Author's Chapter Notes:
Banner by Spikeshunny and thanks to Allison my beta.
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Chapter 11

Buffy and William both arrived at their homes to separate messages from Dawn on their answering machines.

Will’s message said that Dawn needed to talk to him but was finding it harder and harder to meet up. She felt their relationship was drifting and didn’t think she could go on this way much longer.

Buffy’s message said that Dawn wanted to come home and have another mother-daughter talk abut her relationship with Will and could she come by tomorrow morning for breakfast. She didn’t have a class until eleven, so she had the time and she’d pick up something for the two of them to eat.

Dawn got to the house around 8:30, and Buffy had just finished her shower. She was not feeling that well - must have been the alcohol from the night before. She grabbed a couple of Tylenol and called down to Dawn that she’d be down in a minute.

“So, what’s up, Dawnie?” Buffy said in quiet voice as to not aggravate her headache.

“Mom, let me get this all out before you make any comments. I feel like my relationship with Will is going nowhere. There is no forward motion. Will and I haven’t been intimate in months, and when we see each other, it is only for dinner or coffee. He always seems to be too tired for me to stay at his place, and he won’t attend any sorority functions with me, either. I have given it a chance, but I really think I need to end this.” Dawn let out a breath with the last word.

Buffy gulped when she heard Dawn say they hadn’t been intimate in a long time. Maybe that was why Will had let her perform oral sex on him - he was sexually frustrated.

“I know I sound like a girlfriend that is not getting any attention, but I really am starting to think we don’t have much in common anymore,” whined Dawn. “And on top of all this, Connor keeps calling me and we keep running into each other around campus. I’d really like to give him a chance and see what develops.”

“Oh dear. Well, Dawnie, I can’t make this decision for you. You are a grown up young woman and this is the adult world. Whatever you decide, I think you need to talk to Will and let him know what you are feeling,” Buffy said in a motherly tone.

“I left a message with him last night for him to call my cell but he hasn’t yet. By the way, where were you last night when I called?”

“Ah, I went to the Bronze with Anya. I think I might have drunk a little too much alcohol - that’s why I am talking in such a quiet tone,” Buffy said, embarrassed.

“Mom! Good for you. You deserve a girls’ night out. Did you meet any handsome men you want to hook up with?”

Buffy blushed a delightful shade of scarlet. “Well... Anya and I just had some drinks. I think Anya went home with someone, but I came home alone.” It wasn’t a lie - she did come home alone. She just neglected to mention that she acted like a tramp around her daughter’s maybe soon-to-be ex-boyfriend.

“Mom, you did meet someone. I can tell by your blushing. Well, are you gonna see each other again? What’s his name?” Dawn asked with much interest.

“I don’t remember. I ended up taking a cab home, Dawnie. Mom isn’t too proud of the way she behaved. Here, I always lecture you about drinking responsibly, and I go out for the first time in years and have too much to drink. At least I had enough common sense to hail a cab.”

Just then, Buffy’s phone rang. “Hello,” she said.

“Buffy. Thank god you got home okay,” Will said with relief.

“Yes, I did. Can I talk to you later? My daughter is visiting here and I don’t get to see her too often.”

“Ah, sure. Dawn left me a message last night. Maybe I will give her a call in a bit. We really should talk. I will talk to you later. Bye,” Will said

“Okay, bye.”

“Who was that?” Dawn asked while polishing off her second bagel.

“Just one of the new artists that we are going to be showing soon. He wanted to talk to me about the showing.” Buffy couldn’t tell Dawn it was Will checking up to see if she got home all right.

Just then Dawn’s cell rang. “Hello, this is Dawn.”

“Dawn, it’s Will. You wanted to talk to me?”

“Yeah. Do you have time in the next hour? I don’t have a class until eleven, so I can swing by your office if that is where you are.”

“Sure. I don’t have class ‘til one, so I will be grading papers. See you in a bit,” Will said with no emotion.

Buffy looked at Dawn with a puzzled look on her face. “Did you make a decision already?”

“Well, I think I did, but I want to wait to see what Will has to say and if he can change my mind.” Dawn started to gather the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. “I better get going. I’m glad we had time to talk.”

Buffy gulped down that nauseous feeling that was creeping up her throat. “Well, Dawn, it is your decision and I just want you to know I will back you in whatever you do.” In her heart, she was wishing Dawn would break if off with Will. She wasn’t being selfish, she told herself. Dawn needed someone her age and this Connor sounded perfect for her.

Dawn hugged her mom goodbye, promised to call her next week, and walked out the door.

Buffy held her head in her hands while she stayed seated at the kitchen table. Oh my god. What have I done? The memories of the night before came flooding back. I behaved like a slut. A drunken slut, at that. She had never done anything like that with a man or even a teenage boy when she was in high school. What got into her? A sexy man that you have been lusting over, said the little devil on her shoulder. I just hope Dawn doesn’t hurt Will if she breaks up with him. She got up from the table, called Tara and told her that she wouldn’t be coming in till later, and went upstairs to take a nap.

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