Chapter Twelve: Around

Faith slammed the door, upon entrance, and Spike jolted awake, luckily not waking Buffy.

“Well, well, well…what do we have here?” Faith questioned, crossing her arms over her chest. It was nearing 5AM, and the last thing she expected to see was Spike and Buffy, cuddled up on the couch.

Spike stood, careful not to wake Buffy. He adjusted her head on a throw pillow comfortably, and she didn’t notice the difference from his chest. He laid a gentle kiss on her forehead. He stepped around the coffee table, and came face to face with the evil version of Buffy.

“I don’t know why you waste your time with Buffy, when you can have someone more your status.” Faith said, indicating herself. She was attracted to Spike, but then again, she was attracted to most of the men that had a nice body and good face.

Spike’s gaze drifted from Buffy’s sleeping form, back to the girl before him. “I’m sorry, Faith, but I’m really not-“

She cut him off, as her mouth crushed his. He tried to push her away, but she seemed determined. As though an alarm was ticking in the blonde’s head, Buffy awoke to the scene, a shocked expression on her face. Faith finally pushed him away; a smile came to her features when she saw that Buffy witnessed the scene.

“Is this what you call getting to know me? Tonguing down my family after spending the night here with me?” Pain and anger laced her voice, as she stood. She shook with rage, aching to hit him, or her.

“It’s not what it looks like, Buffy. She kissed me.” Spike tried to explain.

“And you weren’t kissing her back?” She questioned, raising her voice. He shook his head, negative, but Buffy didn’t trust him. From the smirk on her cousin’s face, she was enjoying every moment of this.

“Get out.” Buffy ordered them sternly.

“Buffy, I would never-“

“GET OUT!” Buffy screamed in the manner Dawn always did when no one listened. She put a hand over her mouth, tears running down her cheeks. She ran from the living room, pushing past the duo, and running into her room.

Faith smiled wickedly. “I guess she’s little pissed.” She turned to go up the stairs, but Spike grabbed her arm. “Sorry, Spike, I don’t go the same place twice. It gets old.”

“You’re going to go upstairs and tell her that you did that on purpose.” His grip tightened, but Faith held her ground.

“I’ll tell her when I feel like it.”

“What have you got against Buffy? What has she done to you that you are trying so hard to make her miserable?” His own anger was consuming him, and he was sure his fingers would bruise her.

“Everyone loves Buffy. Angel loved her, her friends love her, her family, and now you’re falling for her. You’re not supposed to like girls like Buffy. Dru and I were the pick of the litter for you, both bad, and we would have done anything for you man. But you’re fucking around with little Miss Nice Girl up there, and it’s only going to cause you to lose the outer shell you’ve always held.” She knew from experience, and Buffy had no clue that Faith had been a playmate of Dru and Spike’s. It was only two years ago, that the three of them had shared a bed.

“That was the past. Buffy is my future.” He scowled, and looked down at his feet.

“If you don’t let her know what we’ve shared, and enjoyed…I will.” She got close and leaned in to whisper in his ear. “I think part of me just thinks Buffy deserves the truth…all of it.”

With her words, he shoved out of his way, and slammed the door behind him upon his exit.


Buffy stood between Faith and Dawn as the bridesmaids, her mother beside the bride as the maid of honor. Maggie was radiant, but Buffy was oblivious to the service going on around her. She was not in the wedding mood.

Buffy stared at the yellow rose bouquet in her hand, avoiding the eyes that were boring into her. She could feel Spike watching her carefully. She didn’t know that Giles was friends with Ethan, and that Spike was joining them. Once the service was over, everyone headed for the reception. Willow, oz, and Xander had drove to LA for the day, to see Dingoes Ate My Baby perform.

Buffy decided to bail on the reception, go home and hang out with Anya for a bit. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck in a room with Spike and Faith so close to each other.

“Are you sure he kissed her?” Anya questioned for the fiftieth time, as the walked to the reception hall. Anya’s little brother walked beside them. They were dropping him off at Anya’s house, and then heading to Buffy’s.

“Their lips were touching. That’s kissing.” Buffy said.

“Spike is like totally cool, and Faith is so totally hot. But she’s very evil.” Andrew chimed in.

“You’re a perceptive one.” Buffy rolled her eyes.

“You should have gone with Mom.” Anya muttered to her brother. “Faith is very evil. She has lots of sex, with many different men. She’s been around.”

“I know my cousin’s history, Anya. I just don’t understand how she could try to take him away from me. I actually thought Spike and I were going somewhere.” Buffy felt a tear come to her eye, and quickly rubbed it away, then wiped the wetness on her pale yellow sundress.

“Maybe she’s had Spike before.” Anya suggested.

“He’s been with Dru since junior high. I highly doubt it.” Buffy replied.

“But I’ve heard stories of Dru being very open in the bedroom. There was Cecily, Darla, and Kendra. Faith could be another on the list.”

Buffy didn’t want to think of Spike doing such a thing. She knew his past was wacky, but could she handle knowing that Spike had experienced things that she’d only heard of. “I think I need to keep away for a little while. I have to think.”

“Just don’t hurt your head. It happens to Anya all the time.” Andrew said.

“Monkey.” Anya called to her brother.

“Oh, a bunny!” Andrew shouted, pointing to the ground.

Anya screamed, nearly jumping into Buffy’s arms. “Thanks a lot Andrew!!! I’m going to have nightmares tonight. Fuzzy fuckers…they can’t be trusted.”

Buffy shook her head, a smile crossing her face at Anya’s freak out. Although the girl beside her was serious, Buffy found Anya’s uniqueness entertaining. She needed Anya to take her mind off of the bleached boy that almost had her wrapped around his finger.

*A/N: Please Reveiw.*

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