oppose was non other than Spike, William the Bloody, Slayer of Slayers, Sired by Angelus himself. He is also they youngest Master ever in vampire history. Also for those of you who do not know the Master begot Darla, who begot Angelus, who begot Drusilla, who begot Spike. He died the same night as the Slayer known as Buffy Summers. That night Dillon and Anne were born. They are ascended demons of light. Angels some would mistakenly call them. They have powers beyond what even they know and that power is growing. It is growing so that they will keep the balance when the end times come. The battle has begun and they will be part of the war to follow. I give this information as a warning. Use it wisely.” With that the demon was gone. The trio looked at each other before Michael and Tyva turned hatful looks on Marcus.

“You told us he was a lesser. You did not tell us who he was and from the look on your face I say you knew. If what the demon said is true then his queen is the former Slayer. You set us upon an Ascended Slayer and the most notorious master vampire in history without warning. You have to be out of your mind. None of mine will aid you in this. We will except the king’s decree and leave for Europe as soon as we can make arrangements. If we ever come across any of yours again we will kill them.” Michael said with deadly seriousness. Tyva looked to be still in shock before asking Michael if her line could accompany his for the trip. He smiled at her and nodded. She then turned to Marcus, “I second what Michael has said and the same will go for my line as well.” The two left calling their clans to follow. They sent one to speak with the King.

Once the prisoners where secured Dillon ordered one to take a message to his master, he chose one of Marcus’s own line. The rest were separated and each brought before Dillon and Anne. The first was David a Childe of Michael. He looked fearless on the outside though he was shaking inwardly. “What is your name childe?” Dillon asked. He smirked to himself when he heard Anne think of how much his attitude seemed like a certain blond she use to know.

David was a big man before he had turned and after his turning he had turned into solid muscle. He straightened himself up and pushed his own pride aside as he address the man before him, “Please you majesty, I will answer all if you will first bring me my childe and mate so I may see she is unharmed.” Dillon looked at him for a moment. “You ask this of me after you and your brethren attacked me unprovoked. What harm have I done to have the Schmidt clan invade my territory and interrupt my court?” he asked. Anne the spoke, “Answer two questions and I will bring her to you. One do you kill for sport or food? And Two what would you give to make sure she is safe?”

David thought for a moment, “I wish for nothing more that to live out my days with my mate. She was turned at her own request not mine. We kill only for food and only when we must. Many of her human family freely give to the two of us and in return we protect them. Michael is fine with our arrangement. As for what I would give…………Anything. He looked her in the eye with his last word. Anne smiled, “Would you give up you Sire to keep her safe? Would you leave your own line to insure her safety?”

David faltered for a moment. “Majesties, I am not sure I could give us my father. He is a good man. After seeing your majesties I can assure you that our master was tricked into the attack. Lemur gave us false information when he asked us for help. He painted you as a fledge making a claim that was not yours to make on land that was not yours to take. My Master has what we call a Robin Hood complex your majesties.” David said with a chuckle. He was feeling for at ease around the king and queen since they ask first and did not simple inflict pain or kill them.

Dillon chuckled at the statement and Anne waved for Baron Damon to come forward. “Lord David this is Baron Damon of The Order of Aurelius. Damon please gather the information you need to find his mate and bring her before the court.” Damon nodded to the Queen and turned to David. He took a good smell of David’s neck while the larger Vampire tried to remain still. He looked David in the eye and simply asked, “Name?” “Tamar” David whispered. Damon nodded once to the vampire before bowing to the crowns and leaving the room. A few moments later a crying Tamar was reunited with David.

After he made sure his mate was okay he tuned to the crowns, “Your majesties. What is to happen now?” Dillon looked at the two for a moment before speaking. “Marcus has been ordered into our presence and the other have been ordered to leave the US. What happens next depends on them. Should your master send for you he will be asked to come before this court where he will be judged. Should he leave with out asking of your welfare then we will deal with that bridge if we come to it. You and your mate will be made “Guest in our court. If other of your line are honest and true then they will join you as well after their questioning. Know this……we are more than what we seem and we can tell truth from lie. Later we may speak more with you about what we are and who we were but for now Baron Marcus will show you to your rooms.” With that he dismissed them.

The rest of the night went much the same. Most of the clan was sent to David to watch over. Dillon and Anne knew who belonged to what clan before they even entered the court so they took care of them one clan at a time. Finally a quiet little blond was brought in. Anne had to giggle as she saw herself in the little girl. She was defiant yet projected an innocence that could fool most. Anne took over this time, “Present yourself childe and speak on your master’s behalf of what happened here this night!” Dillon looked at her for a moment and she shrugged slightly. No one else even saw the movement. The girl before them straightened her shoulders and stuck out her chin as she glared at them for a moment. “My name is Cry’tala. I am the childe of Tyva, head of our order. Whom do I address? You are not what we were told to expect.” She said with quiet confidence.

The herald spoke up at this, “You are in the court of their majesties Queen Anne and King Dillon of the clan of Aurelius. You would do well to learn your place childe of a lesser clan. Even the Barons here of less than ten years turned hold more power than you.” She sneered. Dillon turned and knocked the woman to the floor, “You too would do well to learn you place. You speak when told. We allow more freedom than most clans but you will not presume to speak for us. Baron Richard, come get you childe. She man be a lady of this court but I will not have her speak so. Teach you childer to obey or they will not be welcome in my presence.” Dillon growled. Richard dragged Lady Tory out by the ear and ordered Lady Aren to follow.

Anne then resumed her questions, “Cry’tala please forgive Lady Tory’s outburst. Tell me what your were told of us and then we will tell you that which Marcus did not. We have already heard from Michael’s childer and know that not all the facts were presented and what were given did not hold much truth.” Cry’tala looked the two royal s over for a moment then bowed. “We were lead to believe that to humans used a spell to take over the dieing clan of Aurelius. Most of us do not hear much of what happens with the higher clans. My sire followed at Michael’s request. She trusted Michael’s judgment because she is infatuated with him. She will most likely follow again with however he decides to handle your commandments. No disrespect my Lady Queen you may call me Tala, may I ask what you are?” she said with a slight bow.

Anne smiled and said, “All you need know for now is that we are ascended beings and that Dillon is the rightful king of this line as his mate I am rightful queen.” Tala bowed again, “As you wish your majesty. What is to happen to me now?” she asked. Dillon answered saying, “You will be taken to a room where others of your clan may be joining you after they appear before us. After that it will depend on your Mistress. Princess Krista, seeing how Lady Tory and Lady Aren are busy at the moment can you please show Tala to her rooms. Thank you.” With that Tala was lead out and the rest of her clan was judged. After a long night Anne and Dillon retired for some much needed rest.

The next day they brought David and Tala before them. “Some of your people were working for Marcus. He had them infiltrate your clans to bolster support for his cause. They have been dealt with. If your masters send for you then you may want to look at cleaning you houses, there could be others. You may return to you rooms. You and your clan members with be provided with a ration of pigs blood. We will let you know when or if we hear from your masters.” Dillon told them before dismissing them.

Just as Anne hoped that night a representative of Michael and Tyva came to them requesting an audience. They were sent back with a message. Michael and Tyva were seated together patiently awaiting word when their messengers arrived. They read the notes handed to them. Michael stood and started commanding the two clans to pack and make ready to leave while one of the messengers was sent to gather enforcements to accompany them to court. The king would give them their people after an audience.

When Michael and Tyva arrived they were surprised to find so many humans among the vampires. Humans that where not pets or food. They were announced and lead into a comfortable room where Dillon and Anne awaited them. “Michael, Tyva, please be seated. Your guards can wait in the outer room with ours. Know this if any of you get a bright idea and touch any of my people or think you can go after the humans you will be dealt with severely.” Dillon commanded and after a nod from Michael the others left.

Anne and Dillon looked the two over carefully. “We have heard from others what happened but we want your account before we proceed.” Anne said calmly. Michael confirmed what the others had said and spoke of what the balance demon told them. They were more than ready to leave the country with their clans. Dillon and Anne looked at one another for a long moment not speaking aloud. Dillon turned to them, “I give you this option. I have heard that Michael encourages those who wish not to kill when they feed. If you wish to stay in the US then you must pledge yourselves to me. You will control you clans but you will bend to my rules and be governed by my people. One of my Barons will be assigned to your clan as liaison. If you do not wish this and chose to leave then you will swear and alliance with me and my clan. You will promise to let others know the folly of coming after myself, my queen, or my people. You will contact me immediately if you hear news that may affect me and mine. Those are my terms. We will leave you to think for a moment before you answer.” With that the two Royals got up and left the room.

Tyva turned to Michael, “I have lived most of my life here in the states. I do not think our clans could survive long among the higher clans in Europe. I am willing to stay and become part of this king’s kingdom. He will be a powerful ally and his ways seem just.” Michael thought for a moment. “I agree. If I did not know better I would almost call him Kindred. He seems more like them than one of the council childer. If I did not know Angelus fostered him I would believe it to be so. We are agreed then.” As if on cue Anne and Dillon returned. Michael looked at Dillon, “My king. We would like to stay if we may. we will let our clan members decide their own fates. They may stay with us or we will send them away on their own. If it pleases you majesties we would have those who stay each pledge to you so as you may judge each. We will keep your laws and enforce them. Your enemies will be our enemies.” Dillon nodded to Michael.

Anne looked at the two, “You will have one day to settle you affairs and return with those who remain faithful to your clan. We will have ceremonies then. Let it be known that Marcus of the Clan Lemur has violated our commandment, has dared to send spies into the house of other masters, and has declared war on the Royal line of Aurelius. We now call down a blood hunt. Those who come before us asking mercy shall find it. All others have until midnight to leave the US. Marcus is to be brought before this court before the next dawn. My king and I will be away until midnight. Our nobles will deal with matters until that time. All are dismissed.” With that the two again left. This mess had taken up enough of their time and they still had a wedding to plan.

Sorry this has taken so long. Still trying to figure out where this is going, but I hope you like where it is so far.

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