Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks for everyone reading the story this is my first time ever posting one and I didn't think it would be this well liked.

Unfortunely this chapter doesn't have Spuffy but it is a need chapter hope you enjoy it without.

Again I don't own them, just like playing with them a little.
Chapter 6

Wesley’s phone call to Giles.

“Hello Mister Giles its Wesley Wyndam-price phoning.”

“I know who it is Wesley, so what do I owe your pleasure of calling me at this God awful hour in the morning?” Giles asks.

“Well Buffy and Spike came last night. But I’ve noticed that Spike is a bit possessive with her.”

“What do you mean by that?” Giles asks.

“Well at first she was scared to tell us about why they were here, so he gave her, her choice to either talk or show us. Then when she chose to show us, it was done on his command and he did most of the talking as well.” Wesley tells him.

Giles laughs. “Wesley do you not remember anything about your last and only charge?” Giles asks. “Was it not her that quit the Council because she didn’t like that they would not help her the way she wanted? Was it not her that changed all the rules so I had to throw out the Slayer handbook with her?” Giles asks.

“Well yes I see your point, but what does that have to do with Spike?” Wesley asks.

“Well since you have not had the luxury of meeting him before, you are not aware that Buffy will not let Spike do what she doesn’t want him to do. If he does then they play a game of Kick the Spike as he calls it.” Giles informs him. “Don’t worry about him be possessive it is his nature of a vampire it his really different from Angel considering he has no Soul.”

“Yes! Well that is very well and all but Vampires are known for there ability to put thralls on people and William the Bloody’s sire was known to do that quite at lot. Isn’t that how she killed the Slayer before Faith and how Angelus found out how to open Acatha?” Wesley asks.

“Yes very well. But Wesley you really don’t know much about your employers little family. Do you?” Giles asks.

“What is that suppose to mean?” Wesley asks.

“Well when Angel came into the fold and started helping Buffy I took great liberty is studying him in great length and then when Spike and Drusilla came to town I did the same. Yes Drusilla uses thrall, but Spike is more like his grandsire Angelus. They are both all action men. Spike might not be nearly as bad in the torture department he does have other ways that he does things. How do you think he got his nickname? It’s not because his hair spikes when he doesn’t have it gelled back.” Giles asks him as he informs him of some of the differences in the 3 vamps that make up Angels family.

“I know how he got his nickname.” Wesley replies. “But I don’t see what that has to do about my knowledge of Angel’s vampire family?” Wesley asks.

“Just because you have to ask tell me that you have not done your research enough and, that you should take the time and study your employers’ ways of the past and all his families. I will send you some stuff their line it might help you a bit more with Buffy as well since her first and second bites were both from Master of the same line.” Giles tells him.

“Yes well I guess you are right about Buffy and Spike, but I was actually calling to inform you that I might need some information in order to help Buffy out.”

“I you have an idea of what we or I should be looking for?” Giles asks.

“Well remember in training they kept talking about the Slayer myth? Well it seems it might not be a myth at all. Buffy is showing some of the side effect that they talked about in the training.”

“Oh Dear Lord.” Giles says.

“My thoughts exactly.” Wesley says

“I was actually afraid of that. If it is this she will not be happy.” Giles tells him. “I need to know what makes you think that this might be what is wrong with her?” Giles asks.

“We aside from the fact that she grows fangs and her eyes change to gold. She also bites Spike at times with stress in a factor but does not have the strength to go with the change yet so she pass out from the force of the change to her body. She also says that her senses have changed to that more of Vampire ones, smells, eye sight and hearing at enhanced.”

“Yes I am aware of most of that as I have talked to Spike on many occasions about it. I was not aware that she was biting him. Is she biting anyone else?” Giles asks.

“No he said that they all decided that it would be best if she as only allowed to him, though Angel was kind of concerned with the amount of bites she did last night on Spike so you might she him rotating with Spike so they both don’t get to much blood taken.” Wesley informs him.

“Very well. But I think it should probably stay with Spike it she is not taking 2 much from him.” Giles says.

“I still have to put her through so strength assessment but I have no idea how to do her senses, I am planning on using Angel to help with the strength and agility test. I am also hoping you can find test for her senses at the Council or that Angel can give me some ideas.”

“I can understand your need to use Angel, but keep in mind that Spike does know her quite well and could possibly put her through tougher test then Angel can. From the time that Buffy and Spike met they have been fighting first to the death of each other now when Buffy has a problem she goes to Spike and they fight, they also patrol together. I am afraid the he knows my Slayer better than me.” Giles tells him.

“Alright I will use both Angel and Spike in the tests, but I am going to be asking Buffy questions that she is to answer and only her.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less. You do what you have to do. Now please let me go if you don’t mind I would really like to get back to sleep.”

“Alright I will sign off with you now and call you in a couple of days to let you know what we have learned.” Wesley says.

“Good-bye Wesley.”

“Bye Rupert.”

Angel walks into the office as Wesley is hanging up the phone with Giles; he sits in a chair and waits. “Buffy’s sleeping, Spike is staying with her. Hopefully he will get some rest as well, because he needs it. So what do you think is going on with her? I know you have an idea or you would not have rushed of so quick.” Angel says.

“I don’t know anything for sure so we will have to make with the research. Mr. Giles is looking into a few things and going to fax them to us.”
“I want to help Wes. It is killing me that Spike is there for her both physically and mentally, but she is in good hands. At least let me help with the research.” Angel tells him.

“Actually I need to put her through some test of fighting and other stuff I wanted you help with and Spike’s as Rupert wishes he be included as well.”

“You know I will and Spike should be included as well.” Angel says picking up a book to begin researching.

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