Author's Chapter Notes:
They finally meet
Chapter 8

William was leaving the conference room five minutes to five in hopes to catch up to the office manager. Popping his head into her door, he realized the lights were off and the office itself was empty. Noticing the different files and paperwork on her desk, he picked one up. There were various papers indicating competitors pricing, a contract, and lots of emails. Glancing through he realized she was dealing with a customer not happy with the price and finished product. Not wanting to mess up her work, he put the file back down. A picture off to the side caught his eye. Looking closely in the dimly lit room, he saw a young slip of a girl with long brown hair staring back at him. Her eyes spoke volumes. She looked vaguely familiar, but he chalked it up to his childhood memories. He walked out of her office and straight into Anya Jenkins, the accountant. “Mr. Bennett, what are you doing in that office?”

“Miss Jenkins is it?” At her nod he continued. “I was hoping to catch Ms. Summers today. Our paths seem to be missing each other.”

“Oh, well, she left about three today to take care of something personal.” Anya batted her eyelashes at him.

“I hope nothing serious.” He grinned she was coming on to him.

“Nothing more serious than her sister.”

“Nothing more serious?”

“Yes, her sister is quite a hellion with all the shop lifting and skipping school.”

“Sounds familiar. I know someone that is having the same problem with her sister.”

“Oh, girlfriend?”

“Something like that.”

“Oh.” Anya pouted. “Well, I better put these figures on her desk. Bye, Mr. Bennett.”

William walked out to his rented car and got in. Ms. Summers was definitely playing hard to catch, even if she didn’t know she was playing. Grinning to himself, he headed back to the hotel. Hopefully Buffy was online and would agree to have dinner with him.

Whistling, he opened the door to the hotel room and plopped down in front of his computer. Loosening his tie, he logged in. He opened up the instant messenger and started to type.

Sxyspike: Buffy?
BAS: No, It’s Dawn
Sxyspike: Hey there nibblet. How’s it hanging?
BAS: Not good. Buffy is making me do my homework before dinner. How unfair is that?
Sxyspike: Why is she making you do that?
BAS: I got caught skipping the last two periods today
Sxyspike: That’s not good!
BAS: They called Buffy at work and everything
Sxyspike: Where’s your sister?
BAS: Making dinner and a lot of noise
Sxyspike: LOL
BAS: She said you are in town
Sxyspike: That I am
BAS: That’s so cool. Are you two going to meet for coffee or something?
Sxyspike: I’m trying to convince your sister
BAS: That would be so cool
Sxyspike: Actually, I wanted to ask her out to dinner tonight
BAS: Please do! She can’t cook
Sxyspike: I would but I am talking to you
BAS: Oh by any means possible talk to her
Sxyspike: I don’t know your number
BAS: Oh I forgot about that
Sxyspike: So?
BAS: So what?
Sxyspike: Want to get in more trouble and give it to me?
BAS: Can I blame it on you and your charm?
Sxyspike: If you are going to give it to me, hell yes!
BAS: I don’t know
BAS: But it is so fun!
Sxyspike: Give me the BLOODY number, nibblet
BAS: See that isn’t charm.
Sxyspike: Please? I’ll take your sister out to a nice restaurant and you can order pizza
BAS: You are singing my song now, Mr.
Sxyspike: so?
BAS: Buffy just walked in
Sxyspike: SHIT
BAS: Stop corrupting my sister
Sxyspike: Sorry
BAS: She’s supposed to be writing a paper
Sxyspike: Sorry 
BAS: Did I just read you trying to pry our phone number from my sister?
Sxyspike: Well yeah
BAS: You’re evil
Sxyspike: Well yeah
BAS: Insufferable
Sxyspike: So what do you say?
BAS: About what?
Sxyspike: Dinner!
BAS: I’m cooking
Sxyspike: And the fire department hasn’t arrived yet?
BAS: Shut up, bleach boy! I’ve got to get back to the kitchen
Sxyspike: Please?
BAS: I told you I am cooking
Sxyspike: So invite me over
Sxyspike: Come on, you wouldn’t leave a lonely bloke like me lost in a big town like this, would you?
BAS: Yes
Sxyspike: You’re evil, not me
BAS: Only because you were corrupting my sister. Otherwise you would have gotten an invite
Sxyspike: Please? I’ll bat my pretty eyelashes.
BAS: Spike?
Sxyspike: Yes, pet
BAS: I’ve had a hard day today
Sxyspike: I heard you got called at work
BAS: Yes, had to leave early to take care of Dawn
Sxyspike: so you are saying I’m not getting an invite
BAS: Maybe tomorrow?
Sxyspike: I have a dinner to go to tomorrow
BAS: OH, well maybe Wed?
Sxyspike: When and where. I’ll even have bells on
BAS: You are so weird
Sxyspike: That’s why you love me
BAS: Uh huh… that must be why.
Sxyspike: I hear the smoke detector you better go
BAS: Bye, pig

Sitting back in his chair Spike smiled. He was wearing her down. She agreed to a meeting Wednesday. Stripping off the rest of his clothes, Spike went into the bathroom.
Tuesday morning, William dragged his body to Public Claim’s offices. Another day of fun filled meetings. Hopefully he could meet the office manager today. It was important to meet everyone before he made his final recommendations on how to handle the company and lay offs. He entered the offices at 7:35 and looked around. He carried the coffee he just bought and looked around. Most of the lights were off. The office staff wasn’t supposed to come in until 8:30: the perfect time to look around without prying eyes. Glancing around, he noticed that the office manager’s office was brightly lit and soft strains of music hit his ears. Smirking, he straightened his tie and strode to the office. He raised his hand to knock before he noticed the room was once again empty. Cursing, he walked down the hall. Passing the filing room, he heard a drawer close and a muffled female voice. Stopping, he knocked on the slightly open door. Jumping at the sound, Elizabeth almost dropped the file in her hands. William watched the young office manager turn around. She was wearing a shirt down to her knees and a white blouse. Her long golden hair was curled at the edges flipped as she turned. The face of an angel was revealed. Gasping, Elizabeth couldn’t believe her eyes… it was SPIKE!

“Hello there, you must be Elizabeth Summers. I am William Bennett from Omni Hype.” He extended his hand. Her eyes bugged out when she realized he didn’t recognize her. She brought up her slightly shaking hand and shook his hand. “Sorry for frightening you earlier, I just wanted to meet the elusive Ms. Summers.”

She couldn’t believe it. Well, she could. She changed quite a bit since her senior year in high school. Cordelia changed Buffy’s hair, clothes, make up. She changed everything on the outside. Buffy morphed into the woman that was professionally known as Elizabeth. Not many people could get a way with using her childhood nickname, but some still did. Glancing at him, Elizabeth grinned, too afraid that her smile would give her away. In a soft, steady tone she replied, “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Bennett. I’ve heard quite a bit about you.”

Chuckling, William took back his hand, “I hope only good things.”

She side stepped him out of the room and looked back. “You do know there is a rumor you are going to fire the staff?” She continued down to her office.

William followed the blonde beauty, “Don’t believe everything you hear, Ms. Summers.”

“Oh, I don’t. I just wanted you to know how the morale in the office is.”

“Really? Now how would you suggest that I handle that rumor?”

“Are you serious? You want to know how I think it should be done?”

“Of course, after all you single handedly improved office efficiency and decreased supply spending.”

“That wasn’t very hard, Mr. Bennett.” God, this was so weird! She fought a perpetual smile on her lips.

“Well, your predecessor couldn’t. I think you know the staff well enough to know how to handle them.”

“If you are serious about it, I’ll tell you. Mr. Bennett. I think that you should call a meeting of the whole staff and discuss it. If you are planning on laying off people, you should tell everyone and then have meetings with each employee personally. You can let those who are going to be laid off that they are and discuss the future of the company with the others.”

“Sounds like sound advice there.” Her phone began to ring.

“I better get this Mr. Bennett.”

“Very well, Ms. Summers. I look forward to our meeting.” With that William left her office. Glancing at the Caller ID, Elizabeth let out a sigh. That was one of the hardest things she ever had to do.

“Hey, Cordy.”

“How the fuck did you know it was me?”

“Caller ID.”

“OH, I wanted to call you. Guess who I saw this morning at the coffee shop?”


“Yeah… how did you know?”
“Seems like he is my new boss.” Why didn’t she put two and two together? Spike coming to LA and a representative of the new company that bought hers was coming to LA the same time. Groaning, she hit her head with her hand.

“Oh my GOD, you aren’t serious.”

“As a heart attack, girl. He just walked in an introduced himself as William Bennett.”

“Oh my god. He didn’t recognize you, did he?”

“That’s the funny part no, he didn’t. I barely kept from laughing. I tried to disguise my voice, too. But I don’t know if that worked.”

“That’s fucking funny!” Buffy frowned. What would be his reaction when he realized that she was Buffy?

“How am I supposed to do this?”

“Do what?”

“He’s my fucking boss, Cordy.”

“So? He likes you. He still keeps in touch on a daily basis, I might add.”

“It wasn’t supposed to be this way.”
“What way?”

“You told me all they wanted was a fling. He never wanted a fling. If I believed him back then, I wouldn’t be in this position.”

“Guess I was wrong.”

“Wrong, yeah. I’ll be out on my ass when he figures who I am.”

“No he won’t, he will be so glad to find you.”

“He’ll find out I lied to him about my age and stuff.”

“He’ll forgive you.”

“Yeah, and you’ve never been wrong.”

“Buffy, I’m sorry.”

“No, I am. It isn’t your fault. I just am going to have to dig myself out of it.” With that, she hung up. Time to face the music.

Elizabeth got up and headed down the hall to find Mr. Bennett. Hopefully he hasn’t put two and two together and found her out. She still had time. Finding him in Mr. Abrahm’s office, she cleared her throat. “Mr. Bennett, I would like a moment with you.” He looked up at the vision in front oh him, smiling he sat at the desk and indicated for her to sit. Shaking her head she said, “I’d rather stand, sir.” He nodded in consent and sat back in the chair. “I don’t know what you will think of me when I am finished speaking, but you must understand I never thought it would end this way. I am very sorry.” She fidgeted with her fingers and gauged her next words very carefully, “You see, sir, I never ever thought that… well… you would be here.” She was getting more and more anxious. She nibbled on her bottom lip. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.

“What is this about Ms. Summers? Did you do something?” He wanted to say did you steal?

“Yes, I did.”

“What did you do Ms. Summers.” Oh shit, he was afraid he was going to fire the amazing woman.

“I’m afraid I lied to you.”

“Lied to me? You aren’t Ms. Summers?”

“Um, no, I AM Miss Summers, but…” She was cut off my Anya Jenkins in the door.

“There you are Buffy.” Buffy closed her eyes when she heard it. All the muscles in her back tensed up as she turned towards Anya. Her face fell as she felt his eyes bore into her. Stepping back, Elizabeth went through the door and ran down the hall.

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