Author's Chapter Notes:
Uhm.. in this chapter we make some time leaps, because otherwise it gets to boring.

Thanks again for the reviews!
Chapter 3: Don’t cling to the past, it’ll kill you

After her conversation with Liam, Buffy noticed she was being watched from a distance. She knew she would be closed in as soon as he had left.

It annoyed her, but there wasn’t much she could do. Buffy accepted that she was being tailed and she wasn’t going to do anything different from what she did normally.
At dinner Liam still tried to make her talk, but Buffy stubbornly kept her mouth shut. It irritated him greatly. She enjoyed seeing him irritated. It gave her pleasure that she could anger him as well, although it was in a different way than Liam annoyed her.

During the day they barely saw each other. Buffy was often busy with running the household and making arrangements with the decorators and the movers on the new house. The house was bought, but Buffy had received a sum of money to decorate the house. She had to make sure that it wasn’t becoming too expensive.

Liam was often discussing the plans he had for his piece of land in America and otherwise he was out talking to client and business partners about his other trade.
So, the only time they actually spend together was that one and a half hour, silent dinner.

One night, when Hank was out, Liam had enough of her stillness. As always all you could hear was the cutlery ticking on the plates.

“You can’t go on ignoring me, you know?” Liam declared.
Buffy didn’t look up from her plate. “I know,” she said uninterested, “But I’m not ignoring you. I’m just not talking. Now please be silent again so I can finish my dinner.”

Liam smirked and took a rather large bite. “Why do I have to be silent?”
Pieces of meat flew over the table. Buffy wrinkled her nose at the sight of it. “To prevent scenes like that. You are disgusting, Liam.”

He looked very pleased to hear that. After this he ate his dinner silently. When Buffy walked past him to exit the dining room, he grabbed her arm and whispered: “I’m not always disgusting. On the contrary, most ladies of my household find me far from repulsive.”

She looked down on him with mere vileness. “Indeed you are far from repulsive. That word is even to clean to describe what you are.”
Buffy pulled her arm out of his grip and walked away.


Next day Buffy was in the library, working out the exact final costs of switching houses. She was almost finished when Liam came in.

“There you are!” He said pseudo-enthusiastic.
She let out a deep sight and mumbled: “What do you want?”
“Just keeping you company.” He responded innocently.
“What do you want, Liam?” Buffy repeated with a firm voice.

“I had a little talk with your friend today.” Liam sat on the couch close to the window, pretending to admire the room they were in. It was full of books, except on the desk were Buffy had made some space to work.

“Yes, your friend Xander. I told him to stay away from you if he didn’t want to die.” He said with an evil smile on his face.
“Fascinating.” Buffy answered without the slightest interest.
“You know I really will kill him.” Liam confirmed with a dark and sinister voice.

“Yes, I already told him you would threaten with stuff like that,” Buffy lied with a cool voice.
She looked him in face to show him she was not affected by him.

“How is it that you do not respond to anything? Not to my flirting and not to my threats? Don’t you have any weak spots?” Liam wondered out loud.
“What do you call flirting?” was the only thing she said before turning back to her papers.

“Well, like what I did on Friday was flirting. You didn’t respond to it. I just threatened to kill your friend and still I get no reaction whatsoever. I’m beginning to wonder if you are even human.”

Buffy gritted her teeth. She wanted to shout at him and kick him, but she had to show he couldn’t get to her. She started putting away her work and while doing that answered him: “I’m human, just so you know. But there’s no way you can make respond to anything you say.”

Liam arched his eyebrows. She was one tough lady. “What about your soft spot?”
“I don’t have a soft spot. It died a long time ago.”


The weeks dragged on. Buffy hoped Liam would leave her alone, after what happened in the library. But Netty had been right. He wanted her and he was not giving up so easily.

Most of the week, Buffy didn’t see him. Not even at dinner.
This was what made her believe he had given up.
But the night before Liam left was the proof he was still trying

She had gone to bed early, because she had a busy day. Buffy was making her self ready for bed when she noticed something in the mirror. The curtain was moving and not like it was moved by the wind.

Slowly she walked to the curtain. Buffy made sure not to make a sound. Once she was in front of the curtain, she pulled it away with one swift move.
No one was there.

Suddenly the hairs in her neck were standing up straight and she felt a shiver running down her spine. Some one was behind her. Almost afraid to turn around, she stood there, watching the empty space behind the curtains.

Her mind was racing. She couldn’t show she was scared. She couldn’t stay there, but she couldn’t run either.
With all the power she forced herself to turn and face the evil.

The evil turned out to be Liam. Buffy didn’t show her shocked reaction, although she really felt it.
“Gentlemen aren’t supposed to invade a girls’ bedroom.” She commented. Liam’s features grey dark. With firm pacing he was walking to her. When he’d reached he didn’t stop, forcing Buffy to back away, until she hit a wall.

“I wouldn’t give such witty comments, Elisabeth.” He grunted, “You may want to keep up the illusion, but face it: you’re mine. And when you’re my wife I can do what I want with you. And I will have you. If you manage to run, I’ll hunt you, capture you and keep you locked up inside one of my houses. And probably not the one in America. I was thinking about my estate in Jamaica. Far away from the living world. You’ll love it.”

She had to admit it, he had scared her. He caught her off guard and took advantage off it. Now she was pinned against a wall.

Soon she recovered her strength.
“I’m not yours,” she hissed, “Yes, you have my body, but you’ll never control my mind or have my heart. I will never, ever love you. Nor will I ever want you or lust after you. You know why? Because you’re a monster and monsters don’t deserve love. Hell, they don’t even deserve to live.”
“But yet they do,” Liam smirked, “I’ll make you all mine, in time.”

He let go of her and left the room. Buffy still stood there, frozen.

After this incident, Buffy’s urge to leave grew. With her father and Liam now at sea, Buffy was constantly surrounded by guards, hired by Liam.

The days crept by and turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months.

She didn’t really have time to plan her escape since she was very busy with her fathers’ new house and the packing of her furniture, to take with her to America.

Although Buffy might have said he was dead, she still looked out for William everyday. She wished he could by and he get her away from this nightmare her life turned out to be.

She never saw Xander anymore, because she was really afraid for his life.

Everyday Buffy felt like she died a little more. She didn’t show it, but she felt it. Secretly she hoped Liam had died in a storm, but she knew he was too evil to die in such a way.

The day before Buffy had to leave, she officially said goodbye to her youth and to William. She couldn’t cling to the past, she had realized. It would kill her.


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