Author's Chapter Notes:
wow not to long left now lol only a couple more chapters so enjoy while you can :D
The next day Spike strolled into the makeup van whistling like he didn’t have a care in the world.
“Morning luv!” Spike smiled at the shocked hair and makeup artists shocked expression.
“Well morning to you too. I'm guessing you’re in a better mood then?” She asked smiling at how young and cute he looked with that little glint in his eyes.
“Yep!” Spike grinned popping the p loudly.
“So…now are you gunna tell me what Buffy is like?” She asked teasingly wanting to hear all the gossip he had.
“What do you want to know pet?” Spike felt as if he was on top of the world and wouldn’t care if this woman wanted every detail. He would gladly tell her.
“Okay well let’s start on your first date!” She laughed eagerly before leaning in with a mascara wand just to see him flinch.

“Hey Angel I need to speak to you.” Spike smiled at the taller man laughing internally when he saw the unsure look on Angels face.
“Huh yeah sure.” Angel muttered curiously following Spike back to his dressing room.
“Okay here is what im telling you to do. Never. I repeat never accept a film that I am in ever again. Two don’t ever approach me or Buffy if we ever happen to be in the same room as you. And three I don’t want to see any stories about you two in the paper.” Spike finished seriously.

“What? You are kidding right. And why would I ever do that?” Angel laughed at just how stupid Spike was.
“Otherwise I show the press these.” Spike smiled handing Spike copies of all the photos.
Angel stared down at them in horror and looked back up at Spike in disbelief he did this repeatedly for the next five minutes his mouth working but he was too shocked for words.

“I'm not gay.” Angel barked panicked.
“Listen mate I don’t care what you are I don’t care if only bloody teddy bears turn you on. I will show these photos to the press and they will either say you’re gay or bi and do you really want that ruining your “Stud” reputation?” Spike smirked evilly.
Angel stood in silence for a few more minutes in complete shock before a very nasty expression took over his face.

“You fucking bastard.” He snarled.
“Now now Angel cakes won’t want the press finding out that boys do it for you too, know do you?” Spike smiled pleasantly.
“Fine I’ll leave you and the bitch alone…she wasn’t any good anyway.” Angel snapped childishly before turning on his heel and stalking out of the dressing room. Leaving a hysterically laughing Spike behind him.
The best part of the day was the fact that Angel had a whole bunch of scenes with Angel today so he got to make fun of him all day without him being able to say anything back. And so it had been with a big grin he had walked away from the studio and to his car.

Oh No!

Spikes eyes darted around his car searching for his phone. He saw it underneath his feet and eh grabbed in clumsily in his haste to look at it.

3 missed calls. All from Buffy.

Oh Bollocks she’s gunna think im blowing her off.

Spike flicked through his phone book searching for Buffy’s number and hit call.
“Hello…Niblet?” Spike asked.
“Spike!? Hey! You want to talk to Buffy?” Dawn asked excitedly.

She never told me they were back together yey!

Dawn did a little happy dance making a very questioningly glance to be thrown her way from Connor.
“Umm yer...she there?” Spike asked biting his lip.
“No she’s gone to work.” Dawn sighed sadly.
“Work!!” Spike almost yelled his mouth dropping open.

What’s she going back to that shitty job for ive got all the money she needs!

“Thanks nib I’ll see you soon kay bye sweetheart.” Spike flicked his phone shut and started up his car heading for The Blue.

Spike rummaged in the back of his car searching for a black beanie hat to cover his hair and to change out of the obviously expensive suit he was wearing at the moment. He walked into the club hunched over hoping no one would notice him.
“Hey…listen can I go backstage? My girlfriend works here.” Spike mumbled to the guy standing at the entrance to the back door.
“Ha-ha nice try buddy. You know how many people say that?” The guy laughed his huge belly wobbling as he did so.
“Listen im being serious.” Spike pulled his glasses off and flicked his hat up a bit so the guy could see who he was.
The man’s eyes widened and he began to stutter his apologies while pushing the door open for Spike and waving him in.
“Thanks mate.” Spike smiled walking in and right past all the half naked girls who were standing staring dreamy eyed at him. Spike walked up to the door he knew was Willow and Buffy’s dressing room and knocked on the door before opening and walking inside.
Buffy sat at her chair staring at her reflection miserably obviously not noticing Spike walk in.

He didn’t call. I'm an idiot thinking I could hold onto him.

“Hey pet.” Spike said smiling when her head snapped round to look at him.
“Spike!” Buffy gasped shocked at seeing him standing there.
“Hey luv. Sorry bout not answering your calls I left my cell in my car and completely forgot about it till I finished work.” Spike apologised walking up to her and taking in the French maids costume and brown wig she was wearing.

“O… I was wondering why you didn’t answer thought you had change your mind or something.” Buffy smiled nervously.
“Nope didn’t change my mind.” Spike grinned shaking his head.
Buffy stood up and moved towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist in a tight hug. Spike smiled as he felt how tense she was obviously worried that he was going to push her away or something.

Like I could ever pull away from her….especially in that outfit.

Spike grinned to himself and looked into her shining eyes as she pulled away from him.
“My song is gunna be on soon.” Buffy sighed sadly her bottom lip jutting out.

Oh god she keeps doing that and I wont be able to go slow for long.

“Oh okay. Can I wait in here till you finished? We could go for coffee or something.” Spike shrugged.
“Yer sure. This is my last dance anyway.”
“What’s with the wig anyways?” Spike asked tugging on a shinny lock of brown hair.
“Oh turns im sort of famous now im dating you.” Buffy laughed grinning.
“A lot of people have come up to me asking for autographs when I went shopping yesterday and a few paparazzi photos have turned up of me in a few magazines. Even though they know I dance here if there’s anyone taking photos tonight maybe they wont think to take one of me with this on…it’s shocking how different I look.” Buffy tilted her head thoughtfully.

Spike heard someone calling Buffy’s name out and Buffy started for the door giving him an apologetic look.
“Sit; get comfortable I have some magazines by there if you want to read.” Buffy said before disappearing closing the door behind her.

Almost ten minutes later Buffy walked back into her dressing room to find Spike sitting on her chair reading through an old copy of Cosmopolitan that Willow had bought not too long ago. Spike hadn’t noticed Buffy walk in and so Buffy tiptoed over to see what article he was so engrossed in and saw.
21 ways to get rid of wrinkles.
“Um Spike unless you suddenly age 20 years in the next 2 minutes I don’t think you really need that.” Buffy teased laughing at him as he bolted out of her seat and a blush rose on his face.
“Um got bored is all…wanted something to keep me occupied.” Spike laughed at how ridiculous he was being but stopped abruptly when he noticed Buffy was standing there in just her panties, high heels and stockings
Buffy noticed Spike’s laugh cut short and realised just what she was doing. Sure Spike had seen her naked plenty of times but she wasn’t even sure what they were anymore.

Standing there like this god Buff could you get any stupider?!

Buffy grabbed a pile of clothes from the counter and dashed behind a screen that was there for privacy but had never really been used since only her and Willow shared the room.

When Spike saw Buffy disappear behind the screen he immediately gulped and felt a definite twitch in his jeans.

Oh sodden great. That’s gunna take more than a cold shower to cure.

“So… we are going for coffee?” Buffy asked trying to start the conversation back up pulling the shirt over her head.
“Huh oh yeah I was thinking that little place just by your house it does some food there too. You hungry?” Spike asked.
“Yeah im always hungry.” Spike laughed at Buffy’s reply and she grinned happy that she could make him sound so happy like that.
“Listen why don’t you go wait in the car I won’t be long I’ve got to go talk to Ray anyway.” Buffy said searching for her jeans.
“You sure pet?”
“Yeah go on I’ll only be a few minutes.”
Spike left the room and strode down the hallway doing his best to ignore ll the girls whistles and catcalls as best he could.

Buffy was just putting her socks on when a knock sounded on her door. She rolled her eyes and let out a little laugh.

Spike can be so protective.

“Come in!” Buffy called bending down to tie her shoelace and not noticing the huge man that had just walked in.
“Hello Miss Summers.”
Buffy spun around and gawked up at the man who had entered. He was at least 6 foot and had sandy coloured hair and a innocent boyish face but his eyes glittered in a way that made Buffy think of a rat/
“Who are you? How’d you get back here?” Buffy asked backing up not trusting this guy one bit.

“I'm Riley Finn and the bouncer here is a bit dull.” Riley replied simply giving Buffy a toothy smile as if his explanation was going to reassure her.
“What are you doing here?” Buffy questioned craning her neck to look at him.
“Well…I'm gunna be honest with you. I was here to get a picture of you up on stage…dancing as people call it but you see I didn’t realise who the brunette on stage was till it was too late. So here I am.” Riley shrugged pulling out a notepad.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re a reporter!” Buffy cried out incredously.

God these guys are vermin!

“Can you tell me about your relationship with Spike Devlin? Are you engaged? Are you pregnant? Why is he still letting you strip?” Riley asked question after question all the while advancing on Buffy so she was pressed against the back wall.
Just when Buffy was gunna kick him in his obviously small balls a loud roar sounded from somewhere behind the huge frame of Riley but Buffy couldn’t see what it was as the incredible hulk was blocking her view.
Riley spun around and immediately met Spikes fist which caught him right in the nose. Riley howled out raising his hands to protect his nose leaving his stomach open and Spike took his opportunity to punch the wanker in the gut repeatedly. Riley fell to his knees winded.

“You leave my girl alone all right Riley…Stay the hell away from her!” Spike snarled reaching for Buffy’s hand before striding out of the club and too Spikes waiting Desoto Buffy still smiling because the way Spike had described her as “my girl” was replaying in her head over and over.

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