[Reviews - 21] LikedPrinter
Summary: Challenge # 274 on the Bloodshedverse. “In Season 4's episode "Something Blue" Willow's spell works on Buffy but not on Spike write us a fic of Buffy chasing around a terrified Spike demanding he marry her. To the point that she claims him only seconds before the spell ends :P Must Haves 1. Poor Spike is sooooo not interested :P”
Rated: 15
Categories: Comedy fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes
Word count: 10884 Read: 3834
Published: 04/30/2007 Updated: 04/30/2007

1. One by Lenore [Reviews - 5] Liked (6508 words)
I own nothing but the storyline. Spoilers thru Something Blue. Dialog taken from Something Blue. This was supposed to be in response to Challenge # 274 on the Bloodshedverse.
“In Season 4's episode "Something Blue" Willow's spell works on Buffy but not on Spike write us a fic of Buffy chasing around a terrified Spike demanding he marry her. To the point that she claims him only seconds before the spell ends :P

Must Haves
1. Poor Spike is sooooo not interested :P”
But I don’t think I have Spike being appropriately Buffy-resistant. Oh well. Hope you enjoy

2. Two by Lenore [Reviews - 16] Liked (4376 words)
I own nothing but the storyline. Spoilers thru Something Blue. Dialog taken from Something Blue. This was supposed to be in response to Challenge # 274 on the Bloodshedverse.
“In Season 4's episode "Something Blue" Willow's spell works on Buffy but not on Spike write us a fic of Buffy chasing around a terrified Spike demanding he marry her. To the point that she claims him only seconds before the spell ends :P

Must Haves
1. Poor Spike is sooooo not interested :P”
But I don’t think I have Spike being appropriately Buffy-resistant. Oh well. Hope you enjoy