Chapter 3 – Learning the truth

Never straying from her side William procured Elizabeth and her father seats. As he moved away to get some lemonade, Elizabeth began to hear strange mutterings around her.

“What in God’s name brings Whitmore to a gathering like this” one be-jewelled matron inquired of her friend.

“One can only surmise” her friend replied. “The Annandale coffers are running low, or so I’ve heard and the old Duke is forcing the lad into the parson’s mouse-trap.”

“God help the chit that takes that one on.” the matron answered “I know he is still with the Angelus bitch and that is an affair that will not stop overnight, why they have been together years”

Elizabeth listened to this exchange with a growing sense of outrage. She had been set up as the cash cow to a failing dukedom and brood mare to a rake. Anger washed through her as she realised that she had almost fell for it. She had felt an attraction to a handsome man and was thinking of matrimony for the first time since making her debut. She turned to her father sitting next to her ready to rail at him for the embarrassment she was feeling when she realised that he was busily talking to an old friend and had not heard the gossip. Anger quickly turned to revenge and in the space of a moment Elizabeth knew exactly what she would do. She would make this rake fall in love with her, give up his mistress of years for her and then she would jilt him.

Plans were forming in her head on how this would be done when William returned with the lemonade. He hated the stuff preferring good malt whisky as his usual drink but he had to be on his best behaviour at the moment. Getting Elizabeth to fall in love with him was his first priority. Once he married her had got his heir he could return to the hells he knew. If she was in love with him it would make his return to London much easier. He was ready, he told himself, for an affable wife. He smiled at the thought.

Eyeing her escort slyly, Elizabeth caught his smile. Yes, she thought, he thinks I will be easy to control. He thinks he can make me fall in love with him because of his charm and wit. Oh how I will enjoy this game because I shall win.

Both William and Elizabeth were glad when the evening came to an end. William had heard snippets of gossip about himself and his dark princess and prayed that none had come to Elizabeth’s ears. He did not want anything to come between himself and Elizabeth during his courtship. He must make sure the chit fell in love as soon as possible so that he could marry her and be done with it. It would start tonight.

Elizabeth decided that she would start on her plan this very evening. She would flirt with William and use the charms that few knew she possessed. She had watched many other women use their charms to bring men to them while she had attended balls. Jealous of how these women always caught the attention of the most handsome men in a room while she and the other debutantes had been left with the old roués had fascinated her. Alone in her room she had practiced the languid smiles and the special looks used by these women in her mirror when alone. Tonight will be the first time she would practice her techniques.

Once home in Berkley Square, his grace invited William in for a night cap. Normally he would have refused but he wanted to be in Elizabeth’s presence for a little longer. Some mild flirtation was called for to ensure the chit dreamed of him. Maybe he would offer to take her out in his curricle tomorrow afternoon. A turn around Hyde Park during the afternoon parade would ensure that the Ton knew he was making a claim. And claim her he would.

William had no idea that Elizabeth was on to his plan. She started to climb the stairs towards her bed-chamber when her father called her back as she knew he would. Elizabeth tried to keep the smile from her lips as she turned to enquire after her father’s wishes and was again taken aback at how handsome Lord William really was. Standing next to her father in his black superfine coat and his buff breeches he was every inch a man. She almost succumbed to his looks and charisma until she remembered why he was standing in her hallway.

Turning on her largest smile which she knew showed her white teeth to perfection she strolled elegantly down the stairs. Elizabeth made sure her hips swayed slightly as she descended and smiled secretly to herself as she kept eye contact with William all the while. She watched fascinated as a flush appeared over his chiselled features and for the first time in her life Elizabeth felt the power of her own femininity.

“Papa?” she enquired in an even voice as she approached her beloved father.

“Join William and I in the library my sweet before retiring.” her father smiled warmly at his daughter.

Looking between the two young people in his hall he realised that he would have to ensure that they spent as much time together as possible. He was in favour of this match as was the Duke of Annandale. Both men knew in their hearts that William and Elizabeth were made for each other. Craven knew that Elizabeth would soon rout the Angelus woman once she knew of her existence, which would be soon considering the ton gossips and their ways. Craven was determined their courtship start tonight.

“You have not had much chance to speak to each other this evening for that infernal caterwauling that they call music these days”

The invitation, though not expected, was welcomed by Elizabeth. Her father was obviously trying to make a match and it was time to start the game.

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