Author's Chapter Notes:
Well, all I have to say is thank you guys so much for the wonderful reviews I've gotten! So here's another chapter for you! Hope you like it, please continue to leave me the great reviews!

Chapter 5

Spike made his way through the crowd towards the petite blonde that had just walked away from his group a few minutes ago. Usually he would have cared less if this was one of the worst things he could do to Wesley, but he kind of did feel bad for what he was about to do. He could tell Wes liked this girl but hell, she was a hott little number, not only hot but beautiful. A quality he found rare in the girls around here.

If his cousin didn’t have the guts to do anything about his new fondness for the girl he wasn’t going to let the oppertunity pass him by. Walking up to her he grinned as her back was turned to him. Leaning close to his ear he took his chance. “ What’s a pretty thing like you doing without an escort?”

Buffy frowned a little before turning around. This guy was hott, very, very, hott. But there was something about him that was holding her back and telling her to stay back. She smiled at him remembering that he was probably one of Oz’s friends. “ I’m here with my friend, why, are you offering?”

So far so good. “ If that’s ok with you of course.”

“ Actually, sorry but it’s not. I don’t need an escort and I’m sure there’s many other girls in here that would gladly fall for that. Unfortunately for you I’m not one of them.” Giving him one last smile she walked to where Willow was waving at her from te dance floor.

Spike just stared in shock as she walked to her redheaded friend. He had been rejected, she had said no. He finally understood what people meant when they said there was a first time for everything. But damn, he wasn’t expecting that curve ball, not at all. Making his way back to te group he continued to think over what had just happened.

“ So what did Spike Connors want?” Willow asked staring at her friend curiously.

Buffy shrugged looking back in the direction he was with his group to see him staring at her. “ Same thing as most guys. To dance, probably grope a little, same old. But they always go about it all wrong, you know what I mean?”

Willow grinned. “ You mean come up to you with a smug grin and some cheesy pick up line and no expectations of rejection?”

“ Yes! Exactly!”

Willow shook her head and grinned. “ Well, here comes another one.”


Spike came back the small group of his friends with an expression of disbelief.

“ So what happened man?” Angel asked not getting by the look on his face that it hadn’t gone well at all.

“ Ryan, are you that dense?” Spike snapped. “ She actually said no. No.” He said the last word quieter as if he himself had just figured out the concept of the word.

They all (but Oz of course) stared at him with mouths agape. This was practicaly unheard of, for Spike Connors to be rejected by a girl.

“ I got to talk to this girl. She’s a complete contradiction to her own kind and she doesn’t even know it.” With that Angel walked towards her just as his friend had.

Buffy sighed as another guy, this time brunette, but from the same crowd as Spike walked up to her completely ignoring Willow. “ Hi, I’m Angel Ryan. Would you like to dance?”

Buffy had the urge to smack him out of the way and continue to talk with her friend as they danced. Well, at least there was no cheesy come on line this time. “ I just have to say this before I answer no to your first question. Coming up to me and completely ignoring my friend like I wasn’t even talking to her before isn’t a good way to make me like you. So now, to answer your first question, no I wouldn’t like to dance with you.” With that she grabbed her friends hand and dragged her back to their table.

“ Wow, Buffy your good at telling guys off.” Willow giggled at the frustrated look of pure frustration on her face.

“ Well, I might have even said yes to the dance but to come up and completely ignore you and then ask me to dance is even worse then using a cheesy come on line.”

“ Don’t worry, I’m used to it by now. Remember Cordelia? Well it’s either that or being ignored. So yeah, I usually stick to the being ignored and I’ll shut up now because I’m babbling.” The red head ducked her head shyly.

Buffy frowned. “ Willow that’s my point. You shouldn’t be used to it! You can’t just let people treat you like that because of some selfish reasons they have. You know what, I’m going to give you a make-over tomorrow. You’re never going to be letting people ignore you like that again. And you’ll feel great about how you look too.”

“ Buffy, you really don’t have to. I never really liked standing out much either so it really is ok.” Willow smiled reassuringly at her friend.

“ Well what’s the fun in being a teenager, a person, if you don’t stand out from everyone else? I won’t take no for an answer.”

Willow giggled. “ Fine, but I ave a feeling he’ll have to.”

Confused Buffy turned around to see yet another guy coming towards her. She whimpered turning back to her friend. “ Do these guys have some kind of bet going or something? Jeez.”

Wesley stood and listened as Angel, much like Spike, came back with glazed eyes and a confused expression. “ She said no to me too.”

“ See! Something’s got to be wrong with her. Maybe she’s...” He paused, no she didn’t seem like it.

“ Lesbian?” Angel finished for him, a look of hope on his face the it was the answer to what had just happened.

Wesley finally spoke up at this comment. There was no way... “ That’s so stereotypical of you to assume that just because a girl rejected you she’s lesbian.”

Spike raised his eyebrows. “ Ok then, why don’t you go ask her to dance then?”

Wesley stood a little straighter. Maybe, maybe this time he’d get lucky. “ Fine.”

“ Just be yourself Wes.” Oz incouraged.


Buffy pateintly waited for him to get there and was surprised when he did. “ H’lo Willow.”

Willow just nodded at him as an awknolegment. “ I’m going to go get Xander.” She lied going off in te direction of the bar. Xander had actually had to go home earlier because he didn’t have the house key on him and this was about the hour his dad was out drinking while his mother was no where in he vicinity of the house, he had to sneak in before the shouting matches began.

He stared at her for a second before realising she was expecting him to say something. ‘Be yourself.’ He heard Oz’s voice. “ Did you know, that about 80% of the male population uses various unreliable and annoying pick up line on girls?”

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