Chapter 28: Little Girl Trapped

“I just have one more question luv and I’ll never ask again…” Spike said as he walked with Buffy down the dark damp sewer tunnel. He carried the explosives as Buffy held the lit torch.

“Shoot.” She granted.

“I still really don’t understand why you don’t want Angelus to be resouled…it would make things a whole lot easier.” Spike pointed out.

“True…but…it wouldn’t be the right thing.” Buffy stopped walking and turned to Spike, “Angelus and Angel are two different people…the moment we resoul Angel he’ll find out all the evil things Angelus did to his city…his friends…people he loved. By reading Wesley’s journal the whole unsouling Angel thing was an accident. I don’t want Angel to be punished by something he had no control over…it wouldn’t make sense for him to go through the pain.”

“I get it.” Spike nodded. And they continued to walk down the tunnel in silence.


Buffy connected a few wires just like Spike and Eli had showed her how to do earlier; her fear of doing something wrong had diminished. By now she was setting up these traps subconsciously by now after putting a few dozen together in the tunnels. Spike told her he had faith in her to do everything alone, letting himself be able to set up more traps in other tunnels. He told her if she ran into trouble to yell as loud as possible.

As Buffy set up her last piece of dynamite she got up onto her feet and dusted herself off. When was about to walk in the direction she entered the tunnel from she started hear what sounded like a cry in pain. Buffy pinpointed that it was coming from the other end of the tunnel and it sounded like a young woman.

“Hello?” Buffy yelled loud enough for her voice to echo down the tunnel. She picked up her torch light and walked towards the sound.

The crying got louder the more Buffy ventured. “Hello?” she tried again.

When Buffy reached the other end tunnel she came faced with a choice, the tunnel had turned into three separate paths. She chose the middle one, hoping she was guessing correctly. When the crying became more distinct and clearer Buffy knew she was on the right path.

When she reached the end of this tunnel she came face with a small ladder that lead up and out of the sewers. Buffy knew it wasn’t a wise choice to leave the tunnels without Spike knowing where she was going but the crying was memorizing and she couldn’t ignore it. She climbed the ladder and pushed the lid out the way to maker her way up.

When Buffy poked her head into the room where the ladder lead she came faced with the opening of a high ceiling room that seemed to radiate a cold feeling. The light coming into the room was mysterious—the walls were giving off an electric blue color to them. It reminded Buffy of some sort of futuristic world; and in the center the room was a large rectangular box laying on a stand.

‘What the heck is this place?’ Buffy instantly thought looking up at the ceiling and around all four walls. She noted their seemed to be no door entrance. ‘Totally weird’ she considered.

From behind Buffy two yellow eyes flashed in the dark but didn’t attack or advance at the slayer.

Buffy took one last look around the room and then stepped back on the ladder to go back into the tunnels to tell Spike and Eli about what she found. However the haunting voice caused her to freeze in her spot and gasp in surprise.

“Lost little girl?” the husky growled asked.

Buffy turned slowly around while holding onto the ladder and watched as Angelus step out of the shadows of the room. Her eyes were the size of saucer pan…she couldn’t blink anyway even if she wanted to.

“Been a long time Buff…” he said as he walked around the parameter of the room.

Words couldn’t form from Buffy’s mouth; she figured it was best to not talk anyway. She would let Angelus do all the talking.

“Knew you were such a curious little bitch…if someone’s hurt you heal, if someone’s hungry you serve, if someone calls into the night you answer…you know being the hero can only get you so far…and in the end all that’s left is your beaten body.” At the end of his little speech he gave a smile.

Buffy soaked in all the information he was telling her, concluding for herself that the sound she heard of a woman crying was Angelus’s way of luring her to him. For a moment she feared that he knew Eli and Spike were down in the sewers and were being attacked by Angelus’s minions at that very moment. ‘Please God let them be safe.’ She prayed.

“Not talking?” Angelus’s questioned Buffy’s muteness. “Were you brought back from the dead a little bit…wrong?”

Buffy narrowed her eyes at him.

“Why bother talking…” she finally spoke up, “You always were the type of one that liked to hear the sound of their own voice.”

Angelus’s smiled, “I do…” He looked down into the sewer hole and then glanced back into her eyes, “Going somewhere?”

Buffy’s heartbeat picked up a faster rhythm. She tried to concentrate to slow it down by just thinking but she always knew her heart and brain were like two separate worlds that never wanting to work together.

“Thought we could have a little fun Buff...” Angelus stepped closer to her. “Just you…me…without interruptions from the sewer monsters.”

Buffy had to react fast if she wanted to get away from Angelus. She let go of the handles of the ladder and let her body fall straight down into the sewer. When she landed on her feet she broke into a run. She took a glance behind her shoulder to see Angelus’s nearly two feet behind her…chasing….hunting her.

Angelus’s leaped into the air and collided into Buffy’s body, sending her tumbling to the ground…pinning her underneath him. He roughly turned her around to make her look at him in the eye.

“No where to run…no were to hide…I hope you had your last look at the sunshine because you’re not going to live to see it again.” Angelus whispered as he panted for unneeded breath. Then he laughed, “Not that you see the sunshine anyway now…if you hadn’t noticed.”

Buffy built enough salvia in her mouth and spit in on his face. Angelus’s didn’t even blink.

“You deserve everything you have coming to you.” He shook his head.

Buffy then took a deep breath and screamed, “SPIKEEEE!!!”


At the same time Buffy had just found out about Angelus’s little secret room Spike and Eli had meet up together in the sewer tunnels.

“You get all of your mojo done?” Spike asked Eli.

“Yeah…we have to do the opposite side of the casino now if we want this to be successful…do you think we enough explosives to bring this sucker down?” Eli questioned.

“We can only hope…the rest of the dynamite is at the entrance we came in at. We’ll grab Buffy and go back…maybe get some rest for a few hours…” Spike shared his plan.

“We have to set up what time we want to do this too.”

“I don’t want to make any final calls without Buffy…this is her fight as much as it is yours and mine.” Spike mentioned and the two of them started walking off in the direction Buffy was at.

“A little while ago did you hear something?” Eli stopped and asked the vampire, “Did you call me?”

“No…” Spike looked confused, “But I heard something too…I don’t think it sounded like Buffy either.”

“So you really aren’t going to perform the spell to give Angelus’s soul back?” Eli asked.

“Well technically I was going to ask you to do…wizard and all. However the slayer didn’t want to…besides, how would you like it if you got all the memories of what your evil self did while you were sort of in a dream?” Spike asked.

Eli stopped again and put a hand on Spike’s arm to stop him too. “Listen, I don’t care about him…if I had to come face to face with this ‘good Angel’ I wouldn’t treat him any different than his evil self…he’s a demon…he’s a killer…even if he didn’t have control over his actions…he murdered my wife. Nothing will bring her back.” Eli firmly said.

Spike looked down at the ground with a frown, “We don’t know if he killed her…he may have—“

“Don’t tell me!” Eli yelled, “I don’t want to listen to how he may have let her live…caged up like an animal…terrifying her…raping her…”

Spike swallowed a lump that formed in his throat. A few memories of being with Angelus back in the late 1800s flashed though his mind. Recollections of what he did to woman…young girls…husband’s wives….father’s daughters sickened him to his very core. The thought of something like that happening to Buffy stormed out a deep growl that never came across Spike’s lips. Thoughts of what Angelus’s could do with her body when he was done with her made his eyes flash a bit of yellow and caused his hands to ball up in a tight fist.

Spike’s deepest concerns were shaken from the shrilling scream of Buffy’s voice calling out his name. In a split second Spike took off in a sprint towards the tunnel that he remembered Buffy was in. Eli had followed the vampire, but not quit as fast…after all didn’t have superhero speed and he was carrying a flashlight.

When Spike stopped running he looked around in search of something. Eli didn’t understand what he was looking for, it was clear that Buffy wasn’t anywhere in sight.

“What are you looking for?”

“Buffy! She was supposed to be here!!!” Spike yelled in fear, “See the dynamite she was setting up.”

Eli shined his flashlight on the dynamite that was setup on the ground. Eli looked up at Spike and saw the vampire start to run down further into the tunnel. Eli followed, being careful not to disturb any of the wires lying on the ground. When the two reached the end of the tunnel and saw the three different paths that Buffy must have traveled down they stopped.

“Which one do we go down? Should we split up?” Eli asked as he was about to race down the tunnel on the right.

“No! Wait.” Spike held his hand up and closed his eyes and took a large breath...breathing in the air around him. He stepped forward towards the middle tunnel when he caught the scent of honey and vanilla…the scent he would always label as Buffy’s smell.

“This way!” Spike said and raced down the middle tunnel in a sprint again, Eli following.

Spike stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted Buffy’s torch she was carrying lying on the side of the tunnel.

“It’s a dead end…” Eli said when he flashed his flashlight to dead-end wall.

“She’s got to be here!” Spike shouted.

“Look!” Eli said and came a little bit closer when he flashed his light at the ladder on the side of the wall into a seal.

Spike jumped up on the ladder and traveled up it and tried to push the seal up and get in but he had no luck. He let out a cry in frustration as he pushed with all his might.

“BUFFY!!” he banged on the top of the seal.

“He’s got her…” Eli spoke the unthinkable.

Spike glared down at the wizard for even saying the words he couldn’t think were true. He made a promise, not only to himself but to her…he promised Buffy that he would protect her, keep her save. Spike squeezed his eyes shut for a moment and remembered….

The sun was almost clear of the horizon as Spike took his first few steps of pain, causing him to limp. ‘Dawn…Buffy…’ he kept chanting in his head.

A drop of sunlight hit his face and he cringed, causing him to slump down onto the ground to hide from the light. The right side of his face was bloody from his fall when the Doc shoved him off the tower. Spike didn’t want to have to worry about burns to his skin too…

Through the corner of his eye Spike noticed the Scoobies and Watcher silently moving closer something. When Spike raised his head he instantly saw her on the rumble…lying still…lying peaceful…lying breathless…

Spike let out a breath of dread…and then came the tears…

When Spike reopened his eyes he noticed that he was no longer on the ladder anymore. He must of have subconsciously climbed down the steps one by one and sat down on the ground because Spike noticed Eli was staring down at him at the moment with a worried look. However through Spike’s eyes Eli looked very blurry…he couldn’t figure it out until moments later why Eli didn’t look as clear through his eyes. The vampire had finally noticed that rivers of tears were traveling down his face with no intention of stopping.


Buffy woke up with a killer headache. She cringed as she opened her eyes, finding it very hard to stand dealing with normal bodily functions…such as blinking or breathing. Then a though came her mind to cause her to forget all her pain and sit upright, ‘Angelus’.

She looked around and saw that the crazy evil vampire had left her on the ground of the mystery room all by herself. Buffy eyes quickly darted to the sewer door, the only known way of escape to her when she saw that it was no longer there. Panic started to serge through her veins and her body started to tremble…the room had suddenly become very cold to her again. ‘It’s magic…it must be magic…’ Buffy thought when she tried to reason what happen to the missing sewer entrance. ‘Damn that other little wizard…what’s his name…Rufus?’ Buffy cursed in her mind.

“As you can see…” Angelus’s voice came out of no where and caused Buffy to jump to her feet and look around. This time she wasn’t going to be taken off guard by what Angelus had in for her. She took care of him when she was sixteen she figured she could do it again now.

“….there is no way out…” Angelus’s told her.

“There’s a way out…” Buffy said. “You’re just hiding it.”

“Give the girl a prize.” Angelus’s laughed at her replay. “Honey….muffin…love…is that what Spike call’s you? Well…PET…the only way you’re leaving is in a box.”

Buffy just stared at him; she didn’t want to give off the fact that she was very confused at the moment. She looked to the middle of the room and saw the large wooden box sitting in the middle of the room and figured it was the box he was talking about.

“Are you going to run my ear to the ground or are you going to fight?” Buffy asked, getting straight down to business.

Angelus’s smiled and went over to a shady part of the dark room and grabbed something off the floor and turned to Buffy. He held up to two swords with the smile still plastered on his face and threw the one sword to her. Buffy instantly caught it and looked down at the shiny weapon and then back at him.

“It will be just like old times...” Angelus muttered.

“Sure you want to do this?” Buffy asked confidently, “Cause as I recall…I won in the end of the last battle.”

“By bringing forth your little asshole version of me…the one that cries and whines…this time I don’t intend on that happening…are you?” Angelus’s raised an eyebrow

“No…it’s only you and me…” Buffy said and raised her sword and initiated the first swing in attack.


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