Author's Chapter Notes:
It's going to be kinda confusing at first! Be nice this is my first fic!

Nothing in this story belongs to me, its just a little fun so yeah!
"When are you guys actually planning on practicing? Cause if I came here for nothing and wasting all of my time I am seriously am going to get violent!" Cordelia whined to no one in particular.

"Oh yeah and that will really happen! Cause you might break a nail! Your such a priss and yes we are going to start practicing as soon as Spike and Buffy decide to show up! Sometimes they act so immature!" Faith replies.

"someone say my name luv?" Spike asks as he enters the room with his girlfriend Drusilla, otherwise known as slutzilla hanging on him like he was glued to her.

Someone comes running in and colliding with the bleached blond known as Spike. "Sorry... oh wait its you I retract that apology! Sorry I am late. You know how I am with traffic, I am still a little scared driving after that accident!" Buffy says shivering.

"Now seriously lets get practicing cause I have a date with Devon later." Cordelia says and EVERYONE rolls their eyes.


Its after practice and Buffy was running late as usual, her mom was waiting for her at a restaurant to spend some quality time. Her sister was probably there too.

"Sorry, Sorry, I am late Mom. Dawnie how are you? How's school?" Buffy asks sitting down.

"Buffy I have missed you so much, Everyone at school so does not believe you are totally my sister. Though they know you did go to our school. They want your band to perform at our school!" Dawn says hyperly.

"Dawn Calm down your sister just got here!" Joyce says calmly.

"But mom!"

"Leave your sister alone!"

"Fine!" she slumps in her seat.

"Dawnie I will talk with the band and our manager and maybe he'll let us do a performance! I miss you too!" Buffy says! "So mom how is the gallery? I haven't been able to visit it lately."

"It's fine we have a new artist! Mrs. Rosenberg, Willow's mom. She is very talented and getting us alot of new business, and Dawn is even helping out!"

Buffy could hear how proud her mother was of her sister, her sister always did right. She had always been the good girl of the family. It's not like Dawn had gotten kicked out of the school in L.A. for burning down the gym. Not that Buffy had meant it! It had just kinda happened. Then when Buffy had quit school to become a singer that had really been a downfall for her mom. Even though the band was oober famous her mom still just wasn't as proud of her as her sister, cause Dawn was a senior and Dawn was getting her DIPLOMA.

"Buffy! Buffy, dear are you alright? You seemed to be off in space!" Said mom drifted through her thoughts.

"yeah I am fine." The rest of dinner was about how much Dawn had accomplished.


"I just don't understand what's so great about Dawn! She doesn't do anything. Wow shes going to graduate. Woopedy do da day! I am in a FAMOUS rock group! I am dating a MULTIMILLIONAIRE! I am RICH! What am I not doing right to have my mom LOVE me, for her to be PROUD of me? Willow I need help!" Buffy cried to her best friend and room mate.

"Buffy your mom loves you, and she is proud she just doesn't show it! Why don't we go to that party? You said everyone else is going! Why not go?" Willow asks.

"Yeah I need this! I am going, and I am going to have a good time! I am going to forget about everything!"

"Right! Your going to have a good time!"

"Yeah and your going to be good right?"

" I am going to have fun!"

"And your going to be good right?"

"Sure right!"

"Good girl now get ready!"


Buffy had gotten ready! She was excited! Though Angel was out of town she was going to have fun! He was always out of town lately! With his friend Parker, and Parker's sister Darla. Not that she had any room to complain when he was here she was out of town with the band. Sometimes being famous just didn't mean much! She sometimes missed school, and sometimes she missed having time! But she loved her band, she loved the power she had over the crowd and the freedom to write songs, though they had to be approved by the group. They all pitched in songs and then voted! It was great to be part of something. She felt like someone, like a part of something bigger. She still got into alot of trouble but she didn't do alot of illegal things anymore. They wrote about her in the papers. Well her and spike. They were notorious to have BIG fights durning their concerts. That's why people liked them, their fights were bad. It was cause they literly hated, HATED each other. Though Anya, Xander's girlfriend (He is the band's manager) always said it was because deep down they wanted to give each other MANY orgasm's which is so not true. Ick Spike is so disgusting with his slut bag of a girlfriend! Who would screw anyone, she could! And she did!

"Buffy are you ready? Cause if you aren't I will totally leave without you and you will have to drive over yourself! Oz's band is playing at this party, and you know me being all Oz fan gotta be there! I love him so much!"

"Aw I know you do sweety, just one more minute, I am trying to tie this damn dress! It's too damn hard!" When Buffy fell over Willow came out of her dream like state.

"A little help here Will!"

"Oh yeah here!" Willow ties the dress and then helps Buffy up.

"Thanks will your a life saver!"

"Life saver that's me! Look in the dictionary next to the word there's definitely a pic of me!"

Buffy just laughed and smiled at willows rambling.
"I am rambling again aren't I? I just am excited to be near my boyfriend when he plays tonight! Me Oz's gal!"

"AW no prob will your rambling is cute!"

Next Chapter is going to be the party cause alot is gunno go on there and its going to be really angsty and dramatic! Review please and be truthful cause I can take it! Also I am looking for a beta!

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