Chapter 5

"What do you guys think of this one?" Buffy asked standing in front of Cordelia’s walk-in closet. She spun around, showing off a denim skirt and a green peasant blouse. All around her feet were discarded pieces of clothing. They had been at this for about a half hour and she was no closer to finding a suitable outfit than when they had started. Willow picked up a pair of high heeled sneakers and turned up her nose.

Cordelia sighed loudly and announced, "I think you should be doing this in front of your own closet." Buffy cut her eyes to Willow who now had a thigh high black boot in her hand. Willow felt Buffy looking at her and made a small cat scratching motion at her. Cordelia shrugged her shoulders and, ignoring them both said, "And I can’t believe the mess you’ve created in my room. Do you have any idea how long it’s going to take to clean up this clutter."

"No," Buffy said curtly, "And neither do you. You’re just going to get Marie to clean it for you." She turned to look at herself in the mirror, trying to get the shirt to fit more snugly. Frowning at her reflection she turned back to Cordelia and pleaded, "Help me!"

Cordelia smiled at the tiny blond and mimed rolling up her sleeves. She stood up and walked over to her friend, grabbing a coral camisole and muttered, "Well Marie may have a mess to clean up but I’m going to have to like sit in the kitchen until it’s done." She pouted at the duo. "How much fun is that going to be?"

Quietly the bedroom opened and the housekeeper stuck her head in. "Um Miss Chase, there is a young man here to see you. A Mr. Angel---"

Cordelia grabbed both Buffy and Willow and pushed them out of her room. "Willow it’s time for you and the My Size Barbie to get going, I have a guest." Cordelia picked up Buffy purse. "Besides, my clothes aren’t made to fit your, umm how can I say this....your proportions. I mean where things are meant to flare they somewhat lie, and where they are suppose to cling they kinda, well drape." She slammed the door in their faces only to open it seconds later. "Tell him I’ll be right down," and with that she was gone.

Buffy and Willow came down the stairs smiling innocently at Angel. "So you’re Buffy, Huh?" Willow raised her brow at the way he said ‘Buffy’. He looked her slowly up and down. Buffy fought the urge to cover herself. Willow’s raised brow developed into a full fledge frown.

"Hi my name is Willow and we," she grabbed Buffy hand and pulling her towards the front door said, "were just leaving."

Angel called to the girls’ retreating forms, "Spike is looking forward to tonight!" Buffy looked over her shoulder and flashed him a brilliant smile. Nice job old Willie he thought to himself as he settled down on the plush suede couch.

"That was umm... odd," Buffy said to Willow as she walked to her car.

"Odd?" Willow screeched. "These last few hours have been more than odd, Buffy. Willow fumbled for her keys. Why are we still hanging out with her. Sure we were friends when we were like kids, but... I mean it was different when she was dating Xander, it was kinda like not in my control." Xander and Willow had been friends since preschool. And although he only saw her as the sister type, she had been crushing on him almost that long. Things got a little tense when it came out that Xander and Cordelia had started dating. It’s very hard to be faced with your ideal’s idea of ideal and it looks, acts, and talks nothing like you. Willow and Xander’s friendship had survived a summer of Cordelia, but somehow in the divorce Buffy and Willow got custody of Cordy. Willow gave one more look at the great house in her rear view mirror and whispered, "I don’t even think she likes us."

For a moment both women thought about that comment, Buffy’s eyes met Willow’s and she gave her a small smile. "Enough of Cordelia. Let’s talk about you and a certain green haired rocker dude." Willow colored slightly and waved her hand dismissively.

"I don’t know Buffy. I mean me and a rocker guy? I’m not the groupie type. I’m Willow, Anti-groupie, the vaccine of groupie." She smiled dreamily as she drove. "He was a cutie patootie," she finished softly.

"You, my friend are just oozing groupage!" At Willow’s giggle, she continued "You yourself said you felt a connection. Why can’t you believe he felt it too? You sell yourself short a lot, you are awesome."

"Do you think--", she begin. "I mean about the connection. Not the--not the other thing." Buffy knew that her friend was uncomfortable with the thought of her greatness, so she just nodded softly at Willow. Buffy reached over and turned on the radio and started looking for a station. "He did say he would call me tonight but I don’t know if he was just being brush off guy, or maybe...."

"Don’t worry. He’ll call." Buffy reassured her friend as she adjusted the radio. "Oh, I love this song."
"Isn’t it great old song? And a little appropriate too given your situation, I might add," Willow said as they both started singing.

Young girl, get out of my mind
My love for you is way out of line
Better run, girl,
You're much too young, girl
With all the charms of a woman
You've kept the secret of your youth
You led me to believe
You're old enough
To give me Love
And now it hurts to know the truth, Oh,
Beneath your perfume and make-up
You're just a baby in disguise
And though you know
That it is wrong to be
Alone with me
That come on look is in your eyes, Oh,
So hurry home to your mama
I'm sure she wonders where you are
Get out of here
Before I have the time
To change my mind
'Cause I'm afraid we'll go too far, Oh,
Young girl .....

The two friends spent the rest of the car ride not worrying about boys, but laughing and singing old songs.

Later that night however, Buffy got a serious case of the nerves. She had been through 2 closets and still couldn’t find that one perfect outfit that said casual but sophisticated. "And don’t forget available," she said under her breath to herself as she spun around in front of the mirror. She looked at her Hello Kitty clock and felt her heart race even more.

There was a soft knock on the door as her mother poked her blond head in. "Honey, I know you wanted to go the Java house tonight---," Joyce began.

"No Mom..." Buffy whined as her stomach dropped.

"It’s not until 10:00. Your Aunt Jenny needs a baby-sitter." Joyce looked around her daughter’s room and scowled at the clothes thrown all over the place. "I mean, how much coffee can you and Willow drink, right?" Joyce turned and said in a sing song voice, "She said she’d double your rate."

Buffy grinned at the unexpected extra money but then thought of having to cut her date short with a certain gorgeous Twenty-seven year old man, "Cuz I gotta baby-sit my cousin Dawnie," she muttered. "Yeah, how mature is that?"

She heard her cell phone sing and hurried to pick it up. "Hello? Oh hi Spike," she whispered in the phone. "Whispering? I sound like I’m whispering?" She rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. "We must have a bad connection. You know how these cell phones can be. Let me go outside and maybe you’ll be able to hear me better."

Spike smiled to himself as he listened to her rustling over the phone. There was something very innocent and sweet about her. He’d felt it almost immediately upon meeting her. He could almost picture her racing through her house trying to get to the door. Spike wasn’t too off in his imagination. Buffy knew she couldn’t talk freely when her mom was in soft soled shoes. So she headed for the back yard.

"O.K., is this better?" she asked somewhat winded. She tried to slow her breathing and calm her voice. She always wanted her voice to be breathy, but this was ridiculous.

"I just wanted to make sure we were still on for tonight, Pet," he asked with a deep rumble.

Buffy felt her stomach flip and her cheeks burn, as her face all but split in two from the huge smile that formed when she thought about their upcoming date. Then she thought about her 10:00 appointment and her face fell.
"I got good news and kinda news that is of the bad variety. We can still meet at Java Mountain, but I’m not going to be able to stay as long as I’d like. Seems I was just informed of a pressing engagement. It’s nothing major, I just have a baby-sitting commitment that I can’t get out of."

"I hope this isn’t a brush off, Luv . If you don’t want to go." he began.

"No!" she said suddenly. "I mean no, I am looking forward to this evening. It’s," she looked down to her watch," almost 6:00 how about we meet in about 10 minutes.

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