Selena was frightened. And at times, she admitted to herself, she was terrified.

It all started when Hilda had brought a vampire to the coven meeting, and caused uproar. Selena couldn’t see what all the fuss was about – he seemed subdued and well in hand, and looked rather yummy, to her inexperienced eyes.

When two of the most powerful witches in the coven approached her for help, she was astounded and really flattered. Alice and Jane had explained to her that the vampire had somehow got Hilda under his thrall, and the only way to help her escape was to attack said vampire. The fact that Selena was the youngest and most untried witch didn’t matter; they needed her to boost their magic.

It all seemed quite logical and she was thrilled to be part of it. They spun their magic, expecting the vampire to run from the house, into their hands. Unfortunately, Hilda intervened and seemed to be one jump ahead of them. The vampire and the witch had vanished. Undeterred, Alice and Jane had sent a spell after them, this time to make the vampire attack Hilda.

“Serves her right – she brought in on herself. She’s protecting him.” Alice had said coldly. This spell also seemed to fail.

Alice lost her composure, swearing and lashing out, and the young witch dated her fear from that time. When Selena suggested that they needed a more powerful witch to help them, and offered to go to the coven for help, Alice said that no one from the coven was to know about this. If they got to know, then Alice would know who told them. Selena had gulped and dropped the matter. The two older witches began to watch her closely, never letting her out of their sight. She overheard them one night, talking about how things would change when Alice was head of the coven and Jane her second in command.

When Alice and Jane had used dark magic to enter Hilda’s mind using Selena’s wild magic as a booster, she was sickened but helpless, and too terrified to do anything about it. The vampire had defeated them again and Alice’s rage was terrible to see.

Since then, they had spent days trying to find the pair, using some of the vampire’s hair for a tracking spell. They had been led on a wild goose chase all over London, following some kind of signal that only the two older witches could sense. Now they were sure that they had finally run them to ground. Literally.

“They are under here somewhere,” muttered Alice darkly, looking down at the tarmacked road under her feet. Selena couldn’t see how they could possibly be under the wide and busy road, until Alice and Jane exchanged a glance, “they must be in the underground.” Jane said triumphantly.

And so they found themselves wandering round the tunnels, following the pull of magic.


Spike watched the humans talk and argue for what seemed like hours. When he couldn’t stand it any longer, he began pacing backwards and forwards across the room.

“I’m hungry. Sodding starving.” He groaned.

Buffy looked up at him and he stopped in his tracks. “I’m hungry,” he said again pleadingly.

She smiled at him sorrowfully, “I’ll see what I can do, but for now please sit down, we are trying to plan a way out of this.”

Reluctantly he obeyed.


“I don’t think it’s far now.” Alice said eagerly, “come on, stop dragging your feet.” She tugged on Selena’s wrist, spitefully.

In the distance, they heard a dreadful noise. It sounded like screaming. Then the magical barrier, which was keeping them from their prey, failed.

“Quickly, we might be too late! I must be the one to destroy that evil, bloodsucking monster.” Alice’s face was transformed by hatred.

They ran the last few yards to the entrance. A growling, snarling sound, led them to a door, which was slightly ajar.

They stopped just inside. The sight before them was so dreadful, that they had trouble comprehending it. There were blood soaked bodies scattered about everywhere. Over the other side of the room, the vampire was crouched over the body of his last victim. He was avidly chewing and sucking on her neck and growling warningly.

Even Alice seemed shocked. Then she shook herself and smiled.

“I see the vampire has turned on those who helped him. Poor Hilda.” Her insincerity was sickening. “Come on, we must punish this monstrous demon.”

She raised her hand, and the vampire howled as a deep slash appeared on his chest.

It was just too much for Selena. She managed to wrench her arm from Alice’s grasp and move away, before hunching over and vomiting.

“We’ve done this.” She gasped, “It’s our fault! If we hadn’t interfered, this would never have happened. Oh why did I ever believe you?” She started to sob.

Still howling, the vampire started to crawl away to the far wall. The two older witches followed, Alice had a vicious grin on her face. “We have enough power between us to finish this – we’ll deal with Selena later.” She muttered to Jane.

Raising her hand again, another deep wound struck the vampire, sending him sprawling. “We mustn’t get too carried away now – let’s make this last.” Alice’s high-pitched giggle sent shivers down Selena’s back.

Then, something extraordinary happened. All the corpses jumped to their feet and began to chant, weaving a binding spell. Alice’s scream was cut short, as a sparking, magical rope bound her and Jane together. The rope became tighter and then they were swept off their feet, to hang suspended from the ceiling.

Buffy, Willow, Tara, Hilda and Giles grinned at each other, teeth shining bright against their blood stained faces – they had done it. But at such a cost, thought the Slayer as she ran across to the unconscious figure of Spike.


I had been wondering if the interest in this story was tailing off - and then you sent me all that wonderful feedback! Thank you!!

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