Part Five

"They're really rockin' in Boston
In Philadelphia, P.A.
Deep in the heart of Texas
And round the Frisco Bay.."

Angel cleared his throat. "Hi," he said to William,
extending his hand. "I'm Angel O'Connor."

William glanced up at him. He seriously considered
leaving Angel's hand empty in mid air, then slowly
stood up and faced him. Gripping the other's guy's
hand briefly, he said, "William Darlington."

Cordelia, who had been silent up until now, suddenly
snapped to life. "I'm Cordelia," she said, yanking
her hand out of Angel's grip and holding it out, not
sideways, but palm down, obviously expecting him
to lift her hand and kiss it as he had Buffy's.

William had been raised to always be polite to
a lady, so he took her hand briefly. "Pleasure to meet
you, Cordelia," he said, then let go of her fingers.

The little tableau remained in position for a moment
and when it became apparent that Angel wasn't
going anywhere, William reached for an empty chair
and offered it to Cordelia. Angel, he left on his own.

Sitting back down next to Buffy, he reclaimed her
hand and was pleased when he felt her squeeze his
warmly. He instantly returned the gentle pressure.

Angel edged himself over and sat down next to
Buffy, letting his leg press against hers. "Mind if I
sit here, Buffy?"

Before she could say anything, William moved
further down the couch, pulling her along with him
and creating a space between her and Angel. Wrap-
ping one arm around her shoulder, he eased her
back into his embrace and looked at Angel. "Plenty
of room," he said.

Buffy glanced up at him, then smiled and
shrugged as she snuggled closer to the boy she
wanted to spend all her time with.

"All over Saint Louis
On down to New Orleans
All the guys want to dance with
Sweet little sixteen.."

Cordelia, seemingly displeased with the fact
that Angel and William were jockeying for position
around the new girl, suddenly leaned forward.

"You have the cutest accent," she said, smiling
at William as she gave him a view down the front
of her dress. "English, right?"

William nodded. "That's right."

"I thought so," she replied, brushing a lock of her
hair back over her shoulder and tilting her head. "Are
you going to Sunnydale High...or are you in college?"

Briefly distracted by the way the overhead lights
danced in Buffy's honey colored hair, William gently
picked up a strand of it and rubbed it between his
fingers. "Umm..oh, sorry. No, I'll be at Sunnydale."

Miffed by his lack of interest, Cordelia turned her
attention back to Angel. "Hey, you said we were gonna
dance," she reminded him.

Angel shot her an irritated look. "We will, honey. I just
wanted to be friendly to our new...friend." He pinned
his gaze on Buffy. "How about a dance, Buffy?"

William felt the hackles rising on the back of his
neck at the thought of this low rent Romeo putting
his hands on Buffy.

She looked startled at the offer. "Oh, thanks...but I...I
need to use the restroom." Excusing herself, she
disappeared into the crowd.

Cordelia waited a few seconds, then rose gracefully
to her feet. "I think I'll go too."

Xander and Anya exchanged a look. "Get ready," he
whispered in her ear. She nodded, grabbing her purse.

Angel leaned back against the sofa, eyeing William. "You
and Buffy got something going on?" he asked.

"Why do you want to know?" William countered. "You
seem to have something of your own going with

Angel chuckled and shrugged. "Cordy and me? We're
friends. Not locked into anything exclusive. She's a nice
kid and all, but...I'm not exactly tied down to her."

"Sweet little sixteen
She's got the grown up blues
Tight dress and lipstick
And sportin' high heel shoes.."

Buffy left the bathroom stall and started the
water in the sink. She was rinsing her hands when
the door swung open and Cordelia walked in.

Smiling pleasantly, she reached for a paper towel
but found her reach blocked by Cordy's taller body.

"Just so you know," the brunette said, "Most of the
boys in school are up for grabs...except for Angel.
He's mine. You stay away from him, and you and I
won't have a problem."

It took Buffy a moment to process this warning. She
was more than a bit surprised at being spoken to this
way by someone she barely knew, but when the other
girl's meaning was clear, she let a small laugh burst from
her lips.

"No problem," she said, holding her hands up. "I haven't
got the slightest interest in Angel."

God, why on earth WOULD she when the hottest guy in
town lived right next door and was demonstrating the
same feelings for her that she was having for him?

Cordelia smiled condescendingly. "You might not feel that
way if you knew who his father is."

"Okay," Buffy said. "I'll bite. Who's his father?"

"Only the senior partner of the most prestigious law
firm in this part of the state...O'Connor, Marsh, and
Davidson..." She let the words hang in the air, as
though she expected Buffy to gasp in amazement.

But Buffy just shrugged. "That's nice...still not inter-

Cordelia's eyes narrowed. "Good. Just keep it..." The
restroom door swung open and Anya walked in.

"Hi," she announced cheerily. "Did I miss anything good?"

Cordelia didn't reply beyond turning her back and
leaving the ladies room.

Anya waited till the door closed, then turned to Buffy. "Was
she giving you her "keep off the Angel" warning?"

"Yes," Buffy said, chuckling at the way Anya put it. "Does
she do that often?"

"Only when Angel shows an interest in other girls," Anya
replied, pulling her brush out of her purse and putting it
to use. "So...yeah. She does it often."

"He's that bad, huh?"

"Oh, let's just say he's not known for his devotion to one
girl. He comes right out and tells people that he and Cordy
have this totally casual thing going on, but she follows right
behind him and tells a whole different story."

Buffy tossed her paper towel in the trash. "Well, I told her
not to worry about me. I couldn't care less about him. He's
kind of...pushy."

Anya retouched her lipstick. "Well," she said, "his father's
got position and money, and a lot of clout around here. Angel
thinks that makes him the golden child." She tossed her
her brush and lipstick back in her purse. "But, I can see one
reason why you're not into Angel....and I think his name is

Buffy smiled. "He's a pretty good reason."

"He really is cute, isn't he?" Anya agreed. "And he's so
sweet and nice too. Everybody likes him." She grinned. "But
you're the first girl I've seen him with anywhere in town. I can
definitely see the sparks igniting here."

Before they left the bathroom, Buffy took a look in the
mirror. Yep...definite sparkage.

"Well by tomorrow morning
She'll have to change her trend
And be sweet sixteen
And back in class again.."

Cordelia finally managed to drag Angel out on the
the dance floor and kept him there for the remainder
of the evening.

Buffy had a wonderful time after they disappeared. She
liked William's friends, and they seemed to like her
as well.

As they stood in the parking lot, she made a point of
inviting them to her birthday party. They accepted, then
said goodnight and drove off in Xander's car...a beautifully
restored 1957 Chevrolet, painted a soothing shade of
blue and aquamarine.

William was unlocking the door of his uncle's car when
a garish red Trans Am pulled up beside them with a
squeal of brakes.

The drivers side window slid down, revealing Angel
sitting at the wheel. "Hey, was real nice meet-
ing you. See you in school?"

Buffy nodded. "I suppose you will."

Giving the little green Saturn an amused look, Angel
winked at William. "Nice car," he said, laughing as he
pulled out of the parking lot.

Without commenting, William seated Buffy and drove
her home. He walked her to her front door, smiling
down at her when she thanked him, but when she turned
to enter the house, he caught her arm and pulled her
close, claiming her lips for several long, sweetly given

When the porch light suddenly came on, he told her
goodnight, then waited until she was inside before he
went back to the pool house.

Once he was home, with the door locked behind
him, he checked the time. Nearly 8:00 a.m., London time.

He waited fifteen minutes, then dialed the number he

"Yes, good Mr. Travers in yet?....It's
William Darlington....Thank you....Good morning, Mr.
Travers....Fine, thanks....Yes, I got a letter yesterday...And
the check as well....I'm calling to arrange a transfer of
funds...You have the account number?....That's it....No,
I'll be needing at least a hundred and fifty thousand...Amer-
ican....That's correct....No, I don't mind at all....I've decided
to buy a car."

"They're really rockin' in Boston
In Philadelphia, P.A.
Deep in the heart of Texas
And round the 'Frisco Bay

All over Saint Louis
And down in New Orleans
All the boys want to dance with
Sweet little sixteen.."


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