Chapter 54. Four for breakfast

AN* Reviews feed my soul till I have to just write and write and write…………

Breakfast was a late affair that Sunday morning. It was almost eleven by the time Annandale, William, Buffy and Joyce had made it to the table. Dawn, too young to attend the ball, had broken her fast over two hours before and was currently in the schoolroom with her governess. An awkward silence fell over the table as each adult filled their plate and sat down.

Annandale was smiling sweetly at Joyce, who kept her eyes on her plate. Red-faced she took little bites of a scone washed down with weak tea. William and Buffy looked at each other trying to communicate with their eyes. Both knew that there was something different about their respective parents this morning, but neither could detect the cause.

Joyce finally looked at Annandale and a wonderful smile lit her face. William, who noticed the look that passed between Joyce and his father, knew immediately that his father had managed to seduce the Duchess of Craven.

Lucky, lucky dog, he thought. He was still having limited success with his own seduction of his future wife, but he was willing to wait. Their wedding night would be wonderful, of this he was sure. Buffy managed to take the edge off his need with her hands and wonderful mouth, and even if this was all she allowed until the wedding, he was willing to stave his urges on her behalf.

His father noticed the look on his son’s face, and rightly guessed that William knew of his new relationship with Joyce. He was too proud to be angry. Last night with Joyce had been wonderful and he was sure she had reached completion for the first time in her life. In fact she had reached completion on at least four occasions that he could recall. Yes, it had been a good night.

Buffy was still at a loss. It was obvious that William knew why her mother and Annandale were sharing looks this morning. She decided that she would be questioning him later, and she was just as sure that he better tell her the truth.

Conversation was limited. The events of the night before were taboo. All present did not want to discuss anything that may bring back unpleasant memories. Their talk revolved around pleasantries and discussion of the various dresses worn by the guests.

Eventually, Annandale had had enough. It was time to bring some things out in the open.

“William, Buffy” he addressed the couple. “I think you should seriously consider buying a special licence at Doctor’s Commons today and marrying as soon as possible.”

Neither William nor Buffy could see the reason behind Annandale’s request. Their plans had been set for at least two weeks and there was still work to be done on the estate before it was habitable. Joyce and Buffy deserved to live in the luxury they were used to.

William was quick to raise an objection. “Annandale House is not ready yet, father. We cannot have Buffy’s family live there until we are sure that all the repairs are complete.”

A sudden thought crept into his mind.

“Craven is paying for the repairs. What if he decides to rescind on payment and work stops. It would take even longer to get the house into shape.”

Joyce looked at William across the table. “He may just do that, William. My husband cannot touch the dowry, but he can stop the use of his own money. “

William looked crest-fallen at her words. He had counted on Craven paying for the repairs. There would be little money left if he had to dip into what little would be left of the dowry once he had passed Buffy her share.

A smile lit Joyce’s face. “We will get the money another way, William.” She moved her gaze to her daughter and asked pointedly. “Do you wish to live in Annandale House, Buffy?”

Buffy nodded her reply. She could not guess what her mother had in mind and was most interested to know where the money would be found. Her mother knew nothing of her private arrangement with Spike over the dowry. Where did her mother propose to find such a large amount?

“I thought so, my dear. If that is the case we will sell the Craven diamonds to pay for the repairs.” Ignoring her daughter’s gasp, Joyce continued to outline her plan. “My money paid for those diamonds and they are currently still under my control.” She took a deep breath and looking around the table at the shocked looks on their faces. “I will not have jewellery my family’s money paid for gracing the neck of Henry’s whores. We will sell and use the money to make sure this family is comfortable.”

Turning to Annandale, she asked “Do you know where we may sell the diamonds, Thomas?”

Gasping slightly in shock, he shook his head in acknowledgement.

“Good,” she said. “We will sell this very afternoon and send the money north to pay the workers.” Looking at William, she inquired if he knew someone he trusted to take the money to the estate.

“The only man I would trust with this would be Clem, but he cannot take the money until he has had his audience with the Prince. He would not return in time for that.”

Joyce nodded, “Yes, we cannot ask Clem to take another trip to the north so soon after his return.” A smile lit her face as an idea came to mind.

“We will send Xander and ask for Giles to accompany him. Giles will be able to check that our possessions arrived safely and he can check on the servants while there.” She turned to Annandale for his approval. “What do you think, Thomas, is this not a good plan?”

Annandale was flabbergasted. Here sat a woman with the strength of purpose that no one believed she had. She had quickly found a solution to a problem that could hold up the marriage.

“I think that is a wonderful idea, Joyce. But are you sure you wish to sell the diamonds?”

Smiling at Annandale, she replied whole heartedly “Without a doubt, Thomas. The diamonds are mine and we will sell them and all have a wonderful life together on the money they will bring. I know how much they cost to buy and will accept no less than thirty thousand pounds for the lot.”

William gasped. Although he was heir to a Dukedom, the Annandale coffers had never had that amount of disposable money. Joyce spoke of the amount as if it was nothing. He marvelled at how differently one could live when money was no object.

“If you are completely sure that this is what you want, Joyce, I will sell them this day.”

Once again Joyce smiled at him and talking his hand in hers, she whispered. “I am glad you will do this for me, Thomas. You are indeed a good friend.”

This time Buffy could not miss the affection in her mother’s voice. It was the tone she noticed most. Her mother only used her affectionate lilt with her children and Buffy knew at that moment that her mother harboured strong feelings for Annandale.

Good luck to her, she thought. Her mother had lived in a loveless marriage for twenty five years, forced to sit quiet while her husband fucked his way round London. This gentle man made her mother happy, who was she to object. Once gone from London they could carry on however they liked at Annandale. No one would care what the sleeping arrangements were in Annandale House.

Smiling to herself, a thought came to mind. If Annandale was even half as good as his son in bed, her mother would be happy every morning, just like she was today. It was at that moment she realised why her mother was happy this morning; she had been with Annandale all night.

Before she could stop her mouth, she asked, “Mama, did you and Annandale share a bed after the ball?”

Brick red in the face, Joyce turned to her daughter. “I doubt you can comment Buffy considering I heard you in William’s room as I made my way to Thomas’”

Buffy burst out laughing, which shocked all at the table.

“Indeed mother I was in William’s room last night, but I can assure you that I am still pure and will stay that way until I am married.”

Still laughing, she turned to William. “It looks like we are going to be one big happy family at Annandale, Spike. We are going to have such fun.”

Annandale looked at Buffy in confusion. “You truly approve of our relationship, Buffy?”

“Why, of course, your grace. You are just what my mother needs” Suddenly turning serious she lowered her voice and spoke directly to Annandale. “If you hurt her in any way Thomas, I will hunt you down and kill you.”

With that statement she sat back in her chair and waited for a reaction.

William was the first to burst out laughing. He turned to his father, still with laughter in his voice. “She means it, father. Buffy can wield a sword better than most men. I would not like to go up against her in a temper, she would run me through.”

Both Joyce and Thomas looked at the children laughing happily. They had been given permission to carry on their affair and it pleased them both no end.

Annandale rose from the table bringing breakfast to an end. He held out his hand to Joyce for her to take.

“If you will excuse us, Joyce and I need to talk about the sale of the jewellery. William, you will need to stay until Kirkbride’s visit and I would be grateful if none of what we talked of today reaches his ears.”

William’s laughter had died down to a loving smile. “You can count on my discretion father, but remember Craven will be returning soon and we need to be here to greet him.”

Annandale smiled back at his son. “Oh I will be gone from the house by the time Craven returns, William. When I return I would like to talk to you in private.”

Nodding at his father as he and Joyce left the room arm in arm. Annandale turned and spoke to his son.

“I am most interested to know why Buffy calls you Spike.”

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