Chapter 41 – Craven’s little girl

AN* definitely a plot bunny chapter.

For those amongst you waiting with baited breath for Angelus to turn up, I’m afraid its a little way off. In those days mail to Ireland could take over a week to arrive unless the packet was handed over to a willing sea captain to deliver. The journey back from Ireland would also have taken several days by sea and road. However knowing Dru’s character, do you really think she would wait for Angelus before making a move?

Oh the possibilities……..

Craven returned to his home in high dudgeon. This was the second time in two days he had been summoned from Lady Catherine’s home and it was becoming tiresome. There were more than enough family and servants at Craven house to deal with his wife. He bellowed for Giles as he entered the front door.

“I left strict instructions yesterday, Giles, that I was not to be summoned for a mere attack” he roared at his butler.

Giles was not phased in the slightest; he was fonder of the women of the household than his employer.

“Indeed sir. And I would not have sent a summons had not the Lady Elizabeth insisted.”

The duke was not in the mood to be appeased. “Should have told her you did not know my direction, man. I employ you to have common sense not act on the whims of a fractious child.”

It took years of training and fear of losing his place to stop Giles from flattening the duke with a quick right hook.

“Lady Elizabeth evicted the physician from the house, your grace.”

Giles felt great satisfaction at the look of shock on Craven’s face. It was quickly replaced by anger.

“Find her and bring her to me now, Giles”

“I believe she and Lord William are in the drawing room, your Grace. Would you care for refreshments to be served?”

Nodding his acquiescence the duke made his way to the drawing room.

William and Buffy had entered the drawing room not five minutes before the duke’s arrival. When the duke entered the room he found William sitting on one of the sofas with his daughter on his lap. His anger increased tenfold.

“Get up from there you little harlot. How dare you purport yourself in such a manner in my home.”

Buffy jumped to her feet followed immediately by William. She pushed past him to face her father when William tried to shield her from his rage.

“How dare you lecture me on behaviour” she raged at him. “Where were you when my mother was lying in her room taking a seizure?” she was too enraged to stop. “You were lying between the thighs of your whore were you not? Do you enjoy yourself so much that you forget you have a family and a sick wife?”

Craven’s hand hit her face so hard that she stumbled. William immediately grabbed the duke by the throat and pushed him against the wall.

“Touch her again, Craven, and I will kill you where you stand.” He hissed at the duke. “I do not care how you conduct yourself in society but I will protect what’s mine.”

The duke laughed in his face.

“Yours, boy? She is not yours until vows have been said in front of the Archbishop.” Craven moved in for the kill. “Good god man, you don’t even want her for a wife. You and your father only want the money she will bring your family.”

William had heard the expression ‘seeing red’ before, but did not believe it meant anything until that moment. His head felt ready to explode in anger and a red mist descended over his eyes. He pulled back his fist to strike the duke when he felt Buffy pull at his arm.

“He’s not worth it, Spike. Let him go sweetheart, for me, please” she begged him.

It took a few seconds for the red mist to clear from his eyes and he dropped his hand at her instruction and let the duke go.

Craven lifted his hands to his neck and started to rub at marks left by William’s hand.

“I should call you out for that you insufferable bastard.” Craven croaked at William. His throat was quite raw.

William smirked at the duke “It would be my pleasure, sir. Name your seconds and I will be more than happy to oblige.”

Buffy moved between the two men. “Enough, both of you.” She demanded. “My mother is lying sick in her room and all you can do is fight.” Turning to her father she gave him a cold look and spoke to him in an even colder voice. “You ever touch me again, father, I will not need William to protect me. I will run you through myself”

“I’d like to see you try girl.”

“Would you father? How interesting. Why don’t you follow me to the ballroom and we will see how well Xander has trained me to use a sword?”

Craven stared open-mouthed at his daughter. She had always been obedient to his wishes, yet here she stood threatening to kill him. William’s influence must go far.

William smiled at his love’s words. She was unlike any woman he had ever met. God how he loved her. It was then the duke’s words about their marriage penetrated his brain. What would she think when she had processed all that had been said in the room?

As if she could read his thoughts, Buffy spoke to William. “We both know my father speaks the truth as he sees it, William. However I believe that you and I have come to a better understanding, have we not?”

“Indeed, kitten” he agreed as her took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. “We understand each other very well.”

Craven watched the display with disgust. He never intended this to be a love match. This marriage had been planned to ensure his wife and daughters removal from his side. Xander would spend his time in drinking dens and with whores which suited his plans perfectly. The boy was too stupid to know what his father got up to as long as his pockets were not to let. A sudden thought drifted into Craven’s mind.

“Have you lain with my daughter, Whitmore?”

Incensed by this ignorant man, William held tightly to Buffy’s hand to stop himself from planting the man a facer.

“Your daughter is still a virgin, your grace, and will stay that way until our marriage.” Feeling his anger rise to even greater heights than before. “If you ever repeat that statement, nothing will stop me from killing you.”

Craven decided it was time he called the shots once more. “I can still stop the wedding, boy. It’s my money that’s paying for this and my money that will keep you during my lifetime.”

William refused to be dominated by the duke. “The marriage contracts have been signed, Craven. Cry off if you must, but I will drag this through the courts for years. It was your stipulation that almost your whole family remove themselves to our estates and one with which I am happy to comply. Your behaviour this evening has put me into such disgust that I would remove them before the wedding had Lady Joyce been well.”

Buffy looked up at William in surprise. “Would you really have done that, William?”

Smiling down at his love he moved his arm across her shoulders and drew her close to him.

“In a heartbeat, kitten.” William looked down into her emerald eyes. “You should know by now that I would do anything for you.”

The smile on her face as she looked up at him went straight to his heart.

Craven was out for revenge. “How bloody touching. This display makes me sick.” He smiled evilly at the couple. “Do anything for her will you Whitmore? Have you sent your mistress packing? I’m sure Drusilla Angelus won’t let her little pet get away quite so easily.”

Time to take the wind from her father’s sails, thought Buffy before she replied.

“You think to hurt me by stating William has a mistress when you still smell of your whore’s cheap perfume? Let me tell you this, father, William has been more than honest about his intentions towards this marriage and the part Drusilla Angelus will play in it.” Buffy moved closer to her father as she continued. “Go attend your wife before you return to your whore. I hope not to see you until the day of the marriage when you escort me down the aisle. Until then stay away from me and stay away from William unless it is to hand over my dowry. As William said the contracts have been signed and you cannot renege on it.”

Buffy’s look of hatred directed at her father was not hard to miss. “From now on Xander, Dawn and I will look after mother. I have already dismissed the quack you had attend her. His only advice was to bleed her and fill her with laudanum. I will consult with William’s father on the best care for her, you need do nothing. This may be your home but until my marriage I will run it without your help. With that in mind, William and his father will be staying here. Your presence is not required.”

William stared in awe at Buffy as Craven seemed to deflate before him. She had beat the man with words and he admired her for it. He would have to remember to keep on the right side of this woman or he could find himself with a dagger in his heart. She was absolutely magnificent. Craven had totally under-estimated the resolve of his little girl and was now paying for it.

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