After the gang had left and Spike and Dawn were sitting on the sofa, he turned to the slayers little sister and asked.

“So where is this club they’re going to?” Spike tried for casual curiosity, but Dawn wasn’t fooled.

“East Side, look Spike you can go if you want, we can do the movie another night.” Dawn managed to keep a straight face as she spoke.

She still marvelled that Spike still had feelings for Buffy even after all this time, sometimes Dawn suspected that Buffy might have feelings for Spike too but whenever she tried to bring up the subject Buffy shot her down and adamantly refused to discuss it.

“Well if you think its best Nibblet, I think I should just go and keep an eye on them, you know just in case they get into trouble.” Spike was up and putting his duster on in the blink of an eye.

Dawn sighed heavily as Spike left. She really wanted Spike and Buffy to get it together, Spike had been a part of the gang for a while now, he was welcome in the house, he and Xander even went out occasionally. Buffy and Spike had settled into a truce of sorts, they patrolled together. Dawn thought that Spike and Buffy would be great together, so for the millionth time she hoped that Buffy would come to her senses, and soon. Just to put Spike out of his misery if nothing else. She shook the thoughts from her mind and put the video into the player and settled back onto the couch.

Xander and Willow set their drinks down at a table and took the seats that were free. The club was packed. They had opted out of joining Buffy and Anya on the dance floor.

Buffy and Anya waded through the crowd to a relatively free spot on the dance floor and began just dancing casually with the rest of the crowd. Buffy glanced around the club for anyone who looked like the casting couch type; unfortunately she was spoilt for choice. As the song ended she heard the beat of the next song, she caught Anya’s eye and nodded. As the song started they began to move.

Says he wants you
He says he needs you
It's real talking when I make him wait for you
If he really wants you
If he really needs you
Really got to have you
Take your time and feel him out
When it's a good boy
I mean a really really good boy
Why not let him lay with you
That's when you give it to him good

Buffy and Anya fell into the steps they had practised. Their hands were raised as they twisted to the floor.

Dip it low
Pick it up slow
Roll it all around
Poke it out like you’re back broke
Pop pop pop that thing
I’ma show you how to make your man say "Ooo"
Dip it low
Pick it up slow
Roll it all around
Poke it out like you’re back broke
Pop pop pop that thing
Ima show you how to make your man say "Ooo"

As the chorus of the song started Buffy and Anya turned and fell in line.
They pumped their arms and dipped to the floor, coming back up they faced each other and entwined their knees together. They rolled the backs and twisted their hips together.

Spike entered the club and made straight for the stairs for what led to the VIP rooms, he reasoned that the vamps who were recruiting had money, as he walked up the stairs his eye’s scanned the club looking for Buffy. She wasn’t hard to spot, she and Anya were gathering quite a crowd, men and women, the women were clapping and admiring their dancing, the men just looked like they thought it was Christmas.

Spike stood entranced for a moment, just watching Buffy’s lithe body move to the rhythm. She was beautiful. Spike was brought out of his trance by a man speaking.

“Their quite lovely aren’t they? Tell me would a man of your position be interested in membership to an exclusive club where you could take you fill of watching these beauties, then you could have you fill of the beauties.” The man let the innuendo stand thick in his voice.

Spike eyed the man suspiciously; surely it couldn’t be this easy. Obviously the man knew he was a vampire, Spike didn’t recognise him so the chances were that he was new in town. Maybe it was that easy, if this guy was new in town then he didn’t know who Spike was, as far as he was concerned Spike was just another vampire. Spike grinned widely at the man.

“Why don’t you tell me about this place?” Spike asked, gesturing for the man to lead the way.

The man introduced himself as Lionel and led Spike into the VIP room; he gestured for Spike to take a seat and turned to speak to a flunky that stood by the door. Spike saw him talking and pointing to the dance floor, and then the flunky left. Lionel walked over to the bar, why Spike marvelled at the expanse of the VIP room, it had it’s own bar, its own DJ and if what Spike could see was going on in the darkened corners of the room, its own supply of victims for the vampires.

Lionel returned to Spike and offered a drink, Spike refused with a shake of his head, the smell of human blood filling his senses. Lionel smiled and handed the glass to a passing waitress.

“I can see you will not be impressed by waitress service, lets see if we can impress you with wait you can expect if you join our little club.” Lionel gestured Spike to look at the door.

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