Day 18

The next morning, Spike cuddled up behind his sleepy mate. His hand crept up under her shirt to caress her lace covered breast. He teased the nipple into hardness, making Buffy arch her head back against him in pleasure. Spike was quite pleased with the small moan that slipped from between her lips.
“Stop that, Spike,” Buffy groaned. “I have to break up with Riley first.”

Spike blew cool air across the bite mark on the Slayer's neck. “Well you'd better hurry up, luv, before I rip your knickers down and have my wicked way with you.”

‘Wicked’s good,’ Buffy thought fleetingly before a voice that sounded suspiciously like Willow echoed through her mind, reminding her that she would be cheating.

Grumbling in disgust at the sacrifices she was forced to make in the name of ‘Good’, the petite blond forced herself to move away from the skrummy vampire with the rock hard abs and the oh so soft lips that were doing delicious things to her neck. It was days like this that being the Chosen One sucked with a severity.
“So what are you gonna be doing while I’m doing the big nasty break-up scene?” Buffy asked as she moved to put some distance between her and her enticing mate.

“We need his serial number, pet,” Spike reminded her as he pulled on his jeans, hoping that she wouldn’t give him a hard time about his own plans for the morning. “I’ll get the discs then head over to the watcher’s place and we’ll let Red know what’s goin’ on.”

Nodding her agreement, Buffy forced herself to leave. As much as she hated that he would be facing Adam alone, she had to admit that he’d already done it successfully once – she needed to believe that this time would be no different.


“What do you mean you’re breaking up with me? I gave up everything for you. My Career, my future. I went AWOL for you, Buffy. At best I can look forward to a dishonourable discharge; at worst – jail time. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?” Riley bellowed in fury.

“Yes, Riley, it does mean something to me. It means that you didn’t do it because it was the right thing or because you thought what they were doing was wrong. You only did it because of me and I’m sorry but I can’t be with someone that can’t see the difference.” Buffy turned from the agitated ex-commando only to face her long time friend.

Xander met her eyes and smiled compassionately. He hated it, but he had to agree with her.


When Buffy breezed into her watcher’s apartment, she was just in time to hear Willow dejectedly ask if the code was available.

“Yup,” Buffy chirped happily as she pulled out a slip of paper from her pocket. “One nine digit serial code direct from a mouthy horse.”

Willow cast a confused glance over at the two snickering Brits before turning back to her laptop and the code her friend was waiting to give her. She was never going to understand British humour.

With the entry of the code, the disc started decrypting automatically and it didn’t take long for the group to learn the full horror of Adams plan. Thankfully, when they looked at the time table Adam had set up, they realised they would have time to worry about it after the day had been broken. A joint set of tingles confirmed this observation.

“If I’m understanding this correctly, the day is looping and you’re going to try and break the loop tomorrow. But I’m not going to remember today tomorrow, so we’re gonna have to go through all this again then or soon after, right?” Willow asked slowly, her mind racing through all the possible scenarios. When Buffy confirmed her supposition, she continued with her train of thought. “Then instead of me going through these discs now, wouldn’t it be better if I help with the finding of the spell to deactivate Riley’s chip? ‘Cause you’ll need it tomorrow, right?”

“Excellent idea, Willow. While you help me locate the correct spell, Buffy and Spike can plan out the rest of their day.” Giles said decisively. He knew the end of the spell was in sight and he welcomed it whole heartedly, but the small kernel of fear that continued to eat at him was the knowledge that his slayer and her vampire might suffer if the talisman was not located swiftly. He knew how insecure they both were and he was terribly afraid that if they continued to be linked by magic either one or both of them may start doubting the validity of their feelings for each other. He prayed to whoever was listening that the talisman would not be difficult to find.

Giles picked up the first book in the pile he had set on the dining table and started reading. For now, it was the only thing he could do.

Spike grabbed a pad and pen and took a seat on the couch angling himself so that he could face his mate, their knees touching. He hated that he couldn’t hold her on his lap as they worked, but as Willow hadn’t been told about their relationship yet, they needed to keep a distance between them for the time being. He wanted to curse both Red and Dru for putting him in this bloody position, but then he also wanted to kiss them both for the part they played in getting Buffy and him together. Mostly, he just wanted to snog his mate.

“So, we um, make a list of what needs to be done and then we work out who does what?” Buffy asked quietly, silently wondering if she should just take Willow aside and let her know about the whole mate-y bit. It would take valuable time away from the plotting and consequently the very private boyfriend time she planned on enjoying as soon as they were finished here. But it would also mean that she wouldn’t have to wait until they were out of sight before enjoying a little snugly goodness from said boyfriend. It was a hard choice - snuggle now or more private time later. A quick glance at her oh so gorgeous mate gave her another idea completely; a really wicked, evil idea.
Oh, Spike would be so proud.

“Sounds like a plan, luv,” Spike readily agreed.

As the vampire got to work, so did Buffy.

Concentrating, she watched him surreptitiously for a sign that it was working.
The slight trembling of his hand as he tried to write was her first indication.

Shocked blue eyes met sparkling green as the realisation of what she was doing hit him with full force. Bloody bint was using the claim to send him naughty images. Spike grinned in admiration. So that was the game she wanted to play, was it? Oh yes, two could play that game. Silly chit was in for the surprise of her life.

Handing her the note pad, Spike smiled innocently. “I think that’s it, slayer.” Matching tingles confirmed his opinion.

Buffy looked down at the note pad. In beautifully flowing script he had listed the factors they needed to fix.

· The discs
· The chips
· The dumping of the Giant Hall Monitor (as painfully as possible)
· The stupid soldier-boy in the woods
· The twerp from the magic shop and maybe his annoying little mate
· Glinda
· Red
· The Whelp
· All to be topped off with a celebratory snog and shag session – clothing optional but not necessary.

As Buffy read the last item on the list, a barrage of images assaulted her.

Images and sensations flashed through her mind, moisture soaked her panties instantly. One look at the smug smile on the face of her mate had her reacting automatically. Her evil plan was coming to fruition.

Spike’s head shot up in horror as the image she sent him flashed into his mind. “Oy, Slayer – that’s just bloody evil,” he hissed, ever mindful that they were not alone. The image of Joyce standing over him like an avenging Valkyrie, axe in hand, as he lay naked and vulnerable in bed with his equally naked mate still firmly planted in his mind.

Evil little wench was gonna pay for that one!

Buffy innocently batted her eyelashes at him.

“So, who does what?” She continued on with the planning session as if nothing had happened. “Giles gets Willow here and explains about the looping day and the need for the chipectomy. You get the discs while I have ‘the talk’ with Willow. I go save Forrest while you and Willow talk to Tara and Giles talks to Jonathan and maybe Andrew. Then I go get Riley, you leave then sneak back in so you can get your chip deactivated without us having to waste time with the explanations first. Willow can decrypt the discs. You talk to Xander while I dump and get rid of Riley, then I go sleep at my mom’s to make sure the loop is broken and we all meet back here the next day.”

“Wait, what do you mean I talk to Harris? And since when are you sleeping at your mum’s?” Spike pouted unhappily. He really wasn’t liking this plan at all. “We could leave my cup and your stake here, and if they’re not at the crypt in the mornin’ we’ll know the loop’s broken,” he offered his own suggestion, at least his way meant there was more chance of a proper kiss good morning.

Smiling in commiseration, she grasped his hand. “It’s the best way, Spike. There’s no guarantee that the cup and stake will follow us to the crypt and I need to know for sure that I’m not cheating. I don’t want to bring that sort of guilt into our relationship. Do you know what I mean?”

Sighing deeply, the vampire nodded in agreement. “Yeah, luv, I get you. Doesn’t mean I’m happy about it, but I can see where you’re comin’ from.”

“And as to Xander, you’re still the best one for that job and at least now you have some idea about what to say.”

Spiked huffed dejectedly, the next day was shaping up to be a bloody long one at that.


“Giles,” Willow said cautiously, her excitement barely contained. “Are you set on deactivating, or can we go straight for removal?”

“What have you found, Willow?” the watcher inquired hopefully.

Passing over the book she had been reading, Willow pointed to the spell she had discovered.

As Giles read, he could feel his excitement level escalating. The spell exceeded his expectations. The option of removing the chip was far more appealing than just deactivating it. Deactivation could lead to reactivation and he didn’t want his friend to suffer any more than he already had. While it was true that the chip had had its uses in the beginning, Giles was firmly of the opinion that the damned thing had outlived its usefulness. Although, he internally cautioned himself, it would still be wise to keep the removal of Spike’s chip on a need-to-know basis. He didn’t care one way or the other about the ex-commando and his chip; as far as Giles was concerned removing Riley’s chip was just a diversion that was required to successfully remove Spike’s.

“It’s perfect, Willow. Well done.”

A loud knock at the door interrupted the witch’s preening.

“Agent Finn,” Giles greeted the ex-soldier stoically. He was neither welcoming nor aggressive.

“Oh bloody hell!” Spike interjected, throwing his arms up in frustration. They didn’t need this. Things were already complicated enough as it was. “I’m gonna kill Peaches.”

“Why? What’s he done now, Spike?” the Slayer demanded.

Pointing a finger towards the door and subsequently the ex-soldier, Spike faced his mate as he spoke. “The wanker’s been given an Aurelian Death Mark, Slayer. The poof’s marked him for retribution by the clan.”

“Oh, crap.”

It had taken them a while to get through to Riley that going after Angel wouldn’t help him. His jealous paranoia had him demanding they dust Spike on the spot as he told them it was clearly all the vampire’s fault to begin with.

“How the bloody hell is it my fault? You attacked me, you wanker,” Spike cried out indignantly.

“Quiet right!” Giles agreed in cold fury. “You not only attacked one of the Slayer’s allies, you recklessly endangered a plan that the Slayer had instigated in an effort to defeat the monster that your organisation created. The Slayer, I might add, that is not only one of the best and longest lived slayers of all time, and she is also the only one capable of cleaning up the bloody mess that the Initiative’s murderous beast has made. You attacked an individual that could not fight back. You based your judgement on the questionable teachings of a fool who was killed because of her own hubris and ignorance and now you have the unmitigated gall to try and place the blame for the consequences of your despicable actions on your victim? You, sir, are a coward, a bully, and you have no honour.”

“He’s. A. Vampire!” Riley spat out in disgust. “You know…the things you’re supposed to kill? He doesn’t deserve to walk the same earth as Buffy, let alone be in the same room. You call it an ally? Are you insane? It’s just waiting for a chance to kill you all. You can’t trust it!”

“How dare you presume to tell us our job! You know nothing, you ignorant little pillock. He’s not the monster – you are. Now get out of my home,” Ripper snarled at the ex-commando then stormed to the door and opened it, waiting for the belligerent brunette to pass him. “Oh, and a word of warning, Agent Finn, go after Spike again and it’s not Drusilla you will need to worry about.”

Closing the door in the face of the furious fool, Giles gave Buffy a hard look. “If Drusilla manages to kill that sanctimonious little prat – I’m sending her flowers!”


Angel watched as Buffy and Spike left the watcher’s apartment complex. He wanted to follow, find out what was going on, why Spike was with her and a million other questions that he was struggling to voice, but a fear such as he’d never known left him quaking and unable to move. He tried to convince himself that he was more likely to get the answers he wanted from Giles than the two blondes anyway, and that was the reason he wasn’t following them. He was only marginally successful.

Forcing himself to move forward, he directed his footsteps towards the watcher’s door. He paused slightly before lifting his hand to knock. Why the hell had he come here again?

Giles opened the door, still fuming at Riley’s stubborn insistence of clinging to what Maggie Walsh had taught him. Finding Angel at his door made Ripper smile in anticipation; a new target had been acquired.

Angel felt his panic rise as he made note of the predatory gleam in Giles’ eyes. He froze, suddenly terrified beyond measure. He watched as the stake found its way unerringly to his heart. His last conscious thought - ‘I should have stayed away from this damn town’.

“I am going to miss this so much!”


As they walked towards Spike’s crypt, Buffy thought about all that they had been through together. It amazed her that all it had taken from both of them to start a friendship was a little honesty, effort and some sharing of emotions. Starting a romance had been a little more difficult, what with denial boy and all. But even that had been…well, excruciatingly painful at the time, but funny to look back on now. The Big Bad Boot Shaker…oh, she was gonna be able to milk that one for years!

Being in a relationship with another vampire should be seriously setting off the wig-o-meter, but something about the whole situation just seemed right. And yeah, there was that whole prophecy deal, but in all honestly they’d been all up with the warm fuzzies before they knew about the prophecy. That had to count for something didn’t it?

Warm fuzzies? Okay, she’d mentally broached the subject, may as well get it over with. What did that mean exactly? She had already admitted that she loved him, but then she loved all her friends, so the real question wasn’t did she love him, it was - was she in love with him?

Mental images of her relationship with Angel flashed before her eyes. She had thought at the time that she’d been in love with the brunette, but the feelings she now had for Spike made what she had felt for Angel pale in comparison.

As Spike opened the door to his crypt, Buffy smiled. She had just made a startling discovery. She realised that she was totally, head over heels and floating in paradise in love with her mate. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was in love with William the Bloody, Slayer of Slayers, and she had every intention of telling him.

Euphoric tingles shot through both of them.

Spike grinned with total abandon. Whatever his girl had just thought of must be of major importance, but for right now all he wanted to do was enjoy the feeling for as long as it lasted.

Moments later as the last tingle faded, Spike gathered the still smiling girl into his embrace. “What was all that about then, kitten?”

“I had one of those epoxy moments,” Buffy grinned up at him.

Spike thought for a moment. “An epiphany?”

“Oh, yeah, one of those too.”

Chuckling in delight, Spike mused that Buffy’s spin on the English language would never cease to amaze him. “And what was that, beautiful?”

“I just realised that I’m in love with you,” she shyly offered. She shrugged slightly as if to say it was no big deal, but her entire body was poised in anticipation for his reaction. Buffy and love had been un-mixy up to this point in time.

Spike froze.

Had she just said…? Was he hearing things? ‘Cause that sure sounded like…?

“Can you repeat that please, Buffy,” he pleaded; his use of her actual name the only indication of exactly how rattled he was.

Something in his voice urged her to look at him, insecurities momentarily forgotten. She could see it in his eyes. The desperation. He looked like her next words could make or break him. She’d never seen him this vulnerable and scared before and she never wanted to see him look at her in this way ever again. Lifting her hand to caress his chiselled cheek bone, she whispered the words again. “I’m in love with you.”

A ragged breath tore from his throat as he pulled her close. She’d done it. She’d actually said the words that no-one had ever before said to him. Spike felt like he was standing in the sun.

“Oh God, Buffy, pet, you have no idea…” he incoherently commented, holding her to him as the tears slipped from his eyes. “No one’s ever…my goddess, my beautiful golden girl…I don’t deserve…I love you so much.”

Pulling away slightly, Buffy gave him a considering look, before grinning widely. “Do you have any idea how lucky you’re about to get?”

Spike threw back his head and laughed.


Buffy moved backwards towards the bed, slowly unbuttoning her shirt as she moved; her eyes never leaving the predator that watched from the shadows. As the shirt was dropped soundlessly to the floor, he made his move.

Stalking his prey, Spike glided forwards, he button down shirt and t-shirt meeting the same fate as her top.

Buffy crawled backwards on the bed, thankful that they’d removed their shoes before they’d started this little game. She watched as he moved with cat-like grace to crawl up her body, his breath whispered past her exposed nipple as he moved on to hover over her, careful not to touch in any way. The anticipation was driving her closer to the edge. She was on fire, if he didn’t touch her soon, she might just combust.

Soft puffs of air teased her bite marks. Her urges reached a new height. Primal thoughts flashed through her mind. ‘Buffy want…oh boy, Buffy really want’.

Spike chuckled as her thoughts flashed through his mind. Never one to keep a lady waiting, he gave her what she wanted. His tongue softly outline the shell of her ear and she sighed in delight. A gentle nip caused her breath to hitch. Light kisses moved down the side of her neck to tease at the edges of her bite mark as he slowly lowered himself to cover her.

Not to be outdone, Buffy nibbled at her own bite marks on his neck, his rumbling growl of appreciation delighted and empowered her.

Swiftly twisting until she lay on top of the surprised vampire, Buffy used the opportunity to do a little exploring. Flickering candles highlighted his pale complexion; showing him off to perfection. Rock hard abs beckoned her questing fingers and lips. She lightly ran her tongue over their salty goodness. A flick of her tongue at his dusky pink nipple made him hiss with pleasure and she happily filed away the knowledge for future reference. He knew how to make her body sing; it was time to find out if she had the same ability.

She knew that up until now they had only really indulged in some heavy petting. Parker not withstanding, she wasn’t the type to fall straight into a sexual relationship. But the proclamations of love had her desire to fully explore the emotion drifting into overdrive. She had never wanted any man as much as she now wanted Spike.

Lavishing his nipple with attention, she smiled in pure feminine satisfaction at the incoherent babblings her ministrations reduced him too. As she continued her assault, her hand slipped down to undo the button to his jeans and slowly eased down his zipper.

As her hand slipped around his manhood, he froze in anticipation. Never had he felt such warmth. His slayer was touching him. And while it may not be the first time, it still felt like it. His jeans were torn from his body as if their very presence offended her. Thank god for slayer strength.

Her mind flashed back to the dream she’d had and saliva filled her mouth. She’d never tried to do this, had no idea if her imagination had it even close to the actual deed, but she wanted to try. The glistening drop of pre-cum that tempted her from the tip of his proud erection had her licking her lips in unconscious anticipation.

The predatory way she regarded his penis had him holding an unnecessary breath. His desire to grab her, throw her back on the bed, and pound her into the mattress was tempered by his desire to experience this from her perspective. She seemed to be unaware of how completely she was projecting her emotions through the bond.

Her innocence and curiosity brought William closer to the surface. In truth, he’d never had this himself, and regardless of how jaded he had become, he delighted in the purity of her actions. As her ruby lips captured his belled head, he groaned in pure animalistic pleasure. He marvelled at her ability to reduce him to a puddle of goo with her slightest touch. Maybe he wasn’t as jaded as he thought.

Acting on instinct rather than knowledge, she gently cupped his balls and continued to lick and suck at his rock hard member. She felt the first tendrils of panic as she realised that she had absolutely no idea what she was doing. The long litany of praise that was bursting forth from the babbling vampire indicated that she was doing something right, but she had no clue as to what that something was. And if that wasn’t bad enough, her jeans were now chafing her moist cleft and she was cursing her lack of insight in not removing them before they got to this point.

Spike could feel the frustration coming off her in waves. Ignoring her protests, he nudged her away from him and removed her jeans with gently insistent hands. Knowing instinctively that she wanted to finish what she had started, he laid back down, his hand slowly stroking her back. Praising her, he told her what he liked, encouraging her, wooing back her earlier self-confidence.

Galvanized by his enthusiasm for her efforts, she increased her rhythm, feeling his body tightening in response. He tried to pull away when he felt his release building but she refused to be denied. He howled as he found his release, his body wracked with pleasure as his hands tangled in the wild mane of her hair.

Prowling up his body with sensual grace, Buffy met his brilliant blue eyes with burgeoning confidence. “I love you,” she whispered.

His eyes darkened with rekindled desire. Reaching up, he pulled her to him, his hungry lips devouring hers. The heady aroma of her desire heightened his. She was everything; his sunshine, his life’s-blood, his heart beat. Her body was the temple he wanted to worship in. She filled his senses, completed him. She was the never ending ocean and he was happily drowning in her depths. She was his.

Running caressing hands over her body, he alternated between kissing her succulent lips, her prefect breasts, and the neck that by all rights should have been his chalice. The thought of her death was banished as swiftly as it came. There would be none of that, not here, not now. Not ever.

Buffy felt like all her nerve endings were on high alert. Everywhere he touched felt like it was afire. The exquisite torment of wanting, of needing, brought her to levels of sensual delight she’d never before experienced. Her desire for a complete connection between them was almost overwhelming. She fought to get closer, a sob of relief escaping her as he moved to cover her. As he slowly entered her, she felt the bond complete, she felt whole. She was home.

He stilled, allowing her to adjust to his size. He knew without a doubt that he would never get used to this. The velvet soft walls that gently held him made him gasp in awe. The perfection of their joining made him tremble. He didn’t deserve her. He was sure that once the Powers realised that it was he, William the Bloody Loser, that had been mated to their effulgent Chosen One, that he would be struck down for daring to assume that a mere demon would ever be granted the right to enjoy the love of their Slayer.

Buffy grabbed his face. “You’re mine, bleach boy…deal! ‘Cause nobody messes with my boyfriend. I'll put the Powers in a damned wheelchair if I have to!”

Momentary insecurities dealt with, Spike let their foreheads meet and chuckled as he started to gently rock is hips. “I love it when you get feisty, pet.”

“Really? Cool!” Buffy smirked before flipping the surprised vampire beneath her, determined to show him all the benefits of slayer muscles.


Oh yeah, being the Slayer was definitely of the good.

Spike was fairly certain that he had died and gone to heaven. He had never felt anything like this before. The snug walls that had so gently caressed him tightened like a glove around him, the undulating rhythm bringing him to the brink of his second orgasm in record time. Flowery praise flowed from his lips as he offered to bring her the moon or stars if she wished it. Jewels, riches, whatever she wanted. His soul? Did she want him to get his soul? Not a problem! Anything she asked, just as long as she never, ever, stopped using those fantastic, unbelievable, bloody awe inspiring muscles on him.

Concentrating on the cocky girl that was very close to giving him the orgasm of his unlife, Spike decided he didn’t want to go there alone. Sitting up, he moved one hand to her clit and massaged the pulsing nubbin. Finding his mark, he kissed and suckled, expertly overloading her already heightened senses.

She gripped him with a strength that would have crippled a lesser man, her laboured breathing indicating how close to completion she was. With a final pinch to her clit, he gently bit down on his mark, sending her over the edge with a euphoric scream. With a hoarse cry, he followed right behind her.

The intensity of the shared emotions exhausted them both. Holding his mate close, Spike settled them back against the pillows, his eyes never leaving hers. With a level of intimacy neither had ever known, they whispered of their love.


Spike cuddled into his still slumbering mate, allowing her scent to permeate his senses. Smother him. The part of himself that he’d struggled to hide from her was rearing its ugly head, and now – while she slept- he gave it some freedom.

His fear.

William the Bloody. Spike. Slayer of Slayers. Whatever moniker he wore, it didn’t matter. The Big Bad was scared out of his bleedin’ mind that when this was over, when everything had been said and done, he would lose the girl. He always did.

This time it would bring about his final death.

‘Not this time, Blondie,’ Buffy’s voice reverberated fiercely through his mind.

Turning over, she smiled up at him. “You’re mine and I’m definitely yours, spell or no spell. But if you don’t stop with the brooding, I’m gonna kick your ass. If I wanted an Angel clone, I’d still be dating Riley.”

Lifting her head she gently brushed her lips with his.

“Technically, pet, you are still dating Cardboard.”

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