For a moment there was nothing, no battle, no First Evil, no destroyed living room, only Spike and Buffy staring into each other's eyes. The door slammed open just as The First gained it's strength and resurfaced on Spike's face.

"You have not heard the last of me Slayer, evil will always find you!" A burst of black energy passed out of Spike and stared to swirl around the destroyed living room. Hovering still for a moment it found it’s next host.

"Willow!" Buffy screamed as Spike fell to the floor. Willows appearance had returned to that of a dark Witch. Buffy ran to willow, although she had no clue what she would do. 'Not willow, not another person that I love!' Dark Willow raised her hand and sent Buffy flying across the room.

"See you around." The First cackled as it swallowed itself and dissapeared .

"Willow..." Buffy gasped as everything went black and she passed out.


Buffy woke to a loud erratic voice.

"Look what he did, Dawn! He killed your sister, and where is Willow? What did you do with Willow you…demon!" From what Buffy could see, Spike was drifting out of unconsciousness as Xander shook him.

" What the bloody hell! Where’s Buffy?" Spike punched out Xander and looked around for Buffy. Dawn and Ayna just stood there, speechless as he searched the room.

"Buffy!" Spike yelled out in desperation.

"Spike." Buffy gasped softly but Spike heard her and was at her side almost the moment she said it.

"Luv, are you all right?"

"I think so, but what about you? What about your soul?" Spike looked as if she had slapped him.

"Would it matter if I didn't have one?" He asked, hoping she still loved him. Buffy gave him a small smile.

"No. you." Spike had the happiest look on his face Buffy had ever seen.

"It's about time!" and kissed Buffy with growing passion. Remembering that she had to breathe and sensing the discomfort from the other people in the room, they separated and looked into each other's eyes. Spike gleefully noted that she looked happy. Due to Slayer healing, she stood up along with Spike and a grim look spread on her face.

"I think it's time we pay The First evil a visit, and this time, it won't get away."

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