Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks fro the reviews. Again I don't own then just like to play with them.
Chapter 22

Monday afternoon, Buffy comes down stairs in her training attire.

“Ah Buffy, I’m glad to see you are ready.” Giles says.

“I still don’t see why we are doing this; we already know what the problem is.”

“It’s something we have to do; I am guessing you haven’t trained since you have been back.”

Buffy gives him a ‘Deer caught in the headlights looks’ and says. “Once.”

“I figured not, but Spike has been taking good care of you I see.” Giles continues.

Buffy blushes. “So when are we going to get started.”

“Just waiting for Spike, he got held up talking to Wesley and Angel about something.”

Just then Spike comes out of the office, with Wesley in tow. “Sorry Watcher, we can start now.”

“Very well, we are going to do a basic training routine. I am going to give you my instructions, and have Spike do it first then followed by Buffy. Both Wesley and I will be time you.”

“So what do you want us to do first?” Spike asks.

“We will start off simple and go to the harder stuff.” Giles tell them.

“Right then.” Spike says.

“Lets start with the basic 2 foot jump, say 200 of them to start. You will be doing this at the same time so Wesley will time Spike and I will time Buffy. You may start now.”

Spike and Buffy both start jumping and finish within seconds of each other, with Spike finishing first. Spike doing it in 120 seconds and Buffy in 121 seconds.

“Very Good, now lets do 150 hops starting on the left foot then 150 hops on the right foot. You both may start now.” Giles tells them.

Buffy and Spike start doing there hoping soon finishing, there left foot and changing to there right. Soon after Buffy finishes her hops and a couple of seconds later Spike finishes his. Buffy doing hers in 180 seconds and Spike in 183 seconds.

Once Spike finished she asked him. “What took you so long?”

“These Bloody boots.”

“Very well, moving right along. Now you may do 400 jumping jacks, you may both start now,” Giles tells them.

Both Buffy and Spike started the jumping jacks and with a few seconds of each other they were both finished, with Spike finishing first. Spike doing his in 230 second and Buffy in 232 seconds.

“You can get some water to drink while we tally up the totals, then we will go on to the next task.” Giles tells them.

After looking at the totals Buffy’s at 533 seconds and Spike’s at 533 seconds, Wesley exclaims. “Remarkable.”

“Yes quite.” Giles responds.

Once Buffy and Spike come back, Giles starts again. “Alright we are going to move to something a little harder, for this you will each do the tasks individually. This will test you Suspended strength, what I want is for you to go up to the first railing, and then I want you to do a hand stand. I will time you to see how long you can stay like that with out moving a muscle. Do you have any questions?”

“How exactly will it measure my strength?” Buff y asks.

“Because it takes a great deal of strength to do a hand stand to start with, but to do one on a railing takes a lot more. You of all people should know that.” Giles tell her.

“I know.” Buffy mumbles. “Can we start now?”

“If you’re ready you can go take you position Spike.”

“Right.” Spike says then he goes to the railing.

“You may start now.”

Spike climbs up on the railing and does a hand stand, once he is position Giles starts the stop watch.

After about 20 minutes, Buffy says quietly to herself, knowing Spike will hear. “I can’t believe he is staying quiet for so long.”

5 minutes after Buffy comment, 25 minutes after Spike started, Angel comes out of the office and asks quietly to Buffy and Wesley. “How is he doing?”

He’s coming up on the 30 minute mark. Wesley tell him just ask quiet.

“I would be dieing out soon.” Angel says.

Just as Giles stop watch hits 30 minutes, Spike lets himself flip over the railing and land on the floor. “Sorry, Watcher wasn’t able to hold it any longer.”

“Its quite alright Spike, 30 minutes is actually quite a long time. Buffy normal is about 20 to 25 minutes.” Giles say as he goes to sit down to record his time.

“Buffy when ever you are ready, Wesley will time you.” Giles says.

Buffy goes to go to the landing but Spike stops her. “Don’t think I didn’t hear what you said, and you will be paying for it later.” Then he walks away to sit down beside Giles.

Once Buffy gets to the railing Wesley tells her “When ever you are ready you may start.”

Much like Giles did before when Buffy got into position on the railing Wesley started the stop watch.

25 minutes passed and Giles says to Spike. “She is coming up on you, but I have a feeling she will surpass you on this, She has been doing it for years.”

“Some how I think you are right.” Spike tells him.

Buffy managed 35 minutes before he arms started to get tired, so she spread her legs so she was doing the splits then slowly lowering them to her body around her arms, then after a few minutes she quickly raises them and flips down to the lobby.

As Buffy stands up straight, Spike moves to Buffy putting his arms around her waist. “Show off, but I love watching you move like that.”

“What’s next Giles?” She asks.

“Freefalls, Skipping and meditation.” Giles responds.

“Oh freefalls I like that one, how high are we going,” She asks.

“Hopefully to the top railing.”

Buffy looks up. “5 floors, that’s nothing.”

“Are you crazy that’s 5 floors, Spike might be able to do that but I really doubt Buffy can.” Angel burst out.

“I do believe I said hopefully.” Giles says.

“I’ve only seen you do 3 floors; do you really think you can do 5?” Spike asks Buffy.

“I don’t know, but I would like to try.”

“So we try then.” Spike says.

“Alright let’s do the freefalls then. You will run up the stairs starting with the second floor since you both did on from the first floor. Once you get to the floor you will be using you, jump on the railing and jump down. Spike you can start first, I will be accessing whether you got to the next floor. When ever you are ready Spike you may start.” Giles tells them.

Spike nods at Giles and take of up the stairs and over the railing landing on his feet with ease.

Giles then points to Buffy to go.

Buffy takes off just like Spike landing on the floor when she is done with ease.

“3rd floor both of you.”

Spike starts doing the 3rd floor and before they know it, they are both finishing the 5th floor jumps.

“Very good, I am going to let you take a short break then we will do that first jumping rotation with skipping ropes.” Giles tell them.

As they walk of into the kitchen to get more blood and water Spike says to Buffy. “Your Watcher would be killing me with all of this if I wasn’t dead already.”

“What Spikey out of shape.” Buffy teases.

“No, but I will admit that I haven’t skipped in ages.”

“You have skipped before.” It was a statement not a question.

“Well yeah, Dru went through this phase where the only way to calm her down, would be to start jumping rope.” He tells her as if she is dumb.

Buffy had to laugh at that.

They drank there blood and had some water and went back to meet Giles and Wesley for the rest of the testing.

“Ah, good the see you back I was actually just going to call you. So can we get started again?” Giles asks.

“Yeah sure.” Buffy says. “Are we doing the skipping first?” Buffy asks grabbing the ropes that Giles has left out and hands one to Spike.

“Yes, I figured we would start with the basic jumping, but we are going to mix it up a bit. The first 100 are going to be 2 footed jumps normally then arms crossed for the last 100 jumps then you will do the same with the 1 footed jumps. 150 jumping normally and the last 150 with your arms crossed, are there any questions.” Giles asks.

Both Buffy and Spike shake their heads no.

“Good, I do believe that Wesley is ready.”

At Wesley’s nod, he continues.

“So you may start now.”

Buffy and Spike start to jump the rope in the way that Giles has instructed them to. Soon they were both completing there last of the 1 foot jumps, With Buffy ending first at 298 seconds and Spike at 300 seconds.

“You weren’t that bad.” Buffy states.

“No I did pretty well, if I say so myself.”

“Alright that was good, now the last test we have to do it meditating. I would like you to sit on the floor back to back with each other. No touching and think of something to keep your focus on. Once you loss your focus you are to get up. Are you ready to start?” Giles asks.

They both say. “Yes.”

“Alright you may start now.”

Buffy and Spike both start to meditate, Spike focuses on Buffy and Buffy focuses on Spike.

1 hour later.

“I have never seen her do it this long, she must really be focused.” Giles tells Wesley.

“There is only one way I have seen it last this long with anyone, and that is if they are both focused on each other. Once one moves they both will move.” Wesley tells him.

“I do believe that is what is happening.”

1.5 hours after they started meditating Angel comes out of the office again. “How long have they been at it?” Angel asks.

“1.5 hours.” Wesley tells him.

“There focused on each other.” Angel states.

“Yes I believe they are.” Giles tells him.

“It’s a good thing they are not mated then yet.” Angel tells them.

A look from Wesley makes Angel continue.

“If they were mated they would be linked telepathically, but they are not now so we can break this meditation. A telepathic meditation they could hold conversations in there mind while meditating and you would never be able to break it.” Angel tells them.

“I guess you are right, maybe using Spike for the meditation wasn’t a very good idea.” Giles say. “But we do have to break there concentration.” Giles says.

“How do you suppose we do that?” Wesley asks.

“Spike is family and Buffy is the Slayer.” Angel says as if they should be able to figure it out. “I should be able to do it, but it wouldn’t hurt if you both started to move in on Buffy mostly. Because if signs Spike is showing, his demon sees her as a mate even if they are not mated yet. So his demon should want to protect his mate.” Angel tells them.

The 3 or them start to advance in on Buffy and Spike, to break there concentration. Giles and Wesley mainly around Buffy, where Angel is more around Spike. After about 25 minutes of moving around Buffy and Spike, Angel notices Spike eyes have started to move with him, 5 minutes later Spikes demon growls at Angel for stepping to close to Buffy. Angel growls back and Buffy jumps up into a fighting stance at Angel’s growl.

“Sorry Giles, how long was it.”

“2 hours and 10 minutes but, I am afraid that Spike broke it first.” Giles tells her.

“What how, he didn’t jump up until after I did.”

“Actually Spike broke it a little over 5 minutes ago, he started following me with his eyes. I knew it was only a matter of time before his demon felt the need to protect its mate.” Angel tells them.

“Then why did you growl at him, Angel?” Buffy asks.

“I only did it to answer him back, after he growled at me.”

She turns to Spike. “You growled at Angel.”

“My demon did, yes.”

“And why would you do that.”

“It felt the need to protect you.”

“Angel is the last person, I need protecting from.”

Spike just shrugs at Buffy.

“So can you tell us what you, were focusing on.” Wesley asks.

“Spike.” Buffy states

“Buffy.” Spike replies.

“I guess we were all right.” Giles says.

“Why did we do something wrong.”

“NO my dear, its just the only way it is possible for a Slayer to totally block out those around her is when she is focused on the Vampire, she is with. It is the same if a Vampire is focused on a Slayer, they can block out everything except for there mate. They will always be on the look out to make sure there mate isn’t harmed in any way.”

“So we did badly, then.”

“No you did great, you showed real focus. I should have had you meditating with Spike and Angel all along; you have never taken to good to meditating.” Giles tells her.

“Oh.” Was all she could say?

“Now go, we have to go over our findings, we can meet later to go over our findings.” Giles tells them.

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