Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks for the reviews :D So here's a quick update, because I have to much time on my hands.
Chapter 4:

“Auntie Buffy?”
“Yes, Isis?”
“When is my mommy coming back?”
Isis is sitting on the counter in the store, using her new coloring book. For a moment I don’t know what to say. What do you say to a 4 year old?

“What did daddy tell you?” I finally ask.
“That mommy isn’t coming home anymore. That she went to live with Angel.” Isis answers looking up from her work. “Does she still love me?”
I go sit next to her on the counter and pull her on my lap. “Yeah, your mommy still loves you. She didn’t go because she wanted to.”
“When is she coming back?” Sometimes it’s hard to deal with the innocence of a child.

“Isis, what I’m about to tell you can be a bit shocking and you’re aloud to cry, okay?” I tell the little girl on my lap. She nods and then I start: “Your mommy is not coming back.”
I hear her gasp, “Because your mommy died. When people die they go to the place where they were happiest. But you cannot see them anymore.”

“Where do you think my mommy was happiest?”
“I don’t know. Where do you think your mommy was happiest?”
“In our home in London, I think.”
“Then she’s there.” I say to the little girl. Isis looks quite content with that answer.
“Is she still my mommy?”

“Yes, sweetie, always.”
“But she cannot take care of me anymore.”
“Can you be my mommy until I see my own mommy again, when I go to the place where I was happiest?”
“Sure, if you want that.”
Isis gives me a tight hug. “Thank you. I think my mommy would’ve liked you.”

Suddenly the door opens and Riley steps in. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and then says ‘hi’ to Isis. She replies his greetings but not with a lot of interest.
“Are you coming over tonight?” Riley asks.
“I can’t. I am having Isis over tonight.” I respond. I feel kind of guilty. Ever since Isis arrived a couple of weeks back Riley and I haven’t seen each other a lot.

“Yes, again. Will has some big meeting with people and it’s really important.”
“Why can’t he get a nanny?”
“We’ve been looking for one, but we haven’t found a good one yet. Plus, she’s going to pre-school next month.”
“He has more friends right?”
“I’m not leaving her with those morons.” I retort.
“What’re morons, mommy?”
“Mommy, she calls you mommy now?”
I shoot Riley an annoyed glance and then say: “Nothing honey, Riley and I are going to be outside for a while okay?”

“What is the matter with you?” I nearly scream.
“What’s the deal with her calling you mommy?” Riley sneers back.
I sight and then say: “I promised to be her replacement mother, because her own can’t take care of her anymore. Big deal. Get over it.”
“No, I’m not gonna get over it. This is ridiculous. We’ve been dating for 4 months now. I thought it was going well and that maybe after a while we could move in together. But now you’re just paying attention to that kid of Will.”

“You’re jealous.” I hiss
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. Otherwise you wouldn’t make such a big deal of it.”
“I thought we could serious here, maybe. But there you are playing family with some one you’re not even involved with.”
“Like I planned for this to happen? Listen up Riley. Will and Isis need me right now. Will is my best friend since elementary school and Isis happens to be his kid. This is all new for him and he asked for my help. I promised to lend a hand, especially in the beginning. Either accept that or go.” I’m mad. I’m really mad. Who does that asshole think he is?

“Fine. I’m going.”
Wait. That was not supposed to happen.
“She’s been here for two months. We are way past the beginning. In fact we are so past the beginning that the beginning is a tiny little dot to you!”
“Oh, fuck off!”
I storm back into the shop. Isis is still sitting on the counter, but she’s not coloring anymore.
“Are you sad? Did Riley and you just have a fight?”

I smile weakly and say: “Yeah, we did. I’m very mad at Riley right now.”
“I never liked him.” Isis mumbles matter-of-factly.
I pull up my eyebrows. “You didn’t?”
“No. He looked mean.”
“Ah.” I’m silent for a bit. Then I decide to call someone. “Isis. I’m gonna call someone in the back. Will you be okay for a while?”
“What do I do if someone comes in?” Isis askes.
“Just call for me. Okay, sweetie?” She nods.

Before I can dial the number, the phone rings.
“Archie M. This is Buffy.”
“Hey Buffy, it’s Will.”
“Oh hey, I was about to call you.”
“Why? Is something wrong?”
“No, everything is fine. It’s just…I think Riley and I broke up.” I suddenly start sobbing and I can’t stop myself. Stupid hormones.

“Stay there, I’ll be right over.” Before I can protest Will hangs up. A couple of minutes later Captain Peroxide walks in. The sobbing actually had stopped, but when I see my friend it starts again. He doesn’t say anything, he just pulls me to my feet and wraps his arms around me. I let my head rest against his chest and start crying my heart out.
I mumble something about “living together with him” and “dozens of kids”, “our family”

“It’s all going to be okay, pet.” Will whispers.
I look up to him with tears in my eyes. “You think?”
“I know. Come on. You’re closing the shop and we’ll go to your apartment and make you a nice hot cup of cocoa.” He strokes my hair out of my face. “And then I’ll cook for you and give you a footmassage.”
“I thought you had a meeting.” I sniff.
“No, that’s actually why I called. The bastards cancelled on me.”

“I’m sorry he broke up with you.”
“Isis didn’t like him. Oh my god Isis! Is she still in there.”
“Yes, pet, everything is fine. No you close the shop and we’ll go.”
“What about the bar.”
“Nothing to worry about. You do as I tell ya.”
“If I really must.”


A couple of hours later Will and I are sitting on the couch watching some dreary chick flick. Well, sitting is a big word. I am draped over the couch with my feet on his lap and Will is massaging them just like he promised. Isis is a sleep in my guest bedroom.
When the movie is over I ask my friend: “Why do they have a happy ending and I don’t?”
“Maybe, you’re not ready for the ending pet.”
“What do you mean?”
“That your story’s not over yet.”
“Oh…You want some wine?” Will nods. I get up and walk over to the kitchen. I pour two glasses full and then bring the glasses and the bottle back to the living room.

It starts out with nice friendly drinking and talking. A next bottle comes up and gets emptied. And another one. And another one.
Suddenly Will and I are sitting very close together. I can feel him breathing softly. It’s completely silent. I can’t remember when it started or who started it, but in a matter of moments our mouths are clashing together. It starts out softly, but it becomes more passionate. I feel his tongue searching my mouth and I must say it feels good.

“There are no guarantees in life
Not for the present,
Nor for the future.
All I know is
That I'm here;
Don't know for how long.”

I open my eyes, when I hear the words and look on my watch. My alarm, the song, has just gone off. It’s 8.00 u. Time to get up. When I move I notice there’s an arm around my waist. Suddenly the beginning of the night before comes screaming back to me: the wine and kissing. More realization kicks in. I check under the covers. I am naked.
Holy crap.

I turn around and poke Will to wake him up. “Will, Will. Wake up.”
“Go away.” He slurs groggily.
“Will! Wake up!” I’m not in my best of moods this morning.
“What’re you doing in my bed?” He asks surprised.
“This is my bed.” I explain him.
“What am I doing in your….Oh my god.” He dives under the covers. “Did we…?”

“I can’t remember. But there was a lot of kissing and we’re both naked.” I say. I look around my room. It’s a big fat mess, but I’m not sure that happened last night. I check my night stand. There’s an empty wrap of a condom. I hold it up.
“I think we did.”
“That’s horrible!” Will squeaks.
“I know. But I have no time to talk about it now. I have to be at the store in about an hour. I’m gonna go take a shower. And you, please get dressed.”
Will nods and gets up as well.

When I’m standing under the shower, my thoughts start to work. I had sex with my best friend. I’m sure that’s bad for my relationship with him. Stop worrying, my other voice says, you had sex with the guy, but you can not remember it. So tell him to forget the whole stuff. I’m sure he will happily agree with you.
I decide to follow my own advise. And ask Will to forget that this weird morning ever happened.

When I’m fully dressed I find Isis and Will sitting at my kitchen table, eating toast.
“Good morning,” I mumble.
“Good morning,” Will and Isis reply in unison.
“Toast?” Will asks and hands me a piece. I butter it and cover in jelly. The rest of the breakfast goes on in silence, but when Isis leaves the table to pee. Conversation starts.

“Can we forget last night ever happened?”
“I cannot even remember it so that won’t be a problem. But I’d be more than glad if you could the stuff around it as well.” He says.
“Yes, please.” I respond quickly. And with that, our affair had ended.


A/N: There's a reason I didn't go into details about them having sex. First of all, this is more fun.Second of all, I'm not good at that kind of stuff and it makes me feel a bit uncomfertable. This song is Unlike me by Kate Havnevik.

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