He needed a smoke, badly. Made him sick to his stomach how the jealous wanker could get to him. All Xander had to do was open his mouth and Spike would feel his temper rising. But, tonight he got his own back, no longer would he put up with Xanders ego. Spike would be the Big Bad once again! With limitations of what Buffy instructs him to do, of course. Yeah, he was whipped, but he tried to push that nagging thought into the back of his head so he could catch Buffy's scent.

He stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of the Slayer's home and sniffed the air. Smells of Sunnydale filled his senses. The bakeries down the street, a rat being killed by a feline, the humidity before what would soon be a rainstorm, and Buffy. Nothing could distract him from her Vanilla escence mixed with the salty undertones from recent fights. Spike focused on direction once again and sprinted down the street towards the streets of Downtown Sunnydale.

For the last couple of days, ever since he was controlled by the First, Spike had noticed people around town that he was sure he had killed before. Back when he was with Dru. His past victim would stare at him from a distance and then disapear when he looked at them.

As he passed the Winery in one of Sunnydales forests (which was the fastest way towards wherever Buffy happened to be), he got the same tingly feeling, a true sign that evil was near. Spike vamped to see where the peeping tom was while turning all the way around to check his surroundings. That's when he came face to face with…..A priest?

All signs pointed to dangerous in Spikes opinion of preachers, so he thought of just walking away when the human spoke.

"You must be the righteous one, following in the footsteps of your bloodsucking father. How noble of you. I can see why she wants you to help, but the everlasting darkness has bigger plans for you." The preacher now faced away from Spike, as he so obviously loved to do when produced his monologues.

"The bloody hell I am, I am nothing like peaches, I follow my own lead, do what I want…what plans for me? I'm not lifting a damn finger for you evil blokes, already screwed with m'head enough you did. Not lettin' you or that First evil soddin' pull my strings anymore!" Spike knew he should probably leave, but a good rough and tumble ws so tempting right about now he couldn't bring himself to leave, plus he wanted to see if he could harm all humans, so this was the perfect opportunity in his opinion.

"I wonder who lead you off the path vampire, leading you from what you were born to do. As proverb 13 states, the desire of the treacherous is violence, and what can you do but give in to your desires? Eventually you will become weak and give in, when that time comes will you be ready to face what you really are? A Creature of the night? She could never love you, vampire." With his last word, Caleb swung his fist towards Spikes jaw, but it was caught by the vampire’s hand until a small crack was heard.

"I'm ready now." Spike growled as he twisted Caleb's arm, causing him to flip over a bush and onto the ground. The preacher was up as fast as he had fallen, thrusting a roundhouse kick into Spike's side. Spike was caught off guard for a second.

"Jesus Christ, why does everyone go for the kidneys?" Spike pulled his vamp mask forward.

"Best not to take the Lord's name in vain, young man!" The evil minister attempted to trip Spike but he was expecting in and lunged over the kick and onto the priest.

"I don't have to take orders from you, im a lot older than you." Spike claimed in a stating the obvious way. He used his advantage with the priest off his feet and swiftly dove for the neck. Spike let out a vicious winner-take-all growl as he plunged his fangs into the purely evil human's neck. He could taste the slightly sour taste of evil as the man known as Caleb powerfully tried to throw him off, but Spike had learned all of these tricks in his 130 years as a Master Vampire, so was not shaken. Caleb cursed and threw punches at Spike's chest until his black heart slowed down to a complete stop.

Spike knew he had just killed a major player in the final battle, and couldn’t help but feel very proud of himself. He would have to brag about it later to the scoobies and slayerettes. Maybe this would even win points with Buffy! He couldn't help but feel hopeful, even though he doubted she would say 'Spike! You're the only one for me, lets run away together!' yeah, he wasn't gonna get his hopes up, that just wasn't her style. In fact it reminded him of Harmony.

"Uuulch, don't even want to go there, what was I thinking?" Spike shook his head in disgust as he once again followed the path towards Buffy out of the woods.

Behind him, standing at the open doorway of the winery, the First stood in the form of Angel. "God I hate that guy! Oh, well, I can still use him later. Where did he get that awful nickname for me anyway? I mean, do smell like peaches? I knew I shouldn't have used that body spray that Fred gave me." The First/Angel sulked back into the Winery where he would get his kicks by ordering the bringers around.

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