Hilda breathed a sigh of relief as she put down the phone. Calling the coven had been something that she had been dreading, not knowing whether they would blame her for running off with Spike. She had spoken to her second in command, Hazel, who explained that they had all been desperately worried for her, thinking that said vampire had kidnapped, and maybe killed her. Hilda was then overcome with guilt at not contacting them before. She described what had happened and her friend, after expressing her disgust and concern at the rogue witches’ betrayal, offered to send help to bring them back to the coven. Hilda had accepted with relief.

As she made her way back to the others, Giles intercepted and asked if he could speak with her.

“Of course, Rupert.” She said warily. He looked very serious.

He ushered her into an unoccupied room and closed the door. Once they were seated, he seemed to have trouble coming to the point.

“I, ah, I, er, um.” Then he said in a rush, “I wanted to talk to you about Spike.”

She waited, and then when he said nothing more, she began to be a little impatient. “What did you want to know?”

“I have been trying to put aside all my preconceived ideas – in fact, everything that I’ve ever been taught – to understand what it is that makes Buffy love this monster. What hold does he have over her? Is it a spell? And if so, can it be broken?”

“No preconceived ideas, eh?” Hilda shook her head, “How many times has this monster saved our lives over the past few days? When you were attacked by those humans in the tunnels, he could have just run off. But instead he stayed, knowing that he couldn’t fight them, to try and protect you and Buffy. Even when he was in his feral state, he refrained from attacking us, just because she asked him not to. And I think you’ll find that it’s Buffy who has the hold over Spike, not the other way around. Spell indeed! ”

Giles put up his hands in defeat. “I know, I know, I’ve been thinking about all he’s done lately, and I can’t logically explain it away. I just want to try and understand him, for Buffy’s sake. It seems that he’s going to be part of her life now, whether I like it or not, so we’ll have to find a way of working together. I just wish ….” He gave her an agonised look and shrugged unhappily.

“I know it’s difficult for you to hear, but he loves her completely, and I think he always will, to the end of her life. Rupert, think about it, she’ll never have to patrol or train alone again. When I first met him, I was astonished to see that he had an aura with slashes of colour in it. Over the past few days, the colours have increased as he has been in her company. Don’t ask me what it means – I’ve never seen a demon with a coloured aura, or heard of one come to that. The only conclusion I can come up with, is that the demon didn’t completely destroy the human, when he was sired.”

Giles looked at her closely, “Do you mean to say that the aura has increased since the behavioural modification chip stopped functioning?”

“Yes, and I’m sure he won’t chance destroying what he has with Buffy, by going back to his old ways.” She said shrewdly.

“Mmm, this is not what a Watcher wants to hear.” Giles sighed heavily. “We prefer a neat pigeon hole. Vampire – evil killer – must be destroyed.”

“I suspect there’s a paper to be written about this, for the archives.” The witch said guilelessly.

Giles raised his eyebrows, “Oh come on, that’s laying it on a bit thick. Although, I have to say, it ‘s probably an area that will need to be investigated.”

Hilda smiled at him. “That means that you’ll have to actually talk to him, Rupert. Good luck with that!”


The quiet was shattered by the return of the slayer and vampire.

“Spike went all road rage-y”

“Sodding BMW drivers, they’re all the same. Think they own the bloody road.” Spike glowered at everyone.

“What happened?” Giles asked worriedly.

“We were deep in, um, conversation, when the traffic lights went green. We were a bit late in noticing.” Buffy replied, not meeting his eyes.

“Bloke behind started beeping his horn, and I got impatient.” Spike said reluctantly, “that’s all.” Off the Watcher’s look, he snapped. “Well, the stupid bloody git deserved it. Shouldn’t talk like that in front of a lady.”

“Deserved what?” Giles asked faintly.

“The man got out of his car and shouted that he’d – what was it Spike? He’d rip off your head and shove it...” The vampire rolled his eyes. “Spike flashed his fangs and the man nearly passed out.” Buffy covered her mouth to stifle her giggles. “We drove off and he just stood there, gaping after us.”

Giles looked at Buffy; her eyes alight with merriment, as she and the vampire exchanged a glance. When had he last seen her looking so relaxed and happy? He couldn’t remember. Then he caught Spike’s expression – a look of profound adoration – and he felt a weight shifting from his shoulders. This might just work after all.


After they had all eaten, with Spike muttering about “sodding animal blood again”, Willow asked to see Spike’s new passport.

“Why William Lydon? Is it your real name?”

“After John Lydon, and no it’s not my real name.” He sighed at her look of incomprehension. “You know, Johnny Rotten – Sex Pistols? Oh, bloody hell, you are all musical ignoramuses!”

“Ignorwhatisus?” Buffy sniggered. “That’s my boyfriend, all with the long words.”

Spike was so taken with being called her boyfriend, he forgot to be offended. “Can teach you a lot of long words, pet. With a lot of long……”

“Yes, thank you Spike.” Giles put in hastily, after seeing the provocative look the vampire was sending his Slayer. “We still have to find a way of getting you out of the country.”

“Thought maybe the wicca witch would be able to rustle up a cheap coffin off the internet.” Spike said evenly.

“Coffin? What would we want a coffin for?” Willow said in amazement.

Giles looked at Spike, who stared back impassively, and said. “No, it was a bad idea when I first suggested it – and it’s still a bad idea.” He smiled inwardly at the incredulous look the vampire shot him. “We’ll find another way.”

“Will someone please tell me what you’re all talking about?” Willow asked plaintively.

They explained that Giles’ idea was to send Spike back to the States as a dead body, hence the coffin.

“Maybe I can help?” Professor Mackness said tentatively.

All heads swung in his direction and he smiled shyly. “I received an invitation in the post last week. The dean of a Californian university read my paper on ancient British legends and he has invited me there to do a lecture tour on my specialist subject. In fact, he is so keen to have me visit, that he has offered to pay all my expenses and give me a tidy sum for every lecture. I put off replying to him, because, you know, being in hospital and everything. What if I say that I’ll only come with my research assistant, Bill Lydon?”


Thanks to TheCharmer, Kim, Sofia, Rosie and Kimmie for their much appreciated feedback. You guys rock!!

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