Buffy blinked. She suddenly felt dizzy, and she could see blue and white lights blinking behind Spike’s head. For a brief moment, she thought that she might faint.

If I were going to faint- this would be a good reason to. I can’t believe he’s here.

The look of triumph that suffused his features was enough to make her want to jump up and start twirling with joy.

She felt giddy, when only seconds ago she would have swooned. And as he took her lips in the most tender and powerful kiss she had known in her life, she noticed a small fiberglass Christmas tree in the corner of the room. That, she discovered, was the source of the happy blinking lights.

Is it Christmas? Oh…
She felt like a Goddess, when he was kissing her. The feel of his lips was like velvet to her. …it doesn’t matter. It could be the middle of July…it would be Christmas here. I have what I want. I have everything I could ever want.

She had never before been kissed like this. Angel had never kissed her like this, not even after he’d come back from that Hell dimension. Spike hadn’t even kissed her like this before. Not when she’d been brought back from Heaven, and not on their wedding night.

He kissed her as if she were the most precious thing on earth. As if he’d dreamed of this moment, of having her in his arms, for years. As if he’d seen it, so many times, but having it now, was like holding sunshine.

There was desire, and longing, and sadness on his lips, as she tasted them. All his need, all his fears, and hopes were here in this kiss. And, it was bittersweet.

And, it made her cry.

He must have tasted the tears, because he pulled away from her, not far, just enough to see her eyes, and his head leaned quizzically to one side. The love that poured from his gaze made her gasp.

The loose fabric of the karate uniform he was wearing brushed briefly against her face as he wiped away the water droplets with the knuckles of one hand as he turned his fingers inward to caress her face. His forehead rested against hers, and she watched his azure eyes shimmer, as a look of anguish settled on his face.

Buffy knew she shouldn’t be crying. She knew that he wouldn’t understand the concept of “happy tears.” She knew her tears would hurt him, they always had. Even when she thought she hated him, she knew that he could never stand to see her tears.

But now, she couldn’t stop, “Oh Spike,” she murmured, “I love you…I love you…” Buffy closed her eyes and brushed her cheek against his. She felt the coolness of his skin, and her body shuddered.

He’s here. Oh God…he’s really here…
She felt the tears flooding her eyes once again. She just couldn’t stop.

He shifted her body so that he was holding her in his lap, much like she had held Jonina only days ago, and murmured soothing sounds to her, trilling in her ear. The vibration of his voice against her neck made her shiver.

Then suddenly, he was carrying her. She held tight to his neck as he lifted her up, and swept her past the little happy, blinking, lights on the Christmas tree in the corner.

She felt warm and loved, like she never had before. She let herself fall, and breathed in the scent that she thought she’d lost. She felt his chest vibrating with love as he silently took her up the stairs, and past their daughter’s room.

As Spike placed her gently on the bed, she felt the tension leave her.

The look that beamed from him told her everything.

He was here.

He loved her.

And…she loved him. With everything she was…she loved him.

24 December 1872- London, England-

He walked the streets with Darla and Drusilla, nearly dizzy with the smell of the season. He was hungry. This time of year, people stayed indoors. But tonight was different; tonight the streets were bustling with activity and life. Tonight the air was teeming with the smell of spiced rum, sugarplums, and chestnuts.

One little sweet would not be missed.

He found the one he wanted. She was small, and plump. Admittedly, she wasn’t more than a mouthful, bit she would chase the hunger pains away, until a bigger meal happened by.

“Oh, Daddy,” Drusilla’s voice breathed in his ear, “she’s a living doll. Can I have her?”

He watched the little sweet struggle to keep pace with her father, whose arms were full of packages wrapped in bright bows and ribbons, and shook his head, “No Dru. This one’s mine.”

Leaving Drusilla and Darla in the snow looking on, Angelus set off to satisfy his sweet tooth.

What am I doing here? I shouldn’t even be here. They don’t need me here. I’d only cause them pain. That’s all I’ve ever done.

Liam Donovan peered into the windows of the brick building on Jennings Street. His new eyes didn’t allow him to see much in the darkness- just the steady, happy blue and white lights that reflected in the glass. Given the season, he could only assume that they were the lights from a Christmas tree.

When did she have time to…George. Steady, constant George…
he smiled to himself; …Spike finds me here, I’m dead- again.

The vampire had begun lurking around this old garage when he’d heard that the vampire that lived beyond the doors was gone. It was a long shot, but Oscar felt that this would be a good place to catch a hot meal.

Most of the time, he was wrong; but apparently, not tonight. He watched the man that was skulking around the outside of the building, craning his neck to look in the windows, and he couldn’t believe his luck.

Oscar chuckled low in his chest, “As fat as a Christmas goose. Christmas came early this year. And, he’s been a very, very, bad boy,” he slowly stalked over to his unsuspecting dinner, “This is just too easy.”

Buffy didn’t know why, but suddenly the blue eyes that loved her without words, became the glowing eyes of a hunter. He pushed her slowly away, his senses on alert.

A low growl permeated the room, and sent Buffy’s mind reeling, “Spike…what is it?” she whispered, feeling the tightness that meant fear, settle in her chest.

Spike’s hand went up to silence her. He left her, and stealthily went out into the hall and down the stairs.

He felt that his kin was endangered. He knew he had to save his family.

His feet carried him swiftly away from this cocoon of warmth and love, and down- down into the night. He knew that his family was near. That scent was recognizable. He’d known it well, and for a very long time. That was fear.

And, as he stood in the doorway of the dojo, staring out into the night, Spike knew.

He was gone.

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