Chapter 26: Don’t Kill the Wizard

Buffy sat in the back seat of the moving car tying El’s hands and legs together with some spare rope they had brought along. Spike kept glancing in his mirror, keeping a cautious eye on Eli as he drove into the Nevada night.

“Ow!” Eli yelped as Buffy cut off his circulation in his one hand a little bit.

“Don’t be a baby.” Buffy scolded and loosened the ropes only a little bit.

“Well love you do have the reputation of being rough with the ropes.” Spike spoke up and gave his two cents, sympathizing with the wizard when he remembered a certain Thanksgiving being tied to a chair.

Buffy leaned forward in the backseat so her lips were directly next to Spike’s ear. She whispered, “Do you want to be tied up next?”

Spike smirked, but didn’t take his eyes off the road. Buffy climbed over the backseat and into the front passenger seat.

“What’s the point of tying me up again?” Eli spoke up, “You checked to see if I was armed with weapons when you picked me up.”

”Can’t take any chances….you’re still dangerous, you played for Angelus’s side.” Spike explained.

“Not anymore….” Eli muttered and wiggled around in the back, trying to be more comfortable.

“And why’s that?” Buffy turned around her seat and sat her chin against the seat.

“Yeah wizard boy, did you think Angelus was some sort of saint when you came to Vegas?” Spike asked, glancing at him through his mirror, even though he knew Eli couldn’t see his reflection of his eyes.

“I knew he wasn’t innocent.” Eli looked down in his lap.

“So, what? You reformed while in the presence of the Great Poofter?”

“I was hired by one of Angelus’s lackey’s…they heard of me and my brother wizard, Rufus. Rufus was willing to go, but I had my doubts. The only reason I went along for the ride was to protect my wife.” Eli admitted and looked up to meet Buffy’s eyes with a frown.

“You’re married?” Buffy whispered and raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Yes…we lived in Los Angelus for a while until I had enough money to leave that hell hole of a city that it turned into and go some place nicer…safer to raise a family….” Eli explained, “Once we settled everything was perfect…until Angelus took her from our own home…” Eli sadly said, forming tears in his eyes.

Buffy and Spike were silent, they didn’t know what to say, they wanted him to continue.

”Angelus knew my skills…and took that against me…threatened my wife’s life if I didn’t follow his wishes.” Eli sniffed, “If I didn’t go…he’d kill her.”

“Did he?” Spike asked, mostly likely thinking he’d hear a yes come from the wizard’s mouth.

“Not sure…probably did. I never saw her again.” Eli whispered and looked out the window at the Nevada desert speeding by.

”Then why’d you work for him?” Buffy asked.

”To try to see if I could get her back…find a clue as to what happened to her.” Eli told them, “I wasn’t going to let my wife just disappear out of existence. If she was killed I was going to make sure Angelus got what was coming to him.”

”I don’t get it.” Buffy shook her head in confusion, “Why would Angelus hire you when he knew that you knew that your wife could be in grave danger…and that you were looking for revenge?”

”That’s the big question.” Eli nodded, “I guess he thinks if I help him I’d get my Lily back.”

”Lily?” Buffy asked with a small smile at the pretty name.

“Yes, Lily…” Eli smiled too, and sort of went into a daze as if he was remembering a moment or image of his wife.

They didn’t say anything to each other the rest of the car ride. All three of them were just left with there thoughts. However, at some point of the car ride Spike’s hand gently slipped into Buffy’s that was resting on the car seat between them. Buffy looked down as he laced their fingers together and tightened his hold, seeming like he was holding on for dear life. She guessed that Eli’s story had gotten some sort of message across to Spike. Buffy guessed that Spike realized that love could slip away in a heartbeat if you don’t hold on….and more importantly, that it was harder to hold on once you finally have hold so dearly to your heart.


“Turn here.” Eli was the first one to speak up in over an hour. The sound of a voice startled Buffy a little bit.

“Why?” Buffy asked.

”Please just do it.” Eli pleaded, hoping that two would listen to him, and would have the heart to maybe start trusting him a little bit after he opened to them.

Buffy and Spike glanced at one another. Buffy nodded and then Spike took the turn onto a small little dirt path that seemed to come out of no where after driving miles and miles on only one road in sight.

”Where are we going?” Spike asked as he gripped the wheel tighter. He realized the new road was a lot bumpier compared to the interstate.

All three passengers seemed to be tossed up and down and side to side as they continued down the road.

”Why doesn’t this car have seatbelts Spike?” Buffy asked as she held on to the dashboard in front of her.

“It’s an old car pet…anything could have happened to them.” Spike told her as hit another bump and his head went flying up and hit the roof. “Bugger.” He muttered in pain.

“It’s a rough road but it’s necessary.” Eli spoke up as he slid into the car door; without having any control of where his body went he couldn’t brace himself for the impact.

“Were three miles for Las Vegas, why take this way?” Spike yelled at Eli.

”Okay stop here.” Eli said.

Spike slowed the car down to a hault and looked around into the darkness to see nothing. He turned to look over at Buffy to see if she was alright.

”You okay?” He asked in concern when he saw her wince in pain as she rubbed the side of her head.

”Fine…” she groaned.

Spike turned around to look at the wizard with anger eyes, “All I see is dirt and miles of nothing.”

Buffy opened her car door, continuing to rub her aching head. In the process she saw a small little shack built out of logs just a few feet from the car.

”Spike…” she called out to him.

Spike opened his door and looked over at what she was looking at. “Want to explain yourself Wizzy?” Spike asked as he spotted a tiny shed in the middle of no where.

”I will…but you’ll have to untie me.” Eli said as he tried to maneuver his body to a sitting position.

Buffy and Spike meet eyes across the roof the car.

“What do you think?” Buffy asked.

”Only the feet.” Spike simply said.

After untying a few knots, Eli was standing outside the car with his feet free but his hands still tied together behind his back. Buffy had one hand around his arm, making sure he didn’t make a break for…even though there was no place to run to in the middle of no where.

As they approached the tiny shed Spike opened the door for Buffy and Eli and then he followed behind.

Once inside all they saw was a seal planted into the ground.

“This better not be another Hellmouth…” Buffy whined.

“It’s a sewer entrance into the tunnels underneath Las Vegas.” Eli explained as all three of them stared at the seal.

”And this helps how?” Buffy asked, looking confused at the sewer drain.

”You can’t enter Las Vegas all willy nilly…Angelus has every lackey in the whole city in search for the two of you. You wouldn’t get five seconds into the city without being spotted and being turned into Angelus. This is the only way.” Eli explained with a sigh.

Everything that Buffy felt or was malfunctioning in her body froze. ‘Angelus knows I’m alive? So the dream was true…’ “What did you say?” she whispered and let go of Eli’s arm and turned to him.

Spike turned to look at Buffy, not understanding what made her look so upset. He was so quick to figure out that Angelus now knew that Buffy was alive and with him.

”Angelus’s knows….he knows I’m here…alive?”

Eli took a deep breath, “To make a long story short…he does.”

Spike looked over at Buffy and saw distress written all over her face. She started to pace until he stepped in front of her path and grabbed her by the shoulders.

”Luv…it’s going to be alright…he won’t find us.” Spike said softly as he raised one of his hands to graze her hair softly.

“My dream was true Spike…” she cried, “What if…what if the rest of it comes true?”

Spike pulled her closer so she rested her head on his shoulder. Buffy held on tight to him as she let the tears run down her cheek. Eli just stood in the corner, watching the two exchange loving and caring words with one another in interest.

”Shhh…remember what I said? I said I wouldn’t let anything happen to you this time around…it will take a lot more than a bloody dream to convince me…” Spike softly said into her ear in a whisper.

After a brief pause, Eli spoke up “So…the sewer?”

Buffy pulled away from Spike and dried her eyes in embarrassment, and decided to get back to business.

“How do you know about where this leads?” Spike asked as he lifted the drain and looked down the dark hole.

”How do you think I got away from Las Vegas without being spotted in the first place?” Eli informed.

”I don’t know…” Spike said as he looked down the hole, “Seems a bit risky.”

”Spike can I talk with you for a second?” Buffy said as she opened to door to the shack and exited, Spike followed her.

Once they were outside he directed all his attention on Buffy.

“I think we should do it…follow him.” Buffy said with as little confident look on her face.

Spike narrowed his eyes at Buffy’s face expression. He hadn’t seen that look in eighty years. “What’s going on in that little mind of yours?”

Buffy turned around and went to the car and popped open the trunk of the car, and stared down at all the weapons they stole from Area 51. Spike also glanced down at the weapons and up then up at Buffy, as if not understanding what she meant.

”How are you assembling bombs?” she asked with a smile.

short, i know...but better than nothing.

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