Author's Chapter Notes:
Please review!!! I'd really love feedback to make my writing better and to inspire me.
Soundtrack of my Life

Chapter 1


Tell myself, on the ride home.
Getting tired, hating all I've known.
Holding on, like it's all I have.
Count me out, when it's clear that I find it hard to say.
And you find it hard to care.

I wanted to see something that's different, something you said would change in me.
Wanted to be, anything different, everything you would change in me.

Got this way, upfront but never true.
God I'm wrong, it's just the way I am.
Crashing down, any chance you hear.
Caving in, any chance that you, could see inside of me.
And I don't know what to say, it’s fine.
This isn't Hollywood.
So fine, getting in your way.

I wanted to see something that's different, something you said would change in me.
Wanted to be, anything different, everything you would change in me.

-Acceptance, Different

As he walked into the school and looked around at all the other students surrounding him, looking, staring, gawking. Man this school was going to be great. As they noticed him looking back at them all the students turned away at once, all but a few.

‘Wow’, was the first thought that went through Spike’s head. The gorgeous blonde looking at him with disinterest written all over her face, finally turned and walked back to her locker. Shaking out of his stupor, Spike went to find the principal’s office.

“Some Principals say ‘Think of me as your pal’, I say ‘Think of me as your judge, jury and executioner’.” Spike sat staring at the tiny man with amusement. “I’ve read your record and I know just how to handle a delinquent such as yourself. I’ll be watching you.” With that said the troll-man turned his back and waited for Spike to realize he was dismissed and leave his office.

As Spike was walking to the door, I t suddenly opened and there stood the beautiful girl he had seen before. He hadn’t had a chance to really look at her before and realize just how green her eyes were. She was leaning on the door frame in a pair of black jeans and a blood red shirt. Her blonde hair had streaks of black through it and her mossy eyes were framed by dark eyeliner, she was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.

“Ah, Miss Summers, come to meet your new detention partner have you? I’m sure you’ll be spending lots of time together. So what have you done this time then?” The girl handed Principal Snyder a note and he squinted down at it trying to read the tiny scrawl written on it. Finally he looked up and said “Disrupting the class already, when you’ve only been in class for five minutes, what an accomplishment. What did you do this time? I want you to tell me exactly what you did.”

Spike wondered if Snyder even realized that he was still in the room. He watched as the petite blonde’s lips turned up into a smile and she opened her glossy red lips and said, “Principal Snyder, I think that the only way for the students to fully grasp the reality of biology is to truly experience what it’s like to have animals, not just in cages, but surrounding them. It is the only way to fully grasp their habits”.

Suddenly the door flew open and Miss Grant, the secretary, started screaming, “Principal Snyder, come quick! And call an exterminator!!” The girl just sat calmly in her seat with a beautiful smile gracing her lips. Snyder rushed out the door only to see the school halls filled with mice, frogs, lizards, birds and other small animals all rushing around. Snyder looked up as he heard a small sound above him only to be caught straight in the face by a sloppy, white substance.

“GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!” screamed Principal Snyder with a deep frown on his face. The girl sauntered towards him, her smile never failing. Spike was almost crying, trying not to burst into fits of laughter. “You too!” he yelled at Spike. He walked over to him, still clenching his sides. “You two are going to put ALL of these animals back where they belong as quickly as possible or there will be severe consequences. “And you both have detention for two weeks.”

Spike looked at him astounded; he hadn’t done anything, other than laughing at his misfortune, why did he get detention? Not that he minded of course, anything to get near this beautiful girl. As they walked out of the room, the door was slammed closed behind them and an announcement came on over the intercom. “All students are to stay in their first period classes until the hall has been rid of the ‘creatures’ that currently inhabit it. Anyone caught out of their classes will have detention.”

As Spike looked at the halls in amusement, the girl beside him turned towards him, “Sorry about that, I really didn’t mean to get you involved. I’m Buffy by the way,” she said. “Hi Buffy, I’m Spike. And it’s no problem, I really don’t mind, and it’ll be a hell of a lot of fun trying to catch all these little critters without getin’ shitted on”

She looked at him in amusement. “What?” he asked, wondering what she found was so funny. “You’re name’s Spike? Not Spot or Rover, maybe Sparky?” she said with a twinkle in her eye. “Hey! Spike is a fine name. And it’s not my real name any way. It’s William. And hey, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” She looked over at him with a mock-offended look but couldn’t keep it up as she smiled. “Well my real name’s Elizabeth but everyone calls me Buffy. Anyways, we better get to work before Snyder starts screaming again.”

They looked around at the ruckus that surrounded them and set to work chasing after the animals. About an hour later, most of the animals had been returned to their cages in the science wing and there were only a few animals left. As they gathered up the final few and walked to the science room where they belonged, Buffy looked over at Spike and burst into laughter.

“What?” he asked her. She tried to stifle her giggles but couldn’t stop. “You’re… COVERED in animal shit!” she laughed. He looked down at his clothes and then over at hers and started laughing as well. “We must look like a couple of tourists that got surprised at the zoo” he laughed. Together they walked, chuckling and happy back to the principal’s office to tell Miss Grant she could let everyone out of their classes. Spike on the left with his bleached blonde hair, black jeans, black shirt and leather duster and Buffy on the right with her Golden blonde hair, streaked with black, dark make-up, Black jeans and blood red shirt. Two people, the same, but different, that would stand out in any crowd.

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