"Oh my god, willow!" Xander stared at the open door.

“I'll get her!" Buffy yelled as she ran out the door. The street was deserted, or was it? Buffy ran to the center of the road and looked down as far as she could see.

"There she is!" Buffy exclaimed to nobody but herself. Within a matter of seconds, she caught up with the now crying Witch and was glad to see that her friend's eyes were back to normal. Standing in front of her grieving best friend, she grabbed her in a strong hug.

"Why does this always happen to me Buffy?" Buffy had no words appropriate to encourage willow, so she just smiled and hugged her again.

"Who did it?" a teary-eyed willow sniffled.

“The First" Buffy couldn't face that Spike had actually been the one to kill Kennedy. 'That's not fair is it?' Buffy thought to herself. 'It's not like Spike was in control when he sucked her dry. Oh my god, he must be going through so much pain at killing again' Buffy reminisced of the last time the First controlled Spike, tormented his already tortured soul. It was more than she could bear.

"Let's get back to the house, okay?" Buffy suggested as she lead Willow back to the Summer’s home.


"I hope Buffy finds Willow, this must be so hard on her." Dawn said with a long sigh.

"Of course no one listens to Xander until someone ends up dead” Xander muttered. “I knew Spike was trouble”

"Shut-up Xander!" Buffy fumed from the doorway. "You don't know what pain Spike went through when he got his soul. He tried to be more up to our standards, to gain our trust, but still you blame him when it is clearly The First doing all this!" Shocked by the rising temper of his second-best friend, Xander shut up and sat down.

"All right people," Buffy commanded, "Kennedy is dead…and The First has more than likely taken over Spike's body. We also know that The First will use its newfound strength to come back and destroy all that we hold dear in this house."

Xander stood up defiantly and said: "the question is, will you be able to kill Spike when the time comes?"

"It's not Spike!" Buffy cried out, fighting back the tears. "And yes, if it comes to it, I will kill him, just like killed Angel when I loved him!"

"You love Spike?" Willow gasped.

"I knew it!" Dawn screamed with joy. Buffy looked around like a cornered mouse. Suddenly she turned to the kitchen and slammed the back door. From the porch all of her friends could hear her soft sobs.

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