Chapter 21

Dear Buffy,

How is Cleveland treating you? Is it cold up there yet? Is it ever not, ha ha! I wish you could have stayed in California so we could have gone to school together like we planned--but I guess understand. I miss you a lot and although she pretends not to, so does Cordelia. Oh yes, and Oz says hey.
How are your classes? I still can’t believe you decided to go to school in Ohio, of all places. What the heck does Ohio have anyway? Besides my best friend, of course. You are very brave to start over somewhere so far away from everyone you know. And I understand that it can be a selling point at times. I know I’ve asked you a thousand times, so what’s one more, right? Are you sure you don’t want to come home? Things just aren’t the same without you here.
I stopped by and saw your mother. She is keeping herself pretty busy with the art gallery and your Aunt Jenny’s wedding. I can’t wait to see you there--you will be back for it right?
I went over to Cordy and Angel’s (can you believe it??!). ‘You know who moved out when Cordelia moved in. I don’t know, it’s getting pretty serious between those two. He brought her a ring. She says it’s an engagement, he says it’s not.
I spoke to your mother and she invited me to your aunt’s wedding and I hope to see you there.
Please write me back. I’m sorry things turned out the way they did, but maybe it’s for the best. He was too old for you anyway.....

Hey Buffster!

Just a little note to say hello. How is the weather over there? I just got a job at a new construction site. It’s very physical but not everyone can do school, you know. I’m saving up to get an apartment so I can get out of my parents basement. They’re driving me crazy. Willow says that you’re going to be up for your aunt’s wedding. I hope to see you there. I want you to meet someone, her name is Anya she’s a local shopkeeper. I like her a lot. Willow and her, however, you thought there was tension between Cordy and Willow, you haven’t seen nothing yet. But they’ll work it out, they have to; because I think Anya, she’s the one.

Hey Buffy,

How are you? I’m doing good. So how is the snow up there? Or better yet, the men? Willow told me not to mention a certain bleached blond, but honestly I was never one to ignore the obvious, you know? I don’t know the details (and I don’t wanna!) but whatever you did, whoa, that man can put away the alcohol! I really hope that you’ve gotten over that sour English jerk. You are like so much better than him. I’m just glad that he finally got the message and moved out. Angel bought the house from him. (Not that we’re staying here for long!!) But until Angel finishes up his graduate work he wants to stay close to the school.
I’m so happy for your aunt. I just picked up the cutest little lavender dress. I can’t wait for you to see it. Write me back to let me know what you’re wearing---or are you in the wedding party? Oh I’m sure you are in the wedding, silly me. I’m’ going to take Mr. O’Farrell, hopefully he’ll get the hint.

Dear Buffy,

I’m sorry to hear about that snowstorm. It really bummed me out that you missed the wedding. Your Aunt looked beautiful, and Dawn was so cute! Oz and I, Xander and (ugh!) Anya came, and Cordy even dragged Angel to the reception. You should have seen Angel dancing, very funny. He has toned it down A LOT since Cordy moved in. It’s so weird seeing everyone growing up. The only thing missing is my best friend. The semester is almost over. My roommate stinks and between you and me I think she’s a demon. You could transfer here and come live on campus with me. You know, just like we planned. Oh and I met someone that knows you, Tara? She says hi and she’s sorry that you didn’t decide to transfer to Sunny U?? I don’t know., Anyway write me back soon and I’ll be mailing you some paperwork from the school. Just read them--no pressure.

Dear Buffy,

He did it! Angel asked Cordelia to marry him. Can you believe it? She came by my house last night crying. You know the ‘ring’ I told you about? Well it turned out it was just a ring. She showed me the actual engagement ring. To tell you the truth, I think that’s why she was crying. It was huge. She wants you to be at the wedding, if you can. I told her that I would write you to let you know.
I keep writing you and I hardly hear from you. Did I do something? Buffy, it’s really hard when I don’t hear from you very often. Are we still friends?

Buffy lowered the letter. She sat in a local diner with a cup of coffee in front of her. Outside the window a harsh winter wind blew. The snow still amazed her, all white and soft and Norman Rockwelly, just like on a post card. Then the snow gets all gray and hard, and that’s something Hallmark never put on a card! The cold was so....cold, and she was still getting use to it. She’d been here a little over three years and had made few friends. "Buffy, break’s over," an older woman called from behind the counter.

She stood up and smoothed down the front of her uniform. "I’m coming. I’m coming. Hold your horses, Helen." Buffy made her way over to the counter.

"Hey, beautiful." Buffy looked up to see a young man saunter into the restaurant. He knocked snow off his head and shoulders as he made his way towards her.
"Hey, yourself. What can I get for you, Jason?" Buffy picked up the coffee pot and poured him a cup.

"Thanks, Pet," he said sitting at the counter. Buffy looked up at him, startled. Jason pulled off his gloves and warmed his hands over the steaming cup. "Man alive! It’s colder than a witches--"

"Hey!" Helen interrupted.

Jason looked sheepishly at Helen. When Helen turned to take another customer’s order, Jason winked at Buffy. "I will take a cheese and broccoli omelet, a side of bacon, and a date this Saturday."

"Helen," Buffy called. "Whatcha doing this weekend?"

Jason looked at Buffy with wounded eyes. "You crush me, Buffy, you really do. How am I ever going to show you what a great guy I am if you won’t go out with me." He brought his cup to his lips and took a timid sip of the hot liquid. "We’re never going to get married at this rate," he muttered.

"Buffy, table two needs a refill on his coffee." Helen pointed to an older gentleman who was looking expectantly toward the women.

Buffy caught Helen’s eye with a grateful smile. Buffy took the pot over to the man and filled his cup. Ever since Jason saw Buffy at the school commons he had been coming to the diner regularly. At first the attention saddened her; it made her think of things she needn’t think about. After so long it surprised her how tender her heart remained about him.

That awful night Spike found out her true age was a turning point in a way she hadn’t expected. Buffy had spent the remainder of the day in front of the TV as it droned on. She tried calling him to explain, but Angel quietly informed her that Spike had nothing to say to her. When Willow showed up at her house Saturday afternoon Buffy ran and hid upstairs in her room until she left. By the time her mother returned Sunday night, Buffy had made a decision.

"Mom, I think I want to go to school out of state." Buffy picked through the Chinese food her mother had picked up on the way home.

Joyce quietly placed her chopsticks on her plate and wiped her mouth. "Well, this is unexpected." she said after a moment. "What brought this on?"

"I’d been thinking about it for awhile," she lied. She pushed her plate away. "I’ve been going online, looking at a couple of schools and I think I would like to see some of the country. Here," she handed her mother a few of printed pages, "is some information on some of the different schools I looked at. With room and board they aren’t too much more expensive then Sunny U. Maybe we could get dad to foot some of the bill," she finished quietly.

Joyce looked from the pile of papers in front of her to Buffy. She knew something else was going on. "Buffy! These schools are all the way on the east coast! What about your plans with Willow? I thought you two were going to go to Sunny U and be roommates. How did she take the news of your change of plans?"

"I haven’t told her," Buffy looked down at her nails. "I feel suffocated here. Please, mom, I just need a change." She sat down heavily in her chair looking miserable.

"Let me think about it," Joyce stood and walked over to Buffy and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Can I suggest you do the same? This is a very big decision." Buffy felt her eyes tear up as Joyce picked up the plates and walked into the kitchen.

Buffy hurriedly wiped her eyes and looked over at the crowd that came in from the cold. The group laughed and started taking off their heavy outer wear. Sighing, she walked across the restaurant to set the new customers up.

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