CHAPTER 6 -- Regrouping Pt. 1

Spike and Xander slumped through the thick double doors of their boss' office. She was in her usual position -- reclining back in her posh leather chair, Prada stilettos crossed up on the desk in front of her. Although her surroundings suggested otherwise, Cordy did not sit back and reap the benefits of Spike and Xander's work. She was completely shrewd when it came to business and negotiating contracts for kills. If you wanted your wife, husband, or neighbor killed, it was going to cost quite the pretty penny. And the effectiveness of Spike and Xander allowed for that. All three of them made a more than decent living, working as a team in the way they did. All proceeds from every kill was split three ways. It worked out best for all of them -- the more kills Spike and Xander completed, the more money they made -- and the business transactions of Cordy made that split-able amount very high. They were willing to help each other out -- Cordy allowed Spike and Xander to call it quits whenever they wanted and, if the situation called for it, she would not object to picking up her own Firestar 9mm and getting her hands dirty. But the three had made a verbal pact early on that not until they reached one million each would they consider quitting the contract killing business. And they were relatively close to their goal.

Cordelia slid out of her chair when Spike and Xande walked in, moving to lean against the front of her desk, "There's my boys. So, how'd it go?"

Spike was more than happy to explain just how "well" it had gone, "Let's see . . . after picking Mr. Wakefield's guts off my boots for two hours, I was duped by a diner waitress and almost shot in the face."

Cordy grimaced, "Ohhhhh, bad day then?"

Spike rolled his head towards her, "Bad? Oh, bad doesn't cover it." The men flopped into the leather couches in front of her, Spike throwing his leg over the arm. Xander seemed more than happy to lean his head back, close his eyes, and let his anger fume while Spike did the talking.

"Who's the waitress?"

"The what?"

"The waitress that duped you."

"Buffy Summers."

"Wait, she's a diner waitress? I thought she was an assassin?"

"She is. Oh, and then I bet you didn't know that this Buffy Summers I have to kill is also trying to kill me."

"Really? Wow, didn't see that one coming."

Spike didn't think the soap opera twist amusing, "Who signed the contract to have her killed?"

"It was done over the phone and threw a Swiss bank account. No name, but the money went through, so I didn't ask."

"How much to kill her?"


Spike sighed, "So that's, what, $50,000 each?"

"No, that's $150,000 per person," Cordelia corrected.

Xander jerked up in his chair, speaking for the first time, "That takes us to 1 million each exactly."

Spike quirked an eyebrow at his boss, "That's convenient."

Cordelia shar5ed his line of though, "A little too convenient."

Xander's eyes bugged, they had just hit the lottery and the two of them were turning it down, "Luck is what it is! Don't question luck! We could be out of this soon."

The three of them focused on the reality of it -- eyes darting in excited silence. The electricity buzzed off them -- they got into this together and they were going to get out. All that was standing in their way was the one simple kill of the little blonde, then it was over. The three of them had never dared to verbalize how desperately they wanted out. They had only gotten into it to make ends meet financially and the end seemed so very far away. For the first time they let themselves daydream about what their lives would be like without the never-ending stream of dead bodies. Cordelia was distracted out of her mind's wanderings as she inspected Spike's ensemble.

"Spike, what happened to your shirt?"

Spike picked at the hole, "Oh, did I not get to the part about the lone gunmen?"

"Gunmen? Who were they?"

"Don't know. Didn't get a good look at 'em -- too busy dodging bullets," Spike was obviously annoyed with the situation.

If Spike was annoyed, Xander was having a fucking cow. His agitation with his partner over the past twenty-four hous was quickly coming to a head. "You mean with all the saving of the girl we're supposed to kill? The Spike I knew would have pushed her out into the line of fire and have been done with it. What were you thinking!? Saving her life!"

Cordy was shocked, "Wait, wait. You saved this girl's life?"

Xander continued to gang up on his best friend, "And then he stands there for five hours staring at her like he's in love with her. He could have shot her right then and there. Her friend wouldn't have had the guts to fire her gun. Do you know that if you would have just killed her then and there we would have already called U-Haul for a truck to move all our stuff out of our apartments? We would have had all the money and been gone."

Spike tried to defend himself, "Well, I didn't know that at the time, did I!?" He bellowed.

Their anger was quickly spiraling out of control as they continued to ream each other out, "It doesn't matter, you knew you should have killed her and you didn't! What the fuck is your problem, Spike!?"

Cordelia figured correctly that there was too much testosterone being throw around the room, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! This isn't helping!" The two men instantly quieted at her scolding. They may be in this together equally, but Spike and Xander repected her authority over them. When their labored breaths calmed and the red flush on their faces faded to a pink hue, she ignored the glares they were giving each other and continued, "Now, these gunmen, who could they have been?"

Spike shrugged, "Police? Maybe they thought we were some type of cartel."

Xander shook his head, "They didn't look like police. And since when do police use bazookas to break up a four person drug deal?"

Spike nodded, "Good point."

After a beat, Xander spoke, "Are these guys a direct threat? I mean, maybe they were after the girl, not us. I say we forget about them until Buffy Summers is six feet in the ground before we go diving into a distracting side project."

Codelia stood, "I agree. Let's take care of killing Ms. Blondie and getting our money before anything else."

Spiek wasn't so convinced and was about to voice his feelings when the familiar sound of "Freebird" filtering through the phone in Xander's back pocket interrupted them. He checked the ID, "That's Anya."

Cordy cocked her head, "Yeah, are you with her yet or what?"

"No, I think she's too wrapped up in Spike -- always talking about his 'bone' and the number of orgasms it could give her."

Cordy was more amused than the bleached blonde, who seemed distracted in his thoughts.

Xander turned to his friend as he moved across the room to take the call, "Can I tell her you were castrated in a freak accident? I'm thinking that's the only thing that's gonna work."

Spike waved his hand absentmindedly, "Tell her whatever you want." His mind was stuck on Buffy Summers -- the girl that stood between him and a million.


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